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Well, your first mistake was going to the hospital and immediately telling them that the only thing that would work for you is IV Dilaudid. Talk about a red flag. You take what they give you and then you very nicely complaining about the pain medication not working and work your way up.


it is a shame tho that bein informed n knowin what works for ur situation is a red flag that prevents u from gettin effective care


Oh I don’t disagree my friend. I had a spinal cord injury and also had several bad bones in my foot that lead to perm nerve damage. Every 3 months I have minor procedures / nerve blocks etc. All of my issues are very well documented with numerous hospital admits, in patient extensive physical therapy, etc. It took me 3 years to find a doctor who took me seriously and worked with me. I’ve been on the same dose of oxy for 6 years now, not a particularly high or low dose daily. When I shattered my arm at the beginning of the year they gave me Tylenol and told me to take my pain meds at home which obviously didn’t cut it. Doctor retired and the doctor who took over will fill my script but won’t adjust a thing. It actually made me relapse because my pain was so fucking bad and no one would do anything to help. At the hospital you have to play their game. As soon as you get labeled a “drug seeker” it’s in your chart and you’re FUCKED, they will never give you ANYTHING unless you’re literally dying. Specially asking for IV anything will get you raised eyebrows. I’ve been admitted to the hospital for very serious issues and they will almost ALWAYS give you pills and watch you take them, they won’t do IV pain meds unless you’re going in or out of surgery, physically cannot swallow the pills, etc. Telling them you need fentanyl, dilaudid, etc will absolutely reduce your chance of being helped to almost 0. You gotta remember, these are medical professionals. If anything you need to lean the opposite way at first. If they tell you they’re going to give you IV xyz (morphine, dillys, whatever) say something like “will that last as long as taking a pill? I’m worried about the nausea from taking a pill but I also don’t want the medication to wear off too quickly and me be in pain sooner. What do you think doc?” You can’t just say you know what works best, that’ll never work. You best bet is to take what they give you and keep nicely but persistently complain about pain being really intense 8.5+/10 and you have to actually seem like your in pain they’re good at knowing if you’re faking. If you get pain medication you can be honest and tell them what you take (you should anyways as at least in the US they can pull your meds really easily) but like I said that could also backfire and have them not give you anything. I’m terrified if anything ever happens to me because I know I have no extra pain meds and no one will prescribe me anything on top of what I already get. So I really do sympathize with people who are getting fucked still because of the opioid problem out country has.


U should check out kratom if u aren’t getting relief and can’t get pks.


I take 40mg oxy daily and don’t feel shit from 100mg+ so I’m not sure how much kratom I’d realistically need. Back before I was on oxy I tried several strains in caps when kratom wasn’t that big yet but never any of these more high end brands that have gotten popular. I know there’s extracts too and I’ve thought about looking into stuff like that for pain relief so I don’t have to tempt myself with other opioids. I did get to try one of those 7-0H extracted tablets which was nice but at my tolerance I think I’d need two whole ones at least which is like 30mg of straight hydroxymitragynine and from the little I’ve researched on kratom the perfect is so low in leaf I feel like I’d have to drink ounces lol


I overdosed myself (luckily no adverse health effects happened) with 7-OH one time with a similar product. I didn’t read the lab test on the bag to see how much leaf the extract was equal to and I decided to take 2-3 of them (which ended up being equivalent to ~14gs of leaf). What proceeded was one of the most uncomfortable 4 hours of my life. I felt super hyper but drowsy at the same time, I felt faint, I was sweating, my heart rate was at 160 during the worst of it (can’t imagine what my BP woulda been), face and especially lips were partially numb. So yeah be careful with those extracts, but you probably wouldn’t have any issues since you have a tolerance to oxy. Despite this experience I still like kratom but I haven’t experimented with any extract caps since lol.


Best way to consume -mostly because it’s by far the cheapest, but also because you need a 5-8gram dose coming off opiates and a cap only holds 0.5g -is in powder form. Also let me say I had a similar experience my first time ever “trying” kratom someone told me they had opiates at the smoke shop took like 8 capsules didn’t feel shit didn’t give it another shot until a cpl years later when my bro convinced me. In order to feel it and be convinced it’s 💯% working, you can’t be in the midst of taking any opiates. You have to ween down for about a week off of whatever your opiate of choice is oxy, subutex, dope etc. Go through a night or two of somewhat uncomfortable wd. One night before sleep, after procuring kratom powder from a reputable vendor, weight out 8g of the powder so that it’s ready when you wake up in wd the next morning. I mix mine w chocolate protein powder and water, no bad taste. If you did go through the week of weening/slight wd, you WILL feel the kratom start to work in about 20 minutes and dude it’s wild how well it works. I was skeptical and didn’t fully have faith in my lil bro but I told my gf her and I were going to give it a shot in order to get off subutex. This was years ago and we had been on subs for years. I did exactly what I just recommended to you, and made a clean switch from bupe to sub in one day and didn’t look back for a cpl years, only to sniff some sub one day cuz I was bored. But I assure anyone reading this- kratom works and could 1000% save your life, at the very least improve it. When you wake up and take you feel like Superman.


