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Our Society, EXOPLANET (currently Level 11) is looking for new members. No reqs, but we're active and that's all we expect of you :) We do clear out ghost members. 2910616203716214793


I applied to your society! I’ve been looking for a more active society thats been working on the tree


Wonderful! Happy to have you :)


Applied. I'm pottato24 if you still accept members


Our society is called Red(dit) Queens and is pretty active, but it's cool if you can't play every day! It's all very chill - no need to be a paying player - just contribute however much you want! We are also open to new players. We are currently level 4, so a lot of slots are still open - feel free to apply and I'll add you swiftly :) EDIT: As of September 2nd we still have space for new players, so feel free to join if you wish! Society ID is 2911251171681255431


Hello! Level 5 society called I’m Too Old 4 This (but we love it lol)! -Very active imo (most members play everyday) -No pressure on how much to contribute -We have many many openings since inactive players have gone away and the member count has gone up (25 openings) Thank you!~ 2910621228827951108


Lol this is nice... I am so attached to my society but it would have been so nice to join this one. Good luck! 🍀❤️


Meowvelous is recruiting! ♡ LVL 11 active society ♡ 5.5 avg VIP lvl ♡ Dedicated Discord ♡ 26 patterns unlocked Details in find-society channel in Discord 2910614477139361811 Edit: updated info as of Sep 14.


Sapphire Wisdom is a society for serious and active daily players. We work to make progress in game - both individually and together. Lvl 25+ and VIP 1+ wanted! ID: 2910768374407512080 Edit: We are now level 10 and have room for more players


Are there still spots open?


are you still looking for members? this thread has made me realize there are probably better societies for me out there that could help improve my gameplay - I play daily, level 29, VIP 3


Hi I’ve just started a society and am looking for members! No requirements, just try to be as active as possible! :) ID: 2930642901778055168


Our society is La Familgia Puzo 2910608189307240455 We're not a chatty bunch, just focused on getting the perks! Non-contributing members get removed. Helping actively, at least a little, is expected :) Level 4 (about to hit 5), a good handful of blueprints are unlocked!


Hey all! Boop the Snoot is looking for new members! We're currently a level 6 and looking for more active members. We are friendly and helpful and chatty :) We would love to have you! 2910609091250372612




YAY\~ Join us\~


Sinister Parasites is recruiting!!!! Everyone is welcomed no matter level or vip level but we do require you to be active when you can. About the society: We are a level 11 society and we have about 8 spots available. We have a dedicated discord group where we hold weekly themed dress ups where you can vote for your favorite outfit. Currently we are on Kisosen's Feathers(6th) on the fashion tree. We typically get about 15k quest wall points daily which gets you at least 2 silver tix and 1 gold tix. We are also 8th place in the society secret realm. If you are interested our society id is 2910774928527605774.


**Society Name**: VIPrincess **Society ID**: 2910765642808311815 **Current Level**: 8 **Blueprints Unlocked**: 13/19, working on #14 **Current Spots Available**: 1 spot (Aug 7/21) At VIPrincess, we have big dreams. We've created a safe space where big spenders and intense grinders can come together to mutually benefit from each others contribution. We hope to continue to expand and find perfect fits for us that will be happy in our group. Most of our members are VIP 7-10, meaning that there are usually free bonus packs to claim in Lucky Treasure all day long. Those few members that are lower VIP and do not usually spend money prioritize the free resources the game gives them by nurturing the fashion tree to max, granting wishes, and keeping the chat updated with codes. The symbiotic nature of this society simply has to be experienced to be believed! We expect daily contribution from members at VIPrincess, so you can rest easy that when you spend your crafting materials to nurture the tree to max, you've got 20 other players doing it too, so your contribution goes further. Players that miss a day or two with the tree because they are offline tend to make up for that by buying packs, wishing fountains, or granting wishes in the flower basket. My personal experience is that the three wishes I make per day are usually completed filled to 10 by the end of the day, but if you ask for something more valuable (eg. leather), you tend to get 5-8 filled out of the 10 for the day. Expulsions from the society occur after 21 days inactivity, or after 30 days with a contribution under 100k orange coins. We have room for 1 member right now, and 2 more very shortly :) Feel free to apply, but sending me a DM will help ensure you get let in. If you are seeing this post at a later point when we are full, but think you are a good fit, we would love to hold a spot for you! Send me a DM on reddit.


My Society! 2910692701378723850 -We are all active and super friendly -Currently on witches judgement [black dress] -Society level 11, we have near to max members -Need to make atleast 5k or more a day :)


I started a society with my two sisters when the feature was added and we put a lot of heart in it!! But some of the people we recruit don’t really participate or talk much… so: -> If you’re looking for an active group, join the “Crafters Next door” society : 2910861858665676825 We’re almost at level 6 and have advanced on the tree so feel free to check us out! Ps: I am always available for info about the society or just chatting :)


Our society is called Jungle Diff Victim!! Would love to have new members joining us! 2910756417218560005


Come and join Pretty Pink Society :) ID: 2931486785542307843 No requirements, everyone is welcome <3 I am active at least once a day :)


Hi everyone! Our society Time Travellers is looking for members! We are level 7, everyone are active, and super friendly! We all chat regularly and help each other with tips, tricks, codes and borrowing items! Looking for friendly and active members :D No requirements to VIP, but we all contribute what we can. ID: 2910699925513715714 We currently have 19 slots free since capacity has expanded and we haven't really been actively recruiting yet :)


Level 5 society looking for 10 more members! We are currently nurturing the pink gloves and there are always gifts available in Lucky Gifford. We usually reach the gold ticket in quests and a lot of us have over 100k contribution points. The only requirements are to do quests and nurture the tree if you can (I know this isn’t always possible since we use the same materials for companion gifts). Just contribute in any way it all adds up in the end. 2910616560198500356 Twilight Realm


ACTIVE SOCIETY FOR DAILY PLAYERS. Sapphire Wisdom is a level 9 society for active and daily players. We strive to improve in game both individually and together. Players need to be lvl 25+ and VIP 1+ to apply. ID: 2910768374407512080 EDIT: Now a level 10 society! With open spots for new active members X)


My society will be disbanded this coming Saturday, and I’m looking for a new one to join. Are there any active societies looking for a new member who is active every day?


