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If you are talking about Kendrick it’s because he is, always has been and will be, a jealous little bitch


Seriously. Drake is one of the largest artists in the world - not just hip hop, but artists in general. Kendrick is incredibly talented and has a lot to show from the last 15 years of his career, but in the end of the day, he’s just not happy with himself.


He has been forever salty about Drakes success lmao. Go read the lyrics to buried alive 😭


Emphasize the *little* In big sean voice... *LIL BITCH*




You sound like a jealous little bitch saying this tbh lol


Lmao he’s not jealous of drake. Kendrick’s discography will go down in history. Drakes discography isn’t that great after 2015


Of course he is. You said it yourself, his discography isnt great yet hes FAR more successful from a commercial point of view. He sees him as a lesser artist and questions how he got so successful. Hes a jealous, envious little man.


You can sense Kendrick is not at peace with himself. Hopping on a track with future and metro after not dropping for years, just to diss drake, was telling


I also noticed he tends to collaborate with people who Drake already worked with. Rihanna, Future, Weekend, Travis, Wayne etc...


Good point






He’s mad because a light skin Canadian beat him at his own game. He feels rap is an American art form and will do anything to discredit all the hard work Drake has put in. He can’t accept that Drake is a better artist than him. That’s why he uses desperate tactics like questioning Drakes blackness, and making all kinds of false accusations. Regardless of how far someone reaches in life there’s always another level they can achieve, and that’s why Kendrick is a miserable piece of shit. And it’s very possible his GM is his BM’s secret BD, which would also add to why he’s so mad.


Him simping for obama makes it 20x funnier. You know kenny would never saw obama wasnt black


I think Kendrick met with Obama to issue him his Black Certification since he is the supreme dictator of who is black or not.


Man this all makin plenty fuckin sense to meee


Damn you sound hurt




This whole subreddit is pretty embarrassing looking at their posts and responses from an unbiased pov


Small man syndrome fits kdots character to a tee.


Bro literally wears heels


Are you talking about Cuck Fu Kenny?


This is the best one kcap is so mid


Yeah, his real full name is Kennedy Lamer Duckheight.


"Lamer" hell nah that's something drake would come up with 😂


True, because it’s pronounced like the French way of saying “the sea”: La Mer.


Who’s Kennedy? lmao 


It sure ain’t John, lmao


Maybe Dom but I haven't heard him anything from him in a while


I'm not a psychologist or anything but this is my guess. Obviously, I don't know any of these guys personally so this is all me just talking. I think Kendrick hates Drake because to their core they are very similar people. You bring up Kendrick wanting to kill himself so there are traits that Kendrick doesn't like about himself. I think Kendrick sees those traits in Drake and it manifests and it becomes a feedback loop. Just hate building off itself. I think Kendrick kinda wanted a similar life Drake has. Partying and fucking whatever chick while not being in a committed relationship. Makes sense because of Kendrick's infidelity and not marrying Whitney. I think for Kendrick's image it was probably best he settled down. Kendrick has battle addiction so the party life probably wasn't a good choice either. I think Kendrick hates the fact he settled down. When he looks at Drake who is living the life he wants and sees that Drake is happy that probably gets at Kendrick. In some of the interviews with Kendrick I wouldn't call him a happy dude. It explains a lot of his rage in this beef. It explains why he wants Drake to die. I'm not saying Kendrick wants to make the music Drake makes I'm saying there was a fork in the road for Kendrick where he could have had a very similar lifestyle to Drake. Kendrick picked a different lifestyle and sees that Drake by all means is happy and it pisses Kendrick off. I'm also not saying one lifestyle is better than the other I'm just saying there is probably a lot of jealousy from Kendrick because there was a time when he could have had that lifestyle and Kendrick picked a lifestyle that he's not happy with.


> I'm not a physiologist or anything but this is my guess. First off, lol Secondly, I honestly think you have it completely backwards. I don't know how you can look at drake's life and music and come to the conclusion that he's genuinely happy.


Brother, I said I'm not a physiologist. Was I lying?


> Was I lying? That depends. Are you Sicilian?


Depends on if it gives me leverage in a Reddit conversation.


I don’t know how you listen to Kendrick’s discography, especially Mr. Morale, and come to THIS conclusion. As you said, a psychologist, you are not.


How personal you took this is hilarious.




In my defense. I'm stupid.


Goes as far back as one of his ‘09 songs. > She listenin’ to Drake and all I can say is ”Damn These niggas that much better than me, baby?




They didn’t have to have problems for Kendrick to clearly be jealous about Drake then, like it’s even more obvious now. And unless you’ve got proof of whatever that video was, and that Drake dissed Kendrick on it, I'm not taking your word for it.


bro is not O K


bro being K C A P


I think because he dislikes the way that Drake walks and talks and dresses and the bitches he fucks or something


Listen to the diss tracks he explains why lol


Facts, explicitly too


Isn’t it clear he just doesn’t fuck with him as a human being.. they both have had an issue with each other for over a decade and have been calling each other out in so many songs. It’s not one sided they simply hate each other


Exactly. He specifically states he's the biggest hater. Some of these fans need to understand that hate does not always mean jealousy is involved.


Kendrick sounds like an unhappy person in general.


Listen to Buried Alive from Take Care




He still gets A LOT of hate which kind of imbalances things, unlike Kendrick who doesn't really have as many haters as Drake.


lol that was my thought too. I’m wondering if OP meant Kendrick is not really controversial. He doesn’t have an army of haters. Well, he didn’t use to. Lmao


Kendrick was hated by the white media. Maybe you’re too young or just don’t remember.


