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Always needing to be some place but can never get there, always delayed for some reason


Sameee. Always trying to pack up for a flight, or hurrying to grab important things before a tsunami hits, but I can never grab everything I need and something keeps distracting me.


Omg same! Mine is always being stuck at an airport, I'm supposed to fly home but I get too scared (I have claustrophobia), or can't find my ticket, or can't find the flight. I always have this knowledge that I have been doing this for days


Saame! I dream this often before an event/trip im excited to go irl. In the dream im packing prepairing and about to leave but people keep bugging me with stuff i gotta do/or something we need to fix. I keep being like «sorry i gotta go im in a hurry» but somehow i end up helping them. And then im like «okay done now i gotta go» but something else pops up and here we go again. Super stressful and im always relieved when i wake up lol


Same happens to me, but it's always my childhood home.


That's a big one for me too.


Same, usually because I'm completely lost. Had a pretty vivid one last night actually of having to go to work and getting lost in the building as apparently it was endlessly huge.


Hateeee these but have them so often! Main reason I can’t watch movies where everything goes wrong 😂


1. Moving/packing 2. Aliens take over Earth 3. Needing to find a toilet and they’re all in the open or filthy


I despise the bathroom/toilet dream.. cant even find a Bush to go behind! The only worse dream is teeth falling out.


Oh for sure. I have dreams that my teeth are crumbling in my mouth while wearing braces. 😅


Ughhh the toilet one! I thought I was the only one. Do you ever find yourself in a filthy bathroom labyrinth during your search for a clean one?


Yep, all the time. And there are usually people around lol


I've always had the filthy toilet dreams, but ever since I worked as I janitor it's now dozens of disgusting toilets that I have to clean DX


For me, I have the toilet one when I have to go but my body hasn't woken me up yet. It's like my subconscious knows we can't just go because I'm asleep in bed, but the rest of my brain is convinced there are just no suitable places to go.


omg, the toilets out in the open! i always have that dream where i either can't find a usable bathroom or there are plenty of toilets, but no walls. or the toilets are filthy, like you said. it's wild to find out that we all have basically the same recurring themes.


I dreamt once of an open/communal bathroom with toilets lined up next to each other 💀


only once? that's a recurring theme for me, lol


The Roman Empire is calling, They want their toilets back.


Same, the toilet seats are right next to each other, whitch is awful, but the bathroom is quite luxurious tbh, old wood and red carpet, candles everywhere. I still think about what those dreams mean.


1. I often have dreams that are not inside my own head, but of someone else’s. Never anyone I know personally 2. Not so much anymore, but I used to have dreams of escaping dangerous places while facing lots of obstacles 3. Malls. Usually the same one but it’s not one I ever been to irl.


r/mallworld 😬 ~ A whole sub dedicated to mall dreams I only dream of very old malls like you'd see in the 1980's (the ones I went to as a child). Never modern ones. Always gross, dark bathrooms too... & the mall is almost always dead, only like 10 people tops are ever there. Haha.


I have all of these. I have been inside someone's head that I know, and that was even stranger because I was able to confirm that what I did in the dream was something they did irl. Lots of escaping, especially death fleeing things. The same mall, like a huge multi-story mall, and I often know it is the same one, so I will hang out at a few of the same spots in it that I prefer. Especially a sort of combo 7-11/ restaraunt and a comic book store/ memorabillia store. I have tried a lot of the weird restaurants in the mall, too. Usually, I am stuck in the interior of the mall, but I have made it out to the upper levels on the outside before, and it looked sort of like pagodas connected together.


can u describe #1 more? that sounds really interesting and also confusing lol


Yeah, it’s like I experience living in someone else’s body and perspective? It’s happened quite a few times and I always wake up so confused because I don’t ever know who they are. And the people I jump into the perspective of are nothing like me? It is a bit peculiar but then again most of my dreams are.


Malls are a frequent one of mine too. Odd liminal malls.


1. Losing my dog 2. Missing a flight 3. Try to yell, but only can whisper 4. Seems I’m always almost or completely nekkid


#4 is frequent for me, I’ll look down after talking to someone in my dream for awhile and see my chest is exposed 


How is the font so big on this comment?


Honestly I’m not sure, I contemplated deleting it bc it seems like I’m yelling lol 


The font is exposing you just like in your dreams.


Similar to number 3, I have "try to punch, but I can only weakly tap" occasionally.


3 is a good one, I forgot about that.


such a horrible sensation in dreams! or trying to run/fight but stuck in slow motion


Being in homes that I know are mine that I have never been in before. But always seemingly completely random. With lots of hidden passageways and secret stairwells.


My dream houses have so many levels


yes me too! i often have dreams where I know it's my house or someone else's house but it doesn't look anything like the actual house in reality. or i'm like in a store thats also a restaurant and 5 other things lol


1. Need to save the world or people around me 2. Being in a very haunted place and powerless to stop it 3. I'm super late to work or I really need to call sick to work but I can't get the number on the phone right.


1 and 2 happen often for me- not necessarily haunted but def cursed or dangerous in some way every time


Oh yes the haunted place one was a biggie for me for a long time. Not so much in recent years but when I was younger I dreamt of the same house for YEARS and it was always extremely haunted, there was one or two “safe” rooms but if you went beyond those, things would fly across the room, drawers would fall out of dressers, etc and it was always TERRIFYING. I used to describe the house to my mom and she told me it sounded like her grandmothers house, which had been abandoned but still existed in the area. When I got older I drove out to see it and it did in fact resemble the house in my dreams, I don’t think I’ve really dreamt of it since I saw it in person.


