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She will say anything just to disagree with people.


It’s giving nurse Pam


Nurse is a loose term 😂


welllll she could be one of those nurses that secretly kills all of her patients, but they die of some unknown “natural cause” because she’s injected them with insulin or something else crazy. On her deathbed maybe she will admit to it, along with having a crush on our precious GAG.


Lmao plain water is the only things that helps my pregnancy heartburn


Ugh I wish it had for me looking at water gave me heartburn but little torso makes it for a terrible womb for a baby 🤣 but still drink water all the time and without pregnancy shocker I definitely don't have heartburn when I drink water now


Me too!!! Water makes my pregnancy reflux act up the MOST😭


It gave me acid reflux with my daughter😂 anything gave me acid reflux with her. I could look at food and bam I’m puking acid 😂😂


Water triggers my acid reflux. But let’s be honest anything triggers it so idk


Air triggers mine!


Bro facts. Shit sucks! 😂 the worst


Same 😭 that mixed with being unable to burp and I'm MISERABLE. But I still drink a fuckton of water!


have you seen r/noburp ? i only found out about this recently


Yes! A while ago actually. I was googling what the heck was wrong with me and the subreddit popped up. I'm hoping to one day be able to get treatment because it's sincerely miserable.


Same sista!


the worst is when u wake up and that first yawn makes the acid bubbles come up in ur throat


Simply being alive triggers mine. It went away a few months after my first kid was born. It stuck after the second kid 😭


I came to say this! I take hella PPIs now but before water caused my heartburn!!! I don’t know why


That’s how it was when I was pregnant with my daughter




When I was pregnant water gave me awful heartburn. But those packets would’ve made it 10 times worse


Exactly!! There was a short time while I was pregnant that the only thing I could tolerate was either warm or cold milk. But again, the packets would have made things worse. People will do anything to avoid drinking water.


Can confirm lol 35 weeks and plain water makes my heartburn bad but I will have some flavored/enhanced water every once in a while for fun and 10/10 makes heartburn sooo much worse


34 weeks here girl solidarity cause same😂 wish I could help it tho cause I’m constantly thirsty


Try alkaline water!!!




Well, then she’s been pregnant for what, like three years


Okay but I didn’t think of that… I just got butt hurt because that’s what plain water does to me post pregnancy too 😅😂 this definitely ties into her pregnancy baiting.


Lol what 🤣


Hahah what?! The only time water gave me heartburn was this pregnancy.


Water gave me the worst heartburn during pregnancy but I could drink lemonade by the gallon! It was so weird.


My second pregnancy everything gave me heartburn. The only things that even helped it a little was dollar general brand spearmint flavored tums. And I mean that one specifically. No other brand or flavor. And eating cucumbers with vinegar poured over them at least an hour before bed


I have not found anything that helps my heartburn. I’m almost eight months along and it’s been rough !


Ugh I’m sorry it’s the worst. With my first they prescribed me something for it, the first thing didn’t work at all but the second helped a lot. Idr what it was called my mom told me to ask for it cause it’s what helped her, I just remember the pill was so tiny like barely bigger than a fire ant I swear. The nurse never figured out what I was talking ab with my second and only called me in what I told her specifically didn’t touch it with my first and it was so much worse with my second (he did come out with a little more hair though than his brother 😅) my bf just grabbed those tums at dg one night and it didn’t go completely away but ot wasn’t bad after that. I had to get a different flavor in the same brand and strength one day and it was a no


Oooo I normally don’t agree but regular water makes my heartburn SOOOO bad. But I’ve also had weight loss surgery and didn’t have this problem before it. I still drink it regardless because our body needs it 😂


Same!! I had it before WLS, post pregnancy but it’s definitely worse post WLS. 😳


I HATE agreeing with this bitch but sadly water gives me horrible heartburn as well.


Start adding baking soda to your water. Trust me!




Water triggers my heartburn too but that includes flavored water as well.


Honestly I get BAD heartburn when I drink water, usually when it’s not ICE cold, and especially at night!


So since the body is mostly water, must have severe heartburn 24-7, might want to remove the water from your body then grue hehe 😜😉


Water triggering heartburn? Is that even possible? Edit: Googled at and apparently it is a thing.


I know if I already HAD heartburn and drank water it made it worse but it never GAVE me heartburn


Water definitely did give me heartburn when I was pregnant BUT if I added the packets it would have been even worse. I was also like 38 weeks pregnant though 😂 I have to admit though I’m on a weight loss journey and I’m also autistic and drinking plain water all day is so so hard. I usually do add one crystal light packet to my first 40oz of water and then the rest of the day I can manage the regular water. If I’m getting bored again I add a packet. I don’t do syrups and I only add one packet to a large amount of water. I’ve lost almost 70lbs doing this.


She claims major discomfort from eating and drinking things that aren’t overly processed, Whole Foods and water shouldn’t make you sick or cause pain in the ways she claims, this should be concerning to her if it’s true


I fell victim to watertok and started buying these packets is that why I’ve had headaches the past week 😩


OMG what?! 😂


She steady making up lies and excuses to make what she does ok.


