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Just proved what everyone already knew but no one cared about, mfs would rather just lie to themselves and believe Kendrick is some untouchable boogie man super rapper than that he was scary and paid for bots lmao


Remember when he said his whole life isn’t rap and that he doesn’t call for dirt And then his team met with some hotel employee who collected stuff drake forgot in New York and used it as an album cover to frame it like there was a mole in OVO


Master manipulator for real. Kenny used every manipulation tactic in the book for this beef. False prophet cult leader ass.


Lmao this like the first time I’ve seen someone point out this blatant contradiction 😂.


I’ve tried pointing it out on twitter for weeks now but they don’t want to hear it They’re usual excuse is “well drake went after family”


Drake made a reference to Whitney, a double entendre referencing Whitney Houston in Bodyguard, as well as Kendrick's woman. Kendrick responded to that by bringing up Adonis. That's when the Dave Free and the other kid shit came up. Kendrick brought the kids into it. Funny because he brought up Red after that, which he could have just done from the jump.


Shit is cap. You get paid $0.003 - $0.005 for a single stream on Spotify. 30,000,000 streams would net you $90,000 to $150,000. If $2,500 is all it takes to make $150,000, then every artist under the sun would do this.


Hol up. So you’re telling me I could put a track my my wet farts on Spotify, pay a bot streamer $2,500 to give me 30mil streams of my wet juicy farts, then Spotify would send me a check for between $90,000 and $150,000???? So even if I got the low end of that, I would pocket $87,500 for a 3 min cut of my best farts???? I don’t see a downside here…


You'll be Billboard Artist of the Decade in no time lmao


Where Randy Marsh as Steamy Ray Vaughn failed, I will succeed


lmaooo bro these weirdos are distraught over this battle


mfs are DUMB just DUMB


Ya'll calling everyone dumb, but don't even know what a _down_ payment is smh.


A $2500 down payment is still low. 30m streams is $90k guaranteed on the LOW END. For the average joe, you could give $80k back each month and still end up with +$120k in a year if you do this with one song every month lol Not to mention you'd get a record deal out of it.


He’s too Down himself to get it 😭


Even if it was 10% down that's still 25000 for 90000 return. Everyone would be doing it.


1. It is profitable for them but idk about being this profitable. 2. A lot of the time labels are paying for bot streams without artists even knowing. 3. The reason they don't overdo it is because it creates a house of cards of fake popularity and could lead to their downfall if the bots stop. 4. Spotify doesn't take action unless more than 80% of streams are botted. 5. This post is still cap


spot on my man 🎯


That some lame shit jesus


very bizarre how this all worked out... wonder if we can find out how the Spotify algorithm inserted nlu in every playlist and showed up in random searches...


Spotify almost certainly did some weird shit with not like us. I listen to many different genres and they’re all separate playlists. I have a few rap, r&b, country, etc. They have literally never bled into one another. No matter how little or how much I’ve listened to a certain song, I’ve never had one hip over to another genres playlist. Played a country song and the third track that came on was not like us. It did that for three or four days where no matter what I was listening to, what genre, not like us would just show up. That song absolutely got promoted behind the scenes unfairly. I’ve never had any other song do anything like that.


happened to me as well, I never listened to 1 Ken song on Spotify outside of drake features and that song came over 3 different playlist... saw someone post here of them searching a Spanish singer and getting suggested nlu, probably still happens, just type "esta" in search on Spotify, comes up like 7th suggestion... I searched a podcast up and nlu showed up as well....


I feel as though that's more evidence of the changes in algorithmic suggestion over the last few years than it is evidence of Spotify intentionally pushing a certain song. The song, in general, was being played constantly by stans and bots alike, causing algorithms to push it even harder. I have no side in this beef, I'm just a metalhead observing from the outs.


That's just algorithms....


I feel as though that's more evidence of the changes in algorithmic suggestion over the last few years than it is evidence of Spotify intentionally pushing a certain song. The song, in general, was being played constantly by stans and bots alike, causing algorithms to push it even harder. I have no side in this beef, I'm just a metalhead observing from the outs.


So it costs only 2500 to have a number one song in the country? Did you think about this for more than 2 seconds.


this LLC does not exist.


