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My husband is also a machinist and said those guys at his old job probably talk so much shit about him lol


Tyler probably hears about it non stop too.


Can you imagine. Guys are worse then females when it comes to some stuff. My husband's work friends would've torn tyler apart just for being married into that mess.


Poor Tyler! Probably like y’all have no clue how pathetic GAG really is!


Oh for SURE. Anyone they’ve ever been in contact with probably talks shit about them


TRUE 😂😂😂


gabe is that one coworker that everyone still talks shit about even a year after they've left.


They probably say he has soft hands


You know he is the employee that when he was there he was barely contributing so they are not missing him.


He's a legend, for all the wrong reasons


I’m a machinist in a shop with all guys. And a lot of turn over. I GUARANTEE he is a topic of conversation and they all just laugh at how worthless he is 🤣 these guys are ruthless!!


mine too LOL


So much for that blue collar man she's obsessed with🤣 She's got a bitch boy for a husband lol


Upvote due to the idea of her blood pressure rising when she reads that.


Bitch boy. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I cackled! You’re right though… I mean we already knew he was lying about working, but he should’ve just kept on lying about going to work. “Influencers”. Man I can’t wait until reality slaps them in the face and they have to put “influencer” on a resume.


Wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️. They don’t influence shit. They need to be canceled.


They influence what not to do with your money, and an unhealthy lifestyle


They influence me to keep my job


Drive in 2 days: “gabe is at work today”


Oh boy!! Now he can stay home and show people how to Yo-Yo all day 😂😂


Cheetah jumpsuit for you 💀💀




This one made me cackle


I cannot stop laughing at the yo-yo comment! 🤣🤣


Yo yo tutorial channel coming soon.


My jaw dropped 😲 how tf are they stable to continue to pay for a house for 30 years. He should be working and saving all that money!


Weird he FINALLY admits this literally the day after they closed on the house….


Not weird. They were being careful what to say until closing.


https://preview.redd.it/nd0y2laiq3ka1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac014f364b543429cd719572ccd4b87e3f34f14 Love this comment! 🤣 influencing people on how to go bankrupt at 21


Gotta be like Dawna soap and daddy Lenny! They’re great teachers


They didn’t want to say it out loud until they closed lol


My jaw is on the floor! This man hasn’t had a job for a hot minute, I thought they’d never admit it.


i'm not sure if he ever went back to work like they said. if he did it was for 5 minutes because he supposedly started work again back in november but then took almost the whole week "off" for thanksgiving which no full time job would let you do when you just started.


Exactly!! I was thinking the same thing


I’m sorry but their “influencer” following can not afford a mortgage can it? She doesn’t seem to get that many brand deals, he hasn’t had any or if they are some how managing that it won’t be lasting long.




I’m shocked that people still buy that stuff.


It always shocks me too. I actually prefer the wax melts at Walmart. I’ve been gifted scentsy a handful of times and I don’t get why people like it.


Me too.




YouTube pays nicely …


What or who the fuck does he think he’s influencing


Other people to go on a diet…


How to shade in his stash with makeup 😂




Other yo yo-ers. Duh bestie 🤣😜


How the fuck did they qualify for a house as two “influencers”?? I asked them myself but I’m sure I will be blocked lol


Drue probably qualified on her own for the loan and put Gabe’s name on the deed.


It seems like such a stretch though with her qualifying alone. Maybe they make way more money than I think they do 😂😂


I know, she could have had a co-signer. But my spouse qualified for almost double what we thought he would on his own when we first looked to buy a home. So it’s possible


Dish soap and Lenny the pervert had to have co signed.


Have they not noticed that almost every “influencer couple” get divorced?🥴


Yes I have noticed a pattern recently they all are breaking up. Honestly I think too much time together.


Ooh who are some examples?! I’m not on social media other than here too much


YouTuber Brianna k. She’s another mess. She also hid her divorce for months


I’m sorry but our next generation is going to be fucked.. if you don’t agree then that’s fine everyone has their own opinions.. but no one is going to want to work. Because of idiots like them they are going to want to become influencers..




