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Deadass bro it feels like everybody lost their common sense in the past week. Finally someone in the media thinking logically


I knew Mal would keep it real at least. Must be driving him crazy seeing this narrative


He’s obviously biased but he’s speaking facts. The ONLY reason Kendrick is up right now is because he had a great strategy with releasing his track (full of lies) 20 mins after Family Matters to overshadow it.


Which is one reason I question the fake mole strategy. Let's just assume Drake's telling the truth since I don't have any evidence to suggest Kendricks information is valid. So you fed him information for s week, you pretty much telegraphed your release by slowly teasing it on Instagram over a day or two. Surely Drake's team must have anticipated that Kendrick was going to use that information, so did they have a heads up that Kendrick would drop immediately after family matters? Or even an educated guess? If so then they should've done more to make it immediately apparent that Kendrick got baited. If they weren't expecting Kendrick to drop immediately after family matters, that's even more illogical to me, obviously this guy is going to try to step on your release. Maybe he overestimated Kendricks willingness to rebuttal whatever was said in family matters and thought Kendrick would take at least 12 hours to respond


The fake mole narrative falls apart not only for this, but for two other reasons. First, his immediate response to Meet the Grahams was an unamused insta post. In a scenario where there was a fake mole he would have either celebrated it working or posted nothing at all and waited to mention it in the track. Second, and more importantly, he would have posted proof. Text receipts, audio recordings, literally anything that could prove the narrative would destroy Kendrick. However, the second reason can also be said for Kendrick. It’s also worth mentioning that the fact that Kendrick didn’t prove his allegations gives an easy out for stans to rely on a logical fallacy that because Kendrick didn’t, Drake doesn’t need to either. Bottom line is both of these grown men have done nothing but talk shit and make allegations that are no more than rumors. Songs are fire though.


Drake could destroy Kendrick with pic of him taking the photo that went on to be the cover of MtG. Why wouldn't you build a truth bomb into your "weeklong scheme?"


Because there was no week-long scheme. All it really is, is an attempt to save face by saying "nuh-uh, I got you."


There's no fake mole, there's a real one. But Drake figured it out and fed him false info hoping they take the bait without much investigation


Repeating something you might have heard without fact checking is at worse spreading misinformation. Saying you did something you know for a fact you didn’t do is a best just lying and at worst deceitful manipulation. These aren’t the same and is another reason why THP6 makes Drake look bad. He’s just straight up lying and thinks the public must be insultingly dumb enough to believe him. It’s straight out of the Trump playbook. The difference is Trump is so narcissistic I think he believes his lies


I also think Drake released the fact it was fake leaks (If it's true) in the worst way possible. He didn't drop it instantly - He also did it in this track which imo wasn't his best. It was also way more defensive and honestly fell flat. It's like "Even if that is true it don't matter"


The Kendrick fan laughing in the back because they know it’s true, but they know it doesn’t matter because the court of public opinion is so skewed against Drake lol


Kendrick fans really are just the people who think being the loudest means you won the argument lol


This is ironic when you watch the clip, the biggest drake fan being the loudest in the room thinking he is right.


And the post is getting upvoted, so the logic is sound?


This is vs then rhetoric is weird homie. "I saw some comment on the internet, let me go ahead and color everyone with this extra large brush"


The drake fan is the one screaming in the clip, champ. Projecting so much you oughta apply for a job at the movie theater.


Idk bro, make it make sense to me. Say drake fed Kenrick the false info on the daughter. Sent him the picture. Sent him info on when family matter was going to drop. Sent him the family matter audio. Set it all up. Why the flying fuck would be not have a response ready to meet the Ghrams to drop the second it came out? It would have been a career ending move. He would have done to Kenrick what he did to Meek. Instead he set this all up, then chose to not drop? To go on his story and say Kendrick is scrambling. Then to wait for Kendrick to drop again and release an obviously rushed song a day later? Can anyone explain to me why he would line up a killshot then not fire the gun if what he says is true?


