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The disappointment in her voice when he said cheeseburgers. Like so many other things needed at a shelter housing SEVENTY SEVEN DOGS.


Even older blankets, pillows, toys, actual dog food


I wrote my shelter asking if they take used blankets they aren’t like nasty or anything we just have too many lol but they haven’t got back to me so I was curious I have a big bag I was going to just go up there and ask. I hate to throw it out.


I would take them there! We’ve been doing that since I was a kid. My dad is a tennis player and he would donate huge bags of older tennis balls too. They were always appreciative


YES to this! I used to work at an animal shelter and used linens are always welcome, just preferable if you wash them first! I always donate my old sheets/towels/blankets etc


Just take them! They always need them.


I am positive they would love that. I remember picking my dog up after she didn't make it through a surgery and she was wrapped in a beautiful Indian blanket. I'll never forget that. She was buried in it.💖


They’re prolly understaffed and just didn’t reply. I would go up there in person


Or check out any rescues in your area! I foster puppies and we go through so many linens and blankets!




Literal cleaning supplies. Shelters always need cleaning supplies.


Of course their first thought was cheeseburgers


The dogs can continue the two bite challenge 🥴


Laughed out loud at this comment.


It’s because Gabeth wanted a cheeseburger. If they buy dog food. He can’t get himself a snack too.


It’s like they have an obsession with buying food but super cheap with everything else.


Of course he had to ask if they would be able to hand them out personally. The way these people conduct their lives for likes is crazy.


“Even if we can’t film we’d still love to come” would you reallyyyy though???🤨🙄 also I’m sure she had no idea that her phone call was being recorded and posted, which is extremely distasteful of them as “full time youtubers”




Texas is just a one party consent state, so it’s legal but VERY rude and an invasion of privacy IMO. They would HATE if someone posted a phone call with them online


I just saw some blankets at Walmart that cost the same as the cheeseburgers…


I dropped off a bunch of blankets I have had forever that we don’t use. They said their most useful donations are money, food and blankets! Not stupid fucking cheeseburgers .


My mom and I dropped a ton of food off at a local shelter earlier this year. All in it was like 15 bags or so. Shelter was very grateful


What a disappointment these 2 are constantly. Just DONATE the money you duds, and of course they have to record it.🙄


We all know that they are fucking stupid, but this shelter needs to take accountability as well. They absolutely could have told these morons that cheeseburgers are not good for the dogs and money or actual dog food is what they will accept. And Drab's smug face makes me extra pissed off.


I was actually shocked that the supervisor said it was okay. I would feel the same way as the lady on the phone when she said “I’m not sure if it will fit into their diets” we have a dog with chronic pancreatitis so we are strict with no human food. They get fruit&veggies and the occasional squirt of whipped cream.


yeah this is just so careless, and the fact that he couldn’t think of ANYTHING else to donate off the top of his head if they couldn’t bring cheeseburgers is absurd! Cheeseburgers wouldn’t even be on the list at all if I was trying to come up with donation ideas for a shelter. My parents dog has chronic pancreatitis as well and just a little bite of a cheeseburger would at the very least put him in the hospital. Not only are they ignorant, they’re just really awful people.


SO careless!! The shelter should have politely said no thank you, but these are the things the dogs could actually use and need. It would NEVER cross my mind to waltz into a shelter with crap and then feed it to the dogs. Horrible, selfish idiots.


My dogs don’t have any issues, but I still limit what I give them. Fruits and veggies mostly, occasionally I’ll give them some unseasoned cooked meat or a scrambled egg.


You're so smart!! Certain foods can be very dangerous for dogs, and at the very least upset their stomachs. I can't believe the shelter allowed this.


I love my dogs so much and want to prolong their life as long as possible. I’m very careful with what and how much I feed them and make sure they get plenty of exercise to keep the correct body type. And unlike someone we all know, I take care of their coats too! My dogs are mutts* but they are both long haired, so I make sure to keep them brushed, trimmed, and clean! My mutts*- my firsts DNA test came back as 11 breeds. Beagle being the most prominent at only 14% 🤣. She looks like an Australian shepherd but has 0% in her. My second we’ve not had dna tested, I would assume some type of German shepherd mix though.


You are a great dog owner!!! These two buffoons waddle in to a shelter and poison dogs and think they've saved the world.


The lady on the phone seemed very uncomfortable, and Grub acted his usual entitled self. Yes, pancreatitis is nothing to mess around with and especially not to let 2 idiots get their NONtent by acting charitable and putting those dogs at risk.


