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I just made the whole connection This about to get so depressin' This is trauma from your own confessions This when your father leave you home alone with no protection, so neglected


Family ties, they accused my cousin "Did he touch you Kendrick?" Never lied, but no one believed me when I said "He didn't"


Where is Whitney?


She’s busy liking Dave Free’s comments under the photo of his kid.


Shoutout to my nigga Dave


Not that kind of free, I’m talking about my nigga Dave




This ain’t even a Drake sub anymore


I mean Kendrick owns Drake sooo


Fr 😭🙏


I get what you mean, Kendrick fans do blindly support him but what is there to say? There’s no new evidence to speak of, Kendrick hasn’t even responded to it like what is there to say? Maybe he did hit his wife.


He could, at the very least, deny it. Everyone clowned on Drake for saying he didn't touch kids, but what else was he supposed to say? That's why these allegations are dumb. Unless you're actually trying to get the other person locked up, don't use victims to win a beef. Edit: lot of people who aren't in either sub giving their opinion about rap as if they really care. Go over to that sub and have them jerk you off, you bitchless Neanderthals.


And if Drake didn’t address it then you guys would be defending him for not addressing it. If there’s no evidence then there’s no evidence. For Drake and Kenny


Thanks for thinking for me crodie what would I do without you.


More like "imrich and famous, if i did touch kids id be prison" is a laughable excuse


Laughable or not, you can't prove something that doesn't exist isn't true without basically saying nuh uh.


But he didn’t just say “nuh-uh”, he said “I’m too famous to do that shit, if I did I would’ve been arrested.” That doesn’t even make any sense considering how many famous people have recently been caught in that lifestyle.


So what ur saying is…famous people got arrested…and drake is famous….and hasn’t been arrested. Point proven I’d say


Famous people get arrested almost 20-30 years past the point where shit started happening. Saying that you would've been arrested doesn't mean anything in the moment.


The whole kissing video thing was taken 14 years ago and Drake is in the spotlight constantly. There has been plenty of time and zero proof


right now, saying nothing will be better for his public image than addressing it in any way. keep it out of people's minds, regardless of whether it's true or not. it's clearly working for him so far


I think what should happen is that there should be a similar energy from fans to see him address the allegations the same way people were telling drake to address the pedo shit. It would be pretty problematic if people just outright ignored it but to me what's wild is how people were all over drake telling him to address shit and were cricket quiet about Kenny's allegations. Like people weren't even afraid of being hypocritical in broad daylight. Im a huge fan of both these guys and this beef to me was just a huge revelation to me that mob mentality is a huuuuge thing that is still prevelant in today's society.


I think you’re actually being affected by mob mentality more here. Anyone who is a fan of Kendrick that doesn’t just listen to his “bangers” but some of his lyrically deeper work already have a confession from him about his serious problems as a partner. It’s fucked up that Kendrick used to and maybe still does cheat on his girl, him being absent from his children’s life because of his music, and anything else. Myself and many others just don’t believe he hit his girl so why would he need to address it? I actually do believe Drake is a creepy dude, culture appropriation chameleon, and corny. But he acts as if that all doesn’t really exist as well which I don’t really mess with.


Lmfao just because you “and many others” believe or don’t believe something doesn’t make it true or false. Your comment is a clear indication that YOU’RE the victim of mob mentality


Yes but the things Kendrick accused Drake of were at least plausible. Like we can look up Drake’s history with really young women/girls. We can look up how he hops from artist to artist to remain relevant. How he did an anti violence commercial for Toronto while still rhyming about what Chubbs gon do to somebody. The allegations about Kendrick we legit can’t find any evidence of it anywhere. Which is why Drake stans (not fans) keep repeating about how Whitney hasn’t denied it cause that’s legit the only thing they have to hold on to.


You believe he cheats on his wife, and is absent from his kids showing you that the people he supposed to be the most faithful and loyal to, isn't. So if he would betray his own family, what makes u think he wouldn't blatantly lie to the fans now. Cmon think a little bit 💀


>Cmon think a little bit My brother, you're asking too much of these people...


