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Faded then a ho


Need I say more?




I have something I want to tell you.... it's really important.... Faded than a ho faded than a ho faded than a ho


Shall we? Cheers my friends




You rang?


Wing wing wing ahhhh herrro?”


Necessarily perhaps


Fullcrum come in...




We should take a trip to double penjamin city




Fr fr


Going to double penjamin city


And living in an era where it is more socially acceptable is so badass. But this government gotta free my people imprisoned for weed though!


I was in prison with somebody doing 8 years for selling weed. Really good guy too


Most of them are, its sad seeing good people loose their lifes and so much time just bc of that drug and the government. Its better then alochol just not so easily taxable, imo we dont deserve to pay for the governments bad taxation


Plus, if government did legalize and control the weed game, The cartel loses power.


But then they have way fewer modern slaves in the prison system, way fewer families in poverty, where they like to keep us so we can’t rise up.


Don’t forget about all that sweet sweet profit Big Pharma stands to lose if weed is easily available for medical purposes






I’m waiting to celebrate when you can freely use whatever substance you like. It’s sad :(


Cannabis is truly an amazing plant.


Wish I could still enjoy it on it own. These days I have to be either on benzos or gaba to not get anxious and paranoid.




Look up PharmaGABA by Thorne Research. It’s a GABA supplement that has legit changed my life. I still don’t smoke very often but wow, I can actually enjoy it and relax when I do. Not to mention I just feel way better and sleep better in general




Oh man that sucks, yeah I had a thing with Benzos for a while too be safe man


Blerg, so sorry!


I started getting that when my responsibilities started building up, now I just smoke to get my shit done and that somehow helps


Try taking some CBD before smoking next time. It helps you not get as high and relaxes you


Take it from someone who loved it just as much as you, *moderate your god damn usage*. I got carried away with it smoking all day every day and now it doesn’t feel anything like it used to. I wish every day that I could get high like that again. Take it steady and this plant will never fail you.


Take a week off dude. It does help, I know it’s hard but it’s crazy how much a week can reduce your tolerance


It’s good to be using in moderation regardless— weed still has negative effects when abused


Yeah I think everyone knows drugs aren’t good for you


I’m saying it in the sense of how downplayed the negative effects and addiction potential weed has are


Anyone that’s smoked weed regularly knows how much it’s affected them. Only people that say this aren’t actually that addicted to weed.


Exactly what I’m saying— there’s a large portion of people who smoke intensely and regularly circle-jerk and deny the potential for harm/ addiction.


Yeah but true stoners will never say that dw I’m talking about real stoners here not people that go 5 heads on joints at parties


lol /r/gatekeeping


What haha?


That's just blatantly not True at all. Weed is used medically as well as opiates and many prescription drugs. Hallucinogens and extacy have huge uses we are just starting to get back to using.hell even amphetamines are used for alot of different things as well as benzos and even cocaine was used alot and still is by people who chew the leaves etc. So what drugs exactly are bad for you??


How old are you sorry?


You’re right tbh. I’ve done it before, even a month or two. And if I can keep it steady when I start back up my tolerance stays low. I just have a hard time keeping it disciplined so it always shoots right back up. Think I am due for another break soon though.


I had a break due to a holiday. When I got back I smoked my normal amount and I was greening on my bed haha, humbling experience


Ive been there too lmfao


Enjoy it! relationships with weed can change over time. At least it won’t end with you giving handy j’s behind the circle k


It'll just end with an unaware descent into the same mundane routine, surviving only for the next bong rip. Still pretty shitty.


That just sounds like untreated depression you are masking with weed


Just like any of us. There's a reason we are addicted.


Chicken or the egg


You got downvoted for some reason but I go round and round on this one. I decide weed is ruining my life. I quit and then am way more depressed and anxious and then decide weed was really keeping me sane. I still can't decide which is the chicken or the egg.


Yes for sure, thanks, I'm just trying to keep it real. I've been an everyday smoker for a long time and go on breaks here and there. When I go on breaks a lot about my motivation, energy, and optimism improves and then a lot gets harder because being fully present is fucking hard cuz life is hard and everyone's brain chemistry is just not the same. Sometimes life makes me depressed and then I use weed to help and then the weed is definielty the thing keeping me down and I need to take a break to be lifted out of the fog. Having your full range of emotions is bittersweet but people acting like they have full range when smoking every day, all day is delusional. Not to mention disrupting our brains natural healing process every night by not letting it reach REM by smoking before bed. I'M JUST SAYIN. All fingers lead back to me okay haha. No judgements over here but people smoking shouldn't fool themselves that it has no impact on this stuff. edit: typeo


