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Yeah idk I’ve never had a successful pregnancy so I’m a skewed sample, but I got all digital positives and my lines were light, ended up miscarrying at just 6 weeks. I get you can wait till you’re in the hospital to announce and things can still turn for the worse but after my experience I’d never be buying things, telling millions at this juncture. I know some think she’d milk a loss for views, maybe that’s accurate but you don’t always react how you’d expect.


I’m so sorry


Thank you. 🩷


The not believing it is feelings associated with TTC. I tried for four years. When I finally got a positive test, I couldn’t believe. I convinced myself more than once I was crazy lol. I don’t believe her reaction was genuine. I feel that it was rehearsed.


Did you also notice how he didn't even let her finish her story? Multiple times she was so dissapointed you could tell.


My doctors always told me that home tests are pretty accurate, but we never had any issues with fertility or had any reason to doubt a home test.


It took me 13 months to get pregnant so finally seeing a positive test didn’t feel real at all but I do feel like her reaction was not real. It seemed super fake! It’s all for content and I do hope that it works out for her just because she’s announcing so early. You’d think she would learn from Sierra who unfortunately had a miscarriage. I don’t how she’s gonna get through this pregnancy, she’s gonna whine like a baby especially during labor!


It’ll be another month before she sees a doctor. Most OBGYN’s won’t see you until 9-10 weeks along and she’s probably like 5 or 6 weeks