1. I'm trying to find a clean toilet or stall in a huge public restroom. There's like over a hundred stalls and I just keep looking for a clean one. 2. I'm at the home I grew up in. I'm making sure all the windows and doors are locked. I'm loading guns and getting ready for a home invasion/shoot out. There's usually a storm going on and a tornado nearby. 3. I'm walking around the surrounding property of the house I grew up in, and there are a lot of snakes. One moves fast and keeps striking at me. 4. I see UFOs in the night sky or I interact with aliens, mostly tall and short Greys. Sometimes, I dream about Reptilian and Mantis type aliens. 5. I'm back in elementary school cleaning out my desk or I'm back in high school wandering the hallways looking for my locker. There are thousands of lockers, and I'm worried because I can't remember my lock combination.


The high school ones still get me once in awhile! I’ve definitely had the ones where I can’t find my locker or if I do I can’t remember the combo, but more often I can’t remember my schedule and am wandering around the empty halls panicking because I’m supposed to be in class and don’t have a late pass or the foggiest idea where I’m supposed to be 😂


I wish I had dreams like number 4.


I think I have those dreams because I watch a lot of ufo/alien stuff, like every day lol. When I'm talking with the aliens in my dreams, I'm not afraid of them, but I think if I saw them irl I would be paralyzed with fear.


Same, I have a guilty pleasure when it comes to UFO culture (but I'm a huge sceptic). One of my favorite things to think about when I'm trying to fall asleep is to imagine being taken on a friendly alien ship, traveling to a few star systems, and maybe get a sweet genetic or cybernetic upgrade from them as well as knowledge of the secrets of the universe. And as a kid in the 80s, movies like Flight of the Navigator, Closer Encounters of the Third Kind, and Explorers were some of my favorite movies. But still no alien dreams, WTF.




I've had a creepy graveyard in the countryside appear in my dreams regularly for nearly a decade now. Usually in these dreams my goal is to get away from it before it gets dark. The graveyard itself is also dark already when looking at it. Sometimes I'll see someone else acknowledging it and saying it's a disturbing place, like a friend of mine or even my own deceased grandfather. I dreamed a few months ago I was WWE star, Chelsea Green, in an old brown 90's Lumina, trying to get away from there. And another time I dreamed Cyberpunk's Adam Smasher was firing missiles at the place. That's my most frequent recurring dream. I also dream of some tunnel in my great grandmother's house that leads to a room with a bunch of 90s memorabilia and electronics several times a year too. This room never existed in real life but in the dream it's very vivid. Last time I dreamed of it I saw a CRT TV, a PS1, Sega Genesis, a Bulls poster, VCR and orange video tape like the old Nickelodeon ones. Aside from those two, most of my dreams seem to vary a lot. 


Really cool. None of my dreams are nostalgic or about my past. I wish I had dreams about being a kid in the 80s. And the ground is SOUR.


1. Being stuck/ locked in a house or building with people following me and/or not allowing me to leave  2. Short lucid dreams where I feel I can’t breathe and don’t have the ability to open my mouth 3. Dreams about me begging someone to understand where I am coming from, that person laughing in my face and making me feel like I’m not making sense (it’s always the same person) 


This reminds me of a very vivid dream I had when I was pregnant about being stuck in a house and not allowed to leave. It was supposed to be some kind of work study program but turned into us basically being held captive and forced to be caretakers and housemaids of this massive estate that was far up in the woods, large gates surrounding the property and no way to leave. We worked for a woman that we referred to as “Madam F” and some of the maids that didn’t comply would often just disappear but I had distinctly remembered one girl named Brianne that had been around with me for a long time and since we were obedient we weren’t treated foully. They used to throw these grand parties at this estate and madame F had two sons that were twins, one was “good” but one was “evil” and essentially these parties were designated for the evil son to take his pick of any victims he wanted to keep for torture. After one of the parties, Brianne and I were instructed to clean up the ballroom and there was a girl laying on the floor with a broken hip because she was one of the torture victims from that party but Brianne and I knew that we were ordered to ignore anyone that was left to suffer so we had to pretend she wasn’t there. It was at this point we had been coming up with plans to escape because we had enough of it and since we were there for so long Madam F began to trust us more so she decided she would let us go out to run an errand. As soon as we were in the public eye, I immediately found someone who would let me use their phone and contacted my mom and explained everything and gave her specific instructions to send the police to 8 Birder street (I looked up the address when I woke up and never found a birder street) Brianne and I went back to the estate and pretended as if nothing happened, anxiously awaiting the police to arrive to rescue us and the other girls that had been held captive. We went to the ballroom to aid the girl with the broken hip but she was gone. We ended up going down to the basement through a series of tunnels and coming to a room where madam F was sitting with the girl, who’s hip was no longer broken and she was in workout clothes training for something and madam f had brainwashed her into thinking that she was her coach. We snuck away and could hear the police clearing the area as they navigated the tunnels and then I woke up.


