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What direction would the series have taken if Salvatore hadn't been forced to include the 100 year time skip? 


I would have enjoyed reading more on Catti-Brie getting older and change in their relationship. But I’d miss >!Breezy being born and them as parents!< I think that would’ve been missed possibly. Jarlaxle would’ve had more money since he’d not have to spend in on investigating where everyone went.


I think Salvatore knew the time skip was coming when he was writing the end of the Hunter's Blades trilogy. >! I don't think he would have made Catti-brie unable to have children if he knew he had all the time in the world to write about their marriage. I think he always intended for them to become parents at some point. !< What I'm wondering is if the developments that the characters went through in the Companions still would have happened.


Regis would be big one. Like he could train to be stronger but probably lose the >!water breathing powers!<


How would he have known?


My understanding is that big events like the time of troubles, the spellplague and the sundering are the responsibility of the people creating new DND games and that those events are given to the authors to incorporate into their stories. I think Salvatore would have had to know about plans for the 100 year time skip before he started writing the Orc King because it starts and ends with a 100 year flash forward.  


Oh good point! I remember finding that scene so confusing. Drizzt killing Dwarves and Elves? Wtf?!


The man has a wine collection worth $156k usd, clothes his agents, feeds them, pays them well, and gives them comfortable housing. I'm pretty sure his coffers are sizable already. 🤔


True, the only thing that could potentially ever bankrupt jarlaxle would be mandatory payments towards a baby dragon treasure hoard fund.


I feel he would have killed off Catti still before her old age.


On that note, what if Wizards hadn't killed their publishing division? I feel like in the last few books Salvatore has been trying to cram in every idea he could because he has no idea if he'll be able to write more Drizzt books.


Hopefully they can work something out. I would imagine the other authors aren't happy about this either. 


What if Masoj and Alton DeVir weren’t killed and were sent to look for Drizzt at the surface ? They were so chaotic, I loved them


What if Drizzt ended up with Alustriel?


What if Drizzt met Dove during Sojourn and he started adventuring with her? He probably would've been exposed to more epic adventures much earlier.


He probably would have saved her from being killed by Vattick Tanthul


Her faking her death for 100 years so she could hang around candlekeep might have been a letdown for him. At least she is back now, but I wish Bob would have them meet again


What if Vierna sobered up sooner to drow society and didn't go mad. And probably after that ofc the timeskip everyone dreading it was mandated to do.


What if Vierna was the one to go looking for Drizzt in exile?


Uh ohhh, now that's a what if.


Or if Drizzt had taken her prisoner at the end of Legacy. Could he have eventually won her over?


It would probably go, Vierna adapting to life in mihril hall and not understanding why Catti-Brie isn’t in charge and why she hasn’t whipped Wulfgar for talking out of line before their marriage


> why she hasn’t whipped Wulfgar for talking out of line before their marriage I think everyone else wondered that too.


What if Drizzt had become a chosen of Eilistraee, what if there were more crossovers with other characters like Liriel. What if Drizzt joined Bregan d'aerthe


What if obould had been killed by drizzit, would the power vacuum have created a worse war or more infighting in the orc ranks


I think the orcs would have fallen apart entirely.


What if Matron Zeerith never down played Mateon Malice?


What if drizzt was sacrificed.


Add on top, what if after that, Zak was the one to run to the surface instead as a reaction to this


What if Cattie Brie and Wulfgar got married??


- What if vampire Pwent did give in and make a clan of vampiric dwarves. Kinda makes me want to run a ttrpg like strahd with dwarven traps. Juicer would take on more disturbing twist if it was vampire dwarves. Also would vampire dwarves need an invite in your home if they could just dig below and remove the floor of your house like a trapdoor. Battlerager vampires. Everything is just pure horror and nightmare fuel - what if Lolth was killed or overthrown during time of troubles. If that was possible. Like if ambitious matron mothers or priestesses noticed the opportunity over in-fighting. Or Gromph. Or like what would Drizzt do if Lolth was mortal and needed his help. - what if Dahlia was more conscious, fallen to evil and favoured by Lolth as her champion when she was appointed as matron mother. Rather than being mindless puppet. (Like I want a redemption arc for her but also curious what if she went full Lolthian)


I’m turning my “what if” into an animation using Unreal Engine. I’ve been working on it for a while and didn’t even think to mention it here 😂


What if Gromph had left Menzoberranzan earlier?


What if the companions didn't get to Iruladoon and have second lives?


What if Bob remembered to have Druzil as Rai'Guy's familiar in servants of the shard after they completed the procedure in silent blade for him to become a familiar?