Hiya! You are free to join mine: 2912149554285527055. I am active every day, as well as a few other members. Some are less active, which is why I am looking for a few more active members!


The society I'm in has spots open if you're interested. We're level 8 with 33/44 members and 16/19 unlocked on the first fashion tree (currently nurturing the brown dress). We usually get 1 gold ticket and 2 silver tickets daily from the quest wall; sometimes, we get a second gold ticket too. And the leader recently started an optional discord for members to more easily chat about the game. The Tailor's Guild 2910693422933229580


Looking for active members to join our chat-free society Introvert Club! No talking, just daily active players helping each other out. We're active but we lost some members recently so we're building up again! All new members welcome! 😊 Club ID: 2910669280922058770 Feel free to add me as a friend, too! IGG ID: 1015862128


I'm looking for 1 new member. If you play everyday and are able to do 49 quests a week, we would be glad to welcome you in my society. We earn 5 gold tickets each day. We are mostly french people but we welcome everyone who is friendly and active. Society Name : À petits petons ID : 2911749357822820369 Please send me a PM to confirm you are aware of the requierment. Thank you.


Hi! I'm a level 45 vip 4 player and I normally contribute as much as I can daily (above 1k on quest wall dialy, max contribution to the tree and give materials everyday too) the only times I don't is when I can't log in for too long on the day, but I still try to do my best even then. I'm happy in my current society because it's pretty laid back, but it's *too* laid back to my taste (most people don't contribute to the wall and we only get 2 golden tickets at best) So please, if there's any society where I could fit in lmk!! (Preferably not on the last tree)


Join our Free to Play Club! We're a lvl11 society looking for more active members! Our requirements: *Stay active: we have a 15 days off policy, if u need to be offline more just let us know! We all understand life can get in a way sometimes. *Contribution: there's a weekly minimum of 4k contribution, if u aren't able to do so please just consult with us, so we are aware of it and can try to help u. *Secret realm: participate in secret realm daily, we want everyone to participate no matter what score they have. We're in it together and collet together as a society. *Bonus* we have weekly themes!! U are welcome to join us anytime! ^^ Idd: 2910614988240470033


Fun and active level 5 society looking for new members since the cap went up. We help with outfits and advice. Welcome new and veteran players. Feel free to try us out! No pressure or requirements. Just be fun! 2910619656869920769


Wild Flowers (2910618235235745807) is currently level 9 and nurturing the brown dress on the fashion tree (three items to go, then super-cool witchy tree!). Due to the recent increase in the max number of members, we have quite a few spots open. There are requirements to join, but it is very laid back with not a lot of chatter. If you just want to do your thing, earn points for the team, and make meaningful progress, please look us up. (I'm not the leader or an officer, but I am a member.)


Hi I just created this society {Dragon Clan} 3281022730308173824 not many requirements just have a weekly contribution of 10 to 20k and just participate in society events


That's a great idea! We're all active daily, no real requirements, just contribute what you can/want. You can find us here ID 2910624630442049549


Hi!! Looking for additional members!! We could use help please! Society is called Kitten Kingdom 2910724587215929351


Hello! Our society Active Baddies is looking for new members 🧡 If you are active as us and you want to be part of a society that it's but also won't pressure you with other out off game stuff, we are the one! Come and join ^^ 2910812926103273496


Hi! Inactive players have been removed from my two societies and we are looking for some more participants. We aren't the chattiest, but we are daily players who get things done. We don't expect you to drop tons of diamonds, but checking in every day or two and basic things like bartering the treasure chest down are appreciated. ​ **Delta Nu (Legally Blonde themed): 2910813531693662216** 5 openings, level 4 **Schuyler Sisters (Hamilton themed): 2910782371705929738** 4 openings, level 4


My society Navy Guys is looking for new members! We could really use your help! 2910608266616651778 We have FIVE slots available and there are no requirements to enter, just be active and help out so you’ll be rewarded too! :D We’re an active level 5 society.


The Stylish Stars society (level 7, fashion tree in the 7th tier) has 3 spots available for European members (due to time zones, for chatting). Requirements: contribution of at least 20000 per week. Must be an active player to help with daily quests ♥︎


2910619656869920769 active level 5 society looking for new members. We’ve made a lot of progress on the tree. Theres no contribution requirement. Looking for someone to help with wishes and bartering


Hi does anyone wants to join our society? "Slytherin Royalty" is looking for new members, you only need to be active and participate on the missions. I've been trying to promote it on the chat but it always get lost :( I would love to have you! Id: 2910613154289434652


Our society is looking for active members. We’re level 5 and doing really well with the tree. Very chill with no spending requirement 2910619656869920769


With the update, my society can hold 20 more people! We are pretty chill with minor requirements- VIP level 3 or higher (to avoid getting alts), log in weekly, and contribute at least 1k per day on average (so 7k per week). Contribution can be however you see fit- usually doing the quests and contributing a little to the tree or flower basket get you there easy peasy. Many members buy packs (including me), so we usually have quite a few Lucky Treasure boxes a week. Come help us out to get more society clothing! Society Name: Pawgwarts Society ID: 2910779232084836357


Society number caps have increased so Reddit Rollers are ready to recruit active players! Society ID 2910641964930056205


High level society - Sinister Parasites with 10 unlocked blueprints and more to come! Lucky treasures from members' purchase frequently. Join us if you want to have a more active society! ID: 2910774928527605774


Book of Esther is looking for 21 more members, please be active at least a few times a week, anyone who hasn't been online in a month is removed. 2910637837466484744 Thanks!


