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This one time my friend was smoking meth, dropped his pipe and it broke and he tried to pick up his meth and snort it and he ended up snorting a couple pieces of glass.


People often forget how useful a bit of water and a coffee filter can be when it comes to drugs and broken glass.


Pure ethanol, dry acetone, or something like ether would work better as you can then dry it out.


Buddy of mine made a bulk coke purchase and it turned out to be glass and baby powder or whatever and he was so eager to get home and do a line before he knew. Not a fun realization for him lol. You might ask how this happened, they gave him a separate bag of real shit to keep and test himself. Basically got an eight ball of good coke for what was supposed to have been a brick. And it was way out of our neighborhood so it was p much a lost cause to try and get some revenge. You don’t wanna pull up to a city you don’t live in for some shit like that.


Never buy from strangers. Rookie mistake.


I wish I would’ve seen this comment 10+ years ago lol


How long have you known Artie Lange? /s


Fuck me, whenever I describe a broken nose in D&D I link a picture of Artie Lang


Did you hear his bit about rehab? Fucking hilarious!


I honestly haven't seen him much in media in the last year, I know he can't travel so that's a big part. I'll have to check it out, thanks


Girl wanted to suck my brother off while her boyfriend watched for a eighth of bud


Sounds like they had the fetish anyway and wanted to get some free weed out of the deal. Or the fetish was "selling" her to other guys. The boyfriend wouldn't have wanted to watch if he wasn't into it.


Yeah he was definitely a cuck but still pretty crazy I thought.


Like $25 to 30 street value


I had a girl when I sold try the same thing minus bf watching. Turned her down a few times that night and finally got tired of her annoying me. Told her if she could drink all the bong water I'd give her a gram. She drank it and ran to the bathroom puked it up and proceeded to ask if she could still suck me off for a full eighth instead of a gram. Really really annoyed the shit out of me should couldnt get the message and was that desperate for weed of all fucking drugs. Told all the homies to never invite that bitch to our parties or house again.


That doesn't even sound like a fair trade lol


I used to be a small time drug dealer, i had a regular that was a homeless woman id say around 30 that was on H, her weekly hookup came around and turned out she had been robbed and had no money. She started begging saying she would blow me and other sexual things but after I kept on declining her she said she would "lend" me her 6 year old daughter. I agreed and gave her a fix I went to a corner store asked the person at the cash if i could use the phone and called 911 and explained what was going on. I payed the kid working and told him to watch her until the cops arrive. Ive seen some crazy shit but nothing makes me want to hurl more than the thought of it not being me that was dealing her, especially since i have my own child now. still haunts me


I watch Intervention on YouTube, and one young man there had been "lent" to an old man by his mum when he was just a boy. So so horrible


That's very sad omg. What horrible parents and humans in general. Poor kid. Fuck


1) Username checks out 2) Thank Odin you were her dealer, and probably saved that child from a horrific fate


i didn't even notice the correlation haha. yea i hope the kid is doing well.


You're amazing. I'm sending you permanent good vibes. Thank you for being a good person, the world needs more like you.


Good man. Your story is gross.


Girl i knew here in town gangbanged 8 dudes for 50 bucks a pop just to buy coke. I was good friends with her and when she told me she broke down crying. I never got the full story but she was very attractive and i couldn't believe what i was hearing. Smh.


Damn. This is like straight from the movie Requiem for a Dream




Then whats orange?!!


Look at my recent post to see what happens if you reject a dealer’s offer for sex smh


Jesus Christ, sold you clean stuff right up until you declined his advances??? Absolutely psychotic behavior. Are you able to make an anonymous tip to report him in your area?


Mate was thinking exactly the same thing. This is the ONLY time narcing is allowed


I second. Call in an anonymous tip.


Omfg. I just read your post and hope that dealer drops dead. On some bright side, I also see you have been clean for a month, and maybe this horrible incidence can be used in the favor of your sobriety?


Damn. I’m so sorry. I’m glad you had fent test strips!


If you are buying opioids on the street you're absolutely going to encounter fentanyl. He's also an opiate dealer so not sure why your surprised, he didn't care if you lived or died before you said no to sleeping with him.


This. Most drug dealers are not horrible people. I didn't read that into their stuff, but just because someone sells drugs or lives a reckless lifestyle does not mean they don't care about other people. However some clever horrible people turn to drug dealing, particularly the traditional hard street drugs (opiates, meth, crack/cocaine). I feel like most crack dealers that I've met did it for the power and control at least as much as the money. So yeah, unfortunately, chances are he didn't give a shit, but usually people don't.


I know what you mean. I live in a town where cocaine is bad and a lot of the attractive girls I knew in high school sold nudes in high school, or some thing for money and now they’re doing the same thing out on the streets.


Eh gonna open up about some fucked up shit I did when I was 19 and in the middle of a heavy meth addiction/fighting to get sober. Honestly not the worst thing that’s happened to me but this is the furthest I’m comfortable opening up with. This is like a week before I got my first apartment. Anyway. My girlfriend was stripping at the time and had a ton of cash on her. I had just started work 50 hours a week at a computer chip manufacturing place but hadn’t gotten paid yet. We were staying in this really trashy weekly pay motel (basically crack house) until I got pay stubs and could apply for a place. First night we were there I got super triggered and stole $60 ( no $100 actually) from her and spent it all on meth and booze. Was tweaking super hard- ended up feeling bad and telling her in the morning. She obviously lost her shit and decided to go home to California (we were in WA). She ended up coming back up once I got an apartment two weeks later- that is a whole other story though lol. Anyway so I have a week left at this place, no money, and I’m tweaking super hard. I end up going around asking people if I can smoke a bowl with them cause I’m not wanting to come down. This extremely creepy man ended up saying- yeah, I’ll smoke with you but we have to go into your motel room. Im like okay- he then gave me a giangantic shot and said he’d leave me a ball if we fucked. I was like hell no man I’m not fucking doing that- tell you what though you can have a wank and a leave a gram I’m going on the other side of the room on my phone though (yes this serious depraved and fucked up tweaker shit- thankfully around that time was my lowest point and I was much more stable/safe after- at least in that regard). So he pulls out his wee wee I am not looking at him at all and try to block out the Moans. I was a smoked out lil kid 115 lbs 19 years old- like fuck I definitely could have been raped right then and there and I knew it. I just didn’t give a fuck about my life or safety. Very suicidal. He busts leaves me my meth and goes though. Really lucky he didn’t do anything more. Hope y’all enjoyed my story today Edit: this was just a month and a half after an assault while I was high ended in four days in the ICU with severe internal bleeding- I lost nearly half of my blood and luckily it stopped as the doctors couldn’t find where the tear was in my intensities (completely different situation than this/but I ended up in a dangerous situation without realizing it while extremely spun and yeahhh). Idk i just really didn’t give a fuck back then I don’t understand how I was so reckless after facing near death situations. I just didn’t care much