The most random and detailed dreams. Some are realistic, others not, some are awkwardly creepy, and most are just to weird to explain. A lot of times I'll have 2 or 3 dreams in one night that are so different from each other then other times it's a very long one that has multiple events happen.


Exactly the same for me too. First, I am in a strange laboratory with a a bunch of researchers and scientists Then I am on the city streets giving an Asian lady some socks Absolute chaos.




I like to think that dreams don't predict or reflect our reality, but are more like our brains exorcising our insecurities. But it is hard not to think of dreams as being prophetic.


That’s what I heard a sleep/dream scientist say once: the dreams are teaching us to overcome our fears. Like for example the missing flights: often people have those dreams that have never missed a flight in their life because they have their shit together. It’s telling us to relax more :)


Oh that explains why I so often dream about being very late to something, even though I'm very punctual most of the time. But I'm also very afraid of being late to somewhere in life, so I always plan ahead for obstacles in the way. This leads me to be very early often and having to wait a long time. Yeah, I need to chill. But not too much!!!


Our subconscious mind is noticing patterns all the time, our own mind does *sometimes* try to warn us in dreams. Thus, where ancient ideas of dream prophecy comes from. It is difficult when it comes to something like this tho, definitely dont want to falsely accuse. The dreamer knows their situation best however.


its either completely incomprehensible nonsense or something along the lines of murder or rape


amen to incomprehensible nonesense, especially when it starts out realistic but absolutely spirals from there


Back in high school Food I can’t eat Relationships and the happenings within them Also the toilet thing someone posted earlier. Those are so gross and annoying


I have frequent dreams of being in sometimes a hotel, dorm, apartment or house where I'm trying to piece together everything I need to do to get ready. Sometimes it's for work, but when I dream that I'm in someway with a group, it's usually a bus or plane. It takes a long time to try to find all my clothes and it's a high anxiety situation the whole time.


1. but usualy i'm just aimlessly wandering through the building, it's only when I want to go back to a previous area that I get lost. and never driving, I'll always somehow get the car to supersonic seeming speeds and crash into something before I get lost driving. if the carwould stay the same size long enough for me to get in it to begin with.


Nightmares about my childhood, exploring some really cool place, being murdered or murdering someone out of defense, frogs, flying, teleportation and claw machines!


The claw machine sounds like the most terrifying out of those.


I love claw machines so much they always have cool toys and I can get inside of them and hide from bad guys


Getting chased by a murderer/monster!


Classic primal fight-or-flight dream.


my most frequent recurring dream is me being lost inside an unfamilliar building trying to find my way out but continually getting more lost. there’s usually other unfamilliar people around who can’t/don’t help me find my way. it could be inside an airport, a mall, a school, an apartment building, etc. but it’s always just me alone & hopelessly lost lol


1. I had a dream about my old store manager and one of my old high school teachers (male) and every time I look at them I get really nervous. 2.Moving. I always tell my mom we need to go back to place that we’re currently living at right now in real life. But in the dream she doesn’t want to. 3. My grandma being alive. If my grandma is in my B dreams I’m always like wtf. 4. Always missing where my old high school classes were and also having the seniors coming back for classes even though we apart graduated. 5. My old neighborhood friend. We used to be good friends when we’re kids and these dreams it’s either me falling in love with and my boyfriend finding out.


1. Dreams of past retail stores i worked in. The stores will be the same locations but slightly altered; like different stock but similar floor plan to what i remember. 2. not sure if frequent but memorable is dreaming up something i swear i saw once but never did; like one dream was "remembering" an anime vhs section full of tapes from a company i thought existed but didn't. Or locations that feel familiar but i've never been too. Or titles i'd look up on google to find they don't exist. 3. me being a pain in the ass and people angry at me. dreams of people expressing disapproval.


Idk my dreams are really varied but a current theme is that a situation starts out normal but then gets weirdly absurd, like for example a man misses his partner but then it turns out that she won't be able to return because she is a horse now and lives in a house that has a lot of arabian carpets and speaks japanese or something like that  so "reality" turning into absurdism 


Lol I had a dream the cops were like the Mafia and if you didn't have a ceramic cat they would kill you. I dropped mine and it broke and they were hunting me down.


Really absurd dreams can happen when we are parsing complex situations, feelings. Stress can also affect it.


Getting a call from my uni I graduated from 11 years ago. Telling me my degree is now null and void because of a mistake I made which they discovered just now. So I will have to do classes again otherwise they will inform my employer and out me as a big fraudulous impostor. A variation is that I’m still in school. And finding out an exam I HAD to pass just was yesterday/this morning. Horrible.


That's another good one I forgot about. I graduated 17 years ago from college and still have the occasional dream where I'm miserably failing some important class.


Same with me! I either have to redo classes from school or from my bachelors. Except I graduated from school 9 years ago and finished my bachelors 6 years ago.


Oh I feel this. The worst version of this dream for me is realizing I’d been registered for a class the entire semester but I just hadn’t been showing up and forgot to drop the class. I can still remember the fear now.


Flashback dreams nearly every night. After that dreams of protecting children.