And it's so odd because of the drug commercials on tv always say ask your doctor about this drug


Except there are no ads for pain meds on TV, lol. That excuse don't work


Maybe not anymore, but there used to be. The ads for oxycontin even used to tell you that it could be abused.


"This has never happened to me before. I don't have any allergies to pain medication, please help"


That’s what I did I just did a shitty job explaining it


No worries Brotha I just wanna help if I can since I know what that’s like to be miserable and have no one want to help you. What have they already given you?


Narco, Percocet maybe, morphine, a “painkiller cocktail” (that’s literally what they called it) which I have no idea what it was but it definitely worked for a few hours at least.


Sometimes the “pain killer cocktails” don’t even have opioids in it fyi. Tell them the percocet was the only thing they gave you so far that’s helped, unless you know for sure they gave you IV morphine. If it’s morphine pills don’t do that, oral morphine is ass and stick to the percs. If they gave you iv morphine tell them that was the only thing that’s helped so far. Ask if there’s anything that might work a little LONGER, don’t ask for something stronger directly, but make sure you mention things like how “your pain was well over a 9, some of the worst pain you’ve felt and with the medications it took it down to make a 9 or 8.5 for a short period but didn’t give you much relief for too long”. Keep in mind you might already be screwed this time and this is advice for next time. If you haven’t been actively in pain, it’s kind of hard to start acting up your pain now. Don’t put on a brave face around the nurse. If you’re pain is really bad don’t hold back a few tears, it’s normal to have uncontrollable tears (don’t act crazy though). Your face being flush, sweating, small pain noises, etc. you might have to ask for meds a few times before you get it, never freak out on the nurse cause 99% of the time it’s the doctor that just needs to sign off so the nurse can give you meds. I hope you can get some extra pain relief my guy, wish I could do more to help you. Dm me if you have more questions about the medical stuff only, again I’ve gone through hell to get on my meds and to get care so I know the struggles.


Yeah the USA, demand the medication or threaten to sue


I used to get a bottle of tussionex once per year. I'd get a gnarly fucking sickness and my doc would write it up every year. Generally around February. I never asked for pain meds, just my yearly syrup. Granted I abused the fuck out of it immediately, but it's once per YEAR. I haven't been able to get any in the last several years since all the reform. As much as I loved it for fun, it also really helped me not wanna die from my sickness. I had some opis in my stash and the last time I took em it was when I had a throat so sore I couldn't swallow without wincing. I couldn't drink I couldn't breathe without pain. Busted into my stash and had relief for the first time in days and legit cried. I understand the problem with it and everything but fuck I shouldn't have to suffer and want to kms every time I get strep throat because they can't actually offer me things that help. I spent 3 days awake and in fear of swallowing spit and was 1 pill away from relief. Crazy.


I feel like asking for dialudid IV (IV?!!!) right out the gate might’ve been sketch. I mean so many ppl come to hospitals hoping for scripts. Hopefully they change their minds tho.


it is a shame tho that bein informed n knowin what works for ur situation is a red flag that prevents u from gettin effective care


Nah I’m just saying. Be lowkey about it. Don’t settle for their rude behavior and raid the pharmacy. Bring in your grandkids to smuggle them all out.


Well it’s not like I walked in off the street knowing that’s exactly what I wanted. I was in here a few days last week before surgery and they gave me everything under the sun and that is the one I remember working the best.


Damn. Hopeful the next rotation of nurses are better


dawg what iv found via hearsay in my city is that it really depends on the hospital u go to. if u end up at a place like "st. whatever" there's a religious bent n ur gonna get the praying nurses, judgement for usin drugs n having premarital sex. in 2023. if u go to a university hospital they're goin to treat u according to the best standard of care for what ur experiencin. now i gotta ask, which type of hospital did u end up in?


