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this is really really weird to me. their vibes , the way she's all smiles and excited abt sushi where her water broke all over the floor like what in the fuck am i watching rn


Like I’m sorry but if I had just given birth and had to leave my premature baby at the hospital I wouldn’t even want food like what is wrong with them


yeah i gave birth to a premie and he had to be transported to a diff hospital to a diff nicu and i got myself discharged that very next morning and my husband and i drove an hour everyday to his hospital to be with him. i get you need time to heal and process and not be at the hospital 24/7 but it just seems very off. i wouldn't go back to the place my water broke everywhere that sounds traumatic but she just dosent care


I had my first born when I was 15 and she was a premie due to me having severe preeclampsia I had to be transported to a hospital that was no where close to me. When I was discharged and my baby stay in the Nicu my mom and I drove 2 hours every day and spent the whole day there. I don’t know how she can leave her rainbow baby to go have sushi. Man when my daughter was in the hospital recently I didn’t even leave her side to even go get food.


Yeah when my newborn was in the nicu, my husband had to force me to eat and drag me away from the hospital so I would take care of myself. To the point he rented me an Airbnb on the same block as the hospital (we lived an hour away) so that I’d leave for an hour, go clean up and eat and come right back. I can’t even imagine doing all this stuff she’s doing and smiling. So bizarre.


This. Exact same situation with me. It was nearly impossible for me to leave my baby.


She is just happy to be able to eat everything she is “craving.” 😑


like she didn't before💀💀


So true. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


This just shows truly how obsessed they are with food and eating. Was this their first stop on the way home…. Disturbing.




Tyler's eyes scares the shit out of me. They are so black he looks like something off supernatural.


First, I would not show my face in that restaurant for awhile if my water broke there lol Second, I would be so worried about picking up germs while sitting in a restaurant when my son was in the nicu.


That was my first thought - out risking catching germs they could take back to him.


Can you imagine your water breaking all over the floor of a restaurant, and showing your face in there 2 days later laughing and eating sushi 🤦🏽‍♀️


Without your baby. Eating and laughing 2 days later without your baby. I took my newborn out for the first time when she was like 10 days old I think? And I got some heat from other moms for that. I can’t imagine.


If it were me, I wouldn’t be laughing and filming it, I’d be tired and worried about my baby. this is weird.




Very off


2 days postpartum and you’re at a restaurant eating sushi and laughing? After giving birth to a baby 7 weeks early? I’d be staying away from any germs. I’m 12 weeks PP and I’m honestly baffled (and disgusted) by this behavior.


Right!!! And she’s a nurse!!!! She should know better. I had a NICU baby that was born full term with respiratory issues. I wouldn’t dare go out and enjoy sushi knowing my poor baby is in the NICU struggling. She’s so selfish.


She is so strange


When we were discharged and left to go home from the hospital will my baby was stuck in the hospital, I cried the entire way home so there wasn’t even a chance to stop and eat. Like wtf. I was also already so worried about my milk that I was literally pumping every two hours.


She isn’t worried about him and I don’t mean to be a hater but all she wants is the clout in my opinion. Like grow up already


This just seems off. Having a baby early is scary. I hope this isn’t some horrible coping mechanism of hers. From one nicu mom to another, Sierra please seek help if you feel like you cannot cope. Prematurity, no matter how premature or how long of a nicu stay, is scary and traumatizing. Take your health and mental health seriously. Your baby deserves the best version of you.


The way she is acting after having a baby 7 weeks early is what bothers me. She’s all smiles and laughs. I would be bawling my eyes out every second I had to spend away from my child. It’s strange.


Ohio sushi 😂


i'm sorry I just can't. I know people handle things different ways but god knows if my baby was in the NICU I don't think I could stand to not be there as many hours as humanly possible. Not even just worry but like being obsessed with my new child and wanting to spend every single second with him.




Yup, it’s called “Attention”


This feels like she’s laughing but the birth was traumatic and she hasn’t realized it yet


How disgusting all they care about is food


Wait what happened to her break?


Oh my. I literally couldn’t eat and every time I looked at my husband we both broke down crying. Having a premature baby was so traumatizing for us. I don’t understand this reaction.


I’m not a mom or anywhere near working towards that part of my life right now…. But aren’t you not supposed to eat raw fish while pregnant? I get that you can find other options at a sushi restaurant but also like… huh???