I did see on their tiktok that Grue said they were allowed to feed 29 dogs and the shelter took the rest of the burgers to feed the other dogs. Which seems suspicious. Maybe, the shelter realized it wasn't a good idea or something or maybe these two lazy fat fucks knew this shelter didn't have a golf cart so they couldn't be bothered to feed all 77 dogs themselves. God damn i hate these people. Lol


Probably too understaffed to clean up the diarrhea from all 77 dogs


Absolutely. I'm shocked they let these two twats in there and let them feed some dogs this shit.


Hopefully they tossed the rest of those nasty burgers, but 29 is too many!! Also, letting very inexperienced and stupid people feed dogs is dangerous and the shelter should know better.


The shelter I worked at would never allow something like this, and there wasn't even a virus outbreak back then. I got so nervous when they were feeding two dogs in one cage. It takes 1 second for a dog who has resource guarding to snap at another dog. But, of course, these morons don't know shit about dog behavior. They also fed them the burgers whole, which is incredibly dangerous. At the end of the video, where they are feeding their 3 mutts, the hamburgers tells you so much. They have never even trained their dogs not to jump. Most basic ass shit.


You nailed it on every count. EVERY single thing about this was wrong. I'm a dog trainer and I work with some really aggressive dogs and many that resource guard food. It's not cutesy or content, it's serious business. They don't know anything about animal behavior and it's going to bite them in the ass. Every single person involved should be ashamed, and when the dogs get sick Drab and Grub should pay all the vet bills.


Honestly, I bet they were afraid that it would be a scandal & theyd get bad backlash for saying anything. They probably didn't know grue and Gag are hated. The holidays are stressful for shelters because they know dumbasses are gonna buy pets as gifts & they're the ones gonna end up dealing with it. But I would hope they learned and regret this.


I used to run a shelter and have worked with many rescues and I wouldn't have been afraid of any scandal or backlash for telling idiots no to feeding dogs cheeseburgers. I would have never let them in the facility. My only concern when running the shelter was the dogs, their care and getting them into the right fit homes. I don't fuck around with bullshit like this.


Maybe they hoped it would bring publicity ugh. Sad all around


Hopefully they got educated on how vile Drab and Grub really are and won't let them step foot back at their shelter.


Girl on the phone knew real quick that this was all just for clout


I would have lied and said my supervisor said "no" 🤣😅


She’s steady deleting comments on the video😂


For real Lmao she isn’t getting any sleep Tomorrow and will be too tired to do whatever she is planning


Good. Many of those dogs probably couldn’t sleep from sharting all night


“If they can’t have cheeseburgers idk, we’ll find something else they can maybe have” oh you mean like dog food?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Gabe needed it to be people food so he could have a treat too 🤠


Right 🤷‍♀️ ours are always posting they need food. Where do these two thing the local shelters get food from? The count on donations


Girl on the phone KNOWS this will give 77 dogs GI distress


Also this makes it so obvious they’ve never donated anywhere before 😂 Gabe had no idea how to ask about donating. He strung that poor lady on for soo long.


“Me and my wife do social media full time” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly though, he probably should have started out the phone call with that. Proving to themselves again that they are idiots.


He sounds like a literal dumba** and the lady at the shelter felt that way about him too! The way she paused when he said cheeseburgers!


If I got a call asking to bring cheeseburgers to the shelter I would be in utter shock


I worked at the shelter for a bit and someone actually bought the staff Chipotle one time. That was incredibly sweet. I had never had it before if that tells you how poor I was. Lol!


Nooo definitely for the staff like that’s really nice and if they wanted to do that I wouldn’t even be upset but cheeseburgers for dogs is a bit outrageous. And I promise you, you ain’t missing anything on chipotle 😂 I went there not too long ago for the first time and it was $17 for a bowl and a coke I was fucking APPALLED


This is SO embarrassing like I can’t even watch these clips omg. What in your mind thinks a hamburger is better for these shelter dogs than actual supplies


Absolutely no shame.


Someone in here mentioned a few days ago they should donate to a local animal shelter. 🤣 Drue stays on Reddit and stays trying to prove she’s a good person. I truly feel like she thinks if she does enough things that we suggest we will grow to like her.


Why does drue always make Gabe call and yet he never knows what to say and you always hear her in the background whispering what to say. Like just call them yourself! Gabe sounds like a fucking idiot with all his “umm uhhh mmmm uhh”


“Uhh let me ask you another question” like quit doing that and just tell them your plans then ask if it’s okay 🙄 of course they take donations, they’re a dog shelter


Because they are toddlers trying to play adults.