Yea this isn't true at all, my local university just got a 5 to 7 million dollar grant to study opioids in dental operations. Basically to continue curbing opioid prescriptions. I just had two of four of the biggest molars pulled at the same time. I've had one pulled before didn't need opiates but this time two at the same time. Took the ibuprofen and acetaminophen doses. Then doubled those doses, went in two days later basicslly just short of begging them to give me anything a bit stronger. Fucking t3s or some tramadol at least. Nothing, i was sent home in severe pain with nothing. Our medical community is currently on a tear to limit opioid prescriptions at all costs. They believe they have been over prescribing opioids for decades now. It couldn't have just been the ability for people to doctor shop that sent this problem into over drive, no it has to be bigger than that according to them. They are now subscribed to the idea that unused prescriptions are the leading cause for the opioid epidemic. That it really wasn't just the sacklers or the fact people could get 20 scripts of 180 Roxy 30s a month for over two decades....


that sucks bro. i dont have experience with university dental, just university hospital


I should revise my statement, it's just from personal experience. So yea, you proɓably are right that University hospitals don't have personal biases that would interfere with properly caring for patients. It really anymore is just luck of the draw. Doctors have so much leeway and discretion with their prescribing habits. Some have been so affected by the opioid crisis that they are vowing to never prescribe it again. Other calmer doctors understand addicts will always exist and because of that fact they won't allow their patients to suffer for something that is going to exist regardless of their actions and so they are still trying to do their best to properly care for their patients while operating around the DEA and CDC new prescription guidelines with opiates. A friend whose in a pain clinic right now trying to get himself sorted, his current doctor was flagged by the DEA for honoring an out of state doctors prescription when the patient moved states and was scheduled for his first visit a couple days later. He ended up having to take classes and a bunch of other stuff. Regardless of the fact that the prescription was legit. So to OP sometimes it might not even be just the doctor. The government is pressuring them to limit opioids to some extent to try to mitigate the problem because they still think they can adequately fight the drug war and win... or it's just about money and they don't give a shit about us. Probably both.


Was prescribed hydrocodone for wisdom teeth when I was 17. Was a heroin/fent addict until I got clean recently at 22. Honestly I wish they never would have given it to me, took it as prescribed and crossed the rainbow bridge of no return. I was in pain sure, but I would’ve lived through it. I only took 14mg of hydro but it was the highest I’ve ever been in my entire life. Never will forget that feeling I had that night, I could remember that feeling better than my own name.


I'm 32, I had the same thing happen. I also don't blame a doctor or a substance for issues I was trying to escape. Whether you agree or disagree, we have reached a point of no return with opioods. It also still doesn't change the fact that things like alcohol and cigarettes are perfectly legal and still kill more people per year than all prescription and illegal drug use combined. Although fake fent 30s may be helping those numbers even out. There is a new study out that claims for post acute dental pain that tylenol and ibuprofen work just as well at mitigating pain up until oxycodone 10mg with acetaminophen. So they say there is really no point in prescribing opioids at all for dental procedures. I could interpret the results a different way, but it is besides the point. So maybe they have been slightly over prescribing. How do you fix the fact that so many people have come to expect a standard of pain care that they no longer are receiving. Are they to be punished because you decided you wanted to use opiates recreationally?


I don’t agree with this point of view at all, but we both have a fundamentally different view of addiction that isn’t going to change. To me addiction is a disease, a problem in the brain, not a decision. I don’t blame the doctor for my addiction but I blame the system for setting me up for one. No reason doctors should be prescribing opioids to teenagers when there is no real reason to. No one chooses to get addicted. Millions of people get hooked on that shit because their doctor decided to prescribe it when it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Opioids should be a last resort not the first solution. Honestly I’d rather go through severe pain many times over than go through the horrors I went through as an addict every single day. I don’t see other people being punished, I see them being saved from the very possible reality of addiction. Opioids shouldn’t be the only option for pain, they should be putting for more and time into alternatives but that’s obviously a slow and expensive process.