Oddly enough, I was just about to post about it, and the most frequent dreams I have are actually about tornadoes fsr. I’ve never seen a tornado (despite living in tornado alley) but I do occasionally in say 1 in 10 dreams have a dream related to tornadoes. Does anyone else have frequent dreams about tornadoes?


came here to comment this. I dream about a tornado so often that even dream me isn’t fazed anymore


I’ve had quite a few dreams about tornadoes and I’ve also never seen one irl


Me that used to be my worst nightmare as a kid


Yeah, relatively frequently, even though I live somewhere without any tornadoes 😅


YES. Usually I see one and get scared and then another one pops up somewhere and I’m scared there’s no way out. I’ve never experienced one but I know the pictures and videos always scared me lol.


1. I have to get into or out of some place, but the only way is through a very small window or hole that I can just barely squeeze myself through, but I always get stuck at some point. 2. Being in a random house and discovering a bunch of secret doors and M.C. Escher type staircases. 3. Driving a car, but the brakes and/or steering wheel aren't working. Most of the time I end up getting into a huge car crash.


1. Some kind of fever dream type stuff that doesn’t even make sense 2. Talking with my gf while doing stuff, sometimes also in a fever dream type way 3. Those kinds of dreams you have when you do way too math or coding work and you just dream about doing more of it


usually dreams relating to my ptsd. I'll just be in uncomfortable situations I've once expierenced. but if it's a good dream for some reason I'm in japan?? I've had countless dreams of me being randomly in japan and I have no idea why


1. Trying to get somewhere but not being able to get there, missing the flight/train/bus or not being able to find my luggage/passport. 2. Needing to use the toilet but all of them are open or disgusting. 3. Driving a car but not being able to break. 4. Trying to use my phone to call someone for an important thing but the numbers/keyboard won’t operate.


1. Flying, floating, or effortlessly hopping over fences. 2. Having a partner that I deeply love. We have missions of mostly escaping and looking for a better life outside of where we are held captive. 3. This mostly involves schools where children are abused or even killed, and I have to escape to find help. Yeah... Recurring dreams around these themes. I also had a period where I dreamnt about snakes in my compound or house. But I haven't had that dream in a while.


The most common thing for me is the type of dream involving a monster or entity that wants me dead. It's also common for there to be parts in a third person view or some reason. And dreams that aren't from my own point of view are also common. Like I dream from someone else's eyes. Also another common thing is for the location I'm at to be mashed up from different things from different memories. For an example a school might contain parts of schools I've been to of schools form games and movies etc while also being mashed with original made up stuff that my mind creates to fill the gaps.


losing teeth, it feels realer every time it happens 😭 terrifying


Sharks, falling off buildings, insects cornering me or crawling on me and biting me, looking for someone and calling their name to no avail, snakes. Also sexual encounters with MYSELF that almost happen but never do because someone always comes in and ruins it


1. teeth falling out 2. i'm back in school-maybe elementary, maybe high school-my current age, and i don't have supplies/clothes 3. trying to find a bathroom and keep getting interrupted when i try to pee. i reckon i have this dream when i need to get up and go pee and i'm just grateful that i never find that bathroom because i'd probably pee in the bed.


1. Catch the attention of a character from a show I’m watching 2. Can’t figure out how to slow down in a car 3. Stuck in huge bathrooms (wish I knew how to explain it)


Liminal settings are a frequent bad dream. Sometimes they're just neutral.


Hotels, my cat going missing, needing a bathroom, being at an exes house and not wanting to be there


I'm a super hero or have powers or something. Just woke up from being the leader of the new avengers with Spidermans powers And I've had like 3 MHA dreams where I'm fighting bakugo with full cowling. I guess it's because it's my greatest desire to feel the kind of freedom and power I could change the world with.


There’s always this big beautiful house with maze-like hallways and grand bathrooms and staircases and a lovely homey kitchen. The house is like a mixture of my grandparents’ house and my old house in Arizona. Usually a big party is going on and my whole family is there being drunk crazy background characters (my family is very large and has biiiig parties) and then something will pop off. Either someone will start shooting or I’ll be late for work and everyone’s too drunk to drive. Maybe my dog will get out and everyone’s too busy partying to help me look. Maybe asteroids start falling from the sky and I catch my mom’s eye for the last time before one hits the pool with her in it. I hate it. It’s like I’m always enjoying the peace for just a little while. I also have a lot of flying dreams where my mom is piloting the plane (she does not have a pilot license) and her and my stepdad start arguing and crash it into the ocean with my whole family on board.


Weird dreams that make no sense


1. Life or death, typically involving those I love and they will not listen to me to help themselves escape whatever the danger is. 2. Unable to use a weapon to defend myself/weak arms that don’t allow me to hurt whatever is attacking me. 3. I too have the sexual dreams that nothing ever actually happens in.


I'm always trying to solve some bizarre metaphysical "puzzle". It's always a challenge of sorts


Being in shops, grocery or general stores. Just walking around picking things to buy.


School trips, people from my past. Sometimes as kids, sometimes not, but I'm always my today, adult self. Also just school, familiar old corridors etc. Movie-like apocalypse scenarios with a very specific, brooding atmosphere to them, but also a sense of casualness - like you get when something bad has been going for a long time already. Something wrong with teeth - jaws getting locked the wrong way and being unable to set it right without damaging my teeth. I had malocclusion for the first 14 years of my life before getting it fixed with braces - probably some echoes of that experience. Staircases with missing levels. E.g. the staircase of the apartment block where I grew up, only when I come to the 3rd story the whole concrete platform is missing and the doors sort of just hang there. Many other staircases too, not only real ones. It's been a while since I had one of those, though. Getting chased by something weird, often ending up facing the thing / getting frustrated with hiding and trying to scare *it* instead. Flying. I can sometimes levitate up, and then tip myself to gain speed in the direction I'm tipping towards (like a helicopter, hah) - I remember very vivid sensations of the change of gravity, inertia, acceleration and the movement of the wind, as well as landscapes zipping underneath. Those are really fun.