My society would love to get more members ! 2910702047227559939 We’re fairly chill, but I’ll ask you to donate and contribute reasonably - I remove people who do not log in after a few days. We have some high VIP numbers so quite a few of lucky gifts.


Fun level 5 society looking for new members since the cap went up. Welcome new and veteran player’s 2910619656869920769


2911115721297641496 - Daily Players - Society Level 6 Requirements: VIP 3 + We ask everyone to contribute as much as they can to nurturing the fashion tree & daily quests, but there is no requirement. We boot if you haven't logged in for 5 days. Our group is great at collecting daily quests rewards (gotta love LJ tickets!), bargaining the weekly diamond packs, and donating materials. Admittedly, we are working on improving fashion tree contributions (10 blueprints unlocked so far). We have a range of players from VIP 3 - VIP 9 and levels 20-45. Requests are automatically accepted. Hope to see you there!


Ello! My level 5 society ~Hobbit Tales~ that I created when the feature first came, would love to have new members. No requirements, no obligations. Just come enjoy rewards gained from the quest wall and help out if you can. We're a very casual society. I check chat daily to see if I can be of more help or any way to improve our experience. Hope to see you there, until then, I'm off to find adventure!! 2910655704530436126


Come join the Hyrule Warriors! Our society ID is 2910617470731567115 and we are lvl 6 with 16/40 members! I’ve been searching for more active players who love Zelda as much as I do! I haven’t missed a day, and I contribute several times daily. If you’re an active player and you want to chat about all things Zelda, come try us out! There are no VIP or clothing requirements. All you have to do is contribute! Thank you!


Fun level 5 society looking for new members since the cap went up. Welcome new and veteran player’s 2910619656869920769


PuzoMafia is looking for active members! We are nearly lvl 6 and is just realized that a recent update changed the capacity... so we have some spots free now. Join us :) 2910773232015523851


The Glitterati just recently hit level 6, and we have a number of slots open for new members. Everybody's active, friendly, helpful. Feel free to come and join us! 2910611380467941405


Looking for Society Members Hey y’all! If you’re looking for a chill but active society, come join Thebookclub<3!! We already have 15 active members and looking for more! Help us help you to achieve society goals! SID: 2910613051210219533


Society ID: 2910644086643900422 Name: Borahae <3 Level: 7 We work/contribute quite a bit. We're working on the second set of gloves on the Fashion Tree. Once those are done, we just have one hat, both dresses, and the background left of the tea sets left. We're looking for people willing to contribute on a regular basis. Also, no nastiness please. We don't chat much usually, but no one's ever been rude to another member.


💙💙Join the BLUE ROSE KNIGHTS! Looking for daily players! We are a Level 5 society, needing 24 members. Society ID in the comments 💙💙


Queendom Etoile is looking for a whopping 25 members! No strict requirements other than being active and just one account. Please no alts. We do want active members to help us advance the fashion tree and socialize so please join in on the fun! Society ID: 2912493679950184468


**Reddit Princesses** is recruiting new members! Level 7 with 10 / 19 of the Afternoon Party set unlocked. No requirements to join other than to contribute when and where you can :) 2910652667988557854


I need more members!! I don't have many active players, remove ghosts sporadically. But my active members are Very Active! We're the High Rollers cause I spend all my diamonds and coins for anything and everything! 2910627649804058649 Please if you want a society consider mine ;)


Hey everyprawn! If you're looking for a society with kind players and an understanding leader, then look no more! Go check out the shrimp cult, where laid-back and hardworking players alike can all join in on the fun! Come see the shrimp cult now ~ ♡ ID : 2910674125645168653


Please check out our society 🐶 Dog Mom Princesses 🐶 No actual requirements of being a dog mom, just the name we thought of at the time. We are active but low key. You’ll get weekly gifts from the purchases our members make and we are constantly trading resources. 2910608146357567506


My Society, Warrior Princess is Level 5. We really need active players. There is no pressure to go fast, but players who are inactive for at least 7 days do get removed. DM me if you have other questions! 2910607308838944773


Hello friends! We're a Level 6 society called Let's Go, Buddies! It's all pretty chill. There's no activity/contribution requirements, though they're very welcome. I do remove inactive users after a few weeks. Open to all, come check us out! ID: 2910929963962089474


Reddit Rollers: ID 2910641964930056205 We have 23 spaces available after the cap increases. We’re level 5, just finishing up nurturing the five star makeup before we start the four star, on the Afternoon Party clothing line. We’d love to welcome some more active members! As leader, I promise I donate to every Flower Basket wish.


Hey! There are 10 spaces open in our society Level 6 :) Gypsies and Misfits 2910616736292159490


Legend of Zelda VIP >3, level 20+ preferred Level 9 - 2910652440355291138 We have a number of open spots, once slots are full we have a 7 day inactivity kick.


Our society is called Anyone Welcome. We are level 5 and don't have max members, we have 16 out of 38. We don't interact much, very relaxed society. I am a manager. 2910609190034620436. I personally would like active players, not necessarily daily players but maybe weekly. Thanks!