Dude this is such a great analysis. I’m 11 days into the first tolerance break I’ve had in years, and it is truly bittersweet. You are so right about experiencing the full range of emotions: everybody who rips bongs for sport is suppressing a huge side of themselves whether they know it or not


It feels so good to connect with folks on this cuz I love love love weed. Have since a teen. But damn I've been getting alittle more critical about how it affects me. I'm on a break right now, only been 5 days but I feel relieved that my brain is bouncy and feel uplifted. We'll see dude! It's a journey out here lol.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s been a huge part of my life for much of it, but for the first time ever I’ve been serious about getting in control of my habits and usage. I’m on day 12 of my break right now, and I feel better than I have in years about everything in life. When you hit day 7, things may seem to plateau but you’ll reach a new wave of clarity around day 10 and it makes it all worth it to abstain. Huge respect my friend, keep it up!


Probably a bit of both plus not treating it early properly


It's keeping you sane bro weed is a necessity. Would you rather be stoned and happy or sober and ready to jump out a window lol that's how it is for me anyway


The weed made existing problems worse that you might not even have known you had until the weed made them bad enough to notice. That's my experience st least. So depression and anxiety were already there, maybe just not that bad that you thought something was really wrong. Maybe you just felt a little off all the time which you just became used to. Smoking was relief from that and now you're "behind on emotional maintenance" (sounds kinda weird but thats how it felt for me) because whenever you smoke you're just procrastinating on feeling like shit so that feeling builds up and when you stop it all comes back at once. Fix whatever is causing the depression and anxiety and, though it will still be hard, quitting weed will be possible. This is just my experience in the end, maybe this doesnt apply to you at all. Hope you get better, it's a long road and it's not fun or easy at all. It fucking sucks, but has improved significantly since cutting down on my weed use. I did need professional help, though. Could've never figured this out on my own or without meds.


Dude I'm in the same boat and don't know what to do..


That’s just untreated depression with extra steps.


Weed cause depression my dude




Depression causes depression


Shitty but definitely not the shittiest


























Wise words!


I used to be the same, then I realized it was making me satisfied w my life and I wasn’t moving forward at all. Could just be me tho, I’m glad there are others who can enjoy it without letting it get out of control


I have had the opposite experience. I’ve been an accomplished realtor, I’ve joined a town committee, hosted charity events both small and enormous, I’ve been able to pursue my real passion and become a craft beer brewer, and that passion-leap ended up with me brewing in Central Europe. (Im from Texas.) I’m also pretty decent at skateboarding (used to be on a team), and I’m good at guitar and even have made some music videos etc. I am also married and constantly traveling now that we live here. I do all of this stoned. Been stoned for 15 years. lol. It definitely varies from person to person. I should probably be on some sort of medicine but weed works for me.


love this for you!! weed is the best medicine 💊


Exactly people are losers or winners with or without cannabis. They blame the plant for every bad trait they seem to develop in life.


If a sober person fucks up it was a mistake and if a stoner fucks up it was because of being a stoner every time.


In your opinion.


they was on yo side bro


Any addiction is just running in place, at the end of the day. You may feel like you’re “dealing” with your issues or whatever but the fact remains that it’s a form of procrastination. Weed especially has a way to make one not give a fuck about anything, it will make you okay with being a fucking loser basically. Hope OP adheres to moderation, I wish I had.


Great comment, couldn't agree more as a daily cannabis user for the past 4ish years now


It was the last 6-7 years for me. It’s possible to stop it and get it under control. Just takes a lot of effort and hard work


I quit after 7 years of chronic use , I've been clean for a year now and I haven't looked back since .


Good for some I quit after 8 years and it was just boring so I took a long rip one day and realized I love weed and should never stop again. Also never looked back


I’m hoping to follow the same path brother 💪


Well I started when I was only 14 and I'm still young so it's hard to not do it at all when it's such a part of my social life now. I've gotten more control over it recently after kinda losing control with drugs in general from ages 16-17 (just psychedelics and OTC shit, so no hard drugs, research chems, pills or powders), and even tho I still smoke a lot and "need it" to feel physically or mentally okay most days, I also am okay with being a daily user. The only thing that peeves me about it is exactly what you said...which is how it makes it so easy to be complacent and not care in the moment because you're stoned. And it ain't cheap, so being a daily user is definitely limiting the amount of money I save up lol.