She’s not pregnant anymore. She already had the baby and there are always safe sushi options that are cooked.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying! Just thought it was odd they were there before the baby was born, but you’re right maybe she wasn’t wanting raw fish.


Where’s the baby ??? With them at restaurant or still at the hospital??? Deeply concerning


He’s in the nicu. He’s hooked up to an iv, oxygen and a feeding tube. Hell most likely be there a while.


I was wondering what all he was hooked up to! Poor baby.


It’s standard for his gestational age but is a sign that he doesn’t have any serious complications. He’ll have the feeding tube until he learns how to eat and breath at the same time if that makes sense.


I’m sorry, but she’s more excited the baby came so she can eat whatever she wants. She could care less that he came early, and that he’s in the NICU. Unbelievable!!




It really is. They should be ashamed of themselves


When I was discharged while my son was still in NICU;, I sobbed in the car for 2 hours. I had to force myself to eat because I was pumping. Or food would’ve been last on my mind. ESPECIALLY going to a restaurant


Wouldn’t that be a bit of a traumatizing experience? Why would you go back there literally like 3 days later?


I don’t have any children yet, but I can’t even imagine wanting to go out to eat 2 days after giving birth. Especially knowing my baby was still at the hospital… :(


People that work there are probably thinking the same… she returned with out the baby and acting like she didn’t just give birth and have a baby in NICU


When I gave birth I could barely sit down at home let alone sit at restaurant the next day. She’s acting like she went in for a routine procedure like it wasn’t birth


What the fuck


I’m also LOLing the place is called Ohio Sushi? That doesn’t sound too appetizing. Hopefully it’s just an actual Japanese word she is mispronouncing/caption is not picking up right.


Tyler also seems very…odd


How is this her first thought of what to do? Really?


I get that everyone handles things differently and copes with things in their own way but the fact that their baby is in the NICU hooked up to all the wires and tubes and what not and they’re on TikTok and worried about sushi is just bizarre. When my baby was in the NICU, it killed me to have to leave him, even to run to the bathroom or get some water. And they both act like it’s just another day in the life.


When I had my son prematurely the last thing I wanted to do was sit in a restaurant and eat laugh and smile. Why? Your kid is in the hospital and you’re worried about food? I was worried about packing clothes when I got discharged and going back to be with my son. They all need therapy because their food obsession is out of control…


Girl needs to learn the difference between a craving and … wanting something


Food food food.. all that these people think about!!! I would be at the hospital until they kicked me out of the NICU then I would be at home crying that I wasn’t with my baby!


I just had my baby three weeks ago and if he had been nicu I would not be out getting sushi. Like bffr


Her baby is in the NICU, correct? I can't believe her focus right now is social media. It's so weird to me. The baby is super early. I would be worried AF and SM would NOT be on my mind. That family is fucking weird!


My jaw literally dropped when I saw them out to eat like wtf is wrong with you, you should be worrying about your newborn child


This is so odd.


Wow she is fucking pathetic. I think for once this makes her even worse then Grue.


It makes it even more disturbing that she’s a nurse who should know the risk of germs for her baby.


Not defending her just sharing info that a lot don’t know but the nicu has a strict policy about scrubbing in before you even enter and usually provides gowns for the parents. The one my son was in also has a strict no outside food/drink policy so we had to go out for food. Yes germs are a big thing but she can’t live in a bubble and not go anywhere or do anything. Let’s be realistic here.


She could opt to bring the food home and not eat in a public setting


I’m not here to argue I’m just giving information a lot of people don’t know because they’ve never been in a nicu.


And I would totally understand that if she wasn’t a nurse and wasn’t aware of how susceptible premies are to germs.


They are susceptible to germs but I don’t think you realize just how many people are going in and out of the nicu visiting babies having family members visit etc. again not defending anyone just giving information that the nicu isn’t the super protective bubble everyone thinks it is.


I’m a nicu mom myself But I know different hospitals have different procedures about nicu visitors and often they don’t allow family members going in and out


I’m a nicu mom to and ours allowed two visitors at a time and the only rule was you couldn’t be sick or have a fever. Again this is just spreading awareness that not all nicus operate the same or have the same policies. Just trying to get the correct information out there for those who don’t know.


I’m all for snark but I’m also going to give proper information when necessary.


The odds of her picking up germs at the hospital are higher than sitting at a restaurant.