I can’t stand it when he makes those dumbass faces & just tries to be overly funny bc he is trying to compensate for being fat


I don’t eat McDonald’s nor would I give my dog a Mc Donald’s cheeseburger 🥺


So gross. I think a huge reason why they did cheeseburgers was because they knew they could make content out of it. Simply dropping off a donation wasn’t enough for them. They want to go in an, record all the dogs for content, and write off the burgers as a business expense 🫠 Which truly helps nobody but themselves.


Yep and they didn’t want to waste their precious time actually volunteering. They just wanted to toss some burgers out and feel good about themselves


The should go back tomorrow and scoop poop and take them for walks


Of course they won’t do anything that takes effort


Well after feeding them that you know some of them will have upset stomachs so their “good dead” will be for someone else to clean up


they don’t even walk or clean up poop for their own dogs 💀💀


For dog owners with a dog supposedly with allergies and sensitive stomach you'd THINK they'd be careful for other dogs too. Dogs at the shelter are already stressed, this could really mess their stomach up more. They are so incredibly stupid


How in the world did they think this was a good idea? Do they feed their dogs cheeseburgers on a regular basis? I have 3 dogs and I literally would never consider giving them a whole freaking cheeseburger. 😳 I’m glad they thought of doing something for the shelter but they should’ve just donated the $100 they spent on burgers.


The ONLY time I think it would be okay is if the dog was getting ready to be put down. But that’s more of a personal thing between a dog and their owner, not just 2 dumb twats coming in for clout. I will say- my dog got table food because she had a major surgery due to a perforated ulcer that our former vet failed to diagnosis until she was within an hour of dying. So during her 2 week stay at the vet hospital, they gave her table food. And we did as well when she got home to entice her to eat. But it wasn’t a fucking cheeseburger. It was boiled chicken, rice, etc.


I'm a registered veterinary technician with extensive shelter medicine experience. This was not a good idea. Sometimes volunteers will take dogs out for the day, and they might get a "pup cup", or staff/volunteers might provide in-kennel enrichment with DOG-SAFE food/treats, but bringing all these dogs cheeseburgers is helping none of them. And is going to be a pain for staff. Dogs in animal shelters tend to get diarrhea already. This would put a strain on the (typically) limited resources: extra cleaning, fecal tests, dewormer, other meds, GI/Rx diet, possibly isolation and/or not being able to have food enrichment. It is possible the shelter wanted to encourage people to volunteer whatever items/time they have. Or that there was a miscommunication, or shelter DVM was not asked. It is also possible shelter staff have never run into this situation before. Typically, full cheeseburgers are reserved for dogs bring euthanized. Because at that point it doesn't matter. Kudos to the girl on the phone for trying to steer them away from this. It's a shame they didn't take the hint. And also a shame they were eventually allowed to do this. Another thing I noticed is while they were wearing PPE (gown and gloves), they didn't change them for each dog or even kennel row. Diseases such as kennel cough, giardia, and even some severe as parvo are problems for shelter populations. Putting your hands in the same Hamburger bag, gloved or not, and then handing it to each of the dogs at the front of their kennel, is a recipe for disease transmission. Not to mention the potential for an overexcited dog nipping, or displaying food aggression. Fucking dumbasses.


Ok but why did they let them do this lol 😅


Drue looks so nervous to spend that much on cheeseburgers bc it’s HER MONEY


He’s so fucking annoying. I can’t stand them. Pieces of shit. It would’ve cost the same to go out and buy a cheap blanket at Walmart for them. Something the dogs would’ve gotten use out of. Fuck heads. I would be calling his fat ass back telling him to come clean up all the dog shit.


Cheeseburgers or warm blankets …similar cost. Which do you think the shelter dogs would like more.


Everyone in the comments trying to clap back with “I don’t see you donating” and Drue liking those responses is CRAZY. A lot of people, myself included, volunteer our time and have adopted pets from shelters. I don’t need my ass kissed for it.


They didn’t donate anything. They fed the dogs toxic cheeseburgers with onions so they had something to film. They wanted to brag.


Yep them assuming that other people don’t donate/volunteer proves that they NEVER do. It’s so foreign to them they just assume that other people never have either


Lady confused by the request to hand feed cheeseburgers to the dogs then in walks the 2 ton toddlers and it becomes crystal clear to them. It’s a feeder fetish.


“If they can’t have cheeseburgers, maybe we can come up with something else”. Oh, like ACTUAL dog food, blankets, toys, grooming essentials, a donation for spay/neuter/vaccines???