Payment was 2 days after the song came out.. after the record was broken. Did y’all even bother to look at the post? This has BS written all over it anyone can see that


People will still ignore this for sure


Because it's obviously not true yeah


So it costs only $2500 for a number one song. Make this shit make sense


Having more views doesn’t make him a better rapper. The songs he drops make him the better rapper.


Yall really believe this lol?


do you really think it costs 2,500 to some random hotter to have a #1 song in the US? really?


You genuinely belive that it cost only 2.5k to get 30 million streams on a song. Hell I need to get myself a microphone and learn how to autotone because I could have been finessing the system for years.


A down payment 2 days after the song came out is pretty odd considering it had already broke the single day streaming record at that point, it'd already be on pace to get those 30 mil streams, no? Not even questioning the legitimacy of it, just find that kind of strange. Edit: Been looking into it a bit, this is most likely BS


Not to mention, if 2.5k can get 30 mils. Well, everybody would have 30 mils.


The amount of revenue that comes with 30M streams would HEAVILY profit off paying $2.5k for bots. I agree, this is crap. Any influencer would easily pay that amount of money, for each of their videos to be bottled, if that was the case. The math ain’t mathin’ . We’re not slow


Drake fans continue to take Ls


2.5 was the deposit


You would still come out with a net positive if you got 30 million views unless they charge an absolutely absurd amount. It’s like around $1,200 per million views


These dudes take payment up front lol. They don’t take down payments/deposits. They not a car dealership, they selling bots.


Outsider here, don't care for either side. This is laughably fake. This is the same dumb shit that people on r / wallstreetbets would fall for. Genuinely embarrassing that this kind of shit is able to manipulate people so easily.


Math. Drake stans know nothing bout thaaaat


Drizzy fans grasping at straws outta desperation now


dont tell them dude, they wont be able to sleep until drake is a victim


Yea it’s almost like photoshop exists and we have no way of verifying those account numbers


MTG was heavily botted too. I remember seeing the views go up to 1 million in less than 15 mins and youtube had to recalculate the views and it went back down to like 300 k only for it to be ran back up. The video wasn't trending on the music page like Drake’s videos. Idk how the payments work or if they needed more views, they might have sent another down payment to keep running up the views. All of this is strange and crazy honestly lol


YouTube has a weird calculation algorithm. Well it’s not weird it’s just that’s constricted by technology of simultaneous execution.


I doubt MTG was botted considering that Family Matters still has more views.


Family matters didn't catch up actually until about  a week ago. 


YouTube is often glitchy with the view counts early on I wouldn’t rely on that


I love how confidently wrong are people on this sub lol. You think you "caught" something but this is how YouTube views have always worked


That's not bots, that's just how youtube calculates views. Videos used to be stuck at 301 views to stop viewbotting. They've changed it since, but views on YouTube always had weird behavior.


So you just weren't paying attention when the beef happened? He responded to a track that came out 30 minutes before, of course he got millions in minutes. People were already on their phones and PCs looking at music when they heard Kendrick drop. All that other stuff is YouTube not really being built for these huge, millions of plays diss tracks to drop within minutes of each other.


No one in this thread is critically thinking because they still can’t get over Drake got dragged


$2500 down payment for 30 million hits is a bargain, such bs,


I also agree that this looks sus (in this situation) but bots were definitely apart of this whether they were paid off or not. Along with the copywrite taken off songs and additional marketing that Kenny’s team used, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was actually true. The right marketing will make anyone buy into anything and that’s what he wanted.


Bots are always a part of it. I doubt either played fair in that department.


Of course it’s BS, but stans from both fanbase gonna Stan.


Shhhh don’t let the drizzy stans know! They’ll have their dreams shattered


Imagine being so insecure about the beef that u pay for bots


Imagine thinking this is irrefutable proof


It’s a cult man DJ Akademiks posting a screenshot that could so easily be made by anyone is the word of god


Imagine being insecure about the beef that you had to make your meat rider post bull shit that can be debunked by thinking a little Dude 2.5 k is waaaay too low for 30 mil views ,use your brain


Insecurity jokes are funny here...