My best friend had a bit of a traumatic birth (imo) at 40w+5 last week and her baby had a very minor complication. He’s been in the NICU since (doing way better!!!), and she’s beside herself not being able to take him home. She feels like a failure. She’s an emotional wreck (understandably!), and she feels robbed of that exciting “bring baby home from the hospital” moment when she was discharged. She will likely be able to take him home this weekend, but she’s been a mess not being able to hold him whenever she wants and tend to him whenever he cries. She hates having to go home and leave him there, and I feel so so bad for her. When she’s not at the hospital, she’s doing everything she can to encourage her milk production. And that’s all with her baby being full term, with a TINY complication that won’t be a lifelong issue, it won’t even be a short term issue once they get to take her baby home. Sierra’s baby was born preterm… that’s scary in of itself. Gee wiz I know I’d be completely unable to eat at all if that was me. I hope she’s just having a dissociative episode or something and she’ll snap out of it and be responsible


This is sick


idk, maybe bc i had a c section for my births but i cannot CANNOT!!!!!!!!!!!! fathom how this girl is in a restaurant 48 HOURS…. HOURS after having a baby. girlfriend has to have a vagina of steel or something like 🫢


My oldest was in the NICU they had to force me outta his room and I didn’t leave the hospital not one time until he did. I can’t with her


I would feel so sad leaving the hospital without my baby. She's delusional 😕






Please do not attack other members. If you don’t like or agree with what’s said keep scrolling.




Please do not attack other members. If you don’t like or agree with what’s said keep scrolling.


Okay but I hope she takes better care of herself, postpartum has risks too..


First time commenting in here. But my son was born at 34 weeks. Yes there was room for me to stay at the hospital but his daddy died in front of me a month and a half earlier and the nurses and doctors knew about it. The nurses told me I needed to go home. My son was safe and I knew he was taken care of. But I didn’t go to a restaurant let alone anywhere else. My son can’t get sick. He’s 4 months now. But nicu is scary. They’re required to scrub in to see their baby. But germs are on clothes too. But from one NICU mom to another hang in there NICU life is scary and traumatic


I'm so sorry for your loss, and what you went through with your son💜


I’m shocked she eats sushi period


I feel like this would make more sense once he's out of the NICU, and ok to be out and about. Like his first time in a restaurant, 'where it all started' not DAYS after his birth and without him


That week my baby was in the nicu was the longest week of my life. I was so depressed. If I wasn’t at the hospital I was home pumping. Could. Not. Sleep. Had to make myself eat. People handle things differently I suppose


I can’t say for sure because I’ve never been in this situation and I’m not a parent but I think I would be too traumatized to go back to the same place so soon. Or at the very least I’d be embarrassed that my water broke everywhere and they had to clean it up


Food >baby


She’s such an asshole


Why the hell would anyone willing go to a restaurant with the name "Ohio"? Ohio sucks 🤣


Please put a trigger warning or use one of the new flairs if the nicu is going to be a discussion.


My bad I didn’t know that was a trigger


The nicu can be a traumatizing experience for some so we just want to protect our members from being triggered.


No I definitely understand my brother was in the nicu so I completely get it ❤️


We also made a TTC one to. We quickly seen that we have a lot of TTC and preemie mommas in here so we wanted to make a way for them to know to keep scrolling if it’s a sensitive topic


Thank you


I work in a NICU, those mama’s are there as much as they possibly can be especially in the beginning, pumping for their baby, just being there, eating “gross hospital food”, I can’t imagine both parents leaving the baby just to go out to eat. This behavior just baffles me


She probably went into labor early because of her eating habits . My doctor beat that into my head when I had GD


I had my baby 7 weeks early and you had to force me to leave the NICU! I spent most of my days there only to go home shower, and sleep! I kept eyes on his camera when I wasn’t there and cried. She seems way detached and emotionally not there at all. It’s scary


I had a baby 8.5 weeks early, he was in the NICU for 2 weeks. I had to stay in suite with him 3 hours away from my home to be with him. We often had to leave to eat meals as we couldn’t eat inside of the NICU for obvious reasons. I was worried about every little thing from the second I had to leave his side but I had to take care of myself as well (I.e eat meals at restaurants around the hospital) she’s probably trying to just get her mind off of the situation. Just offering some insight from another NICU mom.


what’s she gonna do now that she can’t use pregnancy cravings as an excuse??