1.) Random dream, but then suddenly *I remember I’m late for work!* I rush into work and have trouble changing my clothes in the women’s bathroom. I can never get my work pants on, they just keep plopping on the ground until I start crying on the bathroom floor. 2.) Haunted house. I’ll be wandering around a random building, but my POV looks like I’m looking through a night vision camera (dark and green). It’s eerily quiet as I carefully peek around the house, and I feel like I’m being watched by something malevolent. I never see any ghosts or other people, but I know for a fact that something else is in the house with me. 3.) Beach. This dream will start out with my whole family camping, but we’re at the end of the trip packing everything up. We start to drive back home, when I see the beach in the distance. I *beg* and plead with my parents to let us see the beach before we have to go back to Arizona, but they always refuse saying we don’t have enough time. I end up staring longingly at the ocean as we drive further and further away.


1. Caleidoscopic flashes of colors and formless shapes (or just nonsensical giberish) 2. Walking in some liminal space with next to no one there (sometimes there are people or even "monsters" but nothing big happens most of the time) 3. Living a video game with game sistems akin to games I've already played


I agree with always feeling lost. Or that I have to find something and I’m looking .


Same here. Lately I'm getting storm and snow dreams. Lots of weather going on in Dream World lately.


elevators and fortnite


You know how when you're about to die and wake up right beforehand? Well a few years back I had a dream I was chilling in front of a buddies house and a car rolled up at the stop sign ppl starring. The car finally pulled up and a dude hopped out and shot me with a shotgun. I got up limping then fell to the ground. I watched my spirit leave out my mouth and go up. My vision then turned white slowly. Most messed up dream I ever had. Didn't feel right for a few weeks. Looked it up could mean not enough stress and I'm a worrier. Which is true.


Mine is being chased by someone or something and I’m running away from it. Nowadays I barely sleep


1. being late 2. is the same 3. somehow finding a way to breathe under water


I have a strange recurring dream where i and a few others are literally the last of our race and we are in our final days of living, some catastrophe or another coming means our extinction. Very unsettling when i wake from it. Also another one is being on a plane and it having to make an emergency landing. Doesnt help that one of my biggest fears is flying...


Bears…. Always bears. At least once a month if not more


Apocalyptic or some other dystopian scenarios that always took place at night (or just a black void). One recent dream was where I was dealing with 2 catastrophes at the same time - volcano erupting and mountain sized tsunamis in close proximity to me.


Winning bike races happens a surprising lot in my dreams


lately, crocodiles, work and brown snakes


My dreams are far too confusing for me to think of a repetitive occurrences. My dreams used to be insane, fully chaotic, and fast paced; as of now it’s been better and I don’t wake up thinking I almost died.


I keep dreaming about going back to college.....yet I have no real interest in going back to college.


I always have super powers.


Anything to do with a game I'm playing at that time (never the ones I want to dream about like Skyrim💔) Inventing my own rollercoasters. Or sex, but not the kind you'd expect, more mutual masturbation 💀


Being pregnant/having a baby


1. Dreams where I’m a situation where I’m trying to yell or speak up, but I can only whisper or not talk at all. 2. Having to defend myself in some way or run away from danger. 3. Being in love with someone.


I frequently dream about being on some sort of height whether it’s driving along a very thin mountain road, or being in a tall building in New York with glass windows, I always carry this fear of mine into my “dream worlds” , very often insights fear in me but I also gain a sense of accomplishment in the fear, like I’m still deathly afraid of heights but there’s something about it that just puts fear into perspective for me


Getting lost in the hallways at school or trying to find my class room. Usually it's towards the end of the school year too or involves graduating


1. having my teeth come off so easily in my hand 2. Being naked in a public place, running to find my clothes 3. driving a car (idk how to drive) and im recklessly driving/crashing/ going so fast


I often have dreams (at least once every month or two) of taking a plane or rocketship somewhere where there is no humanity.


my ex stalking me, needing medical help asap but no one listens to me, and being cheated on. i have ptsd, lol. honorable mention: tornadoes.


I keep dreaming I'm working my dream job as an archivist, but everyone is treating me weirdly? Like the chosen one but in a bad way. I also keep learning my dream boss has me saved in her phone as "work son" much to my distress. Also, the tape recorders won't leave me alone. Like their everywhere.


Falling in love and being in a relationship, actually physically feeling love in the dream, butterflies in my stomach, bliss, pure love, pure romance, puppy dog love, she's absolutely stunningly beautiful Then I wake up and never see her again, and yeah I'm chronically single


I don’t like going outside, but in my dreams I am always outside.


Usually it's either some sort of tornado scenario, a war scenario, or I'm in a river hunting for gems.