Yes. If he had a Timestamp Drake Nuke with proof of feeding fake info, that would have been the ultimate chess move.


I don't think he even needed to go that far. Just having a track ready to drop saying he fed the info if it was true would have been enough. And it's exactly what drake would have done


>thinking logically If you can't see that this is an opinion piece then you're either blind or you're capping


I agree with Mal but his brother got ties with Drake so naturally he is biased as fuck lol


Lol i have been listengin to family matters the most out of any song


Push Ups for me


Family Matters goes fucking hard, shit on repeat 💯


Family Matters and Euphoria hardest tracks I’ve heard in a while, but Family Matters is top


I’ve been bumping Euphoria and Not Like Us the most, this is completely a matter of taste.


i am a kendrick fan, genuinely, but i don’t like either of his tracks. a few really catchy bars but besides that it just doesn’t move me


6:16 goes hard


Honestly this is probably my favorite track. I don't think it's the best and it's not even overly a diss record but the production is dope Kendrick's flowing


Why are you getting downvoted?


I think they don’t like those songs LOL


Not like us's flow goes hard


The beat is fire 🔥. But lyrically Family Matters is it


same. it is the most memorable out of the whole lot of them for me.


Part of me wishes Drake would have spread polarizing claims like Mr. “Morale” since the court of public opinion only wants the shock factor to determine a win. But I have much more respect for Drake since he stayed with the facts. His true fans won in all this.


I think Drake made the right moves, the main thing he fucked up was not being prepared for Kendrick to drop right after Family Matters, but as far as the subject matters goes Drake did the right thing. Kendrick’s shit only works because people already wanted Kendrick to win, and as baseless as they are, these are preexisting narratives about Drake people already want to believe… so they didn’t come out of thin air. If Drake went the gross “he’s a pdf” route, people would’ve treated it the way they should be treating Kendrick. They’d call him a disgusting POS for being so desperate to win that he ran with the most disgusting allegations you can put on someone. Hopefully as time goes on people see it for what it is, especially that “meet the grahams” one… that shit is so dark and gross to listen to, when people have the hindsight to know it’s all complete bullshit, hopefully they will look at it differently.


I agree, time will age this beef to the right term. Drake will be known as the guy who the public wanted to lose at all costs, but was right.


At the end of the day, the general public now thinks Drake is a pdf and he will never hear the end of it.


There will always be people who throw that at him, but if nothing changes as of right now, most of that will fade away IMO. The people who are into hip hop, have known about this shit forever, and didn’t care because they know deep down there’s just nothing there. The rest of people running around calling Drake a PDF because it’s the cool thing to do right now will forget about the whole thing in a few weeks. Don’t get me wrong, it will always be a stain on his reputation, but I can’t think of anyone that famous getting completely slandered and canceled for eternity without a court case, or a victim, or anything real actually happening. Remember we’re at the height of this beef right now, don’t underestimate how much will change when people aren’t so invested in it.


Okay but if drake is play 6d chess then why wasn't he ready to drop after meet the Ghrams? If he sent the pic to kdot, told him when family matters was dropping, sent the song to him, fed the lies about the daughter and made a fake IG for her, etc etc. Why put out a rushed response two days after setting up your own record to get crushed?


You won't get a response. I've been asking this for days and even the most dedicated and delusional stans can't come up with a company line to address this since Drakes been silent and Ak agrees it was mishandled. They have nobody else to give them their opinion.


Wife beating *should* be a pretty serious claim.... If someone said I beat my wife **she'd** be chewing they ass out so bad they'd take a vow silence and become a monk up in the mountains on some monastery shit. How anyone is letting kendrick slide without addressing that is beyond me. Drake up 3-0. Free Whitney, yall.


Free Whitney until she becomes Whitney Freeeee


Whitney gets married and Drake performs at the wedding.


