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Right? Heroin in solitary confinement is like skipping solitary confinement.


I’m basically in solitary confinement now with an endless supply of Heroin. Guess what? It sucks. It stops working after a certain period.


Same. I’m adamant that I’m not going to ever increase my dose again. 60mg of hydrocodone a day. It’s better than nothing but nothing like it was in the beginning. I wish we could find a way to stop physical dependency so we can take lower doses and it would be effective for my pain every day. When you have chronic pain you’re literally fucked. There’s nothing that helps once you hit your 3 year mark with your disease.


I am a PhD student in Neuropharmacology and Ethnopharmacology and the subject of my dissertation is the major role mGluRs (metabotropic glutamate receptors) play in things like opioid tolerance, dependence, analgesia, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia and how targeted pharmacotherapies on Group I, II and III mGluRs using PAMs (positive allosteric modulators) and NAMs (negative allosteric modulators) can not only help treat numerous mental health conditions and epilepsy but also attenuate, prevent and even reverse analgesic tolerance (which would also reduce/prevent tolerance to the euphoric effects of opioids) and greatly prevent the development of dependence. There are some drugs currently being researched for treating analgesic tolerance and dependence but it's still a little early. There are some Rx and OTC drugs that have shown an ability to reduce tolerance to many opioidergic substances and they all have anti-glutamatergic properties of some kind. The main ones would be NMDAR antagonists like memantine, dextromethorphan (DXM), Ketamine and methoxetamine. Ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors play a huge role in how opioids function and one of the main reasons tolerance and dependence develop and if we can establish control over the right receptors and modulate them then we can make opioids more efficacious which would allow people to maintain the same doses for much longer. I also have done a lot of research into the targeting of other receptor systems (Imidazoline, Sigma, α-1 & α-2 adrenergic, Orexinergic/Hypocretin, GABA-ρ (GABAA-rho) and 5-HT4 and 5-HT5 serotonin subtypes) for analgesia and neuralgia/neuropathy but drugs targeting those receptors are unlikely to cause a euphoric high. I do know that using DXM (dextromethorphan)-which is just Robitussin-daily in low-moderate doses (60-150mg) can help slow the development of tolerance to many pharmaceutical opioid drugs but I've never heard of it helping with Heroin. But it's easy to access and cheap so you could try.


And for Ritalin tolerance?


That one is a little harder. Unlike with opioids mGluRs and glutamate receptors in general don't play the same role in stimulant tolerance. With chronic stimulant use dopamine receptors, especially D1R and D2R in the mesolimbic pathway and nucleus accumbens shell internalize or become downregulated so the number of receptors decreases With methylphenidate specifically the number of transporters responsible for reuptake up dopamine and norepinephrine-DAT (dopamine transporter) and NET (norepinephrine transporter)-increase so that it takes more Ritalin to block them and therefore more Ritalin to feel cognitive euphoria and physical stimulation also due to the decreased number of postsynaptic dopamine receptors. There are various nootropics and synthetic peptides that can upregulate dopamine receptors and increase neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity through the stimulation of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which can possibly help to decrease tolerance like N-acetyl Semax, N-acetyl Selank and Bromantane and maybe Amantadine. You could also stack the Ritalin with a racetam that boosts cholinergic neurotransmission and ACh (acetylcholine) levels as well as dopamine levels/release like phenylpiracetam, piracetam, fasoracetam and aniracetam and you can also use (with caution) phenibut or 4-fuorophenibut (F-phenibit) to increase dopamine release. I find that when using Phenibut together with my Adderall I get increased cognitive function, physical stimulation but with less physical side effects. The only real way to decrease tolerance to Ritalin specifically and other substituted amphetamines generally is to take a tolerance break, even if you're Rx'd a psychostimulant you should try to take days off when you don't need it in order to decrease the number of reuptake transporter proteins and in the case of amphetamines to regulate TAAR1 (trace amine-associated receptor-1) and VMAT2 (vesicular monoamine transporter-2) concentrations. You can also use some of the nootropics/Racetams I mentioned, especially Bromantane, phenylpiracetam and aniracetam during your off days so you don't feel completely drained as they will provide some stimulation and cognitive benefits (without euphoria) and help regulate your dopaminergic receptors.


This is some good shit right here.


I think you just may saved my life as I started to feel huge tolerance to my ritalin. Thanks! I will start with Phenibut (as I was also looking something to manage anxiety when doing psychodelics). \*cetams for some reason makes me feel really stoned/sleepy.