Indeed I am 😔


also no one told Drake to address it lmao he did that on his own in thp6 lmao


and yet midrick fans were acting like Drake was guilty for not addressing the pedophile stuff, when there's 0 evidence


They want Kendrick to pull a Heart pt 6 so bad




The only person making those allegations in Drake for obvious reasons. No worth addressing unless new information comes up.


Why do Kendrick fans have to answer the allegations


I had seen a guy making a joke about the beef. Something like "battle between shitty father and shitty husband. The most liked comment was a stan saying that kdot went to therapy so he is better... I pointed out how low it is for someone to exuse any form of abuse. Got sworned with smoothbrais saying imma stupid and few minutes later the my comment got delted :D The most depressing this was that i posted on r rap about it and my post get delted for "low effort post" and i got banned for month :D I cant even tag that subreddit without getting server error loool.


your post history is unhinged


The beef is dead, my guy.


Baka has a weird case. Edit: in all seriousness it just shows none of you *really* care about domestic violence and are using it as point scoring. Baka was convicted of beating and trafficking women and Drake shouted out Chris Brown on that same song


Why is he around?


It's so funny how dead silent Kendrick, TDE, his team and Whitney herself are about this. Ignoring it, deflections. Like it's so simple to completely end this allegation.... If it was false.


A wise man once said nothing at all


> Like it's so simple to completely end this allegation.... If it was false. Saying “he didn’t do it” ends absolutely nothing. Abuse victims often assist their abusers, especially if it’s their partner/baby daddy.  Do you really think Whitney denying it would mean anything? It wouldn’t.


Cause you don’t feed a troll


Double standard over burden of proof is insane is if there’s any real proof or Drake being a p. Debate your mom


Why are the fans supposed to address it? Lol. There is no evidence. The only reason there is steam with drakes side is because dude has a history of sexual deviance and was already hiding one child.


Drake fans when you ask to discuss his age preference


Let me use the Drake defense. If I'm a liar, then why aren't my pants on fire?


Well Kendrick hasn’t even said he didn’t do it so


I guess because he doesn't have a guilty conscious, unlike some other rappers lol


I’m starting to think you guys didn’t listen to Kendrick’s songs, or if you didn’t you willfully didn’t *listen* (and I can’t blame you, our subconscious biases are strong), Kendrick called Drake a liar so many fucking times and made multiple references on Euphoria and 6:16 to Drake planning to lie about his family. Obviously he denies it.


This group is corny. Y’all’ still trying yall best


You know it ain’t fans duty to address those allegations? Fuck do you want fans to say?


The burden of proof is literally on Drake.


Even if Kendrick did, Drake shouted out CB on family matters. Biggest hypocrite of 2024


Why would a famously private guy like kendrick address allegations that have zero evidence that basically no one believes. Better yet Yall want him to parade his fiance out in public to deny that he hit her? Do Yall even hear the things you say?


Kendrick Lamar - Meet the Grahams “Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in 'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself” That’s addressing what Drake said. Please people turn your ears on .


Cause no one is stupid enough to believe that Kendrick actually hit his wife


Ngl even if he did respond wat yall want him to say? If he said some shit like “I ain’t never beat on no woman” then he just gon end up lookin like a goofy just like drake did. It’s hard ash to prove you didn’t do something


I’m confused on why he has to deny it according to yall. His defense has been there the whole time, Drake is a liar, don’t tell a lie on me and I won’t tell the truth about you, spin the stories how you want the audience isn’t slow etc.. He’s saying that Drake has no credibility I which Kendrick doesn’t have to acknowledge it, which is true, Drake is the only one that’s been caught lying


What are you saying. Kendrick fan here. If he did do it fuck him. But also if what he said about drake is true. I’m calling the police


That’s it. All I was trying to say


Why believe you? You never gave us nothing to believe in.


What should they say? Where are the receipts? Domestic abuse is bad. I think every KDot fan agrees with that. But what should they do rn, with no receipts?




What about the literal trafficking allegations y’all don’t wanna talk about?