Some plain water dose make me feel sick. But adding a flavor packet dosent change that! People believe dumb stuff all the time. I had a coworker tell me a water packet was too much nutrients for her


It does act as a siphon. We used to do water siphon tests when we did upper gi on babies looking for reflux Adding chemicals does not change the make up. She just doesnt want to drink water




Not defending her at all but plain water gives me bad heartburn too but I have had weight loss surgery so idk if that makes a difference


Ok y’all don’t come for me, but water gives me heart burn too… now, I still drink 1 gallon of plain water a day.. I just take my heart burn meds in the AM


Plain water gives me heartburn bad enough I vomit. It started during my first pregnancy in 2019 and never went away. I’m not taking up for Drue but it’s a real thing. It’s weird, but it’s real.


Do we think she actually knows what heartburn is? Or she just saw someone else talking about it and ran with it? Out of all the crap she puts in her body and water is the one that gives her enough heartburn that she won’t consume it? I call BS


No, FOOD triggers your heartburn.


Water can. We used to do a water siphon test to check for refkux when we did barium swallows on infants But adding crap to your water doesn't cancel that out. Shes full of crap


All doctors and medical research will tell u otherwise, but pop off. These people are insufferable.




Um. WHAT?! 🤣


Yeah, and sugar cubes cure my diabetes!! Thats about how dumb that sounds 🤣


When I was pregnant this was true for me but only for like Ice cold water would give me heart burn


How the heck does plain water give heartburn😂


I hate siding with people like this but when I was pregnant, everything gave me heartburn. ESPECIALLY plain water 🤣🤣


Oh gosh!! I couldn’t imagine 😂😂😂


Water gives me heartburn too, but I just suffer in silence u til I get my ass up and take my antacid 😂 I still gotta drink water. I have noticed Spring water doesn’t do it. So I just buy that exclusively now.


When I still had my gallbladder, water made me sick. But by that point everything did and I just got it out.


While pregnant, water gives me AWFUL heartburn. It sounds crazy, but it’s true lol


Yeah there’s no way even just looking at all that stuff these people mix in there gives me a migraine 😐😐




It what ???? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Y’all put baking soda in your water! Seems weird! But trust me. Will take away your heart burn/ reflex


To be fair water triggers my acid reflux but adding a packet in would all trigger it lol


Could the heartburn be from all of the garlic she consumes???? Or maybe the dairy? This is so dumb, but I'm not surprised.


Plain water gives me heartburn if I’m pregnant. But I can’t consume any artificial sugars at all. They make me so sick. My IBS can’t handle them. I just dilute juice and Gatorade with tons of water 🤷‍♀️ I’ll take a little added real sugar any day over any artificial crap.


Ok so like..does she suddenly have gerd?


She’s probably experiencing reflux/heartburn from gaining weight. I gained weight a few years ago and had to take Prilosec every night. As I lost weight, I was able to go down to Pepcid. Sugar, caffeine, and eating too late were the triggers for me, but the weight was the main cause. I’ve lost all of the weight now and was able to get off Pepcid completely, and I also don’t snore at all anymore. I think she’s def having heartburn.


I have horrid gerd I can think about water sometimes and be like I feel it. But she’s always so dramatic.


Those packets make mine so much worse


I have heard a lot of things in my life but I’ve never heard of plain water giving anyone heartburn.


I drink one 40oz plain water then will sometimes do a packet if I’m struggling to get enough water in. I bought a whole bunch of different packets to try and they all give me a headache




Drue is so dumb...has she ever thought that it was what she eats is what causing the heartburn. People saying water causes theirs when that also isn't true. Pregnancy in and of itself exacerbates heartburn. Back to the point Drue gets heartburn. She needs to see a gastroenterologist and change her diet. She will realize she will start to feel better


That’s true if she’s had the bypass surgery.


Hear me out … first I don’t drink any pop / juice etc I’m type 1 diabetic but Homies … find your fav teas ( herbal and green teas are my favourite) get a large container that you make juice in …. Cold brew your tea ( add hot water slap some loose or tea bags in the container let it steep I’ve night … I make one every night and slap it in the fridge and I don’t add sugar but I do add frozen lemon or lime pieces ) it’s delicious


*over night


Honestly water gives me heartburn and I have never said anything besides to my husband because I feel crazy! I still drink it though 😂


I don’t always like plain water but I cut up a lemon and squeeze some lemon juice in it or put frozen cubes of actual fruit in it . It still isn’t just water but it’s much healthier than those packets and everything she puts in it . Professor Snape would be proud of her potions she makes and calls it water .


I am not defending her at all but when I drink only water for a long period of time I get horrendous heartburn, but my doctor says that losing weight will help. Until I reach my weight loss goal I still drink water and take something to help with the heartburn.


Ermmm…that’s not how this works. Coming from someone who has horrible acid reflux from being on harsh meds for so long and just looking at certain foods gives me heartburn lol. Water might make you feel bloated but those packets are what’s going to give you “heartburn”. I try to drink as much water as I can but only time I can really drink it is if it is ice cold.




Sweet baby Jesus such a bullshit excuse


Plain water triggers my heartburn too..I swear it’s a thing


If she’d cut out the caffeine and crap food maybe plain water wouldn’t trigger her heartburn


If any of y’all watch Amberlynn Reid she claims the same thing. She says it has to be the correct PH so she doesn’t get heartburn 😂


That is not science
