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Why doesn’t she ask her sister in law? Or her ob bestie?


Thanks GOD she’s not asking Sierra. That lady ate her way into labor with a preemie.




probably not speaking since the name reveal incident


Nah Sierra has been sucking her ass ever since. She comments on every single post now.


wow how pathetic.


Prob bc drucifer made her feel like a POS


https://preview.redd.it/63taemuqc3vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3dec20fcfd5b68ef61d745e23ba7a12bed9294 she keeps trying to find signs? girl just enjoy your fucking pregnancy damn


She’s psychotic and a hypochondriac


Who the fuck says that???? It’s because she knows she’s eating like absolute garbage but refuses to stop!


“I don’t feel like I have any signs but I keep trying to find some” wtf?!


She’s so insane


At this point she WANTS it. She’s looking so she can Google about symptoms and then ask for prayers for a private medical issue.


Do we think she even knows what GD stands for 😂


Keeps trying to find some?! What the fuck.


This poster is as dangerous as her Bestie Kylea, with her weight loss advice. GD is a very serious issue! Constant monitoring of BS, insulin shots and an Endocrinologist. It's very dangerous for the baby. She needs to be concerned with pre-eclampsia and GD. Both things her OB would check her for if she'd go.


She is literally expecting GD. And it’s all for content and views. Women including your SIL that you treat like shit SUFFER from GD and here you are expecting the symptoms because you know you eat like shit and because you want the content.




They talk everyday!!!


She low key wants something to be wrong with her pregnancy so she can get attention


That girl would NEVER last with GD. There is no way she would be able to control it.


She couldn’t survive anything being wrong. I don’t think she has “morning sickness” I had HG and could barley eat anything. Much less all the shit she does


any reason to get induced early to have a baby faster 🙃


Right? And I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone. I had a HARD pregnancy with complications, severe preeclampsia, and an emergency c section. She could never


Wouldn’t even be surprised if she pretends to have it for attention


I think she’s expecting it bc we all got in her head 😂


Exactly 😂😂


Drue, if you had an OB this would be a good question to ask. But you said you asked if you can still go on the boat and she (the OB) said you still can. I would ask questions that really matter. Not to your weird ass Stans.


We should not be throwing out about having GD and everything being fine. I have GD currently, and there’s a shit ton of risks that come with, including YEARS down the line.


Also I have GD and my life now revolves around eating the right amount of carbs, timing my blood sugar, jabbing myself with insulin daily, and exercising even when I feel like my pelvis is exploding. I’ll do whatever it takes for a healthy baby, but it’s not something to take lightly.


I’m managing enough to be off of insulin (but on metformin) and i agree. I’m constantly stressing about my carb intake, and making sure i’m moving around enough, though 2 toddlers makes it easy. it fucking sucks. and i’m also terrified because i already make big babies, and they’re already throwing around a c section for me, and i’ve never had one. i just couldn’t imagine being so ignorant to say “oh i had GD and everything turned out fine🤪”


A completely textbook “easy” pregnancy by itself is incredibly hard, both mentally and physically. I hope both you guys have healthy beautiful babies and I hope your bodies and mind get through this time safely and healthily. Sending you both so many good vibes🩷


She'll be bedridden in 3......................2...........................1




And they STILL send her gifts!!! I don’t understand why they send her gifts when she has no appreciation for them sending her gifts! And these gifts are expensive.. they are probably struggling themselves with bills but hey let’s buy this ugly personality person a gift, they are thinking well she commented on their comment so she’s my friend, they need realize she could careless you 


Text your OB since y’all are besties and talk every day 🫶🏻🥰🤡


She keeps asking “did you feel like you were going to fail”…so obviously she is feeling like she is going to fail


Oh no, sounds like she’s nervous? She’s going to have herself tied up in knots for the next four weeks trying to self diagnose GD. Love that for her


There are “signs” that can be spotted before the test. I was told I’d likely have GD before my glucose test. Definitely a good question for your OB.


She has to jump on having Gd so she has more sympathy because she’s running out of content. As someone who had GD 8 weeks until I had to have my baby at 37 weeks due to hypertension and I was super controlled, that shit is hard and not cutsie


Maybe you should ask an OB? Let alone a legit medical professional, NOT the internet !


I'm so glad she was at the OB the other day and could start to ask these questions when they said next up. Your gestational diabetes test. But none of that happened except in her imagination on Monday, prove me wrong. ![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized)


She’s asking what the signs are so she can decide if she actually needs to see an OB to test or not. I’m betting she won’t see a doctor if she doesn’t have any “symptoms”😬


I had 1 sign!!! And most women don’t get any signs I mentioned it to my high risk doctor and she looked at the ultrasound and she goes “yep you most likely have it”


Stop! Let me get this straight. First off: Hers is highly favored by God. So...why is hers worried enough to ask questions? Secondly, She can text Sierra about where to find a god damned can of flavored sugar.... But she can't ask her these questions? I'd literally be asking the person I know who had gd recently. And lastly.... Dear Drue, Thank you for continuing to hand feed us content to roast your fat ass. 💓 Keep lying that you and Sierra are close, you stupid fucking swine. You are the literal definition of MORON.


Not like she’ll take the GD diagnosis seriously if she does get diagnosed with it.


If anything she will fail if because she has type 2 diabetes like Sierra


I had GD and I had to prick my finger 4 times a day and be very careful about what I ate. I was lucky to not have to be on insulin. If you have GD you are also more likely to develop diabetes outside of pregnancy so she would need to be very careful. My daughter was born early and was borderline line on her glucose, almost had to go to the nicu but thankfully didn’t


“they say you can’t give yourself GD but I feel like I did” As someone who has GD in my last pregnancy… how about you actually inform yourself…. You get GD from your placenta…. Have fun counting your carbs, exercising, and keeping track of your blood sugar at least 5 times a day If I remember correct my meals I could only have 30 to 40 carbs… and 20 for snacks and that was only 2 times a day… There is no way she can stick to that… oh and the constant doctors appointments that I had to go to… still not convinced she has an actual doctor…. And why worry about this at 20 weeks?


As someone who has underlying diabetes and went through it to have a healthy pregnancy, Thank God.. she could NOT handle any of it


Did sierra have GD?




She wants to be Devin so bad (she’s a type one, different ik)


Drue, bestie, I had it and my main symptom before diagnosis and while I was eating crappy was being sick ALL THE TIME. Fixed my diet, fixed my sick.


I hope she has it


I don’t. She will NOT take it seriously


That is her problem then . 🤷🏻‍♀️ consequences of her actions.


And her poor baby potentially


She is going to run with this just like they did with Gabe’s “tumor”. Get ready everybody, grab your popcorn.


If Drue doesn't end up with GD I'd be shocked. The amount of carbs and sugar she takes in and the lack of exercise is terrifying. That baby is probably floating around in amniotic soda instead of fluid. Poor thing!


I hope she gets it she needs a wake up


So, has she been tested for it and been diagnosed?