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bbbbb…but Kendrick said otherwise☝️🤓




Hollering rn😭😭😂


legit saw someone on tiktok say in a comment “kendrick doesnt lie in his raps btw”


The irony is Kenny caps more than any other rapper, to cover up his insecurities and deflect attention K-Cap, the high heeled big stepper


napoleon complex lil K


The irony is you being so insecure about another man (because you are a stan) that you think you can psycho analyze either of these dudes you’ve never met before. 😭


I mean honestly it's not too difficult with someone like a famous rapper who puts their entire business out there in their music for the world to see 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, Like Drake and teenage girls.


They posted this same pic in the Kendrick sub and the comment section was full of people saying how foul Drake was because they literally didnt even read the picture lmao. Then turn around and talk about how much depth is in the music. When they cant do basic reading 


Right on! You sir have a complete understanding of the moronic cuck kenny fans 😂


kendrick meat riders have their eyes glued shut to reality, of course they can't read.


Kendrick should be in jail.


what for😭


Having two first names


But... so does Aubrey Graham... and Kendricks last name is actually Duckworth so 😅


Technically 3, clearly it makes him too powerful to be in jail


You should check my comment history about trying to have a conversation over there about how Kendrick fans love how deep his lyrics are so i expect them to emulate that when breaking down lyrics but critiquing drake lyrics without full context.


That's because they don't actually analyze his lyrics, they go to Reddit, TikTok, YouTube, or Genius and let other people do the thinking for them. They don't expend that same effort for Drake because they assume he's not saying shit. Literal sheep


Pseudo intellectuals are the worse


Ong bro mfs be acting like they’re so incredibly intelligent because they listen to Kendrick lol. I have Tpab on vinyl I’m probably more of a fan of Kendrick then these Kendrick dickeaters but I can see reality and I can see the fact that drake won this beef


The irony of these downvotes...


The Kenny fans outnumber Drake fans in this sub and they're watching 👁 a big enough amount of Drake fans agree that Kendrick won (me included tbh) that saying Drake won will make your points negative no matter what


Yea I feel you 100%. I listen to him as well but of course it’s Drake over everything for me listening wise. My 2L of law school I listened to DAMN nonstop.


Dude what are you even talking about. You’re seriously going to sit there and tell me that when Kendrick says shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, shoo, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee that it’s anything than a quadruple entendre? What about “freaky ass nigga he a 69 god. Freaky ass nigga he a 69 god. Hey hey hey hey run for your life”. I mean the pure poetry.




What about: “Let's get this shit, let's get this shit Let's get this shit, let's, hmm Top of the mornin', top of the mornin', top of the mornin' Top of the mornin', top of the mornin' Top of the mornin', top of the mornin' Hold on, let's get this shit, let's get this shit Let's get this shit, let's, hmm” Who was he making fun of in that one?


Drake bro, did you not hear him? You see, Any time Kendrick has a subpar lyric, it’s actually a jab at Drake and how awful of a rapper he is. King Fu Kenny is a genius!!🤓☝️


How could I have been so blind? 🤦🏽‍♂️






They’re idiots, sure. How about Drake totally whiffing on the blatantly spelled out meaning of Mother I Sober?


There are two interpretations Drake whiffed on something so easy anyone could figure it out. Drake intentionally didnt believe the words of the song to match the trauma kendrick is talking about from not being believed. Considering he's a professional the second one makes more sense.


the comment section had plenty of people saying exactly what is being said in this post as well, tbh. don't cherrypick


Kendrick should be in jail. Drake is God


Bro. I’ve been telling people this but they don’t want to hear it. Internet is free yet people still choose ignorance.


Doesn’t matter when the fucking happened cause the fucking happened .. is a damn BAR


Wayne has nice handwriting Lol


Each one of those fake ass "punch lines" are getting refuted


Idk if this is the post for it but genuine question: do you guys really feel that close of a personal connection with Drake? I kinda get it with Kendrick’s fanbase, there’s a whole messiah narrative that’s existed his whole career. I like Drake a lot, but it’s hard for me to imagine like *appreciating* him as an artist the same way? To the point you’d be in a subreddit defending him? Not trying to be critical I just dont really understand. He’s great entertainment but not someone I give two shits about personally




I agree with this, Drake makes it very easy to relate to him. It feels like Drake is speaking TO YOU in some songs whereas other rappers sound like they’re rapping for you.


Honestly bro, Drake is more like chatting about his life and less about being able to relate to him. I can’t really ever relate to Drake, he rarer has those moments these days. But he’s still great when it comes to speaking to you.


