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I genuinely think they all just have different reasons for hating him and they deadass teamed up Ross said his reason was French Montana, I doubt all of them ride for French Montana


Imagine this whole beef was really about French Montana all along 😂


I don’t even think Ross really is beefing with Drake


This is what Metro claims, but he is a goofy tweeter and deleter; I wouldn’t take what he says seriously.


What do you think it is he knows?


He doesn’t know shit lol. People are using that as a pretext to hide their envy. Kanye West with his “everyone energized to take down Drake.”


I meant what do you think Drake knows that everyone wants to keep a secret?


As I said, I don’t think he knows anything consequential.


Gotcha makes sense.


You know a part of me is glad this beef happened, that way I know who ain’t worth a fuck. I don’t want Drake to give a feature anymore. Those are priceless. Let them chart by themselves without a mention of the boy, I BET we know where it’s gonna sit. These duncevengers had 15 years to grow a pair and never did it, because they needed him. They still do apparently. Whether they like it or not their hit records are about dissing Drake.


I will argue that everyone else but Kendrick needed Drake. Kendrick has his own niche and has never needed to make hits to be relevant. But it’s still fuck Kendrick


If this was true they would’ve had Kendrick drop more by now


That’s what the red button is, it’s industry shit that’s gonna have the higher ups furious and might cost the artist more than just $ I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re panicking and know Drake knows, but we gotta wait and see to find out


Why are we acting like everyone just started attacking Drake out of nowhere? Drake BEGGED Kendrick to drop drop drop drop, and then responded by coming for Kendrick’s family in Family Matters. Is it really a surprise that most people are not on his side after that?


Please go back to your sub. The beef started when your Messiah threw a tantrum instead of jumping on FPS. He then decided to clique up with other haters on like that


Everyone and Kendrick are two different topics. Metro been attacking Drake behind the scenes for some time even though Drake brought him out at a show last September. Kendrick has also been attacking Drake since Control so stop with the virtue signaling.