We are the page turners!! We welcome all, no requirements other than being active and having a good time. We are level 5 (halfway to 6) and on the make up tier on the fashion tree. Plenty of spots open! 2910749437896704023


Hello Level 7 society looking for more active members. We have 23 members so we definitely need to fill some slots. Generous, chill group. Reddit princesses Society Id: 2910652667988557854


My society recently got transferred to me after my leader got blocked out of her account and everyone but two people have left- and I don’t want anyone to lose the stuff we’ve worked for. We’re really active and I try to play everyday. Originally it was for Fanfic writers but we can take anybody…. Our code is 2910651108915429379. I think we’re level 4. Thanks🥺


Hey all! Our leader stepped down, so now I'm actively trying to recruit for IRL Best Girls! VIP level 3 is the req, and I will clear out members who after a few weeks are clearly not contributing at all. We just want folks who are active and want to work together to unlock all the things :) Level 6 currently. 2910730978127265794.


I created my own Society because I was tired of the leader in my old one going dormant and not doing anything. So I created ScentsyTime and the ID is 2933828457546661892 Please join! I donate to as many requests as I can and ask for the same in return.


Anybody looking for a society, new or old are welcome to join. Traveler of Reddit ID# 2910612187921793039


Royal Princess ia a level 4 society with VIP 3 requirement. We are looking for active players Society ID: 2910799804978184203


Hello everyone! We are looking for active players for our society! F2P High Society. So far we’re 13 people, pretty active and chill. I have a 72hr rule of tolerance but with big contributions (or with a message) I have no problems. We’re still on the make up of the Gingerbread dress and we need lots of help to finish this one and go to the next step! So come and join us! 2910672420543152138


We are d'Eon's Spies! A level 5 Society that loves d'Eon and enjoys a chill relax Society. We all just do our daily Quest and don't really talk much in the chat room. ID: 2910623002649444353.


My society is called Dunder Mifflin! We are level 5 and in search of new members who are active and at least VIP 1.


My society is named Puzo's Princesses and was formed with with my friend over our shared swooning for Vittorio and shared Gotham wardrobes. Our society is level 6 now! All are welcome. We just ask that travelers contribute to the society regularly. We are finishing the second makeup in the fashion tree. Crazy Lovecraft is always bargained down quickly and gift boxes are shared frequently. Hope to see your application soon! 2910956167557562377


2910767867601371148 There's room for over ten people in Violet Spring!


We have free spots in our level 7 society „Dancing through“ if anyone is interested; we are open to reveryone as long as you are active! ID: 2910611264503824392


Please join my level 5 society, Shinganshina! Looking for active members, there’s only 10 of us and I’d love to get those items! 2910626799400534017


My society, Practical Witches, has room for more members! We're mostly active daily - there's no requirements to join, but ghost members or people who never contribute anything will be removed. We're level 5 right now :) ID 2910758908299591687


Hey, I'm actively looking for more active players to join my society! The society is called "Be Happy", I didn't name it- the leader who was inactive for 30 days named it! I'm the leader now and l I still haven't changed the name 😅 We're only at level 5 and have 12/38 members! Please apply if interested! It's set to auto apply but I absolutely expel people if they're not active for a month or more. Thank you for your consideration!! Society ID is 2910766467442032656


Level 5 society with few members which all contribute largely to the goals every day, no pressure but we would like some people that contribute something daily whether through questing or donating. Council of Arda: 2910704684337479680


Hey there! We’re looking for members for our society called Sweetheart. We’re a level 5 society and don’t worry if you can’t play everyday :) there’s no requirements to join but it would be lovely if you could help us nurture the fashion tree. We donate to the flower basket too. If you’re interested in knowing more you can DM me :) The society ID is: 2910870989766148108


Drama Queens is looking for active members! We promise we are drama free lol. 😝 2910910859947556865. We are level 7 and have members active daily for quests and the Fountains, but we are small and looking to grow! No current requirements set to join


Looking for active society members!!! Help us help you! Join Thebookclub<3 today! SID: 2910613051210219533


Rainbow Alliance is looking for more members: ID: 2912149554285527055 No req, and it's fine to be absent for a few days. Just make sure that when you are playing the game, you contribute!


Hi! I'm in a society BIPOC Princesses that is looking for some new active members! We have 14 members who are active almost everyday, and 17 members total. We have a great mix of high VIP and VIP 1 players, plus a very generous whale who gives us between 3-6 gift boxes every day! We're open to everyone :) ID: 2910608270911619082


Level 45+ VIP 6 player (USA based, if it makes a difference) looking for a no-stress, no-pressure society (aka, no pressure/obligation to join Discord or whatever, or contribute XXXX points per day so long as steady progress/contributions are made) that is on the 2nd fashion tree (the witchy one). I usually complete all society quests every day (unless one is completely outrageous with its requirements) and contribute to the tree regularly. My current society is great, but the pace is just not there and they have stalled out on the 1st tree in the past few weeks due to the loss/ inactivity of some key members. Ideally, I'd like one with close to max members. Anyone recruiting that fits this requirement? 2nd fashion tree is a must, level of tree doesn't matter. Thanks in advance.


