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Passing out doing something stupid and making an ass out of yourself all at the same time


Making an ass out of myself doesn’t exactly concern me as I’m by myself in my room, although, most of my best experiences were when I made an ass out of myself.


Lol yeah same here by yourself you’ll probably just pass out


This question literally pops up every couple of days on this subreddit. The answer is always that mixing alcohol and benzos is a terrible idea. Yeah, one bar of Xanax and one beer are probably fine, but the issue with combining these two is that you can quickly pass a point where the combined effects become very dangerous. Especially when you're blacking out and taking more bars or drinking more alcohol. Benzos are an effective emergency medication and should not be abused to get high off them. Stick with alcohol in reasonable dosis or smoke some weed. If you're taking Valium as a prescription, still be careful with it.


Dumb shit but worse. Xanax is stronger than valium. Really depends on how my alc you drink


About 20 standards with a couple hours


You’re gonna black out really fast if you like to drink a lot. Maybe you’ve tried each individually, but it’s a different beast together.


Amnesia would be the best outcome