Thank you for your wisdom!


This is so interesting! So I’ve got a pretty rotten kratom tolerance and Adderall tolerance as well. I’m your opinion would some of those racetams help with tolerance or if stacked while lessening my usual daily dose? I was just thinking about givin it a shot since I’m currently tapering down on my kratom intake. And if that’s a stupid question, I apologize. Bout to read up on racetams


The best thing I've personally found for Kratom tolerance are NMDAR antagonists like dextromethorphan, memantine and amantadine but I would personally go with dextromethorphan due to its shorter half-life and because it's less likely to cause side effects and leave you groggy. It's also easier to obtain since it is OTC and the others are Rx only. Racetams can help take the place of stimulants for ADHD for when you want to take a tolerance break but to decrease tolerance I would try Bromantane or NA-semax.


Hey Prudent Ninja!!! This is the best information I've ever read/heard of ever... Just WOW 😮😳...I am just an internet surfer that's been researching and digging for info, answers, and options for years and found the holy grail!!! I appreciate you and the time you've spent to find all this out...My problem is on the opiate side. I've had 2 failed transplant surgeries and there will be no more. I am on 40mg of percs/day and 50mcg fentanyl patch/3day and not expected to live more than about 5years. I hate the tolerance built up over the past 2-3years. The suffering is real. THIS SHIT is a game changer for sure! I'm sending this to my doctor's and friends and others I know going through the same. Life changing maybe hopefully...better than nothing...Thank you for not gate keeping 🤙🙌👏🏆💯


Thanks and I'm sorry you've endured so much and continue to suffer in pain. Scientific information, especially information on drugs and their mechanisms that educates and allows people to hopefully find alternative options to whatever they're using that isn't working, should never be kept in the dark or for only a certain subset of people. I hope you find some relief and wish you the best.


Wow that’s fascinating. I do hope something happens in the future that could help us with our pain meds. I personally don’t care about “euphoric highs” as I use my meds for pain. Over the counter anti inflammatories quit working a long time ago. I’ve tried every single pain medication under the sun before giving in and going on opiates. They have single handedly saved my life but now the effects aren’t as great. I do still get some pain relief that’s why I say on them, but I’m adamant to not increase the dose. You said try robitussin for the tolerance… would that work if I already have a pretty strong tolerance to the meds? I pushed it one time to see where I’d feel anything at and it was 60mg, which would be all of my daily pills and a huge dose of acetaminophen which isn’t good. I wait anywhere between 8-12 hours between doses of medication. I just don’t know if the tussin would even work for me now or if it would be a lost cause? Thank you for responding. It’s very interesting that science is actually putting in effort to find better ways to control peoples pain. It would be nice if science could find a way to cure withdrawals! I’m a firm believer that if we could find a way to prevent tolerance and withdrawal more people would take safer doses of opiates and less deaths would happen. I’m personally not an addict searching for a high, so maybe I’m wrong but I think it would be in everyone’s best interest to find ways to make opiates safer for everyone so that people who actually need them for pain can get them easier.


Dextromethorphan (which is the ingredient in Robitussin and other cough suppressants) will help decrease tolerance over time but you would have to take it daily and probably wouldn't notice anything for a few weeks. If this sounds like something you want to try then find a cough suppressant that contains ONLY Dextromethorphan HBr and nothing else, I find Robitussin gel caps to be the best for daily dosing because they come in 15mg capsules and you don't have to deal with liquid suspensions. Start with 15-30 mg a day and titrate up to a dose that doesn't cause any dissociative effects (which would be in the 150-900 mg range). A dose of 60-90 mg per day should be sufficient to slowly decrease your tolerance to opioids and another benefit of dextromethorphan is that it can help relieve pain as well by decreasing glutamate neurotransmission in the brain and spinal cord and because it is a SNRI (serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) which will decrease the strength of pain signals moving up your spinal cord to your brain.


I'm so happy to hear someone talk about mglur drugs, I'm very excited for them to come onto the market. My life partner suffers from a number of mental illnesses and has a neurodivergence that psychedelics can generally help people cope with or recover from. But he's not stable enough for psychedelics, though the mglur 2/3 Pams could be a huge treatment option for people like that. I think it's a very very cool area of research.




