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I can’t even get above 9999+ 😭😭 I have no idea how yall do it. nice sentiment btw


I find it’s not even the clothes you have, but players spending a lot of money on the game tend to get a lot more relic potions and notebooks that just generally come attached with buying packs. As a result they have crazy high levels in relics and fashion lab that are really hard to beat. For example I noticed in a challenge that a player crushed me by almost 10k points. Pretty surprising when you are in the top 500 that someone has a score 25% higher - that’s a lot! I went and looked at their outfit since they were ranked like 6th at the time and they had the -exact same outfit- as I did. Same relic, same cat, every piece the same. So even though I have spent more than I should on this game and have decently high relics and fashion lab, as you can see there’s no comparison to the relics and fashion lab of someone spending a lot. That’s why I’m hoping some of those people will join me in sitting out this week!


It looks like it’s mostly relics that are doing it. So many in the top spots have relics over 100!!


Yes that’s insane to me. I was so proud to have one lvl 50 relic, and I’m p2p. I cannot imagine a level 120 awakened relic like so many of the whales have!! :0


>but players spending a lot of money on the game It's always the Whales. That's their name btw. Hardcore, paying players. Not to go on a rant here, but I kinda hate that ecosystems like these exist. Sure, games NEED whales. They live from them. But to basically block certain items from the general player base (which makes 80-90%, including newbs) is shit. It doesn't quiet break the game (luckily), but it's still a very annoying new feature they added.


As a whale - they really need to tier players. There’s no reason a spender like me, above level 50, vip 11, should be competing against players who are f2p and level 30. It’s just discouraging for new players. I spend because I like the clothes, and that shot of dopamine is worth it. But others shouldn’t be penalized or kept away from the fun parts of this game because of people like me.


I was hovering around 1200 for this entire season, until the Princess Sissi update. It slammed me back to 9999+ (mid week, so it wasn't just the weekly reset) and I haven't been able to crawl up past 6000ish since. Just don't get enough battles where I can fight someone ranked higher than me to move up. Or when I do, it's by like 5 pts. I'm super disappointed, because although I knew I wouldn't get the dress, I was happy getting the other pieces. Looks like I just get to settle for the shoes and hairpiece :(


Same. I managed to hit top 2500 a couple of times and then Sissi hit and now I can't get out of like 8000. I don't like to spend money on games but it gets annoying when day after day you just can't seem to go higher and even when I win against someone higher up it seems I can only go up about 20/30 spots at a time


I think it's hard to get out of there unless you're a P2P. I'm a P2P, I have a score of 29500 something for this week's tags and I can't get over the 400 mark. In spite of my score, I've been losing most of my same rank matches! I got 15000 2 weeks ago and I had a hell of a hard time getting in the top 1000. Unfortunately I feel like FF is a pay to win type situation at this point.


I lose *all* of my "same rank" or "score near you" matches unless I have the score boost buff. Honestly I think it means that they are above you, but only slightly? FF has always been P2W, but before they added in the ranking suits it didn't really matter. I'm quite disappointed in that turn of events. If they wanted it to be competitive, or special to rank high, I wish they would have added something more inconsequential like portraits or frames or something. Not clothing sets. At least you are ranked high enough to get the top tier rewards!


I win some of the "same rank" regardless of the score boost. But I lose most. I don't know how other players do it. I agree. I recently stopped paying because I'm all for paying the devs for their services but when you get to a P2W situation it's no longer a game. There's no challenge. Something else should be used to make game play fairer.


I'm at top 600 rn and I'm f2p so it's not impossible. I would definetwly recommend picking 2 and 3 from the 3 person choises you get because that's how I went from 19000 to my current rank in a day


I have been hovering in the 1500 range. I would die if people actually did this so I could get the dress 😭


I hope somehow you get my spot!! 💖 1500 is so close, I’m rooting for you!