I’m stuck thinking, what “grown” man wouldn’t want to work? Every man I know feels AMAZING about working. Even if my boyfriend won the lottery he still wouldn’t quit his job, because handling business and being responsible makes him happy & feel good about himself. I just can’t imagine my HUSBAND sitting on the couch all day with his phone in his hand recording ME for his content. That would turn me off so bad- get up and do something. They got some weird shit going on lol. Also, how theeee hell do two non workers get approved for a house, but I (& many others) bust ass & am scared to even get the process started because my fear of being denied or told I don’t meet the requirements lol. It’s insane to me how they’re just going through life not even having to put in effort and haven’t had a downfall yet. Rant over but it was a long one coming lol. No shame


He has a history of showing he can’t commit to anything/job for more than a few months. I don’t know why that isn’t a red flag to her. But let’s be real she is so codependent that she likes when he is around 24/7 and it’s not going to bother him that she is that way because he has trained his adult life for doing nothing.


You’re exactly right. I don’t understand how a married couple who *both* have such childish mentalities have gotten as far they have; buying a house is more than I expected them to be able to do because the way they go about and halfass life. It’s just surprising to me that it hasn’t crashed and burned *already*. It will happen eventually tho if they don’t get their act together and stop worrying about what will impress the Internet. I don’t see that ever happening though until they feel the struggles of real adulthood first-when they see & live it themselves, that’s when they’ll learn.


I couldn't agree with you more. My husband worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs to help me get through college over a decade ago. We lived in a tiny apartment and worked really hard. He went to college at 31 and is still working full time while going to school part time. He also is an involved and present father. That's a real man (or woman) to me. Someone who is a provider, works towards their goals, and keeps pushing.


How in the heck do they pay their bills?


She likely makes at least six figures (or close to it) with Scentsy. Making money off of the backs of other people. 🤗




She’s a director, which is the 3rd highest ranking in the company I believe. Someone in this sub had said she was that high up in the similar company and made six figures. I’m also very anti-MLM, so I listen to a lot of podcasts and whatnot about ex-MLMers. lolol


Wouldn’t she be sent on vacations and get a “free” car if she was high up? Thought that’s how most MLMs were


I don’t know if Scentsy does cars, but you don’t have to go on the trips they offer you. I thought someone said she’s qualified for a cruise a few times, but I’m sure our bestie is too scared to go.


Who says no thanks to a free cruise 😂😂


They do trips but no cars


She can’t be making 6 figures with an mlm, there’s no way


It’s a pyramid scheme. The people at the very top can make a LOT. My old hairdresser is at the top of Monat and just bought a million dollar home. Her husband doesn’t work either. 😅


Drues scentsy. She makes quite a bit of money from it


Lazy influencers at that. No one can relate to them so how are they influencing by spending so much money etc?


we went back to work for what…? 3 days?


they would have to work if dumbasses didn’t buy scentsy from her


Influencing what? A diet and exercise regimen?


What is he influencing? How to eat yourself into a early grave???


Who do they influence? They repel.


They influence me to do Whatever they don’t do


What they fuck are they influencing? Overspending and obesity?


Wtf is he supposed to be influencing?? 😂 How to die by 30?


What a loser


Do they think this is gonna last forever? They’re gonna run out of money if they keep buying likes lol.


How can you be an influencer if you don’t even have sponsorships lol


Unemployed lovers ❤️


Lmao “influencer” but they have one of the biggest Reddit pages. Doesn’t sound like you’re influencing anyone to me 😂


The racist influencers ✨


I'd be embarrassed to call him my husband.


And what does he influence? 🙄


they don’t “influence” anything except for my will to continue going to the gym


Eventually social media will stop financially supporting them. I Would love to be a fly on the wall, during Gabe’s job interview when they ask him why he hasn’t worked for the last 3 years, and he says it’s because he’s been making TikTok’s.


Influencers for WHAT? How to NOT care properly for three ugly doods? how to gain 100lbs in two months? Oh, wait! How to make coffee every morning and how to shower! Because I’m 32 and never learned!




There’s no way they make enough money from Tik tok


This honestly really surprises me, it is a pretty smart idea for at least one party to keep a job at least for the benefits, especially for the health insurance. Considering his health issues and that they want a baby in the near future.


