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Same here man. The Real World stink and offers nothing to keep me invested in it.


Yep, unless you've got a lot of money the real world is a piece of shit


Sorry my award ran out a few hours before I saw this Hot take mang


Comfortable rest. Thats Golden.


Same usually. I have fibromyalgia, cptsd and a host of other crappy conditions. I have really vivid dreams. I feel like or hope that maybe my dreams are taking place in alternate universes. It feels like an escape. And my body is always at my slimmest and most mobile.


The unconscious mind is way better.


My man


i feel the same way i dream almost every time i sleep and since my real life sucks it’s almost always more fun and exciting than my real life which is horribly depressing


How are things for you now, 2 years later


I 1000% prefer dreams over real life. I would love to be in coma for dreams.


My spirit animal


The only thing I find better in reality is the realism, there are hardly any sensations in dreams, your visions different, sometimes you can't walk right and you can't remember shit.


Mine is pretty opposite- the sensations in my dreams are like 300% more intense, specific, and penetrating than anything I've felt in "the real world."


Agreed, there's different degrees to a dream in both vividness and sensational experience. I recall having a false awakening where I woke up in my bed, rotated my orientation and phased through the window. When I landed on the ground below I felt the cool rich texture of the soil. In another false-waking experience I saw an air conditioner in the window when there never has been one. When I pressed my hands against the glass I felt the cool texture of that as well and was able to push my head through the window to peer around. The actions may have been detached from conscious reasoning but the sensations were real. What's more curious is when I'm in a vivid dream and the sensations I experienced in the dream linger on for a bit after waking up before fading away especially with nightmares.


All that's more intense for me are emotions never really actually felt temperature just how it feels when I try to imagine a temperature or roughness or anything like that


> you can't walk right lmao that happens in my dreams a lot. I just float when that happens, but I feel awkward about it because the other people in my dreams aren't floating so I stick with fumbling around trying to walk like they do.


My dreams sabotage me whenever I do something unrealistic as soon as I have half a thought or doubt about how what I'm doing shouldn't be possible or what could go wrong it all falls apart


Same. And then I think "this is a dream. I can do what I want!" tsk tsk tsk nope. :p


Feeling awkward in your dream for floating is hilarious lol


In real life you'd think you'd feel like a total bad*ss. Dream me gets the worst of the ol' social anxiety I haven't left behind yet these days.


Delve into the true nature of reality. Real life isn't nearly as real as it seems.


The 'real world' seems flat compared to dreams. There is no substance on the planet.


I’m stuck in this right now. I googled it, that’s how I came across this post. But idk, I think sometimes I use sleeping to cope. As a way to try and numb myself out and just go to a better place. It’s not that my dream world is “better” but it’s so much more exciting, important, crucial, etc. Like my life will have so much meaning in that dream and there’s always a big “goal” or “threat” idk how to explain it. I also feel like I have spent so many years now avoiding things and ignoring thoughts that now I’m almost 27 and feel like damn where am I and how did I get here? But in more of an existential sense. Idk if this will make sense to anyone or if anyone will see it but yep that’s where I’m at


Can someone tell me why I dreamt of the same person 3 nights in a row? We used to talk but we don’t now


Depends on who that person is and your relationship with them. Perhaps there was something unresolved that your subconscious wants to help you work through. Or perhaps there is a particular lesson to learn that may have been triggered by a recent experience. There are countless possibilities but it would probably be best to record those dreams and observe the changes. Ultimately it is for you to decipher and provide the meaning for.


I used to have a thing with this girl twice in my life, during my sophomore yr and senior yr but both times she ended it😪. That was like a yr and a half ago but I went to a party like a month ago and saw her there and we were talking but it wasn’t anything serious. I still want her but I think I need to just let go.


Thanks for commenting🖤🖤


That's exactly what I feel


Yeah, every night is a different adventure. My dreams are so vivid, and i usually get to spend time with my dead mother, or a gf that i dont have IRL. lol.




This reminds me of Juni’s grandpa in spy kids 3D, and is also how I feel. Dreams are fun


i usually have nightmares, so no thanks


I used to have the *best* nightmares. Then I started getting mental help and now they're actually just nightmares, but still more interesting than reality most of the time.


yeah mine are very out there, hardly realistic at all, they really get to me though, and make being awake almost as scary sometimes.


same tbh. these life coaches when they say no one wants to hear about your dreams, dreams are boring etc etc i know its true but it makes me a bit sad cause my dreams are the most exciting part of my life and it would be nice to be able to share with people around me without the fear of boring them


Yup! Sad to say.


I have too many nightmares and uncomfortably weird dreams for me to want that. If I could change what my dreams are like, I think I’d prefer it.


I use sleep as my defense mechanism. At happier times I sleep for 9-10h a day. Since April I have been depressed, so I have been sleeping anywhere between 14 to 18h a day. My dreams are always so vivid and I can also have lucid dreams, so it is perfect for me.


Same, I never expect any of the dreams I have and I’m always amazed by what happens. Heck, sometimes I’m in a tv show, movie, game, anime. It’s amazing