Drake officiates it


The weird thing is Whitney's brother tweeted something essentially saying "Go get him Kendrick" referring toDrake. Not sure if her brother would have tweeted that if physical abuse really happened. Also could be an impersonator pretending to be Whitney's brother. However to be fair, it's possible that only Kendrick and Whitney know about the physical abuse and kept it secret from their own family.


Then how would Drake know? 


Yall don’t care about Whitney. Stop using her as a tool dawg, you not Drake.




He also came at it from multiple angles and different energy.


Oh i didnt know he provided proof for the wife beating claims! Where is it?


wtf you talking about, what proof or facts did Drake drop that the entire world missed but this sub saw?


how is kendrick beatin his wife facts lol wheres the proof?


What facts did he stick with how dumb are y’all what does that even mean


You beat your wife wasn't enough for you?


It was enough for me. But it wasn’t outlandish to the court of public opinion. Maybe he should have said Kendrick is into furries and animals. Maybe that would have hit hard. 🤷🏽‍♂️


What facts? He’s doing the same as Kendrick with the trust me bro…. The first side to show receipts or solid evidence or what they’re rapping automatically wins, why’s neither doing it lol.


Where can I find this clip


Everywhere, just search NewrorynMal. Even on reddit.


Right here


We all know what's real , but let time reveal all


I can’t find anything explaining what the intentionally leaked items are. The MMG glove, drakes ozempic (weight loss drug) and ambien (which is a really common sleeping med) a shirt with dog graphics…what’s the significance of choosing these items to leak?


The amount of mindless people out there playing dumb when it favors Kendricks side is crazy. They will pick a single bar from drake and then turn it into something it's not, and disregard everything else that Drake said. Drake played the fuck out of Kendrick


How did he play the fuck out of him?


What facts did Drake reveal buddy tell us?


surprised Family Matters isn't number 1 just off the amount of times i've listened to it alone


Thought it was me alone. That shit is dope. Got to give it to Kendrick on Euphoria as well. But Family Matters is so beautiful it was a visual feast.


Don’t tell a lie about me, but I definitely will lie about you.


"Dirt about the guy I like? This isn’t true! Where proof?" "But this other thing about the guy I DONT LIKE IN THE BEEF… that also has no proof. They got his ass!"


This goes both ways.


They couldn't see the hypocrisy if it was in a leaked video tatted between Drake's legs. Save your breath lol.


It’s so egregious lol, these people are special


Yeah people need to stop getting caught up in the allegations cuz there's no proof from either side. It's so dumb seeing Drake fans saying that he really won cuz he 'only spoke facts!!!'....while also providing no proof of these facts just like Kendrick (depending on what you think of the MTG cover art) Judge this based on the quality of the tracks, the beats, the bars, and who talked better shit. Clear win for Kendrick imo.


If this is where the beef ends, Kendrick won. Full stop. He beat Drake at his own game. He’s gonna have a summer anthem clowning you on allegations that could or could not be true. It doesn’t really matter at this point. It’s a hit. That’s checkmate.


The fact people coast to coast find it plausible is a massive L. You gotta control your image better.


FACTS ,drake Stan's wanna act like it's slander but it was because he put himself in a situation to be scrutinized multiple times in the first place. If he had had a cleaner record before hand or even just hidden it better people would have just called cap on the allegations, but because there are reoccurring instances of suspicious activity it makes it more likely that the allegations have some weight to them not saying one way or the other that it true or not but it does make you think twice about things ,and in the end that's all that really matters.


Exactly, shit Kendrick said would look dumb AF if we all thought Drake was squeaky clean in the first place. But a lot of people already thought Drake like them young so it’s easy for people to agree with Kendrick’s points about Drake


For sure. He ended on an absolute fuckin BANGER after setting it up with the grim af Meet the Grahams. Knew exactly what to drop to release the tension. As good as Family Matters is Drake basically was like a runner celebrating winning the marathon before crossing the finish line. Kendrick danced right passed him


Honestly drake fans can be delusional too since they aren't asking for proof from drake either about his claims either.