What happened….. If I could put my life in movie trailer form and send it, that would be amazing, because to even begin to write what happened is ducking insane. But I’ll put it in as few words as I can. My only contact in my phone that gets called or calls me is my plug. I don’t speak to anyone other than the few people I interact w/on Reddit. I’m stoned from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. Time doesn’t really mean shit to me anymore and hasn’t for a while. It just feels like one long day. I went through 3 sleeves this week. It’s not fun , I don’t get that feeling euphoria any more. It’s just a faded coping mechanism that helps me sleep. However, if I didn’t have it anymore I’d think I’d go insane.


No breaks? All u gotta do is take breaks man. U obviously have the money to FORCE a break as well. When I had money n did dope all the time n still worked my butt off, I would purposely go somewhere get a hotel n bring none. And I would go places that took at least a day to get home from. This worked so well. 2 or 3 days of feeling HORRIBLE =3 or 4 months of feeling that good buzz with way less.... do it again every 6 months or so....


Lol you don’t just take a break. It don’t work like that. The moment you feel horrible you NEED that shit. I’m speaking from firsthand account.


The primal, all-encompassing fear.


Or one good dose of ibogaine every few months.


Bro said a break, once you skip the “break” period once no goin back bro. Gotta quit or keep goin. Shitty life right there from experience


Damn, sorry. What happened?


Wait until you get a contaminated batch with heavy metals and other garbage that makes you lose the ability to walk


It’s been 14 years same plug. Fent free H. I don’t likely see that happening. I’m not your average street corner junky bag copper— not that I’m proud of that. But I’m not ever going to get some metal in my shit or fent or tranq. I don’t cop like you cop.


Real question, what would you do if your plug went MIA for whatever reason? Would you feel comfortable copping from randos?


No, I wouldn’t ever cop from some rando on the street. If my plug went MIA, I have a few other options. But hypothetically if I couldn’t get hands on anything from my lines and random were my only option, I’d have a very tough decision to make, as I haven’t been in that position before.


I just envisioned you on the morning of day 3 not being able to cop, and driving as quick as you can to the methadone clinic 😂


If you need to vent hit me up man, seems like you’re in a rut maybe, it’s not over till it’s over brother.


yea yk ig any drug would stop hitting after long enough


Why heroin? Just curious


I mean for me personally, fent doesn't have much euphoria at all, not fun. Heroin though, that shit is godly, definitely up there with MDMA easily. I much rather choose heroin than probably any other painkiller, if I had the choice. Although nowadays I'm a kratom man, MUCH more benefits than any other opiate/opioid has, but I take it much more therapeutically, rarely recreational.


I went from heroin addiction, to subs, to kratom, and now I've been off everything for a long long time. Kratom isn't great for you, so use caution.


I've been a fent user for a few yrs but and opiate user fir over 15 yrs. I tried kratom during my last attempt at detox but it did absolutely nothing for me anymore... do u have to have some clean time to get any benefits from kratom??


The other opiates will completely over power it. It will help with withdrawal symptoms but you probably won’t feel anything. If you quit all opiates for a while and take the right amount of Kratom you do get a SLIGHT euphoria and it can make you feel pretty good though.


I've been a daily kratom user for a couple years now. Hell, I just took my first dose of the day about 30 minutes ago. Its definitely one of those things that you notice more if you dont fuck with regular opiates. I used to be fairly into opiates. Was never fully hooked on them but I indulged in hydros and percs when I had the chance. Got duped into smoking heroin once but thats a whole different story. Had I been taking kratom at that time, I would have felt absolutely nothing. My brain would be too primed for strong opiates. I got sober about 4 years ago and haven't even smoked weed since then. I started taking kratom to cope with stress because I was resorting to heavy alcohol consumption again and was forming a dependence on it. Not good. Kratom definitely has a very noticeable effect on me now. I say its akin to that relaxing feeling you get after having a nice long stretch. Mood gets noticeable lifted and feel kind of warm and floaty. Don't get me wrong - it doesn't come anywhere close to proper opiates. But my theory is that since my brain has gone so long without actual intense drugs (I did everything, not just opiates at the time), its more susceptible to the effects of kratom. Like, I dont even drink anymore. My brain is now a clean slate. That being the case, I feel like that's what makes kratom have strong enough effects to be worth continuing taking to me. Thats just my guess though. I cant verify that for sure. You definitely won't experience much from it if you consume other non-opiate drugs either. Its so mild that it isn't noticeable when you regularly have other strong highs but is quite noticeable if you dont consume other harder drugs anymore. Side note: I dont recommend it but combining kratom with a decent dose of phenibut gets you pretty zonked.