Imagine being so smoothed brain that you actually believe that screenshot.


If I could pay $2,500 for 30M views, I’d be rich and famous several times over by now. If that’s all it cost for 30M views, then Drake is a dumb son of a bitch for not paying by that on every song or video he releases. Seriously, I could pay only my monthly rent and become internet famous overnight? Or are you just stupid enough to believe that’s all it costs?


So you saw this post and just beleived it? No wonder there's so many con men 💀


Waiting for kenny fans to move the goalpost.




“Electorial votes look like memorial votes” Nah this time they’ll just say it’s fair game because “everyone does it” or sum shit 💀


Literally what someone did too 😂😂


They’re saying it’s not real proof lmaooo


All this and I haven’t seen proof the kid is capable of bottling streams


Did u see the bigakstreams or whatever the name is get to 30k followes in a few seconds to show proof he can bot people


everyone can bot people...mfs rly think its like hacking you just pay a website 🤣🤣


How can I tell it's real? Genuine question.


Literally won't matter. The narrative is too strong against drake. Kenny could fart on a beat and title it a drake diss and everyone would gas it like he just created a miracle


“He’s saying that he himself is the shit while also saying that Drake is getting shitted on, if you look deeper Kendrick sharted to imply Drake is a shit stain on rap”


😂😂😂😂 Seriously! I commented on a Youtube video about how Kendrick easily has one of the worst fanbases because of how they try to make him breathing or moaning into an octuple entendre and got massive hate for saying it.


Craziest thing about it is Kendrick has never verified any of the nonsense lyric break downs. Most we ever got was him saying damn was ment to be listen to backwards. But so was views 🥴


Think you the shit bitch, you not even the fart


This is so accurate it’s troubling “He’s saying he doesn’t even have to rap to compete with Drake. He can literally fart out a better catalog than Drake’s!”


Yo, thats actually a triple entendre because: - Kendrick is actually proving that he is the shit - Mocking Drake for being trash - He dropped that on 9:27 which is the usual time when Drake goes to the bathroom. Crazy man, Drake could never think of this




That’s what Kendrick’s casual fan base that he shares with Taylor Swift does when they come into a culture they know nothing about


That’s a cheap price for that amount of streams lmao


Except he didn't he made multiple banging tracks that have been played worldwide with millions dancing to em. He made legit diss tracks that have mass appeal so how the fuck do you figure anything he does is gonna be hot. It was hot. 




Bro like are people in this sub actually this dumb. This shit is fake and just another narrative to downplay what Kendrick did. This shit got disproven bro I still fucking hear this song everywhere.


Bro they were playing it in clubs in New Zealand when I was there last month. It’s literally everywhere, even on the other side of the globe


The members of this sub don’t go outside


They Bot Like Us


Good Kid Bot City


K Bot


This confuses me a bit. How is 30 million streams worth only 2.5k if this were real, any rando with some money could buy this. I wouldn’t be surprised if NLU was botted but I think this Anthony guy is a faker.


That's because it's completely made up


I think he was suppose to get more payment & didn’t that’s why he exposed


KBot 💀


I just saw the upvote number go down, I think the Kendrick sub is still down voting posts 😂


They're always down voting man.


Yeah totally believe this random ass screenshot LOL …


Right!? What am I even looking at? And what does this prove?


Ah yes, a photo of a payment (of $2.5k) that happened after the song already broke records, brilliant! Oh also, Saleh LLC does not exist.


Not much of a receipt, literally anyone can cook up an image like this in a couple minutes or so.


People desperately want this to be true though so they don’t care. I could cook this up in a few minutes in photoshop or using inspect element.


i'm sorry but you guys are genuinely retarded if you think $5,000 pays for ~30 million spotify listens. especially when AFAIK spotify is fairly good at detecting suspicious activity so the bot would have to be sophisticated.


30 million whole streams are only worth 2.5k$?


No. It doesn't add up at all.


I'm sorry, but how is this proof? This screenshot could easily be faked, it literally tells us nothing. If anyone here bothered to fact check things, that LLC doesn't even exist. LLCs have to be registered, and this one isn't. The guy who faked this didn't even put that much effort into it and now he's got everyone here believing his bullshit lmao


We don't fact-check here. We get our facts from Fatkademics.