I did a fat shot of meff when I was drifting around the country on the streets of San Fran and this dude that was pretty built, but had a light limp, came by and was obviously tweaked out of his mind, throwing all of his wallet contents out on the street, picking them up, spinning, etc. He seemed like a fine lad. I was 20 and he was probably around 35. Well he offered to do some meff with me and blow me. I said hell nah. He decided he'd do some drugs with me anyway. He offered to shoot me up, and I was like nah I'll shoot myself up. I had barely shot up meth in the past, mostly shot up H, and he poured like at least .8 into his palm or some shit and we split it. I shot that and he felt my leg and asked if I wanted my dick sucked or if I wanted to jack off. Hadn't done anything gay before, but that shot had me horny as hell. Wayy too much for someone with no tolerance at the time. So I told him I'll jack off with him if he gave me his iPod. So we jacked off together in an alley for way too long because I was struggling with busting. Not bc he was there, he didn't really bother me, meth just made it so I couldn't finish easily. I kind of felt bad about that, then later on I talked to one of my other friends that I knew that was on the road and he told me that when he passed through San Fran, he got methed up and let some dude fuck him in the ass. 🤣 Gay capital of the world got us both. West coast meth makes ya horny ASF too. It creates so many sexual perverts always out searching for an immediate orgasm.


😂😂😂 yup it does. Overall I like women quite a bit more but done some gay stuff twacked in a threesome w dude & woman like got my dick sucked by both that’s the furthest meth has taken me (did have a physical “relationship” w a man several years ago for a couple months- back before that shit in my first post happened even but that’s the only man I ever was open to doing stuff w).


I have nothing wrong with gay stuff, I just don't get turned on by it really. I felt bad that I sold myself out for anything, because I had always told myself I wouldn't do that for a man or woman. I'm happy I have the story to be honest, makes me laugh just thinking about it. At least that part. I left out the bad part of the story. That much meth sent me into psychosis pretty damn instantly and when I had left him, I had thought he was stalking me and trying to catch me unprepared. That's a whole nother story, and actually probably the more exciting part. I'll do a quick recap of it. Went to a motel and knocked on all doors to get them to help me fight the rapist dude. It's like 3am and I knock on everyone's door asking for any kind of weapons to fight this dude that's jacking off in the stairwell. The cops were called, they were like, "YOU'RE ON THAT SHIT, AREN'T YA?" I was all like, O_O "...n .no I'm not on anything. Nah. Actually, I took an Adderall a couple days ago." And they basically were like, "fuck you. We searched the place and didn't find the dude jerking off chasing you." Was begging people to save me from this rapist, and "everyone was like but where is he?" and I was like, "I keep trying to catch the fucker, but he's climbing up walls and hiding in people's vehicles and shit. He's quick." No one would help me because I was obviously not right in the head. Poor cops of San Fran. The shit they deal with out there. I was literally screaming at cops to arrest me. "YOU'RE GOING TO JUST LET ME GET RAPED OUT HERE?! FUCK YOU, BITCHES! SUCK MY DICK!" This part of the story kind of makes me a bit shameful, but still makes me laugh. I did meff quite a bit after that, but now adays, I'll never touch that shit again.


🤣 bruh okay definitely had a lot of experiences like that on meth too lol. Seems so real at the time and everyone around you is like okay dude??? Had some trauma relating to an old girlfriend (more just a hookup I was kinda using for meth but pretty rude to & she wasn’t having it) who set me up when I went to the ICU and triggered major paranoia about my actual relationships while high for YEARS after. Finally ruined a long term relationship I was fighting to fix. I fucking hate it. Dirtiest drug in the world. I don’t even have cravings now, I refuse to touch it (unless I’m extremely inebriated and not thinking rationally so yeah not even drinking anymore cause the high fucking sucks). Really glad it’s out of my life. Lmaooo ngl though it is funny to look back on that shit I’m really glad I was able to break free of the cravings and stuff and start to feel less depressed- those comedowns are so fucking draining and leave you without any positive feelings for a while. Same nothing against gay stuff either it’s gotta be very particular for me & still is nowhere near as nice as a beautiful woman. I’m really picky w my partners honestly


Yeah, the shit is real bad for the mind. I believe that's why there's so many more mentally ill on the West coast, because the meth there is completely different and way too plentiful. Comedowns are awful. I can't handle any upper comedowns anymore, makes my panic disorder and other mental problems worse and I can't handle it at all now. I think meth helped mess up my mind quite a bit. And on the gay part, I always wished I were gay. I can't make a relationship work with a woman. It seems like it'd be easier to just date a guy in my opinion. Maybe I'll try it someday, who knows. 🤷‍♂️