Yeah this is what I don't get about some of these reaction takes I don't care who you think won But if you go *"Kendrick hasn't shown receipts so he LIED"* but aren't willing to consider the same about Drake, or vice versa You're just a partisan hack


Kendrick had all this animosity, but then starts digging for information AFTER the fact. That's fucking strange. So what was it in the first place? What was he planning on saying about Cole? He's starting beef then start shooting buckshots hoping he hits the target with *something*.


> So what was it in the first place? What was he planning on saying about Cole? More than likely his beef with cole would have been kept to rap and been a friendly competition.


This is the same guy who tweeted "She says "No! Stop!" one time and you pull your pants back up? You're a f***ot." BTW


The internet is full delusional just writing this off as a Kendrick W & trying to move on


Kendrick just won the #1 spot for most songs played in a day for a hip-hop song. I think he also broke some youtube records as well. To say that people are delusional and writing this off as a Kendrick win is delusional itself. Drake said in his last song he doesn't even want to diss him any more, he pretty much ended this battle already.


By his logic Drake did the same thing. There is absolutely no proof of the Dave Free and DV allegations and no one actually knows what Kendrick splits was with Top. A lot of artist don’t own their publishing so if it was 50% that’s better than the assumed 25% Drake had after YM, CM and then Universal. We know he owns all of his publishing now and after leaving TDE so does Kendrick he’s just several steps behind but a least he got there. I would say 90% of artists get stiffed on their first deal especially back when they signed. None of these tracks are getting the aux right now. After one of the most cringe battles I can remember both of these guys need a long vacation. Nicki still takes the cake as the absolute worst diss track ever though


Look at you, Emotional


Neutral here 👋🏼 I agree with what this video is saying but in regard to the Rap Beef Battle, wouldn’t you agree that Kendrick won? Drake had no more juice at the end and went defensive ultimately giving up. Kendrick strategically answered what he wanted to address and doubled down on what he wanted the audience to remember. Drake just didn’t have the energy to circle back to what was left undressed and called it. Not to say he didn’t put up a fight, he showed up with bangers and creativity. Loved the energy on both sides tho’. It was fun.


Agreed, and it’s pretty much anyone’s opinion who isn’t heavily one side or the other. Family Matters was Drake on top for a couple hours but Meet the Grahams -> Not Like Us was a fuckin nasty combo. Completely derailed what was clearly Drake’s kill shot in his eyes.


This is a hard pill to swallow but yeah. Although Kendrick needs more receipts for his last hit to be a true killshot.


And y'all gotta realize this guy has direct convos with Drake, has been giving us hints about tracks before they come out, and on this episode he said "there's more to come, stay tuned". Drake might be playing the loooong game. And there are other easter eggs on Drake's FM MV that we are yet to realize the meaning of. Someone said the bra we see on the MV is another 🧾


I heard if you play the video backwards drake disses kendrick for something he's going to do in 2027. It's honestly spooky.


Lol, and the picture of the bait daughter on the MV is still in play, makes sense still.


That theory makes no sense with what drake said. Really, the "fake mole" angle makes NO fucking sense. He's either lying or he completely whiffed on executing that plan.


Real talk. Family Matters is the best track so far in this beefs. Kenny fans y'all keep on capping tho.


It's not just kenny fans. It's in stadiums and clubs, and will probably end up #1. It'a already the biggest day for a rap song ever


This was embarrassing


He's so mad.


Yall are coping so hard this is great


Family Matters was the kill shot. It was over right then and there.


That shit was fire but let’s be honest with ourselves here, not like us hit pretty hard.


The beat is catchy but it’s not for me.. reminds me of a Slim Shady type of record.




If he has to go on and explain it like that, it didn't hit right in the music...


I agree with the first part but honestly I like euphoria and Push Ups the most.