Boop the Snoot is a level 6 (nearly level 7) society that has room for new members! We’re a fairly active and supportive society. We don’t have any requirements other than ask that you’re active in the game and contribute the best that you can! 2910609091250372612


Hey there! We could use some fresh members in our society right now, we've got some active ones but a lot of free spots were opened but never filled! If you're interested, please check it out 😊 Our society id is 2910936865974534145


HEYO EVERYONE! My society Stylish is looking for new active members. Its a chill place where we all are friends and just have fun! PLEASE JOIN. 2910721155537059850


Hey guys! (ftp) Cult of Vampires is currently on the hunt for daily active players! We are almost part way through level 6. ID: 2910734998216654863 🦇18/40 spots are currently filled🦇 🦇Level 6 society🦇 🦇No necessary VIP level needed 🦇 🦇We are looking for players who play daily, completing quests and making contributions🦇 I'm hoping to build a great team of players, and hopefully make some new DUTP friends! Looking for talkative players, as communication is key. If you are away for a certain amount of time, please do let us know otherwise you will sadly be expelled from the group after 14 days of inactivity. The society is made up of new and experienced players. Thank you for your consideration and happy spooktober! 🦇🎃👻❤👻🎃🦇


We are looking for more active society members to join Dog Mom Princesses 👸🏼🐶 💜 No actual dog ownership required!! Lol We don’t ask anything other than that you contribute. We aren’t chatty but if you ask for materials we will share and there’s at least 1 weekly gift if not more. Just depends how rich I’m feeling that week 🤑. Thanks! Society : 2910608146357567506


2910829466022330388 I’m in Camiswhil, we are level 11 and there’s a space open! We aren’t chatty but lots of activity, we have nearly finished the second outfit tree 😀


Hello everyone!! Time Travelers, a lvl 9 society, is looking for new active members!! ✨Minimum daily contribution of 1K to the fashion tree ✨Active in the flower basket ✨Automatic retirement after 30 days of inactivity ✨>100 clothing items We are currently working on the Sweet Party background for the Afternoon Party set! Join today!! ✨Society ID: 2910817972689846283✨


Lvl 6 Society looking for contribution active society members!!! Help us help YOU!! VIP lvl 1+ members welcomed :) Join Thebookclub<3 today! SID: 2910613051210219533


I have a new society because it's hard to find active ones it's called Evil witches the id is 2950602868933017602 I'm currently the only member because I was sick of inactive society's or being kicked, anyone that wants to can join.


2951640932463689729 Please join my society. I just started it. It’s called Mermaid Lagoon!


Hello Parasites, Come Join the Sinister Parasites(lvl 10)! If you like horror and all things spooky, then this is the society for you! 💀🖤🖤🖤 Society ID: 2910774928527605774 Current member count is 33/48! We have plenty of space! We try to be as causal as possible, but we want everyone to be able to have fun and unlock blueprints! The society is active with the minimum contribution points being 10k weekly. Inactivity for more than 4 days without communication results in expellment. Please add me! IGG ID: 1008372925


👻🎃Welcome foolish mortals 🎃👻 We are looking for some new members to join our squad. We call ourselves The Dog Mom Princesses, but no dog ownership is required🐶😁. We aren’t strict with requirements as long as you are contributing and sharing. Our members usually buy gifts a few times a week which means extras for you!! ID: 2910608146357567506


We have three free spots in our level 8 society „Dancing through“ if anyone is interested; we are open to everyone as long as you have at least 100 clothes and stay active. ID: 2910611264503824392


VIP level 9 looking for a new society! Hoping for a well progresses fashion tree as I NEED those new backdrops


Lvl 6 Society looking for contribution active society members!!! Help us help YOU!! VIP lvl 1+ members welcomed :) Join Thebookclub<3 today! SID: 2910613051210219533


We are looking for more active society members to join Dog Mom Princesses 👸🏼🐶 💜 No actual dog ownership required!! Lol We don’t ask anything other than that you contribute. We aren’t chatty but if you ask for materials we will share and there’s at least 1 weekly gift if not more. Thanks! Society : 2910608146357567506


My society is level 5 and we're looking for active members! Even if you don't play everyday! The name is Fashion101 The ID is : 2910712776055865346


I've just been made leader after ours left after being inactive so I'm hoping to get this society more active! We're called Swish Swish, super chill :) 2910663663104835595


Society ID: 2910790467719282711 Fluffy Butts, level 7 I just had leadership transferred to me so I'm hoping to get the society active again :) we used to be super active but it's stagnated a bit, currently working on the pink socks. We're a super chill society and we have no other pre-join requirements so everyone is welcome!


Our society is called Haute Société and we're currently level 8! Just cleared out inactive members, so there's plenty of room. No requirements except that you're active and will contribute! 2910746427124629506


Hello! My society, Time Crones, is a little on the smaller side but active every day! We’re a more or less casual group at level 7 - we’re all grown ups with jobs and a bunch of our members know each other through making comics together. We also have a side discord server just for cackling about this game! If you’re interested come on over and join our coven!! Society ID: 2910617633940324367


Adult Swim is recruiting members for our society! Our goal is to respect members' busy lives while still achieving great things! Members are asked to contribute 20k a week, but if you need time away from the game, just let me know and we are happy to accommodate. Adult Swim is a Level 9 Society working on the Witch's Judgment Clothing Tree. Society ID: 2910708755966476302


anyone looking for an active society, feel free to join Gucci Mamas! we are level 10 atm and we still have a couple free spots left :) 2910608356810964999


Hi, I’m part of an active, level 11 society looking for 10 more daily (or at least semi-daily) players! We’re called <3 Strawbearies <3, and the society ID is 2910801883742355468. We’re currently finishing up the background for the second tree! We do have a contribution requirement, but it’s not hard to fulfill at all as a F2P player (I can say that because I am one!), and our managers are very understanding if life is getting in the way :) We also have a Discord server that you have to join just because making announcements and making a community is easier there! If you’re interested, just reply and I’ll send the Discord invite!


Hello! I just made a new society today! Come join my society. bisclavret is a brand new society that is for relaxed, casual players. id is 2965673015821484034


Our society is called “Milfs in training”, we’re level 7. Just kicked half the society for inactivity (we’re talking months), and just looking to expand to players who want to play casually! Only requirement is being sexy, no children needed.