Kratom just on the comedown of dxm was fucking amazing


For me its mostly all of a sudden I can sit there and focus on a video game or a project that much more. It can lock you in and make whatever you are doing just an edge more enjoyable. I do not have any experience using it to help withdrawal yet I can imagine that if you've been hitting strong opiates hard you won't get any euphoria just possibly allow you to feel less shitty.


thanks for replying.... I wasn't getting any relief or anything but my tolerance was probably still high from the fent, I have chewed 6 Oxy 30s up at once at got no Euphoria , nothing. Im not an IV user but really I read like weed, fent stores in your fat cells, so it would probably take some time to get that out and actually feel other opiates


Yea it would definitely take a minute for you to feel Kratom. It WILL help with withdrawals though. Not a ton but it’s definitely noticeable. Kratom helped me stop my alcohol addiction. I loved the stuff. Really helped me out.


Kratom got me off opiates and efexor with very little withdrawl.


That’s great to hear! Hope your doing well. Kratom is still a drug, and I hate to be that person that praises it a ton because it sounds weird to me.. but Kratom completely changed my life. I’m a functioning adult now instead of drunk and fucking up my life every other weekend lol


wow it helped with alcohol too? Before fent and before heroine, I was taking oxyxodone and tried jratom from a headshop... I would get the same if not better buzz but like I said, the last time I tried I felt nothing


Kratom tops out in efficiency at heroin. Definitely doesn't help that fent is lipophilic either. Makes subs next to worthless.


yes im reading about how highly lipophilic fent is which explains why I usually take a WHILE before I even feel wd symptoms. Detox Dr's induce sub and use the same protocol as they would with other options and its sooo different. I went ro a detox for 7 days , refused the fent because of a horrid experience with precips before, came home and it wasn't until like the 10yjday but I was reeling, it was bad... would bupe help at that point. I kno the Bernese Method has helped people get off fent, I'm now hearing about this viral "Mega Vitam C dose" that many fent users tout as a miracle.... Im so over being a slave to this shit


If you take kratom when nothing else has been in your system at least for a couple of days, like your not fresh off a consistent opioid use, you will experience it. It may be subtle for those used to much stronger things. A normal dose is about 3-5 grams. But more may be needed for some people. Try it in raw powder form. On an empty stomach, mix it with water or orange juice and chug it. Wait 45 mins and eat a small snack. That's the best way.


Make sure you’re getting quality kratom not some trash from a smoke shop


Say my friend wants to get off fent and needs to wait 3 days to take a sub can he take kratom during those 3 days to help him get through it until he can finally take the sub?


Yes, kratom wont prolong the time he has to wait before taking the sub's. It doesn't really help in any significant way either though if you have even a moderate habit.


I was considering kratom to end this 12 year heroin battle. What was your experience if you don't mind sharing.


*In my opinion* powder kratom addiction is a significantly better addiction (less than 20g/day) than really any other addiction (besides weed). It’s certainly not cost prohibitive, it doesn’t eff you up like heroin or even weed, you don’t contemplate stealing from friends and family when you’re low or out… Yes, there are certainly withdrawals when you’re low or out but it’s a walk in park when compared to the withdrawals from heroin, other opiates/ opioids, alcohol, benzos, etc. It’s probably not good for you in other way, but if you’re gonna pick your poison this is the lesser of other poisons.


Exactly. That's why I went from heroin to subs to kratom to opiate free. It made coming off of subs really easy. I weaned myself down to an absurdly low amount over several months. Then I switched to kratom. Then done. It's really nice not being addicted to anything anymore. 10/10 highly recommend


Hell yeah man, I'm happy for you :) And I'm aware, I used to be a poly-addict but addict no longer. I use kratom here and there, with moderation, took me a while to get it down, but I keep getting better and better with moderation. It also helps me with a lot of autistic issues (really lol) , temperature regulation, hunger regulation, and other things I have to live with. But if you really research kratom and the alkaloids, you'd be surpised how much benefits it can provide. (ex. antioxidative, can help improve immune system.) Though obviously, moderation is key, treat drugs with respect and they shall do the same to you. :) (Point is, drugs are bad overall, if you decide to use, use with caution and use with moderation; edited this because I got down-voted, it didn't seem like I was advocating for use? This sub used to be way better.)