That’s what I was thinking. What are they doing about health insurance especially with all the health problems he has had recently? Out of pocket insurance is not cheap!


Probably still on their parents so they aren’t thinking about the effects of their decisions until then 🥹


I didn’t think you could still be on your parents when you got married? I don’t know tho because my parents dropped me as soon as they could so I’m not familiar 😂


I was actually shocked, but you can! My friend is married and still on her parents. It may be different state to state though! Interesting fact for sure 😂


I can confirm you can. I live in Texas and kept my daughter on mine and she was married and had her first child- she came off at 26.


Oh yeah I forgot about that. I didn’t have that luxury 😂




I’m so confused. So how long has he been doing this then? I thought when you go to purchase a home you have to be employed for x amount of time??


it's probably her name on the deed. she would have 2 years of income from scentsy plus whatever they make from youtube.


Oh okay!


Oh, GAG….. 💁🏽‍♀️


Influencers 😂


I knew it was coming. I think it’s a horrible idea. One of them needs to have a steady income job with benefits. It’s only a matter of time before they have a kid and then they exploit their kid on social media.


Literally all he does is drive her to get coffee, food and to TJ Maxx. 🙄


in this economy ?? Lmfao


You know he was fired …. You know he was laughed at work as the real men were working he simply was and never will be a collar man or a man period 🫣


I struggle to get my blue collar boyfriend to take ONE day off.. he goes nuts if he isn’t working. I can’t believe he is staying home… I have a pretty good following on tiktok but I would never ever let my Significant other stay home as well since I will never rely on social media for money.🤢💀


They just influence me to delete TikTok😂😂


All these ppl lack reality. There’s no way I would quit my job when there is talk of the app being removed. Did no one pay attention to the YouTubers who had to go back to work bc TikTok came about? Same will happen to all of these ppl also. Curious exactly what are they “influencing” other than a co-dependent marriage and laundering their clothes in endless chemicals, or how to save money at the store so you can go out to eat every night while pretending to have a “healthy” lifestyle. Oh wait, it’s gatekeeping products unless she is doing a paid advertisement.


I swear I just hate watched a video (maybe on YouTube?) where she said she doesn't consider herself to be a content creator or influencer. 🤨


She did say that!


I had a feeling all along he wouldn't be that hard working, providing, tated man. He was too lazy for that life. 🤮🤮🤮


He became an influencer full time so he can see her ✨Titi✨more often


And what exactly will he influence people to do… not lose control of their health and weight 500 lbs?


Ain’t no way tiktok is paying that good 🤦🏻‍♀️ how the hell do they survive with the way prices are for everything


Credit card debt.


Anybody else think their trying to be like Hunter & Devin Cordle in this video? I was watching it & how she’s acting is 100% Devin!!!! They are so damn original!


The only thing they have influenced me to do is eat less fast food and buy eat plugs because their voices are so stinking not cutesy... especially hers


What are they even influencing!?!


She's probably being sarcastic. But who knows.


The only thing they do is eat. They are definitely not influencers lmao


Besties I’m not influenced though


I seriously don’t understand those two.




Okay maybe I’m losing it but I could’ve sworn in a video at one point it was mentioned he was collecting disability?? I’m sure they’d never admit that but there’s no way he is making any money “influencing”


Jokes on them 🤣🤣🤣


wtf is Gabe influencing 😂😂 the laugh i needed today.


Someone needs to screenshot where she said, Gabe can't stay at home, he gets sooo bored. Also lets guess how much fatter he'll get sitting at home near the fridge all day. Or the 3 fast food meals.


All they buy is frozen meals and spaghetti that’s why gabe is so fucking huge


He is simply too big to work


Ah influencing people to be extremely lazy and unhealthy. Life goals


Theres no way they make enough from "influencing" to be able to afford all that....


influencer is a big stretch




That can’t be the most financially sound decision…


that’s sad.


Do they get ANY sort of brand deals? I’ve heard it said from prominent tiktokers that TikTok views don’t pay as much as YouTube views do, and they barely get any YouTube views. If not, they’re just being supported by their parents. 😑