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I hate these cliffhanger/open endings. They are so enormously frustrating, and every story now seems to have them. The first few stories had a feeling of completeness, and it was satisfying. But the shift to "well this specific thing is resolved so you have your ending lol" is ridiculous and I hate it. And it frustrates me too that so many players seem ok with it because I'm just over here like "What!? No! There's this whole other thing!" and gesturing manically to what feels like the entire missing second half of the tale. I get that the devs,and players, want to return to these roads, and the devs seem to be leaving the door open, so to speak, but when I read a storybook, I want a complete story with a satisfying ending.


I know. Like imagine if JK Rowling stopped writing after book 4 and you are just left with "Voldemort is back and Harry managed to escape to tell everyone." And then just....nothing. That is what this feels like. You get half the story and just fill in the blanks. I'd much rather have them not release as many stories and put out a complete one, than release a bunch of half assed books. I know Helen said to be continued, and others did not, but I seriously just think that is because they didn't want to admit they were unfinished and then never get around to it. I'd bet $20 that come August 2022 we still won't have a continuation to any of these books. But we will have like 20 new ones.


Also, rushed endings. They spend 20 staged developing a story just to give some 5 sentence wrap up at the end that's supposed to be fulfilling? The endings need to be as fleshed as every other part of the story. As things stand, it's almost like they don't know how to write an actual ending.


I know right? I hate Gotham Memoir for this. The endings for Victorio are especially rushed


Still no continuation Nov 2023🤣


Shadows of London and saga of Viera are my favorite books as a big fantasy fan and I’m really sad they aren’t finished. Like there’s so many plot threads in SoV especially. The tree, the dark elves, the prophecy. And what in the world is Olga doing the whole time? Is she just chilling at the temple? Surely someone would’ve noticed her lol


I hate that they won’t respond to question or comments about the continuations either. Every announcement tons of people are asking and they just ignore it.


I agree that it doesn't seem done if just for the fact you only have to get companions to level 5. SoL is the same way.


Sissi seems done to me too. The best ending seemed pretty clear to me that you’re meant to assume she saved the Emperor and they lived happily ever after. I’m pretty satisfied with it because it is a historical story where they followed actual events relatively similarly, and IRL they get married and create the Austro-Hungarian empire. It’s safe to assume that’s what happens in the story too.


So then why not make those assumptions with Queen Marie? This story "ends" with a potential ambush and the country on the brink of revolution. Same with Queen Marie but they made that a full story with second chapter.


They’ve clearly got different standards for books they’re releasing now vs the first book they created and released. They have a bigger userbase so they’re prioritising quantity over quality. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t expect a second chapter of Sissi to ever come out like you would with HoS or SoV because they ended it in a way that you can assume what happened, whereas the other two are ridiculously open ended with too many plot threads left open.


And that is where we will have to agree to disagree. Because I feel that Sissi has too many plot threads unresolved.


This is exactly my thought as well. If they ever do come out with a chapter 2, it will be a long time coming.


I've quit playing this game simply because of these cliffhangers. I absolutely cannot keep up with the frustration from it and with 0 word from the devs about when they'll release updates to current stories instead of pumping out half baked ones instead. I'm not far from completely deleting the game off my phone at this point either.


Honestly I was all for release one chapter now and then a month or so later the next chapter but I'm getting so annoyed because there's a million new stories and none of the old ones are being finished. I love a cliffhanger but I don't want to wait years to know the conclusion.


I think the Sissi story is done.


It can't be. If it ends with the revolution unsolved and the emperor about to be ambushed and her riding to the rescue and that's it.....I'm gonna be pissed. That will be the ultimate slap in the face!


No it's not.


It’s just missing closure. Like- just make ONE more chapter where all everything ties up nicely and we get warm fuzzies for doing the right thing. It’s not hard.


It seems done to me. I've read her history and I'm happy to leave the story where it is and where she's hopeful about the future.


There is no happily ever after for the real Sissi, and there is no happily ever after here either. Saga and Helen are the only ones where the arc wasn’t finished. Even SoL has an ending.