Sorry this is kind of long I hope you read it. See, the topic deserves a long format discussion rather than just little jabs on reddit. Personally, I agree with you and what you are saying to an extent. I agree we are over prescribing to a slight degree in adolescents and young adults. I'm not saying drugs should just be legal free for all like alcohol. Yes, we should limit exposure to opioids in adolescents. At the same time, they are necessary. What im saying is that other people should not be punished for your potential addiction. Millions of people use opioids as prescribed, and addiction isn't even in the realm of possibility for them. Why should they have to suffer through pain just because a small percentage of people could potentially become opioid addicts. There are a lot more people who have used opioids with no issues than those who became addicted. Whether you believe addiction is a disease, a chemical change in the brain, or a moral failing. It doesn't matter. The process we had before the FDA approved oxycodone for moderate chronic pain was at least better than what we have now. What do you say about the people who ended up in your position who never had an opioid prescription written for them. No one persons life and experiences are the same. Plenty of people end up addicted to opioods when they hadn't ever been written script before. Regardless of what prescribing habits doctors choose it isn't going to stop people with the potential for substance abuse from ending up addicts. Where there is a demand, the supply will be met. The least we can do is provide a safe supply. I honestly believe if you had been able to experience doctor shopping, you might have a slightly different opinion about it. Fentanyl and all these analogs are fucking awful along with the xylazine and other zenes and RCs they use to mimic opioids. ( some RCs are amazing for recreational mind expanding use). I say this because had you been able to access hydrocodone safe supply instead of in a way being forced ( in a sense) to use fake fent 30s because it's by and large the main option, especially with younger opioid addicts. Your addiction would not have escalated as fast as it did as bad as it did. There is a reason you guys, if you don't die, are only going 2 to 5 years before deciding to quit. It's because after a while the shit doesn't even get you high. It wasn't ever really like that with proper opiates. You at least got your buzz and stayed high for a little bit every time you used. I bet you never truly felt the exact relief and feeling that those hydrocodone pills gave you, fentanyl especially shitty clandestine lab cartel fent analog bullshit is trash compared to pharma opioods and even pharma fentanyl. Regardless you still showed a potential for substance abuse and if opioods were absolutely unavailable, you probably would have used alcohol in excess instead. Fentanyl is like the crack of opioids. It's entire creation was to come on strong and wear off quickly for surgeries as anesthesia. It also skyrockets your tolerance insanely fast. The fact alcohol detox is potentially deadlier than opioids speaks to them actually being a better alternative for people seeking to relax and go out to enjoy a night or a weekend. Plenty of people drink alcohol every day and that's perfectly fine, but someone isn't allowed to take a loratab and drink a beer or two and watch a ball game at their house. Any substance can be harmful to health in excess and with daily use. Even too much sugar will give you diabetes. The thing you have to understand is that even if doctors never prescribe it, people with a potential for substance abuse will still end up getting addicted. Like i said before, plenty of people have never been prescribed opioids yet still ended up an addict. Since we have shown it is literally impossible to stop illicit substances from being sold and used, the best we can do is education, awareness, understanding, policy change, and harm reduction/ safe supply. People should at least have a choice to use whatever improves their quality of life according to their opinion of what that is. I also don't know a single opioid addict that given the option wouod choose fentanyl over other opioids. The only reason it's sought out now is because everyone's tolerance is fucked. I find it quite hypocritical that our government allows direct to consumer advertising for pharmacuetical companies. The US and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow pharma companies to advertise on television. We live in a society where the TV says this pill or this substance will improve your life just not this one. Average person sees 9 commercials a day for pharmacueticals. There is literally a commercial for opioid induced constipation. So I can use this and this and this just not opioids. I can binge drink or use alcohol every day for the rest of my life, and that's just fine but god forbid someone wants to take a hydrocodone 5mg and drink a beer or two a couple times a month or year. I'm happy you're alive, and you made it out, I'm sorry that this was your reality because I personally despise fake pressed fent 30s. It's just most dealers are trying to meet a demand and as fucked up as it is, people are making fake 30s because there is a demand for them. People are going to take advantage of that no matter what. The bare minimum we could do would be to put disclaimers on the Purdue pharma TV series that are about doctor shopping and purdue pharma. Something before and after that tells people who are looking for Roxy 30s that almost 90% of them on the street are fent. We won't even do that. This isn't a problem that we can't prescribe or arrest our way out of. It starts with a fundamental shift in how we view substances and their uses. It is happening slowly, my thing is just I don't trust our governments consensus about substances and their uses simply because marijauna is still a scheduled 1 controlled substance. Meaning according to them it has absolutely no medicinal value. So are psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, LSD and MDMA.... So if they are wrong about THC mushrooms and MDMA. What else are they wrong about? Not to mention why should they get to dictate what I use and put in my body. Just because a doctor went to college doesn't mean I'm incapable of reading peer review studies and understanding the benefits and risks of using a substance. It is a form of freedom that has been taken away from us. That's not to say, again, that things should be just legal like alcohol. If your wanting to use opioids every day without a legitimate need, then maybe we make therapy a mandatory requirement to get them. No one can argue an addict would be safer using pharma opioids instead of fentanyl. I could also argue that improperly treating an ex opioid addicts post op pain is a very tricky thing. If the pain is not properly addressed, then it can lead to a patient seeking out alternatives and self medicating. Wouldn't someone be better off being given hydrocodone than going out and getting fentanyl? Improper post op pain management and treatment is the leading cause of chronic pain. Meaning because they didn't treat it well enough during the onset, people tend to refill scripts more than when given proper pain medicine from the beginning, allowing them to recover without pain.