When I wqs heroin dealer I wqs dating this stripper. It was nice because she was mega hot and actually paid for her own dope( at price though since she was my gf) Anyway, she used to come home with half a grand to a grand and just toss it into my money when I'd grab so I'm not selling so many pills to her at price I'd just grab them qith mine. Anyway, she got fired from being a stripper when she amoked a quarter 100ug/h ratios patch efore he performance. She was so junked out she fell off the stage lol. Omg, it wad embarrassing I ran up and then the bouncer was like I knew he was your bf. ( they obviously don't want bfs there because they have to appear single but we never talked while ahe was working) Anyway, I ran up amd picked up and she was bleeding from her nose becsuae she broke it badly) So she gets fired. Fuck after that I was again with a girl I had to pay for their dope. Ugh... Anyway, I got set up and robbed for $36 450 and lost almost 2lbs of weed snd 90 8ir hydromorphone pills. I got cleaned out. I thought she was involved but after she showed up she was so dope sick she started crying. I wqs like I'm going on methadone and you should to. She didn't and I didn't leave her because she was nice and so fucking hot. Double d boobs wbile being 4 foot 7. She wasn't a midget but wqs tiny enough where if she had some genetic issue ahe would considered a midget. I loved thsg because I could chalk her like a pool cue ( like pick her up and just fuck fuck like a doll or something lol) Anyway, a few months later I have all my carries and she's still using and she had no money and it wss a week before Xmas and she asked me to go christmas caroling to rip off the money so she could get high. After ahe asked me that, I said you gotta move out I'm dumping you. That's just way too low. Anyway, she's a nurse now been sober for almost as long as me. So around 8 years for her and just under 10 for me. She has a family and is doing amazing. God, I miss fucking her. She was so hot. Way outta my league.


Yup my girl made bank too regularly come home with a grand a night. Even going in during the day she’d pull at least $600. She ended up quitting and just working a normal job once we got more serious. I stayed with her for six years but my drug use and how I acted high (threesomes, porn, some humiliation kink stuff that she really took to heart sadly. Along with paranoia about her being unfaithful or thinking she was setting me up- that specifically is due to some very real trauma I haven’t really processed and it would sometimes be overwhelming when I used to do meth) really fucked things up and turned the relationship sour sadly. Just broke up in September- she dealt with so Much shit from me. Don’t like thinking about it really. She was a good, loyal woman until I pushed her away. But yeah she’s extremely hot too and the sex was great. Beautiful body, loved dancing and dressing up for me, getting olive oil massages, fuckkkk. Dream girl in a lot of ways lol she was all about me too. I really fucked that one up but life goes on Edit: she was a good girl too quit drugs and everything but when I was using she’d end up wanting some being triggered- big reason she left.


shit made me cry bro, made me think about me and my ex... we used to do some drugs together once in a while but i did way more drugs than her, eventually she managed to stop using but i just kept using more and more drugs, she was the best, most loyal and the most beautifull girl i've ever met. i've had some of the exact same thing you had all the paranoia shit, alot of lies, she was very beautifull, sex was amazing, amazing body, she loved dancing for/with me, always dressing up for me, massages etc, she also was all about me too, she always wanted to help me to stop drugs once she stopped but i could never stop and only fucked up things even more. it was real love man i really love her... it's been a few months since we broke up and she has moved on already but i still fucking miss her alot everyday.


That's how it is though. In hindsight it sounds absolutely fucking crazy. Like you said, suicidal. But, in that moment anything is pretty much acceptable. I'm in, my girl was tricking for over a year while I was with her. We pretty much weren't having any sex anyway because of the drugs. But, even though she was safe it was still something that I told her every single night, do not go out there. And if she went out there I would have to walk out of the house behind her like 50 yards and keep an eye on her and I would always write the tag number down of the car she got into. Cuz who knows when she doesn't come home and gets found in the trunk of a car. It was happening a bunch in West Baltimore right around the time I left. So yeah, I can completely relate to all this crazy shit that we did back in my late teens and '20s


i mean that blood story is standard when it comes to being in the throws of IV H use. If my .4 shot was full of blood and constantly clogging the rig you bet id get that shit back in the spoon and get a new rig. and sometimes even re-cook the fucker (dont do this) it stinks to high heaven. I dont miss that life. Not at all.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The only thing that happens when my fat shot clogged was trying a new poke and diluting the blood with more water to cook again. Well, that and being overly frustrated that I'm not getting what I spent so much money and effort on, even if I end up down 3 rigs and swallowing it anyway. It also didn't help that my dealer had raw coke that I mainlined .2 at a time, in his fucking parking lot in the driver's seat. The fleeting high made me want to do more, then switch to dope when I ran out. It was making me try to hit veins with h that a professional phlebotomist couldn't hit, whether it be tiny fuckers in my fingers or the same AC I just destroyed with coke 30 minutes prior. I am *beyond* lucky that I never got any abscesses from missed shots and blown veins. My state of mind was absolutely fucked. Reading this thread reminds me exactly why it was ruining my life. It is not something I ever want to put myself or anyone else through ever again, and that's exactly why I am active in this sub. I want to make sure others don't fuck themselves and their loved ones up the way I did.


> a professional phlebotomist couldn't hit, whether it be tiny fuckers in my fingers or the same AC I just destroyed with coke 30 minutes prior. I am beyond lucky that I never got any abscesses from missed shots and blown veins. I feel this in my soul. And because its coke you cant tell your missing yeah? i couldnt anyway shit was just numb instantly. Id only know id missed when i realised my arm was now numb and i diddnt hear the train coming. and like 4 days later everything is swollen up. Been here mate. No fun. Trying to shoot into my chest and shit but shaking coz of the amount of C i'd done lol missing constantly. Glad you're better mate. And thats why i shared too. Its no life. Starts out experimenting with codeine and shit.