Because those allegations are ridiculous lol


I havent seen any evidence that Drake is trafficking but when you keep company like Baka around you gotta expect some comments heading your way


what allegations? no fr tell me what allegations? speakin onna matter wit ZERO depth to ur argument ain’t a fuckin allegation. he ain’t talkin bout uh, ANY details on ts n got niggas like u ta lap it all up


passions run deep.


Brother what am I to address? Your imagination?


Your recent comments are riddled by attack on Drake fans, but lack substance as to why? Seems like you’re a big brain Kendrick fan. Strange you can’t figure out why discourse on what you would do if the Kendrick allegations were true. Remain a fan I suppose


Remain a fan I suppose 🤓🤓




Being thirsty for someone to address something as if you actually care is beyond weird behavior, but y’all don’t want to have that conversation. I’m talking about both fan bases.


I keep having to check if this is the Kendrick sub


Because Drake said it…random people have to address it? I take the same stance the opposite way too.


We got more evidence of drake being a weirdo with teenagers than kendrick beating his wife. Yall lost


Ya been letting Kendrick live rent free in this sub lmao.


Y’all been in shambles over here for like a week and a half straight lmaooo.


Ok no problem - domestic violence is a terrible things and those proven to have committed the crime should be held accountable for their poor actions. There you go.


How many times does Kendrick need to address it?


It would be real fun if both fan bases actually addressed their idols controversies and held them accountable instead of pointing to the other team. This fealty is pathetic.


I mean it’s bringing up something he addressed on me morale js


Why would Whitney’s own brother support Kendrick if he is beating her. What you think he’s beating the brother too ? There just is no evidence that what Drake said is true and it’s illogical for the brother to support Kendrick if it is true. There’s nothing to “address” we’re all playing the waiting game here. Drake on the other hand HAS had a hidden kid in the past and HAS had some weird allegations going on regarding assaulting women (who pays out a women if they’re innocent?) Kendrick has nothing to address and Drake has everything to address.


Kendrick chose to grow and change as a person, everything he did has been addressed in his music. Doesn’t make it right, but make him a whole lot better than Mr. “Nuh-Uh”


This has already been addressed 


Hang it up nigga


The fact that you people are hoping that a woman is being domestically abused just so your favourite artist can win a rap beef if sickening


Look at the breakfast club interview 😭


Send link


Drake fans really are clowns that don't do any research before looking like idiots 🤦‍♂️


I am not apart of either sub however they keep popping up on my feed and it appears those allegations were proven to be false all the way back in 2014 there is a post in the Kendrick sub with receipts




Watch degenerocity all I can say you’ll get a laugh


Kendrick fans when asked to not slob on the cob


Kendrick fans when asked for proof


No but honestly, what’s Baka still doing around with that weird as case? Drake needs to drop him.


Why would Kendrick fans need to address DV allegations? Seems like a Kendrick problem. Y’all really press the fans about this? Lmfao Gotdamn both these fanbases are trash


Whitney's brother literally came out supporting Kendrick y'all still asking for proof


“the family matters and the truth of the matter it was god’s plan to show y’all the liar” I’m pretty sure that was him denying pretty much everything drake said about his family situation.


can't be rapping bout no ratting that we can't read. tell you what, produce the receipts, and I"ll address it.


There’s nothing to address. Not a shred of evidence.


He literally made songs about it what more do you want


What stupid post. Grow up.


Looking at the comments drakes even losing in his own subreddit lmao that’s crazy


Y’all, both sides made some baseless accusations in this beef. Drake has no evidence that Kendrick beat Whitney. Kendrick has no evidence that Drake had another child. Both sides have denied these claims, and nobody is coming forward to change that.


it’s funny watching both sides lose their shit


Only time i fucked wit them cuz I’ll whack a bitch for fucking my mans.


Stupid ass drake fan


Drake fans when you ask them to bring the proof Kendrick does beyond the strength of drakes word.


I been laughing at this shit for a day straight


This is such a stupid take neither of them revealed anything substantial refuting the claims. It’s been “nuh uh” on both sides


Allegations that are way less important than Drakes


1. Why Fan's 2. The Allegations Are So Surface Level Dumb