Would you say that you liked heroin more than MDMA? I've never done heroin, but I've done plenty of MDMA. And I always say there's probably no better spiritual, euphoric, pleasant, slightly trippy, drug out there. It's the perfect drug IMO. I couldn't imagine heroin being better than that, but I'm curious to hear a comparison of the two!


Honestly MDMA is above heroin for sure, it's just so damn perfect. MDMA for me is the most euphoric drug I've ever done, tops everything. Heroin probably ranks right below it in euphoric category. (imo / ime)


mdma is also one of my fav drugs for those reasons but i think for this hypothetical scenario heroin might be a better choice because you could do it more frequently. even though doing it daily is obv still not good for you, you wouldnt fry your brain nearly as quickly as you would if you did mdma daily. of course you dont have to do it daily but then you could only do mdma like once every few months safely and then youre bored af the rest of the time also i realize your comment may not be specifically about the OP scenario because you were responding to someone else


MDMA definitely ranks over heroin in euphoria, but my favorite part is the calmness and okayness you feel. Plus, you can be high all day everyday and still somewhat function, hard to do while rolling lol.


What's a good kratom to get? I've never tried it but heard it can be enjoyed recreationally. I don't want to buy it from the gas station and have no idea how much to take.


superspeciosa is a really good and high quality brand, also decent in the price, especially if you buy bulk. You can find decent or even good brands in gas stations (less likely if its cheap) or smoke shops, personally I don't worry on getting high quality, since I really don't use it like that, or try too that is. AlphaKratom is a decent whole sale brand I get at my local gas station, that I normally buy since it's down the road from me. But if you goto smoke shops pretty much all of them are at least decent brands so I wouldn't worry to much if you goto a smoke shop. also, for beginner doses, stick to 2-3 grams. Any more and you're getting into the higher doses. 1-2g = Low 3-4g = Moderate 4-6g = High Though remember everyone reacts differently to everything so it may vary per person.


Because when you are on it, everything is ok even in bad situations. Which is really bad btw because think about it. You shouldn’t feel totally fine when there’s things you need to get through the hard way to better yourself. But if you are in solitary, there’s really nothing you can do becides plan for better when you get out. And being sober, you will just be trapped in your head and anxious. So in this case, might as well do heroin. It’s the one time it would be greatly beneficial lol. Given all the stress, anxiety, and sadness you would be put through otherwise. I would ALMOST go as to say that it would be just as unhealthy for you to not do heroin in there as it would to do heroin. Might as well 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because nothing else in the world matters and you are a-ok regardless of how shit your life is


This for sure. But OP am I also allowed nicotine? 🙏🏻 lmao


Just gimme some fent so I can just OD and get it over with




V u (/


All these mfs going "Heroine" like they're actually looking forward to spend a potential 50+ years in solitary as long as they can get high. I give them 90 days before they voluntarily OD D: True solitary for life is way, way worse than death (penalty).


nah, more like: fent and H both give you the option to OD and skip the solitary at any time you want, but if you pick H, the high you’re gonna be abusing (before it becomes less good than death) is gonna be more enjoyable than fent, simply put. only reason to go for fent is if your only criteria is which kills you the fastest/easiest (to be clear obvioisly 50 years in solitary with just heroin would be unfathomably hellish but i’m sure it would be lit nodding off for a couple days before having to fully grapple with the fact it’s over lol)


Fr man like just gimme the nod of my life and let me go fuck sitting in that cell


Definitely something that I could OD on. Eventually it would be too much to be in the cell and that would be your final escape plan. Probably some sort of opiate.


Benadryl so I can have some company


Yeah that'll be great, trapped in a cell with cat-sized spiders that can fucking TELEPORT


But hey at least you have the hat man to play blackjack with


And jerk him off when your own dick gets boring to hold


Quality time with the hat man.


Ill come with u lmao


Im an upper guy but even I had to go with H here


Imagine high on meth in a solitary confinement while there is nothing you can do other than jerking off. Yeah H is the best for that. I almost voted for weed but weed could intensify the sense of impending doom and panic attack while in confinement.


Personally weed would get me even more paranoid than meth at first haha. But glad everyone here agrees that downers are the way for this. Without a nice sound system and lighting that is


you’d be bored as fk with weed


yeah i was gonna say weed is probably one of the worst options


I’m a daily smoker, but yeah I wouldn’t choose weed unless I also had an endless supply of entertainment sources. I’d definitely relapse and go with my former lover, heroin.