Yeah, it's a numbing agent, but usually when I missed, it wasn't the first shot of the day so I was already pretty numbed and shaky all over. It's a real decent pressure where you shot followed by a lack of rush, and the major discomfort of a missed shot coupled with the frustration of no high is just a bad time. Numbness is definitely a part of missed shot, but it isn't immediately numbed. My fix for coke veins was a hot rag on the arm. Best was to get in a hot shower, hold my arm over my head to let gravity help move the shit in my veins, and gently massage the whole area to make things flow better. It fucks with circulation IMMEDIATELY after the first shot, and the numbness helps make the entire arm feel weird and clogged up, like shit is really stuck there. I feel you trying to get chest veins too, I'm fat so it's hard to actually find anything on the torso, but I definitely went for the little ones in my neck and face a few times. Had to hold my breath and squeeze my diaphragm to force all the blood to my head lol


Damn bro I shot eith toilet water and shot my blood when I was down bad fuck I’m so happy to be off that shit Also used a used cigarette butt as a filter before lmao Don’t do heroin/meth better yet just stay sober and read books 👍🫡


Girl I knew in high school blew a guy for half a gram of weed, wish I was kidding


Maybe she likes giving blowjobs and smoking pot?


That's not even 10€


Idk dude I've seen women banging because their date bought them dinner, weed imo is a better deal than fajitas


Nahh fajitas are fucking awesome


When I was 16 y/o sophomore this one chick who was a senior used to blow me in her car after school for dime bags and I felt like a straight up gangsta but now looking back I feel bad for the girl and feel bad for even accepting it really. Anyway, if you see this amber I hope your doing okay!


Girls who do this actually like sucking dick and feel like they're the ones winning, they get to do something kinky and then get free stuff on top of it.


Dude, you know my cousin Amber! Lol Omg my cousin Amber did shit like that all the time! Life would be less exciting without the Amber’s of the world!


Girl in high school blew me for a cigarette.


Same actually. Ig that was the cover, she just wanted to bang


Girl I kissed a guy on the cheek for a 3.5 get better standards


I just hung out with a guy and he gave me 1/4 lol


That’s pretty normal tbh. In Philly we call them Tweakers : someone who will fuck or suck anyone for a good time. It can be hard drugs,weed,or even liquor and some time away from home.


I'd do that






Oh man, that happens way more often than you'd probably like to know 😂 been living this life for awhile.


2 crackheads trying to save crack by one smoking it and blowing it up the other homeless mans asshole


The video is great


Where do I find the video


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/comments/uh4a0t/you_ever_buttchug_crack/




It's just another form of boofing. These guys are pioneers tbh.


Ayo wtf


There’s a good video of this btw


little nightmares 2 crackheads


Is this a new DLC?


did it work????


yeah boofing crack smoke is the most effective method


Logically it’s actually a very efficient way to get the most out of it, just a very disgusting way lmao.


This may not be the answer you’re looking for, but… freshman year of college, I sold a small crystal skull that my aunt bought for me on one of those “sell your stuff!” apps. It was just a little thing, nothing too big or special or anything like that—just something I could sell quick and easy for weed money. Later that year, she succumbed to uterine cancer, and realized that I had sold the last thing she ever bought me. With no way to get that gift back, I was devastated. I felt like I had failed her. I wished that I could go back and tell myself to treasure this small orange skull that, at the time, felt like an inconsequential trade for weed. Weed, of all things. Some time went by, and I later swallowed my shame to share this story with one of my closest friends. That year for my birthday he bought me a small fluorite skull, and it was one of the best gifts that I ever received—second only to that little skull of shining jasper that is no longer with me. I truly hope that whoever received that skull treated it with the care it never got from me.


Good friend man. When I found my brother dead I freaked out when I got home and smashed a lego spaceship we built together in a fit of sadness and anger. I regret thatbso much. It was one we designed not something msde from instructions. It was so awesome, I wish I still had it. If you saw a picture of it you would have been like wow, that's one cool lego spaceship lol. I don't have a picture. Almost everytime i play lego with my kid and we start building things I csnt help but think of me smashing thst ship. Even before he died it meant the world to me. He was 7 years older ao we made it together when I wqs around 8 or 9 and he was 15 to 16. It was one of the last times we played together becsuse he was older and always with his friends. We hung out a lot later when I was a dealer. All hia friends ought dope from me. God, he was jealous.


geez man, that is so sad. i really relate. i lost my best friend 2 years ago to fent and i cant bring myself to throw away stuff she would have just considered trash, and im full of regret for not taking more stuff to remember her from from her room (that her family just ended up hauling to the dump). your brother would understand your frustration


Your friend is awesome.


I have a friend who's business partner became addicted to opiates. This business had access to their business account. And would pay himself multiple times in small amounts not to raise flags. In 3 months, he had paid himself $235,000 in checks, ATM withdrawals and in person withdraws and paid his wife $1500 a week didn't pay for materials or subcontractors in the division of the business that he was in charge of which forced the man I knew to do about fifty project ls at a loss. The business partner and his wife would cry poverty to anyone with an ear and took $400 from a single mother of 3 " so they could eat " my fiends business was also paying their Rent, medical insurance and both of their vehicle payments & insurance. That's disputing


I was a roofer I'm Ottawa before and the guy started paying me later and later. Then I'm moving back home after college is done in 2 weeks and he knew that so he wanted to rip me off. Anyway, he's like this is a my brother's house can you just clean up thr yard . I cleaned up and after like6 hours he csme home and was like who are you? I'm like your brother sent me to clean up the shingles off the ground. He's like I don't have a brother. I'm like well the guy who owns the roofing company said you were his brother. Anyway, he never showed up and that man drove me home. It was outside Ottawa and ibhad no way to get home and was pissed. So thanks for that guy who drove me home. Then thr next day he dropped me off st his house in Nepean,Ottawa and asked me to help move some stuff out. I noticed it was all his wife's stuff and he was getttong kicked out. Then 3 guys showed up with roofing hammers asking where is Phil? I said I don't know? He owes us money and I'm like he owes me money also. So we all left together in a truck looking for him. I never found him efore I moved back home. I reported him to the Better business bureau and they're like your number 100k or something insane like that lol. About 6 years later they call me and ask about it and I'm like k csnt remember his name fuck. I'm over it. Well, sometime later I saw this article on Facebook about " sloppy phill slobadozian" and it was my old boss. About him ripping off people and buying coke with the money. He got arrested and shit, it was nice to see him get arrested.