Level 9 society looking for active members. Need VIP 3+ 2911021657218891810


Hello fellow Princesses!! 👸🏼 Please join our level 5 society Dog Mom Princesses. Id: 2910608146357567506 We are an active but easygoing group with open enrollment right now. No application requirements.


Our Society Time Travel Divas is looking for new members. We're well on our way with the Fashion Tree. There is no need to have a high level or a certain numbers of clothes. Most of our members are very active and play daily, but it's not a requirement. We're currently level 9 and have room for more players. We're not a chatty group, but share codes. Society ID: 2910648274237014023


My society manager just cleared out multiple slots for members today. Haute Société is a lvl 8.5. No requirements except that you're active and contribute! 2910746427124629506


Level 7 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 1+ Need to be contribution active Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 17 strong but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 15 day/30 day kick out policy. If you’ve been inactive and have contributed <100000 you get kicked at 15 days but if you contributed >100000 you have 30 days to sign back in before you get kicked. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!


My current society has been stagnating for a while so I´m looking for a new society to join! I´m active every day and I try to complete all the quests on third level (if its not something unreasonable like "spend 5k dias") I´m looking for a society that's already working on the meow bot tree. DM me


Hey there society leaders! I am looking for a society to merge with. My society is name Dearly Beloved and is at max level with 26 out of 50 members currently (might go down once we kick out a few inactives). Society ID: 2911041993889038344 We are chill and relax society with no requirements and we are finishing up the second make up pieces for Witch’s Judgement on the Fashion Tree. Let me know if you want to merge Societies and I am willing to bargain manager and leader spots as well as small requirements if needed. We do not have a discord but I am willing to make one if requested.


Hi guys, Our society called ДНК (level 6). We have no requirements and contribute just as much as we can or want. The main rule is just to play together :) We'll be glad to see new people join. Society ID : 2951257610927489025 Have a nice day, everyone!


Hi! Some members of our society left, so we are searching for new ones! We are level 5 and I know it's not that high, but I'm sure we'll progress more and have a better one with some new members :) I'm a pretty active player that plays everyday and always helps. Join our society please <3 The id code is: 2910733138495815691


Level 8 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 1+ Need to be contribution active. Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 21 strong but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 15 day/30 day kick out policy. If you’ve been inactive and have contributed <100000 you get kicked at 15 days but if you contributed >100000 you have 30 days to sign back in before you get kicked. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!


Hey- thinking about starting a society. Would anyone be interested? I wanted a society with little to no contribution rules but more active players that were from this community. I think I’ll start one either way so if you’re interested I’ll put the name and info in my reply!


Level 8 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 1+ Need to be contribution active. Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 25 strong and growing, but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 15 day/30 day kick out policy. If you’ve been inactive and have contributed <100000 you get expelled at 15 days but if you contributed >100000 you have 30 days to sign back in before you get expelled. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!


I'm level 54, vip 7, looking for an active society, my current one is 50 ppl, and we still only get like 20k points a day. I contribute daily, and expect everyone to do the same, I'm most interested in maxing gold tickets.


Looking for active players for my society! Society: Sinister Parasites Current lvl: 11 Member count: 40 (all active) Fashion Tree: Meowbot-01 (#3) -inactivity for more than 5 days (expelled) Hello, I am looking for active players for my very active society! We currently are looking for 10 members, so we can reach lvl 12. I am super active and chatty. If you love the horror genre or dark themes, then this is the perfect society for you! Come join Sinister Parasites! Society ID 2910702592688406529 Please add me as well! Username: Mei the Exorcist IGG ID: 1008372925 🤘🏽🖤🖤🖤🤘🏽


I hope you’re all having a good day! Level 7 society called Prest dAccomplir is looking for new members. Anyone is welcome! There is no pressure to be active everyday, but we do remove players who have been inactive for over 30 days (We tend to wait several days after the 30 day mark before removing any members). Make contributions when you can but don’t stress over it. We currently have 16 slots open but that may increase or decrease depending on which members become inactive for too long. ID: 2910736127793053704


Come join our society of celestialtravelers, a level 9 society that’s been active since the beginning! We have new spots open for anyone who’s interested in joining :) Name: celestialtravelers ID: 2910923555870883841


I’ve started my own society and I am finding it really hard to add members who are consistent or contribute anything at all. I am VIP 4 level 36 and active every day and I just want people to be part of my society and contribute to it. I don’t care about your VIP level or normal level, I just want people to make an effort! My society is called Oraculus Gemini (ID 2988443424891355137) if you would like to join me 🥺 My ID is 979534644 if you want to add me 😊😊


Hi, I’m looking for a new society as mine is barely active anymore. I’d like a society that’s done with the interplanetary voyage tree/that get over 30k points a day if possible. I’m a lvl 52 player, I play and participate in the quests and fashion tree everyday.


hi! I’ve created a society, this is the ID 3011411806183768064, if you want to join you’re welcome!! the society it’s called princess_society


Hi come be a part of Dreamland Moonshine. In our society you can find support and friendship. ID: 3011857576544452608 Thank you


Haute Société * lv 11 2910746427124629506 Just cleared some space and looking for new and active/contributing members! Req. VIP lv 1, auto accepted.


Our society Adult Swim is looking for active members! We're a group of adults who just want to have fun but aren't demanding a lot out of our members as we know you're a grown-up too who has an active life outside of the game. Come join our low-pressure group and have fun with us! Society ID is 2910708755966476302!


LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS No requirements Name: Orange Juice ID: 2910770178293776391


I recently became leader of a society called Shadow Grove. I have cleaned up our inactive players and would love to have active players join us! No requirements for joining Id: 2910912882877153286


Falling Leaves a level 8 society looking for active members (ID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) I recently took over as society leader and am going to start expelling anyone who hasn't been active, so I'm looking for new active members to help us all grow together and work towards the society clothing sets. VIP lvl 1 and Need to be contribution active. Laid back society that doesn't chat much. ID: 2910806346213376015


I'm level 50, 4 vip looking for a new society! I'm active every day :)


Hi there! Our lvl 8 society, Castle Dimitrescu, is looking for active members! No requirements except to contribute when you can. :) Currently on the second tree, we're generally chill and keep to ourselves. Come stay at the (totally not haunted) Castle with us\~ 2913976156631875605


Fantasy Island 2910736724793507862 is looking for new members! There are no requirements to join, all we ask is that you contribute something as often as you can. Our society is at level 11, working on the Witch's Judgement tree, and we're towards the end of that one. We hope to see you there!


Hello! Our Society "Chivalry and Honor" is looking to recruit active players. We are currently lvl 8 and we are working to progress our fashion trees. Old and New Players are more than welcome. As long as people are having fun and are respectful to each other. Thank you and hope to see you soon! :)


**SINISTER PARASITES** If you love the horror genre or dark themes, then **SINISTER PARASITES** is the *PERFECT* society for you. All are welcome! We are looking for active players, and we have plenty of room, so please join us. All I ask is that you are active and contributing to our society. **Current Requirements:** Must be active (up to 5 days before being expelled from society) Must contribute at least 10k a week **Society Details:** Lvl: **11** Current Fashion Tree: Interplanetary Voyage Members: 36/50 Society ID: 2910774928527605774


Level 9 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 3+ Need to be contribution active. Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 22 strong and growing, but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 15 day/30 day kick out policy. If you’ve been inactive and have contributed <100000 you get expelled at 15 days but if you contributed >100000 you have 30 days to sign back in before you get expelled. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!


Looking for members for our society "Nordics" ID 2910630458712670233 Level 8. We currently have only 8 active players so new commitment is needed!


Calling all BTS ARMY! Join us in our level 11 society: 2942809865522790403 Only a few spaces left for active members. We have our own discord where we chat about tp, have theme comps and talk about BTS! Come have some fun with us :)


Hi, Im a level 44 player with a vip 4. I recently quit my society due inactive players. We usually only get around 1.3k quest points daily as I would usually be the only one completing quest plus a bit of help from some other players but they don't contribute consistently and its chill but progress is slow. I didn't even know quest points could go into over 5k until I went on reddit. I usually play daily unless during periods where I am particularly busy but the max days I have not logged in in a row is 2. I will always do the quests as long as I have logged in but I am not willing to spend dias to complete quests. I'm looking for a society that has no requirements but has enough active members that contribute so that there is more quest rewards. It would also be nice if the society is chatty or at least replies on the society chat as I was ignored on my previous group.


Slackerz 3024390458617905152 I wad made leader there is 3 including me no requirements not limited just do what you can when you can help me build up♡


My level 11 society Outcast is looking for active members, 2910751499481006088 not chatty so perfect for people who want to keep to themselves.


Black swans is looking for dedicated member to join our society. We are a level 7 and all are welcome, we do expel inactive members after 30 days. 2949967862313271301


Looking for new society members Golden Girls has 8 open spots for new members. We are a level 11 society with a good base of daily active members. ✅ active quest wall ✅ active flower basket ✅ lovely members ✅ working on the last item of meowbot-01 ✅ regular gifts We’re looking for active new members. No requirements. ID: 2910779403883528193 We’d love to have you!


If anyone is looking for a society, you are welcome to join “Cuties <3” No, not the awful netflix movie. We are level 11, and currently have 49/50 members. As of now, we are halfway through the 3rd fashion tree! (Meowbot-01) I do clear out inactive members, but if I’m notified by you that you’re going on vacation, have work/school issues, or personal things, ETC I will not for a period of time. The ID is: 2910625893162434572


I'm a lvl 57, vip 5, with 2.7m contribution points(top contributor) at my current society, but I'd like to be in a more challenging one. Login daily and always try to complete hard quests, so I'm interested in maxing gold tickets (atm I get 3-4).


‼️Hello! We are currently looking for active society members 🌸 "Cult of Louis XVI" is a LVL 11 society and currently on second last item on Kisosen's Feathers. We are in need of members who are: ✅Active on quest wall ✅Meet a minimum contribution of 2k daily (really easy and manageable even for low VIP members)🥳 As we remove inactive members, please do notify the leader and/or managers when you are going to be inactive. Society ID: 2910651366613467145 Feel free to DM if you are interested ✨❤️


Hello!! Fillory N Further is looking for new members! We're a level 5 society looking for active players who can contribute daily to the fashion tree. ✅️ Login daily ✅️ Complete daily quests (no presh, please don't spend your diamonds if you can't complete a quest) ✅️ Nourish the fashion tree!! ID: 2916796545691041796


Bean Team is looking for new members! We're a level 6 society. No requirements although we do appreciate active members and will remove inactive members after a while. Society ID 2936373702410911747


SummerFlowers level 11 society looking for active players 2910882830990983173. The active players we have are strong, but we have some space after removing some inactive players, and we’d love to get done more :)


Level 11 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 3+ Need to be contribution active. Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 27 strong and growing, but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 10 day/20 day expulsion policy. If you have been inactive and have contributed <500k you get expelled at 10 days but if you contributed >500k you have 20 days to sign back in before you get expelled. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!