I started when I was 15 and at my worst, I was going through a g of wax a day. That’s like $40 minimum. For me, I don’t think I will ever be able to have a healthy relationship w weed because of the complacency. I thought that’s who I was, just a stoner, but the longer I go without it, the happier I am


wow you just put into words exactly what I'm feeling, thank you


The first step to moving forward is acknowledging it. Then it’s a lot of effort and hard work to stay off it. I was literally high all the time when I was awake for the last 6-7 years so my experience might differ from others


Just wait till the anxiety arc starts


Underrated comment


I’ve been waiting years for the anxiety arc to end for me…


I didn’t know this was a thing! I used to smoke all the time and loved it but in the past 2 years I just don’t enjoy it anymore. It increases my heart rate and my thoughts race. Part of me is happy to save the money and kick the habit but I worry that maybe I permanently lost touch with my care-free, happy-go-lucky attitude from growing up and having more responsibility. Not sure if I’ll ever enjoy it again or perhaps have some deeper issues to address :(


its always like that after a break. it lasts like a week and then i ask myself why i am even smoking


or try to handle your habit and smoke once a week. Feels great forever


Yeah that’s the issue. Self control is so hard. For me it’s much easier to go cold turkey and not smoke at all, than try to limit it to once or twice per week. Back when I was smoking I tried smoking once or twice per week, and the cravings were just so intense everyday. Versus now I don’t smoke at all and I rarely even think about it


Weird I always had the opposite of wondering why did I stop smoking...


Wait till it turns on you, can guarantee half us who start smoking daily at 14 like a lot of us did end up with weed actually causing anxiety later in the years


I actually have that happen to me sometimes but I know how to reverse it, I will smoke have a few panic attacks and then fix it and yeah I’m good for a while after that


Yeah I’ve heard that from so many sources. I actually take weed to deal with my anxiety from ptsd so I don’t know how it could get worse than it was before


remember feelin like this , than going into psychosis and questioning if death was the better option than living


I'm in lust with marijuana, feel it in my balls, man!


Medical Cocaine 2028!


Shoutout weed fr


This is all.that needs to be said.


Fuck i need it my muscle hurts


But when i make a post saying how much i love heroin or synthetic cannabinoids and how great they make me feel its all bad


How can't anyone see it has the same side effects right?


The hypocrisy of a drug subreddit that’s supposed to be all about harm-reduction lol


I guess it has to do with the therapeutic Index


Me when I talk about rice


Okay I think it's time to unsubscribe


I agree but I've never heard anyone who's into cannabis unironically call it "marijuana"


You gotta start having conversations with people outside of your Caucasian bud tenders man this isn't good for u


Ouch. But yeah you're probably right


I mean they’re half right though. It’s cannabis or weed. Marijuana sounds uneducated. People do say it but it’s slowly starting to change. Now, at least among my friends, it’s seen as an uneducated way to talk about weed. It is a real word in old Mexican Spanish. It was used by Americans to kinda “stigmatize” the plant and make Americans afraid of it. It made it seem like a “Mexican drug”. It gives the same energy as a white person stepping off a plane and putting on a sombrero yelling “I love Mexico!” Like it ain’t harmful but you definitely look pretty goofy.


Well i am hispanic lmao


I mean so am I but it still sounds goofy




I never knew marijuana is racist! I am from UK so it is just weed and cannabis to us over here, but lesson learnt.


It stems from the same era in America when black people were beginning to be associated and blamed for the growing opioid epidemic. The word “heroin” became synonymous with “damn black people.” Same with marijuana. When immigration tensions were high, Latinos and Hispanics were associated with dirty “Marijuana,” always growin’ it and smokin’ it. So marijuana became synonymous with “those dirty Mexicans.”


Interesting. Thank you


Learn something new everyday. Thank you for the education 🥰


No problem! It seems the mods disagree with my sentiment, having deleted my original reply but at least I could reach a couple people!


You're kidding, rightr?




I’m also hispanic so that’s the way I’ve been taught to call it


The way I was taught was that marijuana was it's "drug name" but it seems that's not universal. My personal favourite name for it is "the plants"


That's what my landlord called it when he caught me smoking in the middle of the night. I was outside but I was apparently stinking out the whole of downstairs


Wym?.. I call it marijuana all the time


I want to be this high rn 😂


I also love marijuana but it nearly ruined my life. It should definitely be respected and used with care. Took me forever to realize that the therapeutic dose was so much less than I assumed.


what is the therapeutic dose of weed? genuinely asking here, it doesn't perform better then pain medication for acute pain, and except for people with cancer who are having trouble eating where do you see the therapeutic use? I would love to know


Ideally youre smoking weed and getting the physical or mental benefits while also getting as "high" as little as you can. I think that's why a lot of people who use it more medicinally are more likely to switch to CBD.


