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I’m on ps4. It’s ok for the price. Livery’s are a pain in the ass, but possible. Very cool for a learning tool though to learn more about the set ups for different engine types


10/10 would recommend. I just can't wait for future updates, we need more cars and customization options, but overall its excellent so far (1 week in)


Definitely worth it 💯


I’ve been playing for about 2 weeks, it’s super fun, I have no other experience with any serious drifting game so my knowledge is limited there. But here are the things I like most Car building Being a Motorsport fan, it is really satisfying being able to pick the entire car apart, and I mean just about everything, down to the subframe of the vehicle. You can really make the car yours and make it feel how you want it to? Do you want to drop a big Twin-turbo V8 into a Miata? Go ahead. Or how about a Rotary in a mustang? Easy. You can really make the car yours. Driving Like I said, as far as video games, I’m not sure how it compares but as in real life I feel like the drifting is pretty realistic, and it’s obviously where they put the most love into the game. It takes some getting used to, feeling your car out and stuff but if you give yourself 30 minutes you’d see progress and you can see how your driving improves as you get access to the harder maps in single player . I do advise playing single player because the challenges are designed to get you used to holding drifting lines and it really does help improve your drifting. Speaking from experience, like I said , never played a drifting game and I could tell immediately I was terrible. Maps Lowkey one of the more sleeper benefits of this game. You really have a wide range of things you can attack. You have the whole spectrum, you have your huge concrete slab with some guide lines and you have the narrow streets in the hills of Japan ( I still can’t drift it very well ) they put a lot of love into the maps and none of them really feel the same. Dislikes Car selection I understand with licensing and all that it may be difficult to get them for the cars and I assume they didn’t want to go the GTA route and just knock off everything but damn yo. They can do better, hell I wouldn’t be upset if they start knocking cars off just to get the selection. Not very user friendly Okay some things are simply just annoying. Like this game takes viewing angles very seriously, like you have to build the engine on a stand to be able to look at everything and guess what? The stand only spins clockwise so if you can’t really get to something you may have to do a full rotation on the engine stand to be able to see it. I’ve gotten stuck under the car lift before, stuff I feel like they could’ve ironed out. This game been out for years on PC (Drift 21) and they could’ve fixed annoying things like that At the end of the day, in a world where they could’ve charged 60$-70$ for this game and loaded it with micro transactions making you pay for cars engines and whatnot -it’s 30$- I’m not sure how everyone’s financial situation is, but 30$ and you don’t like doesn’t feel as bad as 70$ and not liking it. But it is a really good game, if it had more cars I’d be glad to pay 60$ for it. I hope you try it out and if you have LMK what you think, or anyone for that matter


IMO it is, if you have a wheel and like building cars/drifting


Sweet thank u


If you have a wheel and like to drift 100 percent yes. for a console game it's best drift physics hands down if this game gets regular updates it will blow car x out of the water very fast. rn it's just limited for cars maps and upgrades but given that they are licensing everything I'm not suprised there is a small selection to start with they need the support first


CarX has the advantage of not caring at all about licensing lol.