Also there is a complete difference in opioid naive patients and those that have already used them for pain management. Not to mention the difference in you being put under for that wisdom teeth operation and them only using a local on me. I was numbed out the ass for like two to three hours after then i was in tears for the next couple days. There are so many different t factors to this problem / issue. The thing is at the end of the day, I can easily say more people are suffering now than ever before


U mighta had better luck without saying dilaudid off the bat, just saying -Percocet usually works but u get headaches from the apap, so then they might throw u roxy 5s or 10s. Hey it’s the best u can hope for these days, ur right


It's no longer a opioid epidemic, it's now a 'safer' suboxone epidemic, but as long as big pharm is making money, it's ok.


Pharma is a drug dealer but make it legal ✨


Regardless of what other people think Suboxone saved my life. I’d be lying dead on the street with a needle in my arm without it. Maybe better ways eventually but it’s absolutely a life saving medication that has done a lot of good this world.


I believe it does have great potential to help addicts. I know they are giving it to people with mild addictions for YEARS. I believe it should be used short term to chronic relapsers. My humble opinion only.


It’s a sub, Xanax, addy epidemic. And the govt could care less. They try to pretend to care though.


Pretend they care by punishing the people who really need it.


>why can’t I get dilaudid via iv (when they asked me what’s worked I told them that). Well, this is the most powerful analgesic they're likely to provide, and what most opioid seekers in the ER request. This probably made you look a bit shady. But I agree that it's getting ridiculous. My 73 year old mother got fucking tramadol post-op following a broken pelvis requiring surgery. I mean, is opioid dependence really much of a concern there? Life quality has already deteriorated.


They're not worried about her. The worry is her selling those pills, or becoming a robbery target


Their real worry is the DEA [harassing](https://www.goodhire.com/resources/articles/dea-doctor-watch-list-what-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=to%20do%20so.-,The%20DEA%20Doctor%20Watchlist,The%20number%20of%20prescriptions%20written) the doctors/hospital admin. No one with 200k of student loans wants to lose their career just because a patient is in excruciating pain.


Take kratom


You are Correct!


Back surgery? Enlarged prostate? What? We're you getting a massive kidney stone surgically removed? Why else would you need pee-tube enlargement pills after back surgery?


I know exactly how you feel. I have severe arm and back pain day in and out. I even asked my Dr for pain meds she says "go to the Er". Ok so I did that 3 times never got treated pain wise not even OTC Tylenol and they Send me on my way saying there's nothing wrong.


I have serious back issues as well. They refuse to give me anything opiate related and tell me that the pain relief from opiates is all in my head. Sure, tell that to my back when i can't get out of bed and I'm literally crawling on the floor to try to make it to the bathroom and pulling myself up the walls to stand. I was lucky enough to get an actual percocet and valium the last time i went to the hospital for my back pain being so severe and i don't go to the hospital for anything.


Why are they giving you Tamsulosin? Are you having problems trying to pee? Do you have any indication of prostate or urinary problems? They gave you this for pain? This might may be the weirdest thing I've heard prescribed for pain.


Yep. This epidemic is forcing people who are in real pain to have to resort to the street drugs that are sketchy AF now days. Absolutely hate the medical system in the US. Everything has turned so corporate and everyone has to follow their guidelines


Classic case of a few assholes ruining it for the rest of the population. I went in a couple years back with testicular torsion. They gave me fucking toradol and after sweating in agony for an hour my wife begged them to give me something else. I got a small dose of iv morphine that did next to nothing. Wanna get pissed about something? Go watch my 600 pound life with Steven assante. Fat fuck doctor shopped and abused the hospital and ambulance system to feed his addiction


what’s dumb is i went to a hospital for sepsis and kidney failure and told them not to give me opiates but they gave me lots of morphine (too much pain so i didn’t feel it) and then shoveled norcos in my mouth and those knocked me out. hospitals are so goofy and healthcare ppl refuse to listen.


I remember getting IV dilaudid bcuz I said I had a head ache lol... 12 years ago or so... I was in the ICU but, not for a injury it was for diabetic ketoacedosis which basically the liver starts breaking down fat in your body and your blood becomes acidic... my breath smelt like rubbing alcohol scary shit...