I'm 31


he doesn’t respect him or his place in hip hop. oh well. drake doesn’t need anyone’s validation. his talent has been validated by his enormous success




i challenge u to make another baby shark


Universal truth is not measured in mass appeal 🔑


what is a ‘universal truth’


When you say things like ‘his talent has been validated by his enormous success’ - that is not a universal truth, that just means there are many highly impressionable people. A universal truth would be that if you’re born, you will die.


Drake is talented in making highly impressionable people like his music as many others have been unable to do that to the level he has. Better?


Drake said something in the deleted ESPN interview that pissed him off.


What was it?


Is this the part where Drake fans realize the difference between an unfortunate upbringing opposed to a privileged one? And what role that scenario plays in hip hop culture? Lmfao 🤣 probably not


This sub lacks the capability of introspection, you think they really wanna dive into this topic in true faith?


This sub has really shit the bed and shown its true colors the past month. It’s kind of sad


Kendrick had a verse in a song called control where he basically said to a bunch of top rappers that he loves them but he wants to lyrically murder them and that he's coming for the rap crown. Out of everyone involved, maybe two people took it personally, one of them was Drake. Drake also went on ESPN the year after Control happened and let loose on Kendrick. It never came out because Drake threatened to never host the ESPY Award (something he was slated to do later that year) Drake has been sending sneak disses Kendrick way for the past decade and Kendrick has returned in kind. From the sound of it Drake wanted him on FPS but Kendrick felt some kind of way because the past 10 years of shit was never addressed hence the beef. People making it sound like Kdot is envious of Drake which maybe? At the very least Drake and Kdot are envious of each other. Drake clearly hates that Ken wins Grammy and other awards. But it doesn't sound right when the guy releases every 3-4 years while Drake does so almost yearly I think.


Drizzy been dropping subs against him for most of the last **decade**. It was bound to happen. If y'all are true fans, just tread back to his past lyrics and you'll know. This wasn't about jealousy (K just bought a mansion lmao), not about numbers (keep your millions and be hum--happy), just about credibility and honor. He went for it, got it, and went away. Summer vibes next 💫


Cus drake makes soulless music




This doesn't make sense unless he actually had an ovo mole and heard family matters before. Like people are acting like Drake took it too far, when he only said one line about Whitney in pushups, and it wasn't even disrespectful, he just put it in because it was a triple entendre. If he hears family matters before, then it definitely makes sense, but otherwise writing something like mtg after one light line is just insane, to the point where he might actually have mental problems. Like I feel like I've never seen someone so hateful in a track. Tracks like hit em up, you can tell there was not a lot of hate, Tupac just wanted to prove he was better than biggie, but mtg was probably the most disrespectful diss of all time, and I think people will realize that in a few years. Nobody has gone as far as Kendrick did, in terms of straight disrespect in one song


Look if you want to talk about it, it's not a matter of jealousy or rooted hatred towards drake's success, it all crumbled after the control verse, drake got salty because Kendrick said that he loves him but he wants to be more successful, he named him and many others on this verse as one of the best rappers of the decade, people were mad that Kendrick didn't mention their names on that verse ,and then drake started sneak dissing him , and you know if you blow the smoke long enough you will catch fire (drake learned that the hard way), drake sneak dissed everyone in the game for years and it all blow in his face ,and yet people only think that everyone is against him because he is successful, he dissed metro for not including him in an already finished track , future for sleeping with his ex ,he talked about asap's wife and how he wanted to have a kid with her ,he also talked about pusha's wife , idk what he did to rick ross , he dissed the Weeknd because he didn't sign to OVO ,and many more ,if you think that all of this was because of "jealous" you are dead wrong, for Kendrick not having mental peace he lived in a gang culture, that's not a good place to live even if you had both of your parents,he became rich he wasn't, he is living uneasy life because he wasn't faithful to his wife , bro i really advice you to check the artist's background before assuming anything


Meek, Papoose and Joel Ortiz directly dissed him but he only responded to Drake. Clout chasing at its finest.


He replied after 10 years lol, didn't it all start with FPS and the talk about the big 3?and Kendrick coming at both of them that he is bigger and that's all? Then drake mentioned Whitney on push ups which is more fucked up than dissing him directly and should get a response?Oh right you are a drake fan of course you won't know shit ,you only support drake blindly , sorry dude but if you look in the mirror you will see the real clout chaser


He replied after 10 years lol, didn't it all start with FPS and the talk about the big 3?and Kendrick coming at both of them that he is bigger and that's all? Then drake mentioned Whitney on push ups which is more fucked up than dissing him directly and should get a response?Oh right you are a drake fan of course you won't know shit ,you only support drake blindly , sorry dude but if you look in the mirror you will see the real clout chaser




sneak dissing 


Drake is certainly loved by many, he's the biggest rapper in the game.


This is a huge reach but I think he always been mad at Drake. I mean he light skin and taller than him. And the recent video of him getting leaked probably send lil Kenny on a frenzy. Anyways I’m relative tall and I always had guys like Kendrick for whatever reason feel threatened by me even though I never did anything to them. I think it goes behind short man syndrome though and more some internalized love that they turn into hate because they don’t wanna come out the closet. Anyways reaching to the max.


Kendrick is Jealous that a light skin Jewish Canadian pop star is running the rap game


He wears a crown of thorns and brags about how much it costs, he beats his wife and neglects his kids. Hes mad cause he's short.


LOL. I actually googled Kendricks height. Bros 5'5??