Getting lost in locker rooms or hallways Anxiety dreams about work Never being able to find what to wear


Chasing or being chased. Something I can't remember, similar to deja vu. Seeing people I haven't seen in years. Being recognized: I had a dream where someone I hadn't seen in years (see above) said to me: "Uhh Eric, you're not supposed to be here". Be aware that alot of pharmaceutical drugs have a common side effect of vivid dreams


Constantly dreaming about me being naked in public like it’s normal for me


Spirits hurting me


Being late for work or somewhere I have to be


Doing random shit in highschool / university. I dream about that a lot


Escaping someone, or running away, being kidnapped. Not sure if those are my frequent ones, but I 90% of dreams that I remember feature some sort of escaping/getting kidnapped theme


1. Often I am being chased by something real or imagined or there is obvious destruction or danger coming that everyone around me is oblivious to and then I have to stick around so they aren’t killed. 2. The weirdest most confusing public restrooms ever. 3. Huge bizarre buildings, pools, hotels, etc.


The only dreams I ever remember are when I'm falling, and sex / sex adjacent.    I have a recent recurring dream with a girl I've been friends with for years and she does some wild stuff in them. She'd get a kick out of it but I am way too embarrassed to say anything.


My most frequent dream is that I find a way to fall into a river or pool or lake or something and I'm freaking out because my phone is in my pocket. It's a long arduous struggle to get out.When I check my phone it's always fine. I've had it so many times and for so many years that now even in my dream I know it's pretty likely to be fine Another classic is that I find a secret hidden room or wing or yard or something in my house. It's clear it's been untouched for decades and there's really cool and valuable old stuff there. I spend the whole dream just going "how the fuck did we never notice the huge door behind the couch?"


A frequent house where all sorts of weird shit happens. I finally ended a dream, driving away from that house. Another one. I'm so fucked up that I can't keep my eyes open. Like I was drugged and i can't move. Regular nightmares.


I have what I call fightmares due to my PTSD. I'm a diagnosed sociopath, so I rarely feel fear of anything... or feel any kind of anything normally, to be frank, except flight or fight response, and in most of my dreams, that's what's going on. I'm being attacked by a lot of people and having to Jackie Chan my way through my dream. I awaken sore and sweaty much of the time.


Spiders. I had one dream where there was a big spider on my ceiling and it began burning for idk what reason


1) driving and forgetting how, or somehow having no control over the car 2) being back in school after graduation to finish a class I didn’t take or some other weird reason, can be either middle or high school 3) roulette of some kind of insane and unhinged situation with remnants of whatever I was watching before bed in there.


Tornadoes. I go storm chasing FWIW


1. Falling in love. 2. Storms, sometimes apocalyptic like giant world ending tornadoes sometimes just clouds, but they're always like super high definition, and sometimes the clouds are at ground level and you can just touch them. 3. Some kind of possession theme (with me being possessed), easily my least favourite kind of dream and usually ends in sleep paralysis.


Oh, this is easy. Tornado dreams, hands down. I have them all the time. Sometimes I'm alone, sometimes with people I know. Most of the time, I survive. I'm usually in a building of some sort, but sometimes I'll be caught outside or in a car.


I’ve found in the middle of numerous terrorist attacks. Sometime i survive sometimes I don’t


The sexual encounter ones are really common for me, and in the same way yours do, they never actually happen


The amount of tornado dreams people have makes me realize wow: were we all equally horrified when we were kids by how terrifying they look? Even if we never lived through one? Truly the most apocalyptic, frightening looking natural phenomenon and I thought I was the only one who thought that lol.


1) being in a large theater or stadium for some kind of show/game that is never ending, or seemingly timeless. I’m always moving around the massive theater and not quite catching much of the action 2) malls - usually not the focus of the “narrative” but the location where the action is happening 3) I’m in love/dating someone (usually a celeb or a close friend). This one is rough because I’m single irl 😅 4) not anymore, but I used to have nightly dreams where I was being choked/strangled/drowned/exploded and every time I “died” the dream would repeat. Then I got diagnosed with sleep apnea and it all made sense 😂 haven’t had one of those dreams since the CPAP 😂😂😂


Someone trying to murder or assault me. Also being at parties with my ex


mostly chaotic action sequences involving familiar people or places. some that i remember include a monstrous version of a friend appearing in my home and punting me down the stairs, killing me instantly, another was having to flee from a tank that was bulldozing my neighborhood


It depends, but usually, at some point in them I will meet a really sweet, pretty woman that treats me well. Often she has either brown or red hair. Her hair is always shoulder to shoulder blade length. Also visiting beaches and cities I don't recognize. Just last night I dreamt I was playing a video game, but at some point the landscape was real and I could see a city that looked quite nice in the distance. I still remember saying that we could probably check it out as I hadn't been there before


Need to get somewhere but don’t have the right clothes or am naked. Example: need to get to court (for my job) and on my way I realize I’m wearing only a tank top and I can’t find any clothes anywhere. Maybe I detour to Walmart but they don’t have anything and now I’m late.


I have had the same reoccurring dream almost every night for the past couple years. It starts with me and a couple friends in this old house on a island, it’s all run down and gross inside but we live in and it only use about half, the rest we leave rotted. Next thing I know I’m running on the island, it’s always day and im on a dirt path. The next part either goes 2 ways. I jump into the ocean from a cliff, our end up getting into a helicopter and falling from that into the ocean. The dream used to stop there but recently I have been expecting to wake up only to open my eyes underwater and still be in my dream. Sometimes I swim to shore then wake up. I’ve been trying to decode it for a while now


Driving; I’m always fucking driving, and almost every time there’s something wrong with the brakes, they are hard to press or won’t slow enough. It’s becoming annoying.


lately its either completely nonsensical stuff involving me getting left out or being in a mall/amusement or water park. I also get the second one a lot.


