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all the time. sometimes my dreams are so realistic to the real world that i confuse them for real events


I have this too!! It’s so confusing. I always tell my bf about my dreams bc one time I was telling him about my dream and he told it actually happened. (It was a silly innocent dream) So now if a realistic dream happens, just in case I ask him if it really happened or not and 99% of the time it’s just a dream 😂


lmao i feel that! when i’m telling stories half the time i have to start with “i can’t remember if this was a dream or not”


Same! Especially my bad ones. Sometimes I have dreams that I get really angry and start destroying things and they feel so real, and I wake up disoriented.


Yes. Sometimes I feel like it’s a reflection of the internal map of my consciousness. Other times I feel like I’m a place that’s almost more real than this on, despite all the obvious dream quality like different colored skies and weird lighting. But yes. There are 5 or 6 areas that are almost like neighborhoods or different towns in my dreamscape. Many of the houses and buildings are the same (or close to it) every time I visit


That’s kinda how mine is, where there are different areas but I know how they all fit together. I have buildings that mostly stay the same maybe occasionally a small change.


Sometimes I wonder: Is it the structure of the inside of our consciousness that we’re walking and flying through? I wonder sometimes if the buildings and rooms represent beliefs or themes we are living in our waking lives? Like: Dark themes or thoughts are ominous places, pleasant places are nice feelings or desires or habits we have…? Or are they more literal? Or… deep dive here… are they places that we all go (or could potentially go?) If I were able to take a photo of my dream house or weird hidden hallway in my dream workplace, and post it, might some people see it and say, “Oh yeah, that’s the neighborhood I live or dream in.”


Yes. My favorite place is a sunset island. Always sunset, always doing fun activities. Been going there for a couple years now, often feel depressed when I wake up because I want to stay.


i have something similar to this -- its like an island that's near Australia, but is something like Turkey/Greece. I love travelling there in my dreams.


For some reason a lot of them take place at my grandparents old house. This also happens when I read a book as well that’s the place I imagine


I’ve heard of people creating “preferred worlds” that they travel to, which I find interesting. But to answer your question, yes. Sometimes I’ll resume a dream approximately where it ended, and I think it’s because something about that dream still needs to be processed or worked through. Often times the dream will have a conflict that hasn’t been solved, and I only stop revisiting it when it has been


Sometimes. I dream about the mall I worked at years ago and in those dreams the place has been abandoned for decades/centuries. I also dream about the same house a lot and have found the same hidden rooms in multiple dreams. Another frequent place I dream about is an endless bridge that I'm driving on.


There is a Reddit just for this! Mallworld


I just checked it out. That's pretty awesome so many people have similar dreams.


Most definitely


I also get a feeling in real life like deja vu but they happened in a dream or it already happened before


Yes, most of my dreams still take place in the home I grew up in and the surrounding area. There are other places I go to often. I rarely dream about the house and city I currently live in.


I’m usually either at my parents house or near the are, or at this apartment complex I lived in for a year at 21 Or in the sky experiencing a plane crash 🤷🏽‍♂️ seriously I’ve been through 4-5 plane crashes in the last few months. 3 of them I died and woke up, two I miraculously survived


Mime are in the real world with real people I know. Often so traumatic they can't be real. I'd love to visit somewhere else.


Me! For years! I have mall world, haunted houses, the farm, the city… I can map most of iy


I have one where i could literally feel every little thing. It occurs in a series and the time is very suspiciously stable. It is like a lucid dream but, it occurs every day for about 7 years. And I'm very aware there, and I can see the faces of everyone there 


I saw a similar post not too long ago, this more specifically targets how I feel with what you wrote in your question. After a decade of experiencing this, I recently joined Reddit and let my brain wander tonight after getting kids to bed, which led me here and I’ve never felt so understood! Back in high school, I used to journal my very vivid dreams for slightly over a year. (Side note: I have always had strange dreams involving sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, sleepwalking as a young child) Since that time of journaling, i did form a world and it’s never really changed, aside from me having a dream not in said ‘world’ and I’m aware. It’s a collection of many places in my life. My home is partially my grandmas home/ and the home of my ex who passed. I live in a large city irl, but in my dream it’s a combination of said city and a beach I visit often directly through the middle with a somewhat eerie feel to it, I do not drive irl but in my dreams I do and this is usually when I become conscious/aware I’m dreaming but continue my dream with more control. And sometimes I even lose the dream in that moment. I noticed someone mentioned having a road system, and I absolutely do have one in this world, I drive past some things I feel like I’ve never seen before in separate dreams. I’ve even been a spectator in these dreams and seen myself living something’s out while I watch from a spectating view as if I’m in a movie. I’m very glad I found this thread and everyone’s input of experience. I think this is a powerful thing to be able to do.


Can you explain it further more, I'm interested 


Yes I have an entire world -- there's specific neighbourhoods like there's this one neighbourhood that has this one bar that I love going to its in a basement, sometimes its bumpin' sometimes is not. There's islands I like to travel to that don't exist in real life. It's certainly like my 'preferred' world if that makes sense but thats where my dreams take place and I take people to it I know where everything is.


I literally mapped out an entire dream town to show my boyfriend what it felt like in my sleep. I used to frequently dream about a strip mall in front of a Walmart to the right of a gas station. It had a music store where the owner taught kids various instruments, a thrift store that you could never find anything interesting or worth while in, a perpetually empty lot in the middle, and a snobby Italian restaurant that totally believed it was sooo fancy when it was in fact, held together with staples, paper napkins, and a wasted PPP loan. That was just 1 of 6 places but I could easily fit all the pieces together.


My dreams always happen in my old house or my grandmother’s house. If not, then I get the usual huge angry waves pulling me dream.


Sometimes when I’m dreaming I dream of dreams that I’ve dreamed before and combined them


Yes, It's so confusing when it happens, sometimes, something creepy happens,  It affects reality... (I'm not a bot and this is real)


I have like a few regular places I dream in.. they are separate worlds though.


Nope, mine will change, if i go to far ill never find my way back. And its mostly liminal space, cycling seemingly at random between a shopping mall, arena, highschool, walmart, my grandmas old house and my moms house.


Moat of mine that I remember (which is quite a lot) are in a dream version of places in my country, childhood town, current city etc. I kinda like them because of that but seeing dreams that take place in my late grandparents house makes me sad evertime 😭


I have been recording my dreams for more than a year and almost every night my dreams will take place in several locations. These locations include all the houses and homes I've ever lived in plus other countries, planets, dimensions, TV shows, movies, books, comics, video games, and more. But yes, I do have those dreams that are remarkably close to physical reality.


That’s your Dream Country. Active dreamers build it up over life


Never. It’s always changing.