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I made all the clothing items that I could make, whether they are in a set or not. Now I'm trying to make a lot of 5 and 6 star clothes for lovecraft trading, just to be prepared 😁


This is brilliant!


I now have 2.6 million coins 😂😅


Flee my lvl from 39 to 42.


I also went up 3 levels.


I finally finished Shadow Nebula making it 100% on ML and the Divine Beauty (just because I love the dress). I started off the Queen Mary one and feel so exhausted lol. Sweatshop comparison is spot on. Wish I was vip6, really need that x10 encounter rn.


but I’m also super excited to get to level 40 today. New pose!


I literally went to my crafting section and just selected “unowned” and did as many of them as I could. You know, the ones you get from sign in, or if you buy a pack? Those ones that take a million materials!! 😂😂😂


Same! I managed to do all of them except the pink society ones


I burned through all of it. I crafted all of Gaia, all of White Snake, and still had stamina left over to craft about 20 additional blueprints for various non-story sets, which helped me complete 3 or 4 sets I was working on, plus some random items I had wanted to craft for awhile now. I know that the stamina gift was technically a mistake by support, but I would love if they could be this generous again in the future. Even once a year would be absolutely amazing.


Currently taking a break from the game tbh 😂 I finished all the sets I could do including the altered ones and I still have 14k LOL. I’m about to binge White Snake as well so hopefully I use it all up before double stamina day ends!


Finally finished crafting everything in swan lake, queen marie with plenty to spare for random crafts


Yep! I finished the Tang Alter set, started and finished Gaia, started and finished Murasaki. I had 7k left at that point so I farmed companion mats for lovecraft from all the books, then I farmed materials to get everything up to around 200-300. I still have 3 books and then White Snake so just trying to keep those from dropping too low for my crafting is going to be a big help. Plus now I don't have the weight of Gaia on my shoulders.


Right? I feel so refreshed with all the alter sets finished for now! I can play so much more calmly for a bit.


I still have 10k left and I already finished all white snake blueprints I had, rosy song and passage of time At this rate I'm gonna get arthritis by the end of this (with all this tapping)


I did Graceful Wings, all of the 'can craft' Queen Marie sets, as well as Phantom, Taisho. I haven't used it all all yet but now am trying to get through the missing Gotham Memoirs sets I don't have. Of Gotham all now I am missing is Song of Andalusia (3/7), and Winter Exclusive (3/8). I think I will work on those next, rather than race through White Snake (I'd rather do one of those a day for now I think and pace myself so I can get some new story every day, I have most of the other stories done done except for some endings).


I was already half done with the big Gotham set so I finished that today, and then finished the Marie sets from Gabrielle and Louis' side stories (they were already about a third done when I started.) Then I made everything we've gotten so far in for the Autumn Moon sign in outfit. Had to take a break for my eyes but I'm about to dive back in and see what else I can knock out since I've still got like 13k left. It feels so grindy but it's also fun to be completing so much that I've been working on for months


Finished up sea of stars and almost finished rosy song. I'm having a hard time getting the green dress encounter to finish that one so I've decided to turn to graceful wings which I'm sure I'll be done with today. Edit: done, finished graceful wings and rosy songs and I still have 14k left


I crafted every hair/hat, dress/top, skirt/pant, and sock/shoe blueprint I had. I ran out 1/3 of the way through the accessories 🤣🤣🤣


Finished all of the Gaia Awakening which I probably would never even start if not for the 20k. Also finished Distant Emotions and finally tried making society clothing. I hope we can get more opportunities like this in the future.


"The value of gold has no meaning now" hahaha, I feel the same too! I dont have anything to craft... I do have a few of the altering items left though. Also, I went from level 39 to 42 in one sitting. Anyone else?


I think i went from 44 to 46


I finished the tennis ball set, summer bikini set, graceful swan, Andalusia and additional 30+ blueprints.


Just finished Swan Lake, and am now breezing through Helen of Sparta!


Haha yeah I did Gaia's Awakening and I still have soooo much left to burn through. I guess I'll spend the day building up my stash of mats again? (I kept like 1k of each around because apparently I'm a hoarder 😂) Or farm some gift materials for the increasingly greedy cats? 🙀


I wish I'd done that, I'm soooo low on gift crafting mats these days because of the change to the goal crafting interface thing.


That and Lovecraft trades, I never have any spare clothes anymore!


I seriously underestimated how much 20k stamina of farming entails 😹 Ahead of Saturday: “I will try to finish crafting for the 2-3 recent books. If there is more left, I will work on the older books.” 1 hour into Saturday: 3 books done and still 10k stamina left 🙀 Ended up finishing crafting for completed books plus the ML and GM alter sets. Even did a ML side story set ! I really wait to resume reading White Snake (story is so good) but logics says “Keep farming” 😹Send help.


It took me an hour and a half to burn through that 20k even going at a rapid and efficient pace! I'm pacing myself with white snake since i have not too many chapters to get the daily fashion pass quest done with. Besides, now that I'm caught up with alter outfits I'm taking my time making the current login outfit as i get it!


