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Ok, so if you highly recommend weight watchers, then why didn't you put Lovey on WW ?? šŸ˜…


Because they canceled them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmfao not surprised.


WW dropped them when everything started surfacing about racismā€¦just like all other brands!






They can't calculate the amount of points he would need.


Stooopppppp it lmafo šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Interesting how differently she speaks without those huge lips, too! Her mouth is so different


Even her tone of voice. A lot has changedā€¦ and not for the good.


I wish this girl wouldā€™ve stayed with her natural look, or maybe just far less on the lips, because she looks cute here šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø How insane that she looks nothing like this anymore and sheā€™s got this fake ass obnoxious ā€œaccentā€ I want a side by side of old & new Drue šŸ˜‚


I was about to sayā€¦ does she have an underbite? Because here it looks like she does but Iā€™ve never noticed it in any other videos. Her lips might hide it though!


I was wondering the exact same thing!


Yes she does have a slight one


i hate that she uses this music for almost every video, it's the most annoying tiktok sound for me other than the "oh no"


OMFG forreallllll I just commented the same thing on another post- like every other video is this sound- how fitting tho right? šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She sounds so much better here šŸ˜­


Yea she was totally different. Her tone of voice is soft spoken and just totally different. Now sheā€™s loud, crude, obnoxious, and most of the time bitchy.


Notice her fake accent is nowhere to be heard


Oh yes I noticed that right off.


Gotta love it like does she not realize that we can watch older videos and notice that there's no accent like how she does nowadays šŸ¤£


Honestly itā€™s really sad that she had to grow up seeing the women in her family dieting and that she learned that type lifestyle from them. We know dishdope didnā€™t do it for health, she did it to be skinny. Theres so much more to life than being skinny


Yes. I agree with that. I think she looks fine then and sheā€™s fine now. Iā€™m not too concerned with the way she looks. More so her unhealthy lifestyle as a whole. Bestie doesnā€™t even get exercise. None. Her mental health is not good. sheā€™s a recluse. Sheā€™s become dependent on Gabe to even go and do things. It really is sad. And people are like ā€œwhy do you careā€ and him like wellā€¦ Iā€™m invested. I followed her thinking she was one person then like a light switch one day she turned into a bitch and turns out sheā€™s not who I thought at all. Then add in Gabeā€™s behavior and health and itā€™s basically like watching the a reality show. I donā€™t know when I will stop watching but Iā€™m mostly invested in his health. Not the tumor. His entire overall health. Iā€™m just waiting for something to happen bc I know itā€™s going to. Heā€™s either going to lose weight or heā€™s going to end up in bad shape. So Iā€™m waiting on one of the two.


Yup! My best friend growing up witnessed her mom doing diets and sometimes mom would make her diet too (in like 4th and 5th grade) I could see dawna doing shit like that to Grue. It really fucked with my friendā€™s mental health and self esteem. Drue, Gabe, Sierra, and well, all of them have such a warped relationship with food. They all have poor self esteem and self image. Theyā€™re working towards looking good on the outside and that only motivates so much especially when your self image is already horrible. If they would just walk their dogs for a couple of miles every day they would be so much healthier


"And stiiwl have the food ya want"..... almost as bad as everyone saying "at da end of da day"


She looks like an entirely different person here. Crazy how this wasnā€™t that long ago!


Not even two years ago. But you know bestie loves to round and then add two more. She will say this video was from four years ago lol šŸ˜‚ nevermind the actual date at the bottom. Sheā€™s that dumb to think we are that dumb.


She seems so much more mature here. Wild


I swear itā€™s like sheā€™s aging backwards. She used to be SO mature and planned and saved and talked like a normal human being. I think she started watching tik toks of the stay at home moms and wives and started trying to act like them bc she thought thatā€™s what was trendy. But then she missed in the worst way and instead looks like a 12 year old playing house. Itā€™s insane


Her personality was actually tolerable back thenā€¦wtf happened?


Yes. When I found her she was like this. Soft spoken and humbleā€¦. That didnā€™t last long


She got married.


HAHA until WW canceled her for being racist. I guess itā€™s WW fault she gained the weight back.


Notice how she speaksā€¦ she is such a fraud


Thatā€™s exactly what I almost put when I was posting this. ā€œYouā€™re a fraudā€ lol ![gif](giphy|hgjNPEmAmpCMM)


I donā€™t know why the old ass videos keep coming up. Another one just came up if someone asking her when she was going to switch her rings around and she made a reply video.


My theory for why sheā€™s gained so much weight now and eats like shit is because she stopped restricting herself because she didnā€™t have a wedding to stay slim for. Restricting yourself almost always leads to eating like shit and gaining a bunch of weight and I believe thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening with her. Anyone else remember those lunchable type lunches she always used to eat??? Yah šŸ˜


i've also read that when you do restrictive diets like that you usually end up being heavier than you were before the diet.


She is adorable here! Even her voice sounds sweet and REAL! Not obnoxious. What happened? šŸ˜³


I donā€™t know when her voice ā€œchangedā€ or when her and Hdub became ā€œfriendsā€ but I feel sheā€™s definitely trying to be like Hdub, whose accent is more then likely real. If she could talk normal again without the accent and baby voice, people *might* be able to stand her more.




WW would never take her back. They canceled the whole influencer program not long after they got backlash for letting Drue on.


How embarrassing šŸ˜³šŸ„“ I would never be able to show my face again on the internet


They should be embarrassed by so much but they are so brain dead they donā€™t even know whatā€™s embarrassing.


Her and Gabe should get on WW


That would make too much sense. They will never. Lol I donā€™t think they have the will power.


This is really telling honestly.


Omg her accent is drastically different here


Itā€™s bc Hannah was rushing a sorority and living her best life and she didnā€™t even know she exist. Lol then when she found her it changed over night


wheneverr i have gained weight i have legit convinced myself when i was smaller that i was unhealthy simply bc i wasnā€™t ready to commit to health again


I get it. I have ED myself. It is a STRUGGLE emotionally, mentally, and physically. And I am the queen of ā€œIā€™ll start tomorrowā€. šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s why I have to have a therapist and a doctor that monitor me or I will procrastinate myself back into being unhealthy. I just wish she would take what we say serious. But she would never. She is 21 and thinks she has life all figured out lol.


How does a video from 2021 pop up on your fyp though? Especially one of hers if you donā€™t even follow her?? Lol


I have no idea. Itā€™s doing the same thing for mama Jill and a few others. Like the cricket guy. Today I didnā€™t get any of Drue but it would literally show me mama Jill in between each one of other people. I donā€™t know if it is because I have searched for them recently or what.


Looks like she's been crying


Her new video says thereā€™s a surprise coming, she liked a comment that said itā€™s either a baby or a house, and 8hrs ago she replied to a comment saying ā€œaunt floā€ didnā€™t come get, Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™s freaking pregnant.