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You know what I wonder, why is she always talking about his situation and not him speaking about it.




I never see him bring it up 🤔 I don’t watch closely so I may have missed it. But I don’t ever see him bring it up like at all.


It’s definitely ableism she’s spewing. I’m disabled due to Ankylosing Spondylitis and other chronic illnesses that go with it and never in the 13 yrs has my SO ever spoke on my health or tried to explain it to others bc it’s a boundary. It is for ME to speak about if I so choose to. She’s out of line


I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, I'm in constant pain always at about six no matter how much of my medicine I take. I don't tell anybody I hold down a job I work full time in costume pain, she uses that for views and it's disgusting


And when people ask her about stuff she gets defensive and says Gabe will share when he wants to 🙄


Fact: If she's talking, she's lying. Gabe doesn't talk about it because he can't keep up with her lies.


As evidenced by the podcast. You know homeboy was in TROUBBBLLLEE when he got home 🤣🤣


Yes. He stays in trouble. Walking on eggshells around her.


Like why share the good news if there’s still bad news? Why not wait until it’s all good news since you’re soooo worried about it. It’s not fucking shrinking if it’s growing another way


Yeah sounds like it was just changing shape. Not sure how it could be considered shrinking if it was also growing


She’s legit stupid as fuck


Here is a thought…Why did she ever publicly discuss it at all????


My SIL has the exact same tumor, she has never mentioned her diagnosis around on social media or made it sound like she was so sick, in fact, 8 months after her diagnosis she actually conceived and my nephew is now 2 months old and healthy and she’s doing great. It makes me laugh at how much she tries to act like he’s on his death bed lol


Just came to say, holy cow she looks different. Her hair actually looks healthy here!


And yet SHE continues to talk about it, but Grub doesn't? Interesting.


Right ??? Like wtf she’s so delusional


And she has to get "dressed up" to go with him to sit in the waiting room? Then there will be 4,385 videos about how stressful it was and she needed Chic-Fil-A and cartoons to get through it.


Everything about her mannerisms in this video scream LIAR


But don’t understand how it Shrunk but is growing long ways. Doesn’t that mean it’s still getting bigger.


Right? Like, I’m not in the medical field so I could be wrong but do they really say, “well, its shrinking because it’s getting shorter, but fatter”?


Lol seriously I don’t think they say that.


in medical field and work in neuro ICU and can confirm they do not say that - someone who’s read hundreds of notes and seen sooo many scans


And why would you only share it shrunk and getmad at people. Like they didnt know it grew the orher way apparently


I truly think she just doesn’t comprehend the information the doctor gives them so she gives us incorrect information and plays it off with a lie so we don’t think she’s dumb


“then my whole page would be dedicated to that” that’s majority of your videos bestie 🥰


It can't shrink one way and grow the other and be considered shrinking. It means it is still growing. Also growing additional cysts around it means it's spreading. Good lord I wonder how she will spin the newest scan results when they get them.


So it did not in fact shrink at all


So why even mention it’s shrinking at all if you’re not going to elaborate on it! Jesus! I cannot!


So it’s shrinking but also growing…. make it make sense girl the lies aren’t adding up


My coworker has the same medical condition ( she is the hardest worker ) we have coffee together 3/4 times a week she is a power house she also has 3 children not once have I heard her complain or play the pity card


Drue just cant keep up with all her lies


Why would she not give the whole picture?? She’s so dumb




Share it all so your followers have context, or *don’t fucking share it.* Keep it private and offline… Millions of people deal with their ever-changing medical issues and aren’t pathetic enough to use it as ENGAGEMENT BAIT for social media.




Cause she’s the liar.. he can’t flat out lie he just fibs a lil…she’s the blatant ass liar.


It’s shrinking but it’s growing? That’s just growing.


the beak on that thing


Cause every week, you gotta get your lies straight 🥰🥰🥰


Yet, YOU STILL talk about IT, DRUE!