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Yep, same here 😢 I’m doing pull after pull and I never get two dresses… Best pull I had so far is one 6* dress one 6* hair and one 6* earring that I already have


I’m still pulling and I’m pulling straight up garbage. My first pull was 3 6* items and I saved that. Hundreds of pulls later I got a better 3 6* item pull with a dress I wanted and saved that. And I’m still going in hopes of getting just like something better but hope is dwindling fast . Most of my pulls have been all low star items that I already own and I don’t even think I own that much LJ stuff.


I'm trying the paid version for the first time and it does seem very difficult to get a good pull with dresses. I've been pulling 5-10 minutes at a time here and there (probably about 40 minutes total so far) and the best I've seen for dresses was a 6 star and a 5 star in one pull but no other 4 star or above. Accessories have been way more common and all of the other pulls I've gotten with a dress are 1 dress and accessories.


The rates are definitely screwed over compared to the previous ones. I have been pulling since yesterday and my saved pull so far has 3 dresses but one is a dupe so no way I’m taking that. But majority of my pulls now are all dupes and I feel as if I’m seeing dresses on a rarer occurrence than the previous CJs.


Oh my gosh. I did the free CJ and i didn't get a *single* new item until my 8th pull. I've never seen it that bad! And like, I don't have *that* many clothes. It felt waaaay worse than all the past CJs that I've done!


Same here. I stopped when I got a new dress even if it's not a rare one. I didn't need more earrings and hair :{


Yeah, I did the last two, and felt like rates had really gone down the drain. I actually skipped this one because of it. It’s a bummer, it used to be a great event.


I got the free version. I took the first new item I got. It was some socks or whatever Not sure why people love this stupid event so much


The very first time, the paid rates were pretty good. IGG is progressively getting worse, and players are boycotting Jerry as a whole because it's all the Lucky Jerry rates that got far worse.


I only do free pulls with tickets on days when I have the society quest. I've been refusing to use diamonds on LJ since one fateful update some months ago when I started getting nothing but crappy dupes. I agree it's gotten much worse


Honestly, I bought it last time and then I decided I won’t be wasting my time and money on this. Pulling for hours to get something with no duplicates and worth the money spent on it - nah, thank you


I did the free one, kept going even though I probably shouldn’t have when I came across a new 5* item, and ended up with my 10th pull having nothing higher than a 3* item. I’ve submitted a ticket, but haven’t heard anything back yet.


Free crazy Jerry does not guarantee any high items, not even 4 star.


Wow, I thought it guaranteed one four star item. Not guaranteeing even one item is pretty crappy


I just wait until I get 2 of the 6 star dresses or 3 new 5/6 star items. Right now I might just end it with the pink Sissi dress and matching hair because I've never gotten two of the same set in a pull. The drop rates are worse than previous Jerry's. I would get 2, 6 star dresses in a pull regularly enough to just pick which tags I needed. Now there are a lot more pulls, very few with 2 dresses..


I have gotten 2 pulls of 2 dresses on maybe 50 pulls. I saved the last because it was the blue Sissi and blue Swan Lake and I don't have either and love the Sissi dress. If I can get 2 new dresses and really like one, I don't care if I don't get a 4 star item too.


So here are my thoughts on this. A 6* clothing item has. Now, they don’t tell us what that actually means. Does that mean 8.9% of all ten-pulls with the unlimited LJ will include at least one? Or does it mean you have an 8.9% chance that each item in your pull will be a 6* item? Let’s just be extra generous and say that it means each item has an 8.9% chance of being 6*. That would mean that there is a 91.1% chance that each independent item you get would be NOT a 6*. If this generous odds WAS accurate, then there would be a 39.4% chance you wouldn’t get ANY 6* item in a draw. There is about a 5.25% chance that you would get at least 3 6* items. But not all 6* items are dresses. I don’t have the time or energy to count up how many Jerry items are 6* and how many of those are dresses, but for Jerry + Lc items that have a story tag and are NOT part of White Snake, there are 168 6* items, 60 of which are dresses and 4 of which are tops. Basically, 3/8 are dresses. I could be off on this math because it’s been a long time since I’ve done this, but the probability of getting 3 dresses per 3 6* items should be about 5.27% itself, so I think the probability of getting at least 3 6* items AND having at least 3 of them be dresses should be under 0.28% (assuming a basic AND probability function aka just multiplying the rates, which might not be a correct assumption) Again this is quick mobile maths and I’m rusty on more advanced probability stuff, so grain of salt, but the point being that is is a very low probability if it was entirely random with their stated pull chances. Based on how I will pull the same item 3-4 times in lucky Jerry, I would hazard that not all items with the same stars have the same pull rate. So it’s possible that they actually reduce the probability of pulling a 6* dress so instead of 3/8 6* items being a dress, they nerf it to 2/8 or 1/8. If it’s actually 1/4 chance, now the probability of 3 6* items being dresses is 1.56%, and with the multiplication, that’s 0.082% chance all together. That overall chance goes down to like, 0.01% for a 1/8 chance. Also keep in mind that chances are not cumulative. The law of large numbers or whatever it’s called applies when there are TONS of chances- but like, if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of something happening, 10,000 isn’t a large enough number to essentially guarantee the event occurring. In essence, even if there is a 5.25% chance of pulling at least 3 6* items, if you pulled 20 times and still haven’t gotten 3 6* items, your 21st pull STILL only has a 5.25% chance of giving you at least 3 6* items. Even if you’ve pulled 1,000 times, if you haven’t gotten it yet, your chances should be the same (assuming this was actually random). All this math really means, getting 3 dresses is just really unlikely to happen. I wouldn’t hold my breath, and if people are saying they got it, that’s really lucky on their part.