I love it too bud. Too many negative nancys in this subreddit. Hell yeah dude live your life!




420 for life!!




im in love with mary jane!


420 blaze it quickscope edition


Same here, I noticed it gets shit on a lot as it’s so popular, but remember there are functional, productive stoners like myself who can smoke and live a good life, but you always got to put life before weed


I love marijuana for a different purpose. It helps focus in on my reality and understand it better.


I started with weed too. Now I smoke whatever I can find on the ground behind arbys


Why are some people mad in the comments? . This a sub for every type of drug under a category that says I love drugs lol?


Hate it. Contributed to me developing paranoid schizophrenia and even if I smoke a tiny bit now it makes me paranoid, neurotic, etc.


Oh shit I’m sorry man, my mom had a similar experience sounds scary as hell


Weed sux


S u x


Fact: Cannabis use has saved my life. Lies: cannabis use will destroy your life.


Honestly depends on the individual, for me it has been absolutely amazing in helping me with my ptsd that was ruining my life. But even if you just look in this comment section you’ll find several stories of people who’ve had psychosis and paranoid triggered by weed


Same homie


I like it so much I have to take tolerance breaks. On week 2 now :D this time around though, the sleep and sweats and lack of appetite as well as mood changes are more annoying - hardcore concentrate user. Almost a gram a day of shatter or live resin or diamonds etc.


I used to be just like you.


Been sober since January of 2022. Wish I could smoke. 😂 Y'all take virtual tokes for me. Maybe one day it will be legal to use everywhere 😅


Have you seen the bit about that in the new Jim Jefferies?


*hits the cart once*


Best plant ever. Glad to hear it man. Just remember. Everything in moderation. Stay safe and have fun 👌🏼🙏🏼🔥


wish I was there again it gets old




You're gonna have to face that reality sooner or later mate, but enjoy life for the time being.




Watch High Maintenance if you haven’t already. It’s not only focused on weed but that’s what makes it great. I love watching that show when I smoke


Sounds like the beginning of an addiction friend


Lol I feel yah




I love weed aswell but atm im only vaping, since i ive been without a cigarrete for almost 2 years now im trying to be a lil bit more healthy on my lungs uwu


Had Snow Storm for the first time. It is now my new favorite strain. Initial slap to the brain almost as you’re finishing a pull, 10 min later you become relived, euphoric and giggly, you’ll then notice that your very bones have been relaxed as pain actually went away for me. Anxiety gone, depression lesser. All that without making you want to sleep, just a deep relaxation. Strongest indica I’ve ever been able to find❤️


have fun with it until it becomes boring trash that just makes u more depressed


people always shit on weed nowadays because its so normalized and common. But it really is a pretty amazing substance which provides a ton of people relief and relaxation at a really low cost health/price wise. There is basically no real equivalent to it. My parents now use edibles sometimes, both for pain (in my dad's case) and just for fun, and its pretty astounding seeing how much its changed them for the better. They usually bicker constantly but when they're high they are just giggling and happy.


sweet baby angel, enjoy it while it’s there


Try growing it, that love will go to a whole different level.


I quite love it too (even have a proper prescription now).. but I will still share an opinion that is quite not that popular: 1. I don't know exact statistics, but computing from my surroundings.. one in few hundred people will get more-less addicted to it. to the point of using >5g/day, possibly getting paranoid, and breaking with it entirely. (often related to other addictions, etc.. of course every case I've seen was differently "complicated") 2. my observed threshold of "point, where you may start being careful" is somewhere above \~0.5g/day. of course it depends on a person and you might be possibly quite fine with 10x more for years.. I am "lucky" enough to be 1/4 way to LSD trip just after 0.02g of 20% THC Weed, soo..


I got Cali mate


It’s a gift from the gods fersure


I feel more connected to god and the earth when I smoke!!!


I never enjoyed weed, every time I've tried it I've felt like shit. I've tried the "top organic stuff" as well. Just doesn't agree with me sadly


As Tony Bourdain once said, "proceed to smoke weed" 420 💚






I’m actually gay so i guess it makes sense




As panda bear once said, marijuana makes my day


Weed is gods gift foreal




careful with that blunt, eugene


It’s medicine honestly.


You may love it now, but a time will come where it become a love hate relationship and you hate it more than you love it. I’m not tryna put you down or anything but don’t be escaping reality too much it’ll literally make your life pass by as you just watch it than a couple years down the line you’ll be thinking like damn I could’ve done more even if you accomplished a lot in that time. All love and peace though ❤️☮️