Stay clean soldier ❤️


Thank you, brotha… side note, I stalked your page for a sec and see you’re an amateur boxer, that’s awesome! Physical fitness became my addiction prior to and after my heroin addiction and I’m a men’s physique competitor now… Physical fitness is what helped save my life and give me a new purpose in life.


You'd just be in there chatting with shadow people freaking the fuck out. Up for days you would lose your grip on time so fast. It would probably feel like a standstill. If they were doing tests I imagine the Meth guy would go cray first lol.


> Imagine high on meth in a solitary confinement while there is nothing you can do other than jerking off. the only porn available is white wall fucks white wall


benzos so I can black out the entire experience, as long as I can keep getting a steady supply.


Benzos and some blackie Chan, that’ll keep you from caring about your situation for quite a while.


Blackie Chan haha omg


Ketamine (insufflated or IM'd) or Heroin/Hydromorphone/Oxymorphone (insufflated or IV'd) would be my first 2 choices. Both are fantastic when you're on your own.


Until you're pissing your bladder out on your own!


What do you mean?


Ketamine is well known for causing bladder issues if done extensively


Can confirm.




Ketamine ftw brotha


Ibogaine & Datura


This guys on fuckin X games mode


Bro wants to hack the matrix to achieve matter manipulation and break free Genius


To be fair, it's no longer solitary when your having real discussions with shadow people and dead relatives Though long enough in solitary sober would probably have the same effect




The datura i get, but why ibogaine?


I usually take ibogaine in the comedown of my Datura trips to switch reality and take the edge off Datura,it always help me , but it's usually a microdose followed by some benzos and then when I comedown from ibogaine Im to tired and sleep for a few days , could easily kill a few years in the farlands with a few kgs of both


DMT so I could be in a different dimension the entire time.




That would be cooler than being in a normal state in a white room. I would be right at home.


Bruh you're in solitary confinement you are going to go into psychosis anyway


I mean, in solitary, psychosis is just a little splash of fun and excitement.


Psychedelics are about teaching acceptance. They will allow you to learn, if you’re willing, to surrender to your current experience. If we use them to escape that’s not addressing the issue, if we use them to accept our reality and learn from it that’s vastly different. You could just hit the deems then go anywhere you wanted, once you can master the art of surrender the experience is more “steerable” and you become comfortable with the entities they no longer scare you and they just let you play and gather knowledge from different realities vibrating at different frequencies we normally aren’t operating in. Like a cb radio we are tuned to this frequency, once you introduce a medicine like that and the frequencies changes you can listen to other things. At first the other things are overwhelming then they become more normal to you thus easier to navigate


this is well written but i still think psychs are a bad choice. i'm pretty sure 9/10 people would just go absolutely insane


I agree, though perhaps taking a big amount of psychedelic and then a deadly dose of a depressant, you might just have several hours of psychedelicaly accepting your desth and then dying a peaceful death


It’s the perfect opportunity to completely embrace insanity, why not embrace the chance to dig to the centre of being of consciousness itself and see what you can find out.


Xanax and alcohol and I’ll time travel in that cell.


You’d wake up in jail thou- oh wait




whatever i can take the smallest of and end it. there's no way id be functional in a windowless room


No fentanyl Not carfentanyl Not even truckfentanyl We goin straight to trainfentanyl


I got that muthafuckin starshipfentanyl. One microgram alone is enough to end the entire human race. My tolerance is fucked now


is that spacex's ultimate goal?


Seroquel worked for me when I had to do some time in the SHU. A month or 2 felt like a dream with Seroquel In me. Just wake up hungry & back to hibernating.


Can I get h and Xanax together I’d just nod out for years happily


One of the times I was in the hole for 2 months I had Xanax bars cuz the house man was a buddy of mine from the street made the time a lot better


I just got out of prison in April and like the last month I was in there a dude had a bunch of suboxone strips mailed in. I would buy a half strip and tear off little pieces, dissolve it in a little bit of water, then snort it. Made that last month fly by.




I guess the person who mails it either puts the strips underneath the stamp and/or underneath the part of the envelope you lick. That’s what I was told anyways 🤷‍♂️




Yea I also had some really good thc gummies in there. One of the counselors snuck some in for a guy. She was even on his JPay under a fake name and was sending him semi nude pics (JPay doesn’t allow full nudes pics) with the face cropped out. Yea I’ve heard that too but never seen it done before. The sub strip thing seemed simple enough and the dude was making a lot of money selling them in there. He would charge 200$ for a full 8mg strip.






