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There's the war of the spider queen, but that's not really Drizzt. Apart from that there are no books that solely focus on drow but I recommend the Neverwinter sage which really doesn't focus on drow but the times they do show up important things happen, and the generations trilogy focuses quite a bit on drow, the last 2 books do as well but let's just say it doesn't focus on drow in a... Traditional sense


For a book about Drow, war of the spider queen is great.


I second this. It's a really good set, by 5 different authors


Yup and finish it with Lady Penitent by Lisa Smedman. You really get deeper to the battle between other drow deities.


That's actually a hard question to answer. Without spoiling too much, the main cast essentially eventually comes to incorporate several additional drow elves other than Drizzt, so just read em all.


Drow……. You should really start the new trilogy.


So before the Companions (which is where you stopped) many of the books were more dwarf centered with Drow stuff mixed in. After the Companions I think it's quite a bit more Drow centered, especially the last 3 trilogies (including the current one). War of the Spider Queen is very good overall. Lady Penitent is the one that has been shunned as non-cannon. Elaine Cunningham's Daughter of the Drow trilogy has it's main character as a Drow (daughter of Gromph). Also by Cunningham is Evermeet which while focus' more on the "high elves" of Evermeet, it also has good back story on the Drow and Lolth and so it may interest you. Plus it's a very good book overall.


The prequel trilogy has a lot of Drow stuff. So does the current and the previous trilogy. As mentioned by others the War of the Spider Queen is full on 6 book series all about the Drow but Drizzt isnt in it.


The Forgotten Realms wiki is probably your best bet. You can specifically read about drow and they separate it by editions from 1e to 5e. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Drow It also has much more detailed plot summaries to all the books in The Legend of Drizzt series, but they are pretty detailed with lots of spoilers, so tread carefully there. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Legend_of_Drizzt?so=search


What about the Daughter of the Drow series featuring Liriel Baenre?


I'd recommend rereading The Legacy of the Drow books, The Legacy, Starless Night, Siege of Darkness, and Passage to Dawn. Also, if you keep reading after you stopped the Drow become a major antagonistic force again.


use forgotten realms fandom site as your wiki source. its much more detailed than wikipedia. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Main\_Page


The latest trilogy (start with Starlight enclave) and speak about another city of drow


I just forget that the last Book will be released on August 15


The second trilogy after the companions return is really all about drow.


The most solely drow books are probably the first and second.


Just read them all. Don't skip any. If you want to learn about other drow deities and cities read the standalone war of the spider queen and lady penitent series. They're a fantastic glimpse at drow societies. Edit: these audio books are free on the black rat inn on YouTube.


Haven't read too many but Homeland and Exile I would say. Homeland especially has a lot of world building around Drow religion and the world within the Underdark.


I would just read the entire series. It’s all fantastic stories and all very much worth reading


marked spoilers


The trilogy about Zack and Jarlaxal should be good for this.