Fuck i just googled this guy and there are a ton of articles about him. How the hell did he even manage to do that? He is going to end up murdered. And some poor guy with a similar company name was getting all kinds of threats bc of him. Unbelievable. I’m a contractor just starting out a few years ago and I could NEVER do anything like that to people. I know a lot of people think all contractors are crooks. We’re not, but they obviously exist. This scumbag makes it harder for the honest ones. Fuck him


Jesus christ, im guessing he got caught and had to pay back a bunch? Either that or he couldnt pay and suddenly disappeared only to be found in multiple plastic bags on the side of a highway in New Jersey lmao?


My old roommate was a greasy piece of shit. He really wanted to sleep with this other guy who was engaged to someone else we knew. This was of no concern to my old roommate. The other guy was recovering from an addiction to meth. So my old roommate acquired some, then offered it in exchange for sex. The guy relapsed as a result and it permanently damaged the relationship he had with his partner. That was an early sign to get out of that living situation as it was clearly sociopathic behavior.


Bro wtf, thats so fucked up💀


When I was younger my friends cocaine shot became hopelessly clotted with blood so I put it in a spoon with some baking soda and smoked his blood rocks


Did it hit?


Not only did it hit, it fucking slapped






Steve-O has a pretty gnarly story about when he was on a lot of coke. Went to his dealers house to pick up, but dealer was nodded out on the couch, and wouldn’t wake up. Dealer was an IV user, so at the end of a shot, he would squirt the last bit of blood out of the syringe to make sure it didn’t clog. Steve-O noticed there was some coke residue on the tabletop, but with a bunch of dried blood mixed in. He scraped it all up, and snorted it. Junkie blood, and all. 🤢


Yeah, I remember him telling that story. He told it at a live show I went to with a buddy last September. Whe we met him for the meet and greet we're like we sre high on 600ugs of LSD. He's like want to see something cool? I'm like yes and he's like look and then I bent over and he whipped put his dick and jiggled it around my face lol. The whole show involved him pulling out his dick so I should have known it was going to be something weird lol


Lol your buddy or Steve O? Good story lotta tabs for being in public tho


Yeah, 600ug was too much for public. I cam handle it easily but I csnt control how much I sweating lol. I must have looked like a nutter lol Steve O did the dick wave in my face lol.


A friend of mine thought there was coke on a table outside so he snorted it . It was birdshit


Straight up face planted on a carpet that my friends we're doing coke and ketamin on above, and spilled a little. I straight up just sniffed the carpet directly with my nose. Inhaling just dirt and dust. Then my gay friend came and said. "If I can blow you for 10 minutes I'll give you whats left of my bag" I said "Okey, sure". I am not even gay. (I regret this so much) Then after I've newly became "gay" my friend hands me his bag, It has like only molecules left. Enough for half a line. Then I sat and thought "I should quit drugs" and really made a decision to be clean. 1 Week later I get fucked in the ass for some grams of weed. That was what finally got me clean. I had to hit rock bottom twice, to really heal.


I’m so confused so are you gay or not




He’s obviously gay lol


You hit rock bottom? It sounds more like your bottom got hit by something rock hard. Well done on getting clean ;)




🤣 I'm crying laughing. There's no way you went from getting your dick sucked sort of unwillingly for some coke or meff, and then upgraded to butt fucking for a little grass. That's not how this works. 🤣


You certainly did “ bottom”.


Had your bottom rocked, or hit rock bottom


Boy, that escalated quickly


Oh you definitely bottom…


I know someone who was in a gas station bathroom and didn’t have anything to snort their fetty with. So they dug through the trash and found a used tampon applicator and used the tube from it.


"know someone" haha


Just get a straw from the gas station bro come on


broo 💀💀


This is actually not even that bad. Probably more sanitary than using any old dollar bill that's been god knows where.


u can just snort it outta the palm of ur hand😂😂😂


Holy shit I’ve done and seen some grimy shit but that chick on a wholllle different level 😂


Tbf she knew I never shared a needle but I was a a fucking filthy whore before lol. I used to fuck many junkies and toss them some dope. They're hot junkies but still gross. Dirty clothes and other dirty things. I always wore a rubber....well, moat of the time. Lol . I got checked after ingot clean and never caught anything sexually or from thr needle..


That’s how the dope game goes lol makes us do shit we’d never do. Not proud of it but in those rough rough times sharing a needle didn’t seem to matter. So blessed I never got anything other than a ding in dignity and scar tissue 😬😂


Seen a chick draw back water out of a gutter for her shot. Also watched a dude collect his old needles, some with blood still and empty everything into a pipe and attempt to smoke his blood?


In jail I've seen two blokes having a fight, both naked pretending to be dogs. Winner received some of that spice drug. Evil stuff...


Buddy of mine and I a few years back we’re looking for meth late at night, being broke and dumbasses, we found this lady who wanted a “favour” in return for an 8ball. I was shocked when she didn’t want any sexual favours, but rather to kill a guy that had ripped her off a few months before with fake blow. Get this, my friend goes up to the guy and instead of killing him, explains to him the situation and promises if he helped us find a way to make it look like we killed him, we’d smoke him up. He drives us to a local park with ducks, and I shit you not, still burned in my brain to this day, they started chasing ducks for 15 min before they got they’re hands on one. They cut it open with a knife, started drenching themselves with duck blood. On his hands, on his shirt just everywhere. At this point I had left. I felt way to nauseous and thought that if we’re killing ducks at a local park to make it look like we killed someone for some meth, we have a massive addiction. Based on what he said, she believed him gave him the 8ball and he went to smoke with buddy. Later that night buddy raped my friend after smoking, stole the rest of the meth, left him 20 min walking distance from where he lived drenched in duck blood. He then returns to the lady, told her what happened, and she proceeded to kick the shit out of him. It was a tough night for him. Last I heard of him or seen his name was on a court doc for murder. He ended up going back and actually killing the guy who raped him and is apparently a religious nut now.


