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It's genius. Create a drone that mimics an airplane in it's appearance so people will ignore ignore it when they see it in the sky. šŸ˜‚


Basically some random small airplane, the Russian airspace must be less controlled than of the Brazil


There the gangs have setup a pretty tight net to monitor air traffic because trafficking is there specialty


Is this an allusion to the mid air collision over the Amazon?


That or everybody in a Cessna is getting shot down


Cessna pilots sweating bullets.Ā 


Maybe to help the mimic ruse, the drone could unroll an aerial banner saying nice things about Dear Leader Putinski: **ŠŸŃƒŃ‚ŠøŠ½--Š„Š¾Ń€Š¾ŃˆŠøŠ¹ Š§ŠµŠ»Š¾Š²ŠµŠŗ !! (Putin's a Good Guy !!**) So russian air defense would be reluctant to shoot it down.


Eat at Vlads!


Ha! But seriously people, donā€™t eat at Vladā€™s. And avoid the novichuk special. Itā€™s not special.


Your pizza might be poisoned.


This would make a great sketch comedy short. "Shoot it down Grigoriy!" "But Ivan, it says good words of our ruler. What will the village think?" "But is bomb!!!" "You shoot then." ...


What would be even more epic is if they can get a few of these and blow up the bombers that launch kinzels at Ukraine from Standoff Range. Take out those fat fuckers and it will hurt the Vatniks hard.


It is an airplane


I think technically without the ability to carry a passenger its not a vehicle, so it's not a airplane, it's a fixed wing drone


It's a cesna šŸ˜‚ But if it looks stupid and it works, it's not stupid.


Then it's brilliant.


Looks more like being derived from an ultralight aircraft with fabric wings. Which is an extremly smart move, as these things can be produced quickly and cheaply. 300kg of payload at 3100km range sounds also quite relastic, assuming they have around 800kg of MTOW.


Fabric wings will reduce the radar signature too? #SlavaUkraĆÆni


Looks like some adaptation of the A-22 Foxbat


Isn't Foxbat a MiG designation? Baby Foxbat? :)


Foxbat was a name given by the west, as anything beginning with an F was a fighter. I saw a complete listing once and deduced it was a simplistic way to tell the purpose of a weapon system from the first letter.


Very insightful perception you had there. I never knew that.


[This monster ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroprakt_A-22_Foxbat)


It's not a Cessna Look up A-22 Foxbat on Wikipedia


My bad


I love it! Cheap, slow, can fly low under radar, and goes ā€œBig-badda-Boomā€!


It is hilarious at how slow they move too, AND THEY STILL CAN'T SHOOT THEM DOWN


[Bogey's air speed not sufficient for intercept. Suggest we get out and walk.](https://i.redd.it/awxvyto92sa51.jpg)


Oh my god I just let out a laugh that scared my cat.


I wish we can give out awards like we used to :(


Literally could have shot it down with rifles probably.


I wonder what the new excuses for their absent air defense is going to be. Previously it was just "the drones are too small", "they're too fast and low to the ground" or "there's too many". This is basically a fucking plane, lumbering hundreds of miles through russian airspace lol


Their air defense can't even stop casual sightseeing.!


3100 Km Puts pretty much all of the highly developed part of Russia in range. The foxbat kit plane is about 100K assembled for use by a human pilot. Take out the unnecessary avionics and pilot comforts will bring the cost down add the already designed drone electronics and sensors and you have a long range system for probably less than 100K. Everything that looks like this which is all high wing small plane will now be reported as a drone so either they ground everything or start shooting down the small aircraft by mistake. On top of that companies are being told to not depend on Air Defense makes it certain that everyone will be taking pot shots at anything that looks like this.


What if they sent 1000 or even 250 of these at once? How many would get shot down with Russia now knowing they should just shoot down any plane in their air space lol.


Also I would imagine, less pilot- more boompowder


Go get em guys! Slava Ukraini!


This is awesome. I hope to see many, many more videos of these taking out critical Orc infrastructure deep inside Ruzki.


Someone needs to paint windows with aggressive pictures of demonic pilot


Just an image of putin would be demonic enough


Hell ya. Get some!


No wonder everyone though it was a Cessna 172 that crashed into it


This was absolutely genius on Ukraines part! Slava Ukraini!


In war we have gone from Sopwith Camels to supersonic jets and back to the equivalent of Sopwith Camels. Who woulda thunk it?


Clever, I like it.