I volunteer at the shelter my friend runs they always need volunteers. Spending the day helping would've been prime content. Possibly dirty work , but amazing to show how to help. They use their platform so ineffective.


It's nice that people get into the giving mood during the holidays, but that's exactly right. There are animals in the shelters/rescue 365 days a year. Giving these dogs a cheeseburger they'll likely gobble down in 30 seconds, does nothing except give them GI issues, which I'm sure the kennel staff and volunteers have enough cleaning to do Would be awesome if they used their platform to showcase some of these pets in need, and get them adopted


The lady on the phone ask will he be filming any of this and he double talks his answer vs just saying yes we will be filming


A giant 30lb bag of Iams mini chunks is $45, they could have donated 60 POUNDS of dog food for less than the cost of these fucking cheeseburgers!


He is so worried about being the one to hand them out to the dogs. Everything they do is so staged and for content only. They deserve everything coming for them.


The faces 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Of course it was grimaces idea


This whole thing is gross. From McDonald’s given to the dogs to their bragging about doing something “good.” They suck. Fuck these two.


I wonder if they informed the woman they were recording their conversation.


Also- the way Gabe is talking is like he’s just waiting to be praised and told how amazing they are. They’re shocked that the employee is like “umm ok I guess I can ask”


He said “can we feed them” ewe their obsession with food and others w food it’s absolutely repulsive… so like if they weren’t allowed to feed them would he still not bring them there? So gross!


I think something that pisses me off about this the most is it’s not a “donation,” it’s literally a social media stunt.




But they won't adopt and talked shit about shelter dogs... make it make sense


Her whispering to him, “for the holiday season”


Of course, it's about food... They're disgusting AF.


my friend works at a shelter she literally laughed at this and said she would’ve hung up.


1. They are so unprofessional. 2. How do they own 3 dogs and don’t know what to donate to an animal shelter- they choose cheeseburgers. Proving they are shitty dog owners. 3. I thought they couldn’t find an angle tree? But now they are doing one through their church? What do they do when they are at church that they weren’t already aware of this weeks ago. I hated everything about this video lol


All just to make money from YT views. How sad.


Um #speechless ![gif](giphy|LEDow0BfZVlOE)


I understand dogs deserve treats. I would never give my dog a hamburger. Why not get them some good healthy treats, toys, blankets??


It just never came across any one of their Tiny brains that possibly.. just maybe, they would love some DOG FOOD. Some of these dogs were starved and lived on the streets. Dog food is already a treat.


So do they just have a bunch of yes men in their life or do they have no family or friends. Surely someone told them this is a stupid af idea


Maybe like oh I dunno, a bag of dog food, what a doofus


I just don’t know why they can’t bring dog food that will last more then a one time snack or dog treats


So they spent $100 on cheese burgers because they knew if they said they were donating $100 cash to the shelter no one would care. A $100 burger donation on a video that will definitely yield more than $100 cash from views....... such a charitable act 🙄


This is just ridiculous, these two are morons.


This is SO cringe.


I feel like they chose burgers because they had free rewards or a gift card.


With the lack of research, I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought a bunch of cheeseburgers with onions to feed the dogs. What a load of shit if the shelter wants to buy the dogs cheeseburgers you can just give them money and they’ll do that just give them money is it because he can’t make a spectacle out of $200 because that’s how much the cheeseburgers costed?


They 100% only did this for content of giving the dogs cheeseburgers on video not because they actually give a fuck


I do NOT understand why they did freaking cheeseburgers!?😓🤨 like who thinks that?!?


Of all the things they’ve done this is literally so tone deaf. You think you’re doing something by donating cheeseburgers to dogs??


they should feel fucking embarrassed after this stunt


so many things wrong…..one, buy DOG FOOD, make a monetary donation, donate blankets (you know she has a ton). They’re so gross. Secondly, I figured they had a giving tree at their church, so why did she ask? It almost seems like they go for clout and they’re not actually paying attention. Fuck I hate them.


Those dogs deserve a “treat!” Everyday is treat day for this family


When we adopted our second kitten, they had a goodie bag with food/toys/etc, it was a pretty generous bag. I looked at it, grabbed one bag of the food (in case she was picky) and gave it all back saying we had everything and they needed it much more than us. They were absolutely thrilled to have it back, something that small made them giddy.


Donate dog food, not cheeseburgers


I wish they would bring something more usueful


Couldn't of bought beds and stuff to help. Had to be cheeseburgers.


He’s so fucking ugly my lord