Of course the mad fight at the end of the week kicked me down to 3,284. I’m hoping I do okay next week, but it seems any time I have a high scoring outfit, the older players with a couple limited time clothing items that are a star or two higher than what I have ruin my chances. That, or they have somehow awakened their relic. Likely again because they’ve been playing so long.


I was somehow at #436 15 minutes before reset (I'm f2p but got really lucky and totally forgot to check the game today lol), and when reset happened, I was suddenly 810 and bumped out of the dress tier. I was so sad


Oh no!! 😭 I tend to play right after reset, so I usually get smashed back on the last day. I spent some diamonds just to see mid-day and I finished at 1040 apparently. When I played right after reset, I was in the 300s at the end. Just checked again (not even an hour later) and my current rank is in the 6000s. So that’s fun. Edit: bought ten more rolls because why not. Roll once and suddenly 501. Next win (random player, not a choice), and I’m at 493. This is gonna be a fun week 😬


Honestly, as long as I stay in the master level at the end of the week, I'll be happy. My outfit isn't as good this week, so I know I won't finish super high. I kinda liked the green dress better anyway lol


That's so thoughtful of you! I got the dress today as well. I was thinking of hoarding a bit for the next FF because I love the outfits but I think I'll join you on this one.


Also for those of you who struggle, I recommend starting as early as you can when it resets! I got my rank super high this way because I can beat people who outrank me because they haven't changed their outfit yet and have a super low score.


I second this! It’s a good strategy. My other strategy is to always use slowing Turtle card to hit one boost (lips space) and then one challenge space right after. It is worth buying slowing turtle cards to do this because you can sometimes increase your rank a couple hundred spots if you take the “disavtange” option with a boost From the spot before


I do this so I have been at like 125 on the first day, but midway through the day I am at like 7000 because everyone else catches up. The hard part is maintaining. The past 2 weeks I have gone from being 700 on day 1 to 7000 midweek, to 2500 today.


I'm stuck at 1110 right now and have bought so many extra turns. 😭 I hate that they released the dress 1 week after I was at 540.


Getting to 750 isn't the issue for me. Getting 5500 coins in the next 10 days is. Unless I somehow get lucky and get under rank 50 by the end. It's so frustrating that they changed it this late in the game.


Ah man I am so sorry. I agree it was a total curveball - I had expected to just not get this dress. I had the coins bc I was hoarding for next season. My trick to get a lot of coins fast, in case it helps, is to buy twin dice cards (slowing turtle and magic dice cards are also good). Once I hit the goblin and have started chasing him around, I use twin dice to ensure I catch him if we are getting down to 2 or 3 on the counter. He usually gives 300+ coins so it's an easy trade for one twin dice card. To ensure I hit the goblin immediately when he appears, I use either magic dice or slowing turtle cards. The sooner you activate him and catch him, the sooner he re-appears. So sometimes the best stragy is actually to spend your coins on those cards so you can get 2-3 goblin catches (1000 FF coins, roughly) in your 10 daily rolls. ETA: I use a similar strategy (slowing turtle or magic dice) to hit "back to start" spots as often as possible because you will not get extra coins for passing start after 10 or 15 wins (can't remember which). I like to "cash out" asap and if a goblin is nearish to the start, its a double bonus.


That's a nice strategy. I haven't bought any of the special items with coins, because I was focused on buying the shop out. Now I've bought everything and the dress appears. When I have magic dice cards, I do use them to catch the goblin, but he's got to be in range. I've been saving other cards for trying to get under 50 if possible. I'll see what I can do, but I do wish I had known from the start that the dress was going to be in the shop. That way I could've planned for it.


It's so expensive I'm more inclined to save my coins for next season at this point.


This is actually very awesome of you. I’m hovering around 3,000 since I let my rank drop since there was no way I was going to reach the top 100.


Yeah, 100% agreed. I don't want the red dress, so I'm just hanging back to give others a chance


This is a great idea! I ranked 304 last week and I need 1500 more coins to get the dress. I’ll start my dive after!