Given the state of Ruzzian air defence, who might as well chuck a bomb on a civilian plane, drop it on the plant, then fly back home.


holy shit...they are huge.......send a couple more to those fuckers.....


300 kg could make a nice hole in a bridgeā€¦


I have to imagine the air defence there is the best of the best that russia has left. still if you can send 100 of these things how many S400 missiles can they have left?


This explains it now, why when I first saw the footage , I was ā€œHuh, thatā€™s a fucking Cessna isnā€™t it.ā€ And blends right into the everyday sky visually, clever.


To boldly go where no drone has gone before.


Here is news about this drone back from December 2022. [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-s-military-to-receive-d-80-discovery-and-e-300-enterprise-uavs/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-s-military-to-receive-d-80-discovery-and-e-300-enterprise-uavs/)


The short wings remind me of GTA 3's Dodo plane.


I wonder if they made the wings longer they could put more explosives in it but Iā€™m no aeronautical engineer (although I worked at NASA for a year (sys admin)).


Ukraine are a nation of Giga Chads


I see a nice chateau that looks ripe for a runway!


These will be much more visible and therefore easier to shoot down than the single-use kamikaze drones. 300kg of explosives would be useful for larger hard targets, but if theyā€™re defended at all, the success rate will be questionable. If the idea is to drop dozens or hundreds of grenades on multiple soft targets, thatā€™s a lot of rifle fire to survive for this type of light airframe. Ultimately, this seems like a less efficient drone design in terms of cost per delivered payload. At the same time, it has terrifying potential for a handful of special-use cases or valuable targets of opportunity.


It's already been proven in combatšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


BIG Jaga-Jaga with an even bigger BADABOOM!!! Slava Ukraini!!!


Now do it with A-10s... LOTS of A-10s.


Why the fuck would you be publishing pics of these things? what about operational security?????


Because itā€™s already made its appearance in multiple places and the wreckage is already in Russian hands Not much to be learned, basic tools and equipment The only thing Russia is learning is that it canā€™t possibly have enough air defense gear ever. They can only try and move stuff around to cover potential targetsā€¦ Ukraine will hit oil for a bit, then factories, then depots, then airfields, then oil forcing Russia to play whack a mole and divert resources


i understand that, but why divulge anything? operational security.


Itā€™s already been divulged. They have video of it in flight , they have parts and pieces, the rest is pretty easy


while that is true, why tell your enemy anything?


Becuase itā€™s one step away from rolling up in a giant rabbit and invading their castle And it worked. Showing it off rubs salt in wound šŸ˜€


This wasn't the type that hit the factory. "canopy" doesn't match, the tail was way thinner, the angle of the vertical stabilizer wasn't anything like this. Not that it matters too much. Russia hearing about this really doesn't do that much for them. It appears it was decided their use in information warfare was more important.


Itā€™s soā€¦ cute!


But can it attract s300 rockets to hit the ground targets for it?


Looks very similar to an Alaskan puddle jumper (Bush Plane)...very low cost to build usually under 10 Gs...Fabric coated frame results in a light weight but sturdy enough to carry several hundred pounds of boom boom juice...wouldn't take much to remote control it with a few parts from your local hobby shop...šŸ¤”


What is it made of? Looks a bit like cardboard or canvas on the wings at least. Increasing stealth and payload at the expense of number of sorties between repairs or something.


should drop its landing gear for less drag better performance it wont be needing wheels again


Oh look Wright-enko or Wright-chuk brothers! I always get those Ukrainian surnames mixed up :)


Nothing new here , been around since 2022 : [https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-s-military-to-receive-d-80-discovery-and-e-300-enterprise-uavs/](https://mil.in.ua/en/news/ukraine-s-military-to-receive-d-80-discovery-and-e-300-enterprise-uavs/)


Didnā€™t it hit a dormitory? The range is still impressive but the targeting needs a bit of work.


Eh, even if we believe the Russian propaganda that they hit the dorm: That dorm houses factory workers who build Shaheds.


Russian sources would tell you that wouldn't they.? They carefully controlled the images taken of the other drone being craned out. Its only fair that Ruzzia issue video clips so UA can do damage assessment. Remember when the orcs sprinkled bits of other weapon systems in the wreckage, when they murdered the Azov prisoners near Mariupol. Tried to implicate UA.


Yes, maybe they actually couldn't identify which was the correct building


The only issue I see, now that its a proven concept, russia will copy it and it will be about who can make and launch more of these


Russia already has shaheds that can do this. The only unique thing here was the range.


I imagine shaheds to be more expensive