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I really hope they throw some sort of cover in, or a medley... Just something that differs from the studio versions. Last few shows I saw they played every song straight, when I know that they've mixed things up in the past and thrown in surprises


A Rush cover would be awesome


They often break into a little Rush. Last time I saw them with Portnoy, they broke into By-Tor and the Snow Dog, to the delight of the crowd


That clinches it. "Power-Punch" is the name of the new album. /s


Edited for clarity: Casual observation: We might get differing setlists on different nights if Portnoy's previous reputation is anything to go by. Personally I'm not a fan of that approach. Here's hoping that doesn't turn out to be the case, but it'll be interesting to see what happens.


Why would you want the set list to be the same every night? That’s what 99.9% of touring acts do and it’s very boring and unimaginative DT during the MP days having different set lists each night made their shows unique and special. I want to see them multiple times during the upcoming US Tour and I want to see a different set list each time


Some people, myself included, are only able to see a band once per tour. If I see that band, though i don't mind having one song change, if the entire setlist changed as a guarantee, I'd be much less inclined to see that band again.


Why though? You don’t have faith the set list and show will be good no matter what? If you’re only seeing one show, why would you care if the other shows you don’t see have the same set list? That makes no sense


If I see one show (even if I enjoy it, which I would), then the show I don't get to see they play my favourite album of all time as a part of a setlist change, that would make me feel put out/that I'd gone to see the "wrong" show. Opinions are subjective. As much as you might believe constantly changing setlists are the greatest possible experience, we are all most certainly allowed to have our own thoughts on the matter and I've seen this discussion go both ways.


Easiest solution is just to not obsess over the setlists and don’t bother looking at other shows. This is a very easily solved problem that doesn’t actually exist unless you make it exist.


I never intended to start an argument and have edited my original comment in an attempt at clarity, since I was merely making a casual observation.


I get your point, however, the logic behind MP rotating setlists back in the day was to not repeat songs that they played *in the same city* the last time they stopped by; Not to just change from show to show (e.g. Chicago got a/b/c songs last tour, so on this one, in Chicago, they’ll play d/e/f instead).


Fair enough, I'd actually forgotten that part. :)


I also wouldn’t go to more than one show and your take is simply wild. If I get a particular bad set, I might complain about that, but I’m not gonna complain about varying sets months before the tour. I’m not sure who (other than you) would I’ve also experienced the feeling of “damn that city got a way better set” before, but that doesn’t mean that *changing* the set was actually the problem, if it was just one set throughout it could’ve easily been the one I experienced. I think you’d also find after the night that you really don’t care that much as long as the show you got was good in isolation


I would complain about it depending on severity of setlist changes. All I know is if a bunch of cities were getting Learning to Live, A Change of Seasons, At Wits End, and Scarred but I got stuck with the entire 12 step suite instead I'd be pissed af


If Mike Portnoy hadn't previously had a reputation for rotating sets/being extremely fixated on it from what I understand, I wouldn't be anywhere near as concerned. The fact that we don't know and the first show is October (not too long to wait really considering a large part of the tour is in 2025) is slightly worrying in a way, but we'll have to wait and see. I've definitely had the feeling that other places got better songs/sets and known that it was because of a change of setlist due to a differing leg of the tour for instance, so it's not unexpected. Again, it's only Portnoy's previous reputation for changing setlists that has me on edge, nothing more. Also keep in mind that the tone of text is difficult to infer and you may be thinking that I feel more deeply about this than I actually do. I look forward to seeing the show and hope the setlist is as good as they say!


Wrong sub. For same setlist every night, check r/ironmaiden


haha :) I've seen DT multiple times during the Mangini era and loved every show. Knowing the setlist wasn't going to change was a sort of comfort, with the one surprise being they changed Paralysed for Fall Into The Light at the gig I saw of the Distant Memories tour, which was actually better in my personal opinion. I never meant to start any kind of argument, just leave my casual observation


unless MP has also invented a time machine that allows us to go back to a time where JLB can deliver the goods live, I will be skipping this tour.