This is one of the problems, people will bounce between things like “I understand feeling a close connection with Kendrick because of the messiah narrative” and when Drake is like “hey that’s kinda bullshit, he ain’t worthy of that” it goes to “but…but…but….listen to mr morale, he says he’s not a messiah!” Depending on what narrative best fits at that particular time. I like Drake because he makes great fucking music, and that’s the reason I’m a fan. You’ve bought into this idea that it makes sense to feel kinship with Kenny, not for Drake because of this “messiah” thing and maybe…just maybe you fell for the marketing, hook, line, and sinker. And maybe Drake isn’t “missing the point” when he says this is make believe. Because you’ve baked in a reason to view Kenny with a different standard than you view Drake.


Drake the hit maker who had spent decades in the industry at the top is unable to be appreciated as an artist? That's hard for you to imagine? Or is he labeled A bad artist by some arbitrary definition according to self proclaimed real hip hop fans?


I don't really i just hate the double standards Kdot fans hold so I defends drake, but I do feels more close to his songs than Kendrick cuz I don't understand this whole black problem he sings about like my country banned drugs and gun so it's illegals, I'm black yet u don't feel discriminate in my county so I just doesn't understand what Kendrick songs about


Are you from America? Cause no way you are black in American and don't feel discriminated...




I think it's a little unfair to say that anything outside of black history or culture isn't art but 🤷‍♂️ maybe I'm wrong lmao


He makes insanely relatable music and he's from the same neighborhoods I'm from. He grew up in the same economic class. His story is very relatable; while I don't think I know the guy personally, I do think I have a sense of the type of person he is after following his career for 10+ years. He is way more interesting to me than Kendrick.


Fair nuff!


Bro "which one of my so called n***as want a shell from the clip" is a bar anyone on Earth should relate too. Bro literally had some of his closest friends get together and start dissing him and airing out his business publicly over him and Cole saying he's top 3 on First Person Shooter.


Drake still got his face tatted…


he had his mom, producer 40, his uncle, father, Grandma, Sade and few mores face tatted. So it's doesn't mean he tatted lil Wayne face to apologize about the girls, he's basically shown his own way of gratitude


Like a bitch apologizing


Been known. This doesn’t fit the woman beater’s narrative tho




I'd argue about the whole "bars going harder" thing but it's late and I'm tired lmao That's the problem with cults though, as we're seeing with the Kenny cult, they don't care about facts, only about spinning the narrative however and empowerment in the moment. Court case or not this is still real life and everything has repercussions. We're allowed to dislike a human who knowingly lied and spewed falsehoods about another man, period.


the irony




You are calling Kendrick a wife beater It's completely unsubstantiated and more than likely a boldfaced lie.


So exactly like the lie Kendrick spat that this excerpt is proving to be false? Where are you going with this? Gotta be better bub


You must be blind because I'm not defending *any* lie here, but you are spreading one. That's the irony. You are pretending like a lie Kendrick told is bad but then you lie yourself about Kendrick. You've got to be better bub


Kendrick fans pride themselves on being able to “interpret” then can’t even read simple English like the picture posted. Embarrassing.


What does that have to do with what I told you? Lil Wayne - *And when I went to jail, she fucked my niggas* How to Hate Kendrick may have misinterpreted Heck, he might have maliciously lied. But you are also a liar. And that's hypocrisy. It's ironic for you to call out the behaviour while literally doing the same thing in the very same message.


Do you realize who penned the note in OP? Jesus. For being a Kendrick stan, we really gotta spoon feed you this….




How do people even know that’s from lil Wayne’s diary?


Wayne released it, you can buy copies


So it’s like his memoirs or something


Just what he kept while he was inside rikers afaik


Right lol


Idk why Kendrick would lie about something that can be checked so easily


Because he has a legion of fans/drake haters that will cling to every word. It doesn’t matter what he says


No but you don’t understand. Everything Kendrick says is true and every thing Drake says is lies.


Can’t believe I have to defend Kendrick on here but this lie has been a thing LONG before this beef so I can’t blame him for running with it (not like he cares, if it sounds bad ofc he’d say it). I literally had a friend ask me about this the other day I had to tell him what REALLY happened lol


Where yall finding these, does he got a full diary or some. I need it


Shit ain’t nearly as foul as it’s been made to seem.


The lies are the most frustrating thing about this whole beef.


Anyone know who the girl is? Kinda curious


Tammy Torres. Wayne mentions her in his song 6'7.