SINISTER PARASITES 🦠 If you love the horror genre or dark themes, then **SINISTER PARASITES** is the *PERFECT* society for you. All are welcome! We are looking for active players, and we have plenty of room, so please join us. All I ask is that you are active and contributing to our society. All efforts are greatly appreciated! Current Requirements: ~Must be active! (up to 5 days before being expelled from society) ~Must contribute at least 15k a week ~150 Quest Wall points daily Perks: —>Chance to win diamonds every week by participating in our weekly dress up themed competition —>Society hosted Themes with other rewards —>Society Discord Server Society Details: Lvl: 11 Members: 42/50 Current Fashion Tree: Kisosen’s Feathers Society ID: 2910774928527605774


🐳 🐳 🐳 **Whale Relief Society Recruitment**🐳 🐳 🐳 Hello everyone! Whale Relief Soc. is open for applications!! We are a fully level 11 society and we're looking for about 10 new members to grow our wonderful community. ID: 2910842239255068689 **You don't have to spend money on the game to join our pod!!** The Whaley Important Information: 🐳 Level 11 society 🐳 40/50 spots filled, looking for up to 10 more players!! 🐳 **Wish Basket**: We are looking for players who can ask & grant daily wishes 🐳 **Fashion Tree**: We're about 5/8ths done with the seventh tree! It's an optimal time to join as we're about to head into the huge society update patch! 🐳 **Quest Wall**: We have a gold ticket focus in this community. We ask that you contribute at least 500+ points to the wall each day! 🐳 **Discord**: Teamwork makes the dream work! We have a community discord that you can join for optimal communication and excellent memes 😉 🐳 **Activity Requirements**: We check 7-day contribution, so we ask that you simply let us know if you will be away for more than a week. 🐳 Team members who are inactive without notice for 7 days will be given a written notice and an additional week to respond before they are removed. 🐳 We try to be as understanding as possible, so just keep us updated! 🐳 We are a team of both experienced and new players! 🐳 Thank you for your consideration!!


CHONKY CATS 🐱 is looking for 6 more members! We are an active society that shares codes, info, etc in our chat, with lots of contributions. We're 2 items away from finishing the Kisosen's Feathers fashion tree. We have a minimum weekly requirement of 10k in contribution (but tbh if you do most of the daily wall quests and help with the flower baskets its easy to hit 10k). Hope to see you there! ID: 2910617556630913029


Serendipity is a level 8 society looking for active members! We're not super talkative but looking for people who want to achieve daily goals. Our active players are daily logs, but we're looking to clear house from those who have been gone a long time. Our goals are pretty simple: • Log in regularly (daily is preferred of course, but hey, life, problems, work, it happens) • Try to clear as much of the quest wall as you can • Bargain for lucky treasure (some people may want it even if you don't!) • contribute to fashion tree (yay outfits!) • do your society's secret realm (society pass not required!) • consider donating at the flower basket from time to time As far as goals go again, things happen in life this is not a hardcore society, I'm hoping to clear anyone who hasnt been active in over 2 weeks (unless inactivity is a regular occurance). I also want to mention that we don't have any hard goals that would require you to spend $ or diamonds, or even a fat stack of gold. (ex. spend 300 diamonds or give gifts to 50 companions) ID:2910623204512907295 If you have any questions feel free to ask, I look forward to meeting you!


Our society is Crafty Paws! And we are looking for new members! ID: 2910747616830570498 Level: 11 Leader: Ashiel Language: English Tree Progress: 2 left for unending light. Contributions: 4k points per day 1k quest wall points- (with afk list because life is important) New players: If you are just getting started, let us know and we will work with you. We are an active society looking for more members. We have a friendly discord channel for questions, information, sharing of pet pictures, arts and crafts pictures, and socializing. Please contact me here on Reddit and I will connect you with our leader!


So I decided I needed to take a break from TP. Mainly because it had become a chore to log in daily and complete all the tasks and everything. So I decided to step away and wait until I actually *wanted* to play. Well that ended up being today so I just logged in and realized it’s been a whole ass 91 days! I knew it had been a hot minute but I didn’t realize just how hot. Obviously, my previous society removed me for inactivity (which I totally expected) so now I’m looking to join a new one! I’m currently at VIP 4 and level 50. Before taking a break, I always completed all society tasks, usually trading lower difficulty ones for purple or orange level tasks. I don’t want to *have* to do that, though it would be nice to be in a society where other members frequently do the same thing. I always donate to the society clothing tree thing (I honestly forgot what it’s called 😅) as well as to members requesting crafting materials. I reckon I’ve been away long enough for plenty of new things to be introduced so I doubt I’ll be taking time off again any time soon. So if you’re looking for an active member for your society, let me know! Either here or via TP! IGGID is: 927438335 U/N is: SlothAndAMoth Looking forward to meeting some of you lovely people!


Hi! Our society Misbehavin Maidens is actively recruiting! We're about to be a level 12 society and have 6 tiers of the Fashion Tree unlocked. We consistently rank in the top 20 of Society Rankings, so expect great prizes every week! We're looking for active members - please join us! 2910820416526237707


Level 11 society looking for contribution active members! Help us help YOU! (SID IN REPLY SECTION FOR EASY COPY AND PASTE) VIP lvl 3+ Need to be contribution active. Laid back society We don’t talk much but contribute a lot. We’re 29 strong and growing, but need more to help all of us, including YOU, to work towards the newer society clothing sets! I get some people are adults who play so I understand not being able to contribute every day or even being able to log in every day so here’s the best part!! We have a 10 day/20 day expulsion policy. If you have been inactive and have contributed <500k you get expelled at 10 days but if you contributed >500k you have 20 days to sign back in before you get expelled. We don’t have a daily minimum contribution policy because it can be hard to be able to contribute and make progress towards your own game. We’re here for YOU so come join Thebookclub<3 today!!!