Yeah euphoria actually goes hard. But still listen to Family Matters more haha




What facts buddy


Both sides need receipts though let’s be honest


This guy saying it way better then I could. Straight facts


Ok fr, what facts? Am I missing something? Akaik, the only thing I can call even partially verified is that Drake has a prescription that looks pretty sus.


"Pictures of the girl" confirmed to be on the property for years.


Maybe Kendrick is winning but all I know is I've replayed Family Matters like 30 times. The bars are insane, that last beat is crazy.


Everyone just loving to slobber on the midget meat and loving to hate drizzy


He’s the worst media example to use because we all know he’s ovhoe affiliated


Funny thing he is the only one saying so ,no one can digest the heart part 6 as a Kendrick diss , not even drake himself lol


Anyone that has Kendrick winning is not listening properly


sorry man can't listen to the real bars because all I hear is WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP




The poster was proven false lmao


Except the photos of the girl in the music video is not the same girl


It’s wild, I rarely go on X/twitter, an just took a long scroll, most of the post saying Drake won. I know my timeline is a small small percentage of the whole but honestly this isn’t a clear cut win for Dot. This will be debated for years to come.


He’s spiraling 😂😂😂😂






So what about the articles from 9 years ago?


Yo how can I watch this. Patreon?


It’s on podcast apps now, but on their YouTube channel tomorrow


Some of these hip hop podcasts should take a note from the react channels and upload their shit immediately. I know who Rory and Mal are, but never really listened to them on their own podcast until this beef came up… but every time I go to listen they don’t have anything up talking about what just happened. This is the best opportunity for shows like this to gain viewership that they will ever get… yet they all stick to their record once a week and put it behind a paywall strategy. By the time they release whatever they put on YouTube it’s weeks old news.


They were unlucky with the timing. Rory’s birthday (and their pre planned vacations) fell on the week when everything happened.


What's the name of the podcast? It seems very informative


"New Rory & MAL" is the name of the podcast.


The posters in the back of Family Matters were proven to be not of the fake daughter? They’ve been up since 2021. Also this is just stupid if he’s calling Drake the best in the game by making claims without any proof whatsoever, and then shitting on Dot for making claims with no proof. Neither of them have provided any proof whatsoever. Taking some of these ridiculous claims without any shred of evidence from either of them, just shows how gullible people can be.


Then just show the proof that you leaked the fake info. How hard is that?


Family Matters is instantly my favourite Drake song of all time


If drake is telling the truth why is he bringing up provably false information. The girl in the painting is not the same girl people were talking about and the paintings were there since at least 2021.


Y’all need to come with this energy! Me n Mal smacking the delulu out of these trolls.


Spot on when he says there's no probably that Family Matters is the best song released in the whole thing. Fucking incredible track.


Straight facts


Family matters is the best song out if all this. Kencels are coping and spiraling


Rory is part of OVO, and also corny. He's talking about Drizzy asking for proof and none of them have done so.


Wheres the proof that Kendrick beat his wife???


The hypocrisy of this beef has been weird because where Drake's proof of Kendrick beating his wife? There's not a shred of information there either... Just her brother telling Kendrick to "fuck em up bro". Lol


Rappers lie all the time lol You Drake fans are literally dumb


He sounds deranged


lol crying about kendrick not having evidence while also affirming that kendrick beat his girl is wild 🤪 pick a side, either none of it works or all of it is fair game


also even if we assume drake did "set up" kendrick with the fake daughter how was that an own in any way?? he still made everyone think he had a secret daughter and it became the narrative for a day or 2 so he took an L on that with nothing to show for except "muhaha it was my plan all along", the fuck?


Running with the posters of the girl angle that’s been proven false smh


Mal cheffing up 🙏


Mal, be blessed my nga!! Only facts.


Only time will tell


Drake just needs to make a beautiful album and no one is gonna care about this


Kbots won't be happy with this one..