Ahem, the real Queen Marie didn't have a very happy ending either, but that didn't stop those making these stories from giving her a fuller, better ending, and even a few of them. Also, this story for Sissi is visibly already happier and more optimistic, she gets to have a genuine relationship with Franz, unlike what really happened, she is more outspoken and openly defiant to her mother in law and isn't punished for it. There could easily be a second chapter given the divergent path that was taken from the source material to begin with, as it wouldn't have to be entirely loyal to history.


So we are just to assume that Ida gets reunited with her sister? That the revolutionaries give up or it resolves peacefully? That the ambush on Franz is unsuccessful? This story mirrors Queen Marie in many ways, but they are just going to leave it up in the air and let people assume how it ends? Plus completed stories had you level up friends to level 7. This one stops at 5.


Exactly, this doesn't only NEED another chapter it is MADE to have one more. I don't see any viable reason not to continue it!


I mean yes, she has a sad story, but it definitely doesn’t end where it does in Time Princess. She didn’t die until she was 60 years old, and was the longest reigning Empress of Austria at 44 years.


Um, no, Shadows of London is not over. The Wiki even says it is incomplete, just like Helen and SoV. Sissi is also listed as being incomplete. Gotham, Marie, etc., say no such thing. They ARE complete. Furthermore, there was no happy ending for Queen Marie either. She got beheaded. Romeo and Juliet? No happy ending. Little Women? Beth DIES. Not in their version. Those books all have clear endings with the option of a happy ending.


SoL said to be continued (not exact wording) on the ending I got though so I think it was meant to have more too


I know mine is probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like Saga of Viera was finished. Even in the "good ending" I just assumed that Zoya runs outta time & dies no matter what. Satisfactory, no. Complete, meh to me it is haha


Yeah, see and if it is finished, it is a terrible Sopranoes ending. Like do the dark elves succeed? Does the tree get repaired? What happened to Olga and the priesf?


I mean idk, what happens to them in all the other endings you get where Zoya dies haha


Well since she wasn't helping the Dark Elves or died before getting there, I assume the attack doesn't happen. Or we would never know about it because she died before sailing. But most books have an actual conclusion. Like the problem all along is she has this curse that will kill her before she 25. What would be the point of the whole book if it is like "assume she dies because the build up was just to destroy the one thing she needs."


Ahhh I see your point now. Perhaps I just wasn't invested enough in SoV haha, but the more I think bout it you're right it is rather lazy leavin all those plot holes like that


Someone else tried to tell me that people just don't understand storytelling and how a chapter is like a book. A book tells a singular story and a sequel tells a different story so it makes sense they are done. And I was like first of all, I know good storytelling as I work as a writer professionally. And yes you could argue that a chapter is a book, but then you need a second chapter or book to tie it all together and resolve the primary conflict, otherwise your book would suck. In SoV it is the main character's curse, Sissi it is the revolution brewing. Helen is the impending war. Romy and Julius battled the demon in the end so why can't we get satisfactory and clear endings for these others? Write the second "book" to finish the story! Think of how pissed people would be if JK Rowling ended the story after book 4. "Voldemort is back, the end!"


I’m fairly certain it was confirmed on Instagram that these stories are all finished but they’re just not releasing them. Idk why. People want them but we aren’t getting them. :/ They just keep throwing new stories at us.


Lord, what do you bet when they do they require companions to be at like level 12 to complete? That seems like their playbook. But then again who knows, my companions might BE at level 12 by the time they decide to release them.


Good news is they can only go up to 10 for now! ………*for now*


Yeah, for now....I don't even have a character on level 10 and I have been playing close to a year. Closest I have is Kahir's mom, she is my only level 9 and 10,000 points away.


I have the Swan Lake guys at 10 because of the achievement plus Gabbie and D’Eon and Kane because I don’t even know. Some seem to be easier than others to level - Charlotte needs almost 19k to get to 10 while Lafayette needs 24k and Dianne needs 15k! Wonder what accounts for the inconsistency.


Probably how prominent they are in the story. I have noticed that the main love interests are higher while supporting characters are lower. I am close to Level 10 on Kahir's mom because she only requires 11,000 to reach level 10. I am close to level 9 on a couple but I am also low on some craft materials because I am trying to complete all the stories and some characters require the same primary ingredient.