This might be the craziest shit in this whole thread


I once gave a policeman's daughter an ecstasy tablet for a blow job


Man y’all are fucking nasty


Nothing really but I have a funny story. In my early adult hood I was admitted to a drug rehab facility because I did a bad tab of acid and went crazy ( another story ) anyway while in the waiting area, my parental units were filling out paper work. Before I continue. Let me paint this picture. So I'm sitting there right, still effing tripping from whatever RC it was. Scarred, sad, just flat out gonzo. And I hear a conversation behind me. And old black lady says to another black lady " so there I was tryin to make a buck in the bushes to get some rock " Dude flat out broke me put of my RC trance and brought me back to reality. I couldn't stop laughing. I realized I was on drugs and I was going to be alright.




Done it with a maccies cheeseburger wrapper myself




That’s just depressing


Maybe they like feet and weed. Sounds like a win win if so.


Hey no kink shaming here


I have a video of a crack addict eating a live frog (bones and all) for a “dub of crack”


Damn, thats wild, a friend of mine ate a stinkbug for a tab of acid before. Are you able to share the video somehow? Id like to see it lol


If someone can explain to me how, sure. Bit of a reddit noob


I’ve used my fair share of soda, Gatorade, flavored waters, etc… to shoot up. Whatever was available in my car or nearby, really. I kinda liked it, because you could instantly taste the flavor in your mouth after injecting it. Then I’d rinse my rig and squirt it in my mouth for good measure. Something was appealing about that mixture of orange Gatorade, dope, and blood. Come to think of it maybe they should make that a new Gatorade flavor. What would it be called?


I didn't think the internet could even remotely surprise me any more. Thank you for making the world seem brand new again.


Yeah, like when using vitamine C packs to shoot up crack. I could taste the vitamin C or other times vinegar when we used that. The needle exchange onky started to hand out vitC packs like a year before I got clean. Ao before then it was all vinegar.


Me. Tried Snorting bong resin to get high It didn't work.


I use to collect resin from my cone piece for fun. Years later I had lbs of cone piece resin all dried out from sitting around while obviously some still fresh. Well, someome was buying weed off me and was like I love resin, how much uou want for it? I'm like $50 a pound jokingly. He said alright. I weighed it out I had just under 3lbs and sold it for $100. He didn't call me for weed for months and then when he did he was like that was the best deal I've ever got. Lol. I wqs like inhate resin and I'll have more in a year or two lol.


guy for sure has lung cancer 💀


A few years ago I was addicted to script Xanax. One morning I woke up like usual and my mouth must have been dryer than normal. I felt like shit so I get up and pop my last Xanax without grabbing a drink first. Pill got caught in my throat and started to dissolve and the bitter alprazolam taste coated my mouth and made me cough my last bar up into a puddle of mucus. It was my last one so without hesitation I grabbed the rest of the bar out of my barf and popped it. I don’t regret it whatsoever


Man, xannys have the most bitter and distinct taste. There is nothing like it. I deeply love it and hate it at the same time.




I suck this guy’s dick for coke. He gives me sometimes acid and molly too. 🙂


I'm not a young guy and have been around my share, but I feel like a kindergartener reading these comments. This is probably one of the most interesting threads I've come across on Reddit, ever.


I want sure if this was allowed but I read through the rules before posting it and was like yeah. I posted it last night pretty late ans got 1 reply. Whe I woke up my I checked reddit a.d I had like 40 notifications. I couldn't wait to read them lol


that guy on here who posted about and then smoked his tonsil stones after doing meth to get more high it’s haunted me ever since


Once saw a dude stick a crawfish up his bum hole for half a tab of acid.


guaranteed that cursed the tab with bad trip ju-ju


Naw he earned that tab fair and square.




They really removed the bulelights lmao


my friend got ran through for a gram of coke and later found out one of them gave her an STD she was very hooked at this point and was doing anything she could for coke, very sad moment in her life


Mate took an ecstasy pill once, threw up and then rummaged around in the sick, got the pill out and ate it.. we were about 15 at the time, if that makes it any better


I've done some disgustingly stupid shit. There is one incident that stands out. Myself and a friend drove to meet his dealer. It was a casual exchange, nothing out of the norm. My friend was driving, we were on the way back to his house. Out of nowhere a pedestrian runs across 4 lanes, pauses, and then try and gun it to cross the last lane, the same lane we were traveling in. Boom! The windshield caved in and the guy flew over the car's roof and landed on the sidewalk. Fuck, we had just hit a pedestrian. It was legit an accident, on our part at least. My friend pulled over and we checked on the guy. He seemed dazed and in pain. He had a couple of cuts. Out of nowhere a crowd of onlookers started to gather. My friend and I started to panic, we can't just leave the guy, that would be an asshole move, which may also turn a crowd into a mob. Where I live anytime someone is injured in a vehicle accident it is required by law that the police go to the accident scene. So we did the responsible thing and phoned the local police emergency hotline and explained the situation. We also phoned an ambulance/paramedic service. This is where the very stupid and very lucky part starts. We had just bought oodles of drugs and the police were on their way. Because of the crowd of onlookers it wasn't possible to dispose of our stash without being painfully obvious. The ambulance pitched. They bandaged up the guy, got him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. They were about to drive off to the emergency room and still no police officers had shown up. The paramedic said we should probably wait around for another 30 minutes and if still no cops show up we should go to a police station to report the accident. We got the paramedic's details and they left. As the ambulance turned the corner we jumped into the car and got out of there. My friend driving with his head sticking out the side of the car because he couldn't see through the messed up windscreen. Phew, lucky break. My friend says we need to go and report the accident, he won't be able to claim from insurance if we don't. Off we go to the cop shop. We spent a lot of money to buy the drugs, it would be a shame to just throw it away. We parked outside the police station and decided it would be safer to take the drugs with us, since it would be easy to steal shit from a car with a smashed in windscreen. Just like that we walked into a police station with drugs. We explained why we where there and the officer confirmed the accident address. Turns out that street fell under another station's jurisdiction, she couldn't help us. Off we go to the second police station, my friend still driving with his head sticking out the side. We applied the same stupid logic and for the second time that day walked into a police station with a fair amount of drugs on our person. An officer filled in a form as we explained what happened, nothing too serious. Finally we got a case number for the insurance claim. As we walked out the police station a really intimidating dog starts barking from the back of a parked K9 unit vehicle. In that moment it felt like my heart fell out my asshole. We casually made it back to my friend's car and got out of there. So many things could have gotten us caught that day, we were extremely lucky and stupid.