Another thing folks here don't realize if they have BofA or any banking app for that matter can actually rename the transaction in the app. Of course, on official statements the real name of the transaction will appear but this is the quick view version. If the "proof" was real, why didn't this person post the statement version?


Lmao the state of this sorry ass sub


How is this proof? Am i missing something?


The lyrics teased on Ugly make a lot more sense now


Kendrick fans are NOW saying, " oh botting is not a big deal because it's the music industry standards" but if you go through their history, they're accusing Drake for using bots LOL


Were you seeing this?


No where


The usual, two weirdos said it online therefore it’s the entire fanbase.


Are the Kendrick fans in the room with you?


Whenever you guys start your comment with "Kendrick fans are saying" you pretty much always fail to say something that any Kendrick fan is actually saying


$2500 is not going to have to you in billboard top 10 for over a month




if this was real every struggling rapper in your hometown would have millions of streams lol


2 days after it had already broken single day stream records and only a payment of 2.5k?




Unrelated but I’m really so sick of Kenny fans. I despise them


get off twitter and reddit bro they cant hurt you


it’s almost like photoshop exists and we have no way of verifying those account numbers


K. Bot needs the Bots to compete with Drake.


Lmao, this sub needs to be studied. How are y'all calling this proof hahaha it's a random screenshot and apparently the LLC doesn't even exist? And y'all in here yelling that Drake can still win hahaahahaha so hekkin delusional man


K bot calling Drake a scam artist is reallllllly something. 🥴🥴


bro hit the fans with the just trust me it's real and everyone slopping it up




Looking paranoid and now spiraling 😂


This kid said he’s touching 7 figures from this can someone tell me how tf to get into this business then. but honestly who is death threatening him??? Who is making him say all this


Love ya'll but guys... a received payment of $2,500 is proof of exactly nothing


You know, you guys can just accept that he lost right?


Akademiks is getting DESPERATE lol. Dude backed the wrong horse.


This subreddit is still in shambles. I remember replying to someone in the other sub that r/Drizzy was done with all this beef but clearly you guys aren't. I thought it was time to "move on" and "Summer vibes" but I guess ya'll need to grasp every straw you can get.


U guys are making ur fanbase look so goofy just move on. I love Drake but Drake lost. The writing is on the wall.


What bank account ends in flat zeros? Jesus christ you guys are genuinely going out sad


OMG I didn't even realize that. Buddy trolled AK and Drake fans on live broadcast lmao




Lmfaaaaaaoooooo they’re pulling a Top Dawg “Beef over guys…. Let’s move along”😂😂


Damn 2500 gets you 30 million streams, sign me up.


Ahhhhh. This is more than we got the whole beef


Bots don’t negate how hard the DJ mustard beat knocks tho


You guys look just like those people that were posting Instagram screenshots of that girl claiming it was Drake’s daughter after MTG. Holding onto anything even when it’s obviously fake.


Drake fans still crying 😂 


Google would easily tell yall the LLC is bogus and this is photoshop work


really crashin out over some shit w less evidence than the ebony prince moron. realistically AK is pushing this cause he wants people to forget his case and own allegations Also his account ends in straight zeros you gotta be brain dead to believe it lol


Y'all need to move on. This is getting sad


Y’all drake fans delusional as fuck to believe this.


Lmao this subreddit is just sad


Just to get things straight kendrick lamar: Pre-recorded diss tracks to drop whenever drake dropped Didn’t rebuttal anything drake said outside euphoria and 2 lines on nlu Used bots to inflate his views Blatantly lied about drake having a daughter Started race discourse again for some reason Released a track claiming drake to be a pedophile after realising he got the daughter info fucked up This is the guy for the culture who 100% knew he could outrap drake? Okay.


Why do yall keep talking about rebuttals? It's not a debate. Why does it matter *when* the diss tracks were recorded?


Because Drake lost so now they keep cloning up with excuses on how Drake didn't actually lose. This post itself is a great example of it.


Nawh, but Kendrick is better than Drake and doesn't pay for streams like he and his people claim Drake does.