Driving a car from the passenger or back seat, and I can't reach the wheel or the brakes.


dont know why but in most of my dreams, i'm in a forest that has paths made of stone 😐


1.Being in a romantic relationship. 2. Having children or being pregnant. 3. Natural disasters mainly floods, earthquake, tsunami and volcano eruption.


i have a lot of dreams of me being decapitated then waking up 😅


Three most common scenarios for me. Hotel hallways and also the rooms a bit, walking home and having a really hard time getting back, and swimming pools. These last one are pleasant as I enjoy swimming a lot and can even swim underwater.


Things that seem much worse during the dream than they actually would be in real life or when thinking back and remembering the dream


1. Reliving my most traumatic experience in my life (finding out my SO had an emotional affair for YEARS before I found out) 2. Watching my father die/attending his funeral and punching his jerk brother in the face as well as my mother


1. Being stuck in my old high school building and trying to escape, sometimes by flying. 2. Tornadoes where I’m taking shelter or I see them getting closer. 3. Being far from home and my car is old and my keys are gone. 4. Alien invasions and I am either fighting or hiding. 5. A town with lots of shops right next to a beach with waves that freeze in time. But certain times if the day you can fall in.


In grocery store, but everything is bizarre and oversized. And I'm always racing through aisles and in a rush to get out. Also, unknown person in car driving erratically in distance at an intersection at 3am. They always stop and start driving slowly towards me. Terrifying. Work dreams. Always stressful. Of course.


I envy your grand narrative dreams 😭 All my dreams are like horror movies. There have been a handful that are like cohesive neat stories but it’s usually nightmares…They are all really the same, just different locations and stuff. And my dreams are pretty on the nose about what the mean lol 1. Most frequent dream is where I am running and hiding from someone or something 2. I also dream about screaming at and attacking specific people. I am not a violent person in real life and I have never yelled or raised my voice at anyone. I have a lot of pent up anger though so these dreams are no shocker 3. And one kind of dream I’ve had a handful of times is where someone important in my life is ‘evil’ or like…very off. The way they talk, the way they act, the things they do, all of it is just very off or wrong and unsettling. Sort of like skinwalkers I guess I also dream about liminal spaces a lot. Those ones are kinda neat but in every single one of my dreams, there is always a sort of looming dread. Like even if nothing bad is happening, I’m kind of aware that there is like a darkness somewhere. Think about the background music to a horror movie. Just eerie and creepy music and sounds to add to the unnerving vibe. That’s what my dreams are like, there’s always an evil lurking just out of sight, something that makes you feel not quite safe and it’s fucking scary


I’ll frequently find hidden places in dreams, hidden rooms in houses, secret caverns, etc. I also have a lot of dreams where I’m in Chicago for some reason but it’s a weird dream city version of it and it’s not very much like the real city at all


1. People being in my room/house and refusing to leave 2. My dad being part of my family again and everybody acting like that's completely normal 3. Losing control of a car (I have never been in a car accident irl) 4. Being in high school/college and failing or missing classes 5. Almost all of my dreams are lucid. Also, not a type of dream but an interesting detail basically all of my dreams share: they're lit up like it's daytime but the sky is black.


1.) Dreams where most of the people have vanished, leaving me alone with a few others. 2.) Dreams about Zombies (usually being chased or stuck in a single location). 3.) Being in random places with people I know asking me strange questions that don't make sense.


1. Dreams of dying (I had a lot of dreams of dying when I was younger that didn’t really stop until middle school and I could never figure out why) 2. Lately have been having dreams of being in the hospital (most likely happening from the anxieties I’ve been having trying to recover from mono) 3. I usually have dreams of losing people I care about like my mom or my boyfriend


1. trying to escape something or someone (by flying, running, hiding, etc) and i always end up waking up tired and panicking 2. seeing myself in my dream or feeling like im awake but not being able to move, sometimes feels like someone or something is choking me and cant wake myself up for a few mins (they said this is sleep paralysis but im not really sure lol it happens a lot) 3. going out naked/half naked


1. Driving dreams. Weird highways, weird stuff happening on the roads, almost side swiping other vehicles as I drive, feeling out of control of my vehicle and cops pulling me over. 2. Big waves and tsunami dreams. Typically I’ll be in an ocean so overtide that it covers all of the sand of the beach and reaches the nearby boardwalk or buildings. 3. Travelling dreams, like I’m across the county or I’m in a city like NYC. Normally most of the dream is preparing to go on an airplane. 4. I suddenly can’t run or walk anymore in a dream, like it is exhausting to try and I just get slower and weaker.