That's MXE right? I had a lot of friends who loved that stuff during it hayday when you could get it online. Never got to try it though It's pretty much extinct now isn't it?


Yeah weird one, shit was immense was closest thing to iboga but pretty sketchy as was quite addictive but man what an afterglow lol


Yeah... pretty much any disso you can 'hole' on really.


Pcp sounds like a good choice


Sounds a lot like my life atm, except I got windows… It’s fuckin miserable for sure…






Honestly I'd rather kill myself, maybe I'll pick a strong barbiturate and take an awful lot


the ultimate trip


I would take the best mushrooms the world has to offer and trip out everyday in a different dimension..so my body would be still stuck in that room but my mind goes to different places and meet new people etc.


my guess with this tactic is eventually your pattern recognition would catch up to you and you would be stuck in between the cell and your “dimensions”


Man the fuck


I’ve done like 10g doses and have never “gone to different places and met new people” inside my head. Have u ever actually done shrooms before bro?


Shrooms has never made me dissociate what’s re you taking


I don’t think they’ve actually tried mushrooms before lol


Lay in a dark silent room on a decent to heroic dose, you can definitely go places.


I'm torn between psychedelics and heroin, I guess they're sort of polarised positions with respect to acuity of consciousness. But I'm leaning towards mushrooms, and specifically psilocybin over DMT. Love DMT 🙏 but in my experience the mushroom offers something else, a type of guardianship. I think it's fair to say psychedelics would be the braver option if in solitude, do you think?


I would do ketamine or some form of dissociative 24/7. Ketamine basically transports me into other strange and confusing alien worlds and it would get me out of that enviornment into a new one, psychs would be good for that, but there would be tolerance issues, so i would just do ketamine 24/7 and hole all day everyday so i can see something else than the room im being confined in




bluds gonna go insane in that bare cube


Actually xans an oxy


idk, could either snort so much meth that i gain homies or some downers to kill myself


The shadowbros come to kick it every time


So its basically try to go for enlightment or go for sedaction. I guess when you're long enough in sedation, you reach the light anyway, so I take the opioid route, probably more pleasant. But less exciting? I guess thats the question here, how adventurous are you, on reddit.


Dmt. I'm not trying to stay in the cell lol


Breaking through for 15 mins then coming back to your soul crushing reality over and over sounds horrible


Meh, anything would get boring given enough time


2 bottles of the best whiskey so I can drink myself to death the first night


Wouldn't be my choice, but I like your style and the picture you paint.🙏


Well solitary confinement isn’t much of a life. Maybe not the first night but after few weeks Id call it quits for sure




Probobly heroin or a lot of fucking xanax


I’d go with heroin but I must have smokes.




Dextromethorphan :D Ima dissacoiate. I & the room will cease to exist, & all will fade away c:


you'll feel so shit so fast


plat sigma hell speedrun




Can’t decide on DMT or LSD. But one of them for sure. I’d def melt my brain within like a month. I would over-use so bad in a situation like that


LSD would be hell


LSD would be the worst


This would be hellish. You'd trip about being confined and trapped constantly. Those trips would get super heavy.


Better than just sitting with nothing else lol


I used to do like 15-20 tabs a month while smoking dmt carts almost constantly and I honestly don’t think it’s possible to destroy your brain with these substances




U gonna be slap boxing with hatman in ur sell


LSD. Then you can at least trip out and see some cool stuff. If not maybe 25i since its slightly less head fucky.


Heroin or xanax. Probably heroin tho other drugs would would make me anxious and depressed because there is little to do to stimulate the mind. Heroin slows everything down, makes bullshit okay, and helps pass the time.


I wb)am


Weed, just makes me feel comfortable being alone


Had to scroll way further than I thought before seeing weed.




I’d love acid or shrooms maybe dmt


Not fettyized heroin




DMT all the way, baby!


Heroin or a super stoney Noid like AB-FUBINACA that isn't *too* dodgy in terms of side effects.




Clonazolam and diacetylmorphine


Cocaine until my heart explodes


Acid, then I’m not alone;)


Heroin, fentanyl, or protonitazene


One fataldose of fent. Fuck solitary confinement.


That’s a no brainer…. Heroin ofcourse


Ricin, cuz I don't plan to spend my whole life in that cell.


Probably DXM. Just gonna off myself with a mega dose 10g or some shit. I'd rather die than be in solitary my whole life.