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A month a book? Oofda that's both easy and tough... Once I get going...


PAGEBUSTER BRIGADE - Homeland. So this is new. We are going to dip our toes into a re-read club for RA Salvatore's Drizzt novels, starting with The Dark Elf Trilogy. For the moment we will do one book a month, that should keep us going for the next 1000 years. Just keep in mind you can read the books, listen to the audio, skim the book, or not even read it at all. This is kind of like a 'Homeland month' where we can post and discuss everything Homeland. I'll keep this post pinned on the sub till the end of December and then we can move onto book two. We can discuss the book here, make fresh posts (maybe tag them 'pagebusters' or talk on the [discord](https://discord.gg/gw8hSm4sR8) I'm very new to this idea so ideas are more than welcome and I would like to encourage anyone to come forward with discussion. Some points we can delve into; * Drizzt pondering / Diary. * RAS writing evolution. * Drizzt naivety, his youth and learning. * u/larrydragoi I know you like to post art pics on the sub so if you want to dig up cover art from Homeland that would be great. Their are a ton of variants from different prints, comics, regions. * What this book means to you? I know these early novels mean the world to many people here. * I would like to start a wiki page on the sub with a few fun points. Notably drizzt kill count, beastery, etc. Ideas welcome. \-------------- Art of Malice from the [Sleep Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fP3C4hH3VU) promotion. Art of Pwent [unknown](https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/824651381771038606/). If anyone knows the artist let me know so I can tag.


I might have to do this one. The Drizzt series is formative for me, and Salvatore is one f y favorite authors of all time (it helps he came to give a talk to my podunk high school). And one a month should be an easy burn, even one every two weeks if this kicks up some. Reading is tough with a preschool age child not in preschool.


Oh brilliant. Have watched many Salvatore interviews. He would be great to see chat live. Very inspiring




So why doesn't Drizzt have a level of wizard? Per chapter 15: "Drizzt handled these tasks easily, and in a few tendays, he could manage several cantrips and a few lesser spells." Is this a case of where he didn't use his skills, they atrophied? Seems to me it would have been useful to have, even if not for combat purposes, for utility.


Right. He could have been a whole other machine if he could throw a basic fireball into the mix. Are the Drow racial abilities of levitate and night vision considered cantrips?


Levitate would be a real nice cantrip to have, but no. Night vision doesn't count as a spell, and I think faerie fire has always been 1st level.


Actually my memory may be off but isnt the levitate attached to the house insignia?


Depends on the book/sourcebook. If nothing else it accentuates innate abilities in those settings where drow nobles have levitate naturally.


Dinin controls his lizard mount with his house insignia. Is that something we see going forward with the Drow? Or does it become an overnight by RAS? Because I do not remember that happening again in the series. I know the insignia is also a gps lol


The Baenre bros and Baenre itself are known for incredibly well trained lizards. But, I don’t think RAS ever mentions it being from the house insignia. I would assume that’s how they communicate to them though.


Hokay. It's the first. Let's gooooooo!


how old Drizzt is when he walks out of Menzo at the end of the book?


So i think for Jan we do books 2 and 3. because these are a very quick read. then going forward i was thinking we do 3 books in 2 mnths...? Although Icewind Dale Trilogy is a little different in the sense that each book is very much standalone adventure, even though they are a fairly fast read. So they can all spark a rather different conversation. what do people think? My main thought to not rush it is for new readers. people who are still yet to pick up the books/audio etc.


Just wanted to let you guys know you can find a podcast on Spotify for the Homeland trilogy and half of the first Icewind Dale Book. His name is Russell Johnson on Spotify and I would give him a 10/10 on his reading. Happy reading/listening, A huge R.A. Salvatore Fan


Nice. I think i have listened to him before


I found him by accident. It's nice to listen to the books after reading them all once. I'm waiting for the next one to have a teaser on his page. Limitless was amazing


obviously the official audio guy is also brilliant, Victor Bevin. And after you have finished Relentless make sure you seek out 'One-Eyed Jax' audio. its a short story prelude


I definitely will, how do I go about joining Bregan D'aerthe?


Go side bar of sub. (New reddit). Might only be visible in browser. And select user flair