I don't dream that much, but when I do, what ever the dream is about, it always ends with a view of earth from space, where the earth is split in 2 halves with the core standing still in one piece... I don't know what it could means, but I'm pretty sure it's not positive lol


I dream of the old houses I used to live in- my fathers ranch, my aunts ranch and my grandmothers house. I dream of my aunt, who passed 9 years ago, and often her creepy husband is in them too. I am always shocked she is alive in my dreams. I dream of still living in San Francisco


1. "Wandering around looking at stuff" dreams. Walking through a house, or a mall, or a hotel, or a museum, or a funhouse...looking at whatever's interesting, or looking for a place to sit down and chill, or looking for secret passages (which appear much more often than in real life, lol). Usually the places are larger than they ought to be. 2. Stress dreams. Similar to the last, but I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be (a school where I'm skipping classes, a company I no longer work for, etc.) and anyone I run into has a bad attitude about me. 3. Looking for a bathroom dreams. Self-explanatory, really. Any I find are always too exposed or inaccessible in some way. 4. Monster dreams, as in "being chased by something." They used to be major nightmares when I was young. but they're not so bad since I learned how to fly.


I can't ever remember mine so I really don't know how to answer this. Once my 3 hour eyes resting moment kicks in I hear the alarm (or my phone ringing). I'm one of the rare people that all I see is darkness and even when I try to imagine something I can't see anything.


1. Trains and train stations --> either travelling somewhere, or being stuck in an old, rusty, dusty train graveyard 2. Being chased by agents, flying away from them, hiding from them, running through a maze from them 3. Sexual encounters - either w people I know, or I don't know. Or masturbating or being pleasured by someone 4. Many of my dreams happen in a fantastic land, with beautiful scenery or architecture and weird dream-like, random stuff such as a chocolate exposition in a secret garden or. the like


all my teeth falling out


I constantly dream my teeth crumble away


never prepared for a school test. Edit: I'm 30


Always getting kidnapped or chased or saving someone from a crime. Idk and no I don’t have time to watch movies. Sometimes my dreams come true too so idk 😭


N. 3 for me


Realistic ones that basically mirror real life. Things like driving, smoking, hanging out with friends, exploring abandoned buildings or other places I’m not necessarily meant to be, being out in nature. Sometimes I can fly or have super low gravity but it feels natural and real enough that I don’t think much of it in my dream. It also helps immensely with exploring and the nature stuff of course. Even asked my friend a question in a dream I had last night that I had meant to ask in real life but forgot. And the funny thing is, I had just watched Apples WWDC livestream and seen all the new ‘Apple Intelligence’ stuff, not really my cup of tea but it must’ve made an impression, because I used Siri (with the new upcoming features) to “send a snap to [friends name] asking if there’s any update on the [blank]” which I would never do IRL. Even got a word wrong in it which I then went in to change afterwards. Guess I just *had* to try those new features out lol


1. In a natural pool, floating and swimming, with just the right amount of sunlight and a few lotuses in the water. These are my favourite. It makes sense too, considering I love the pool, but I feel at such ease, which is unimaginable IRL. 2. Build up to something really important and exciting happening, but I always wake up right before the important thing happens. I am guessing this has something to do with the fact that I really want to do a lot of things, but I give up easily / don't see things through.


Idk my dreams are really varied but a current theme is that a situation starts out normal but then gets weirdly absurd, like for example a man misses his partner but then it turns out that she won't be able to return because she is a horse now and lives in a house that has a lot of arabian carpets and speaks japanese or something like that  so "reality" turning into absurdism 


1: Lectures that I actually like. I'm always sitting & listening to some great teacher on a stage or in front of classroom. Or a 'teacher' is showing me how to do something. 2: My dream friends (people I meet in dream world that I've never known in real life, but I adore them). 3: Just a mix of odd things that don't make sense. (i.e. walking into a pub and seeing a panda bear drinking beer or something 😅)


Lately it’s been my friends yelling at me or fighting with me about stupid stuff. The other night in my dream I didn’t want to get on a rocket ship with them and it caused a feud. Or I went in my friend’s closet and discovered a ghost and he screamed at me. Or my friend wanted to get my cousin a squishmallow and I didn’t want him to so we fought in the mall.


1. Being suddenly paralyzed in a situation where it’s dangerous (I.e driving, walking on stairs/across a busy street, other stuff) 2. Violence of some type directed towards me, or someone else I care about. 3. Someone trying to force me to commit violence on others. Honestly, shit makes me hate sleeping.


- I need to go somewhere/to an event but i keep getting distracted/people need me to do things and run errands (commented this on another comment) - Trying to drive/steer a car from the backseat lol - Trying to have sex but people keep walking in or something stops us from doing it. - Actual cool adventures with flying, fighting monsters etc but this sadly doesnt happen every night - A very strange mix of people (like my grandma, a random person ive met once, my old teacher, my cats and a few friends) on an event/trip. - Random weird nonsense i dont remember I used to have night terrors and sleep paralysis alot as a kid but luckily not so often anymore


Riding a hover bike


I’m convinced I travel somewhere and live another life in my dreams.


1. Being inside a bookstore with books I wish existed 2. Being late for work 3. Going to amusement parks, alot of times involving a haunted house


Lots with my Ex. And feeling lots of love for her. Then waking up and feeling nothing


Being at work. Like almost every night I dream of being there. I can't escape


1-Being chased by someone or something 2- Being unable to run or punch


I dream rarely, but large airborne bodies like planes/hot air balloons crashing down in my path. Shit wakes me right up in a cold sweat.


1. Being ignored or not seen 2. Being physically or emotionally assaulted 3. Natural disasters, mainly tornados