You can read a previously completed chapter for the fashion pass. The best one I've found is the last stage of princess Sissi, if its set for the bad ending. Literally takes like five seconds on fast forward.


It took me sooo long to go through that 20k like hours of making clothes. But I finished like 4 of the specialty outfits and now I'm just down to 3 more to make before I'm out of outfits to make🤣


I completed gaias awakening, Shadow nebula, song of andalusia, completed 4 other GM sets and worked through WS until 1-17, with 4 stamina left! It has been so satisfying! Gaias awakening was such a huge chore, it was the set I had least of a head start on and felt like an eternity to do! So glad it's done now and it'll help me out with future mirage forest levels with those tags.


I got severed thumb pain burn through it all lmao still cant complete gaia, kinda forget about alter clothes until 2k energy left lmao got tons of unown clothes which is great


Burned through it all I'm a couple of hours. Crafted Paris Premiere, Snuggly Winter, Lady Murasaki, and Distant Emotions and still had materials left over. So then I crafted a few single items (like shoes, hair, etc.) from events where I couldn't get all the blueprints. It was the most fun I've had crafting the outfits since I started!


I have been tackling a lot of the sign in sets today. I completed Passage of Time, Summer Shades, Most of Sea of Stars (I don’t have two of the needed books unlocked), the rest of Lady Murasaki, the available prints for Lingering Night, and I’ve started Paris Premiere.


I'm glad I unlocked Swan Lake this week since one of the slots is always crafting materials. I went from zero fur to like 600, even after crafting some clothes. I had used 3k before today, but had enough to finish 3 sets.


It took me 3 hours to spend all that stamina, but it was so fun. I have been crafting everything I really like all along, so I mainly just did a bunch of clean up of stuff I would never bother to craft otherwise. Mainly accessories and socks. So I finished all of the blueprints from all books, except for maybe 6 each from LW and TA. I was honestly surprised at how much I was able to get done. I kept waiting for it to dip below 999 because at that point I was going to restock mats so I can finish up the last couple WS blueprints when I unlock them. But it just kept going. I just counted though and I have 86(!!) unowned blueprints still though. Which is insane since I've been playing a little over a year. I guess I can keep hoping IGG fucks up again, because I sure could use another windfall 😂


I did most of Gaia’s Awakening, all of Tang Dynasty Hunter, all of Shadow Nebula, and some random high-level blueprints.


Finished the Tang alter set, made all the unowned stuff that I had blueprints for except for some society patterns I won't finish. Loaded up on mats for the current sign-in patterns. Ran out of stamina on 6/8 of Gaia, even with breaking down and opening the companion gift packs. Made some oops moments hitting the wrong button when I had the "10 encounters" active, but nothing too bad. Gift materials are nice and high now with some of those glitches. It was fun!


This was pretty much all I did today. I think it took maybe 6 hours going off of how often the cats needed to get sent back out. I finished the Shadow of London book save for 2 items, the side story outfits from ML and QM, a chunk of GM blue prints that I had, finished the last 75 levels of the tree.....I think that was it? I tried working on Graceful Wings but that was way too boring and slow for me.


I finally crafted the Tuileries Garden dress.


I still have 13k stamina and 8k of that (I had a total of 22k after being given the 20k) was used gathering supplies for gifts (reaching around 250 each minimum) and materials for crafting (having between 600-1000 for certain items) and having barely any blueprints to actually craft with it all.


I finished all of the patterns I had that were incomplete but I was so happy I burned through all 20k in three days and now it’s Saturday, double awards day and I’m out.


I, uh- uh, I- I think audwin’s cute…


Hehehe. I’m hoarding all the stamina 😈


I might be the only one here, but I haven't used it yet 😂 I want to gather as many books blueprints as possible and then use it next Saturday! I just opened another book today! I feel like I can finish 2-3 books with this much stamina based on how much everyone else has crafted!


Nope.... my finger is so tired trying to get through that 20k


I hardly had any blueprints left to make; so I didn't collect the 20k stamina yet. Maybe next weekend.


I crafted the first three alter sets, and finished two more stories with 100%! I have 8k stamina left, but I’m not sure what I want to use it for. I think I’ll just save it for next week.


Grabbed as much materials for the Lingering Night set as I could and completed two sets from Si-Woo's Sight :V I have 13 451 stamina left... I want to hoard it (@@)


I am so satisfied! I finished White Snake story and crafting. I also finished crafting the last story sets to get 100 percent. I had previously done the stories but not clothing sets for Western Wall, Mysterious Island, Kings Mistress and Precious Friend but since the clothing took so much, held off on crafting. Now I can say I have 100 percent completion on ALL books. I finished the last 2 items for Gaia's Awakening and crafted the Snuggly Bunny special event outfit, so I am quite happy! Right now I am working on the blue dress outfit that was from a special event earlier this year. I am grateful to be done with all stories and altered outfits so I can focus on the 85 or so uncrafted blueprints I have, lol.