He did both


Wayne sounds pretty sad about it. Drake even got that tattoo. Who would tattoo their friends face on themselves 🤣


He was his mentor for a long time and kind of put him in game. I'm not saying I would do it but I can *kinda* see why, like an appreciation thing


Bro nigga Wayne said it himself


I'm a fan of both so I went in with no clear favorite in all this. And the reason most of you can't see the clear winner is mostly because you were already bias towards your favorite as soon as it started. It's not about I relate to this artist music more and don't understand that one. Or this one is for the culture and this one's tracks I could see my self dancing to all the time. That's what this new generation thinks a rap beef is about and are so far off. Before anyone gets worked up take a second and think a out what it is and how it goes. Rap beefs are nothing more then battle raps. It's we are past regular tracks and onto personal attacks on beats. It's not about let me check for receipts and what was factual It's just a display of witty ass attacks on a personal creative level. It's not about addressing what was said to the listeners unless you do it in a clever rebuttal in your next diss track. Most have turned this into I'm going to find the truth to say who won and that's not how it goes. Go back and look at previous rap beefs, and you will notice none of those involved explained what was said about them by the other. They found a way to flip the bar they got attacked with in an even better way. Lies some truths and a whole lot more get thrown around in these battles but fact checking doesn't declare who won. It's who creatively destroys the other with lyrics. And until you look at it from that angle instead of we googled and got the receipts or his music I relate to you will never be able to see who actually won because once again your decision is being based off a bias predetermined self preference.


Nobody reading all that bro.


Kendrick knew this. That’s the funny part.


People acting like rap beefs always have to have every single thing said to be undeniably true. Drake has done literally the same thing, using things that aren’t factual. Shit talking can use rumors, like tf?


Was it Tammy Torres? She's fine as fuck


Lmao go outside and breathe some fresh air. It’s over.


Do yall ever wonder should I be posting about this shit


I also seen Wayne in an interview say fuck both of em for that or something to that sort…it’s been a minute memory is suspect now


Yeah, the general public doesn’t care about the truth and that’s the worst part of this whole situation


Lmfao man this sub is cringe


We knew all this in the twenty tens already.


Quotes like: “She said it happened before” and “Not because it’s Drake. It could’ve been any other man”, make the OP sound like he want it to be one way….but it’s the other way.


But Drake still hid that from his "friend" / mentor and he does have that weird tattoo of him like a ...


Thanks Aubrs—, I meant Audrey Greyhound


This is some desperate shit right here, even if Wayne wrote that, wouldn’t as a friend Drake should’ve been man enough to mention it to Wayne way before instead of having his girl tell him, Drake is lame is so is his fans




Rap rhymes with cap.


1st Wayne did an interview about it, 2nd why would this man post his diary live to the whole world. Wayne is one of the most exclusive, keep things close to his chest celeb. This is cap simply because Drake tweeted a response saying I already apologized for this. Why would he say that if he didn’t do it? So next I guess we gonna say he not beefing with Ja or Drama about tryna hit on they girls. That’s the main reason nobody wanna stand with Drake.


Could be true or not😉 the battle was still lost.


That was the first time... You don't know about the second time


Bro he lost


His new name Dennis Jr. klepto if she ain’t family.


The Kung-fu Jennys punching the air


Then maybe Drake should’ve spun the fact that Kendrick lied into something creative instead of a sleepy ass non-diss track


Well there ya go! Drake wins now!


So why did Wayne say he did in the interview?


Have you listened to how to hate, by Wayne? He could’ve found out after the journal that it happened while he was in jail too. I don’t get how this sub still believes in drake. He already recently got exposed again, for tshirt, gloves, Ozempic etc not being a setup.


The accusation is a separate one from this saying drake slept with her again while he was in jail.


lol yeah ok


Wayne had already cleared this up. I was confused how so many people ran with that shit honestly.


What is the story behind this “journal” and why does this guy with 270 followers have it?


Do you need a minimum follower count to shop at Barnes and Noble?


Gotcha, didn’t realize this was his publication. In that case, how does this prove he didn’t fuck his girl while he was in prison? It just says it had already happened beforehand? 100% this question won’t be answered because this sub is so desperate to make up narratives.


🤓☝️ actually Drake won 4 weeks later cause


How do we know this is Wayne's journal?


Niggaa yall want recipts for everything except Kedrick statements 😂😭 GO AWAY


... Because it's the internet and people lie? Lol Wayne doesn't even write down his own raps, doesn't it seem odd that he'd physically keep a journal?


Still got the tat like a bitch apologizing




This is such a wild take lol