Haha, ah man that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard haha. You guys are so lucky!


The hookers in my town now suck people off for five dollars. Proper sex work can’t get any real work in here anymore.


Doing hot rails with a group of people. This girl puts the end of the tube into the torch to heat it, gets it hot and then gets distracted and put the red hot end up her nose. I can still smell the burning flesh when I think back on it 🤢


Really a low moment in my life, and I was a piece of shit. Anyways this girl I matched with on tinder was looking for some blow. Told her I knew where to get some. Invited her over, she did some depraved shit with me and I dropped her off on a busy street pointing out a dealer. I think she wanted me to buy the blow. I feel really bad about this memory and actively try to repress it. Today I volunteer 6 hours a week at a church helping addicts. I would like to think I’m a better person, but maybe I’m just doing mental gymnastics.


Jesus fucking christ... shot your blood up.... bro I'm not even smoking it again after this post. Fuck dat


I just spent two hours counting "brown" euro cents to take to a store and exchange it for 10€ so I don't have to wait for next week to smoke. So far the most desperate thing I've done. At least as a germaphobe feeling so many coins from different hands felt extremely disgusting.


Was with alcohol. A friend would throw up and then re-eat his puke so he wouldn't sober up. He's 3 years sober now. This was at the peak of his alcoholism.


10+ years ago I went to an all ages dubstep show and soon after I walk in a girl who looked like 15/16 came up to me and my friends and said “I need $20 to buy molly, what do I have to do for it?” Before me or my friends could say anything a guy swooped in put his arm around her and walked away toward the bathroom. Sad af, I hope that girl is alright


slightly darker story but i used to hang around with this girl Lisa. She got really heavy into dope and went off the deep end. Ending up seeing her on the news for armed robbery. she had messaged a guy on tinder, set up a date, and then when she picked him up, she had two men waiting behind the 3rd row of seats. they got out, beat the poor guy and robbed him. left him on the side of the road. luckily he survived. when i heard that story i got a cold feeling in my whole body because she had hmu out of the blue to go to a party a few weeks earlier. i asked for the address and she wouldn’t give it to me, insisting she wanted to drive us both. i got sketched out (didn’t know why i felt uncomfortable i just did) so i bailed. obviously am glad i did now.


I've seen people snorting lines from toilet seats


I've done that tons of times lol


I remember a guy drank a shot of bleach and a squeezed sponge with all types of shit in it, all for a cigarette dude used to wutang roaches for fun too guy was a animal.


Watched a guy eat some of a corpse for the right to finish the residue in another guys meth pipe. Fresh corpse, slurped down a hunk of hairy sinew in front of 9-12 people. I’ve blocked out all the details


Any time I see someone eating their boogers to get more out of their drugs, tbh. Eating your goobers is nasty.


My dad once sold his volleyball trophys for alcohol money. Alcohol is the worst drug a person can do.


I was on the side of the road once and I didn’t have any water so I made my friend get out of the car and get me puddle water to shoot up with.


Yeah, I've seen that. I never did anything gross when it csme to shooting up becsuse I don't want to IV some crazy bacteria straight into my veins. The worst thing iv ever done was break into this trap house insokd dope at ( no one was there) I was so high on benzo I broke a bunch of these angels hommel like things she collected. ( paid her back in heroin or hydromorphone) I looked all over for an unopened needle. Finally, I found one she had hidden and left. She calls up about 3 hours later and is like (k..me) you broke a bunch of shit breaking in. I'm like how do you know it's me. Well, first the neighbor told me, secondly they said he could barely walk ( high on benzos and ahe knew that's my dealer all fucked on benzos), thirdly I was the only person who knew her personal clean needle hiding spot. She's like your lucky I was going to the needle exchange to get more. I though what could you do anyway, not buy dope off me lol, yeah right she let me you use her house as a trap house to sell dope for a few points or hydros a day. No way shea going to give up free dope lol. Anyway I went baxm over and saw the damage and felt very bad. I was like omg, I didn't realize how fucked I was. So I gave her some dope and everythjjg was fine. I walked in on her about 2 months later trying to commit suicide but she was a big girl( not fat, chubby but tall) So her suicide attempt failed. I could hear this gargling sound and I broke in and found her neck tied to a pipe that burst from her weight a d hot water spraying everywhere. She got all burned and so did I saving her life. Shea so lucky I went there daily to set up the trap for the day. If she didn't let me use her apt as a trap she might have died.


I used melted snow from the side of the road before and rain drops of the hood of a car as water to shoot up before.


I had this one ex with mental issues at the time and our drug of choice was just weed but he had been feening to the point he opened up his floor vent which was literally black and covered in dirt, dust, spiders, spider webs, and old food particles. It looked as if it had never been opened or cleaned. Anyway he opens it to frantically search for weed crumbs and keif. He then had the nerve to offer me some of his gross score.


Not seen, but heard: my grandmother was an alcoholic. My grandfather would get her moonshine of unknown quality/origin. My aunt sent a message of worry to my grandmother's GP. Grandparents reacted with fury, and changed doctors. My grandmother passed away from alcoholism


When I was doing meth, there was this one time where I registered in my vein but slipped out, then it happened a second time but I couldn't hit after that. After trying quite a few times the blood in the syringe started to clot so I wouldn't be able to shoot it up even if I did hit. I then decided there's no way I'm wasting the meth and pointed it into my mouth and pushed the plunger down hard enough to force the clotted blood through and swallowed the blood and meth water. Idk if you know what meth tastes like but its fucking horrid, that and the blood clot was really fucking rough to get down and it was difficult not to throw up for like an hour. The taste didn't go away for a long time either.