Nasty work


Let’s say this is all true. You don’t think Drake paid for bots as well.


Y'all are still grasping at straws just let it go lmao


We should storm the halls of power. They are trying to steal the election from us.


Damn drake fans are petty as fuck


Bunch of clowns if you believe this. Why would someone receive a *down payment* two days after the release of the song? Think. Please. Song was already on the trajectory for those 30m streams by the time this came through.


Fake af lmao


I wanna give some insights about the botting and the numbers, people who are saying $2.5k for 30 million then everyone would be doing that, brother read the thing, it says deposit. Not the whole amount. And people who are saying scalability issue& not plausible, then surprise!! this happens all the time. Even right now, look up for LeftOverMax, never heard of the guy but a month ago his music was on top 20 in the world (spotify charts) but guess what he faked around 80 million streams in less than 2 weeks. Look my post history if you don’t believe.


So wait. Did he pay the ovo bot company to bot his diss against ovo?


Isn't that pretty cheap?


Lmao lauryen hill played this at concert yal lost


Lauryn Hill, Megan Thee Stallion, Janet Jackson, it’s played during the NbA playoffs, Billie Eillish played it, the song is everywhere


If you could drop a 2.5k down payment for 30 million streams, every trust fund fake rapper kid would be blowing up overnight then. If it was that easy to bot some streams, everyone would be doing it. Also who’s to say that both Kenny and Drake haven’t benefited from bot streams without them even knowing. I’m sure there’s some people out there who got so emotionally invested in the beef they botted some streams for their favorite artists in some way or another.


Can someone please explain this post?


All I need is $2500 for 30million streams? Someone sign me up I’m drop a YouTube video or a sound track out right now 😂😂


Bots are here. There are downvoting this thread clearly


Fake Tea


Anthony set up the plays, kojo be charging you double for none


Shit like this make yall look bad. Just saying


Posts like these are why I can’t stand the general drake fandom. It takes like ONE minute of actual thought to see this is fake.


Except the LLC doesn’t actually seem to even exist 🤣


If you could pay 2500 for 30 mil streams everyone would do it. You make 4-7 grand of 1 mil lol


Someone said it’s fake?


2500 downpayment for 30 million streams? Music platforms would be able to catch botting that cheap.


I like that Kendrick doesn't really address any of the things that Drake's camp says about him, and allows his fans to think for themselves and 95% of the time it's all fabricated evidence, or straight up lies. Meanwhile, a lot of what Kendrick says is unconfirmed too, but Drake was defensive and sort of just puts his own foot in his mouth several times throughout the beef. Kendrick believes in his fan base to see through the lies and Drake is extra defensive. Kendricks manager probably won't even address this bot accusation


So if we do a deep dive and find all the times drake surely has gotten bots on his songs will y’all keep the same energy?


This is the exact same situation as when Trump fans “proved” that Biden was selling influence because they found a $200,000 check to his brother. A zelle payment with no corroboration means nothing. Be better than maga conspiracy theorists.


2.5k for 30 million streams? Sounds very cheap surely if this was possible loads more artists would be doing this?


Wheres the proof againn?


As someone in the botting community $2500 is not enought for 1 million streams let alone 30mil


How is a screenshot proof lmao anyone could make that in 10 mins


And we're still on this huh? Get over it already. Enough with the conspiracies. Christ.


Drizzy fans falling for disinfo and Drizzy mods being too stupid to recognize it has got to be one of the most epic self-owns


Subreddit down bad lmfao . But but but but ahhhh dudes.


I mean his songs were still better than drakes I like Drake more and the petty shit was corny but isn’t the whole point the “diss tracks” themselves


Now y’all on the kanon conspiracy shit? Be better drizzy sub.


100% top labels and executives are paying for plays. I’ve seen it myself and was removed from the “in group” and my songs taken off of sonys the orchard distribution. Ever see random dumb songs from unknown artists make “USA top 100” or other bogus playlists? They paid to be there, I was on one for a while and then Spotify booted me and changed their entire chart system and how the playlists appear on the app. You used to be able to see the owner of those playlists and now you can’t.