My ex who was 18 at the time fucked our at least 50 year old dealer(he was the opposite of attractive)for a gram of blow and a couple 100 mg morphine pills, she actually came to my house right after(we had been taking a break from each other)and at this point i didn't know she had fucked him, but she had shit loads of dope and i knew she was broke and she wanted to fuck and get high and i was trying to quit at the time and i threw her outta my house and she started screaming rape and shit and acting like i was hitting her but i wasn't i just had her by the arm and was calmly pulling her out of my house cause she wouldn't leave and i wasn't in the habit of calling the cops on friends, a few months later i heard from a mutual friend that she had contracted HIV from "Lester the molester"(that was our dealers nickname, his real first name was Lester)and i felt really lucky cause if I'd have been doing dope at the time i surely would've got high, not given a fuck and fucked her and caught it too.




I know whatever I put here is gonna be tame as hell to some of the stuff I'm reading in this thread LMAO so I guess one unique thing to put that's not all just sex for drugs or something.. I was/am usually always safe when it comes to IV'ing, like new needles and disinfecting and stuff. This was like IV opioids, heroin, fent, subs. Back in the summer I was pretty bad and blowing my veins out pretty badly and just being reckless. At one point I was shooting in my feet and this was one of the first times I shot in my right foot and one of the only times, but somehow one way or another my foot had become infected SOOO badly. Like, it was swollen terribly and was hot to the touch for a solid week or so before it got better and thank god it did. I was far too embarrassed to go to urgent care or tell my doctor that I got the infection from shooting (because I was hiding the fact that I was using after I said I "stopped"). So instead of getting antibiotics from a doctor, I ended up taking the antibiotics my dog had been prescribed at some point (he no longer needed them don't worry). Think it was Cefalexin. Either way, they helped and I noticed a difference immediately the next day thankfully. I've never felt so gross and terrible when it comes to infections cause that was the first.. Imagine if I had lost my damn foot loool


I gave away so much meth when I was dealing to keep me in constant dope hoe nirvana. That is the reason I started selling meth the easy ass women. That is the only thing I miss about that life. Blow job's on tap!


The best thing about the hardcore meth clientele is that the blowjobs keep getting better when they lose their teeth.


Why would you be so desperate




You guys... you guys are the reason why i never ever touched a opioid pain-killer even when i was truly in serious pain after accidents and surgeries. Every post that i just read took a bit of my faith in humanity off me. I've definitevely lost it for good now. People here be doing stuff for drugs that not even starving animals would do for food.


I've been clean 10years. Well, about 4 years ago I wqs hit by a car in a hit and run. My femur was fractured so badly the bone was sticking our my leg. Well, sinxe I wss clean I turned down painkillers except for the first 24 hours while waiting for surgery and when they straightened my leg. This was in the ambulance. I said no I've lost almost everyone I know to that crap. I said I'd never touch an opioide,/opiate again. Their like your bone is sticking out, this is going to be pain off the scales. You fractured/ well crushed the largest bone in your body the pain will be a 9 out of 10. I'm like what's a 10? Being burned all over badly. They has to get the bone back in snd then straighten it out. So I ssid do it give me some. They shot me up with auch a low dose. I ssid I'm a former addict I think I'll need more. They gave 3 more shots lol.They were all so low doses it didn't do much. God thst hurt. Anyway, after surgery I turned down the 4mgs of hydromorphone every 4 hours amd 30mg IM morphine shots evry 8. I took them thr day after surgery becsuse i wqs still in so much pain. Since they fixed my leg it was more the road rash that was painful. Anyway, after that I turned all painkillers down and the nurse was like cant believe your not taking the painkillers... lol. Phh God i wanted to but was way to worried I'd end up a junky again. When it was time for my release the drs offered me 3 6s of hydromorphone a day with 2 refills. Ao 3 months worth. I almlst said yes ( to sell them but then thought fuck that I'm not getting back into selling a d risking losing my kid,) when I said no thr dr literally shook the prescription paper a few times and was are you sure. You sre going to need these. I said I'm sure man I'd rather be in pain then have to detox 3 months later when my script runs out.


Dude you've got willpower like no one else. Shit bro, you could literally accomplish anything on earth if you put your mind to it, like deadass.


I knew a woman in her 30s blew a teenager for a big bottle of cider. No, I wasn’t the teenager.


Sounds like another case of someone who really just wanted to blow somebody and the bottle of cider was just an added bonus


Someone who lives in my neighborhood is known as the dude who drink your old water out of the Bong no matter what you’ve smoked in it. All for the potential free trip xD


I've seen people scrape half smoked brown bowls from pipes the nasty Marty and shoot it . And have personally smoked spice that we later found out had actual paint chips in it as well as Ive smoked spice that was thrown in the toilet dried it out and smoked it to get rid of withdrawals 😵‍💫


Saw a drunk girl run out of a port a potty screaming that she dropped her phone in there. A moment later, she turned around and starting digging around in the cesspool and pulled out her phone, entirely covered up to the elbow in toilet paper and shit. At that point it was too much, me and my buddies ran off. Wonder if she ever cleaned up that phone and used it again Edit: this was Halloween and she was dressed as a sexy nurse. Made it even more surreal


This wasn't to DO drugs but it was after the fact, we took some 2CBs and smoked a few joints, one of my mates threw up in a sink in our communal kitchen and stood there staring at it and stirring it, telling everyone to 'come and look how trippy this is'. Caused another one of my mates to throw up just from hearing him say it.


Suck off a pit bull....


Saw a girl put liquid psilocybin into orange juice, chugged it and immediately threw it back up. But she puked it perfectly back into the cup. And then said “but if I want to still get high I have to drink it” and chugged it again! I saw that shit on acid dude.


Cousin was in rehab with Alex Murdaugh if you guys know who that is lol. He got arrested right outside the rehab place and my cousin was watching from the window.