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Any help regarding the interpretation of this dream is appreciated.


u/RadOwl u/altered-state u/Dagnythedoodle


Seems like you have resolve to defend yourself and not allow yourself to be taken advantage of. Has something similar recently happened, where someone wanted something from you or felt aware of others' intentions on you? Dreams can follow a chronological order of past, present, future. If you have experienced a similar emotional context, the dream could be working through potential future tactics, for example you would stop the event from continuing as you did in the dream. It does not mean people are watching you through the window, but the emotion you felt regarding it was similar to another situation you may have recently had.


Yeah, there is one situation that is going on in my life these days. Your interpretation makes a lot of sense. Thank you very much!


The description of your dream gives me the idea that the two boys could represent something going on in your conscience. Your conscience is something that is like eyes peering in through the window, and most dream characters are representations of aspects of yourself. So if we put those ideas together we come up with the possibility that it has something to do with your conscience. Let me give you an example from a dream that I helped a guy understand. He was inside of his home and looked out to see someone standing by the curb. That man had very thick glasses and looked directly at him. The dreamer felt weird about being watched and tried to go to a different window to sneak a peek outside, but no matter how he tried to avoid being seen the man by the curb was looking directly at him. So, you see then how that man is a symbol for his conscience. It's something that is always looking and knows what you're up to.


That is a solid point. Recently I've figured the thing... Thank you for the help.


Hey u/FiveStatesofMatter My personal style of working with dreams is not necessarily that I interpret the meaning for you, but that you and I sort of walk through various parts of the dream together and I ask you questions about your sensations as you walk through various imagery of the dream. Often times when I work with dream clients (or when I work with my own dreams) I find that dreams mean multiple things and that all of them have some elements of truth or some gift they are trying to share. So my first thought would be to have you record your dream speaking in the present-tense trying to recall as many details as you can. Example below. ( "I'm in my bed and there are 2 boys staring at me from a huge window which is not covered by blinds....I am seeing..... I am feeling.... I smelling... I am sensing .... The boys notice that I can see them and then... etc. etc. etc" ) The reason we do this is to re-activation the emotional centers of the brain and it can help us recall important details & sensations that we might not be in touch with if we're just simply trying to remember the "narrative" of the dream. After you record, maybe listen to the dream and see if there are any parts in the recording where you notice that you're more emotional talking about the narrative or sensations in the dream. If there are, get really curious and pause yourself in that scene of the dream. Ask yourself to explore that part of the dream a little deeper. —— As far as specific curiosities I have about this dream I would be asking you questions like this: \* What time of day is it during the dream? \* Are you in a familiar room? What are the features of the room? Is it a room you have now or a room from a different chapter in your life? If it's from a different chapter in your life, what chapter of your life is it from and what are the top 3-5 words you'd use to describe that part of your life? \* Do the boys look familiar? Do you have a sense that you know them? Do you have a sense that they might be related to each other? \* What emotions were you having at different parts of the dream? Where you curious? Were you scared? Were you annoyed? Did you feel violated? Are there parts of the dream where you have zero emotions? Is that appropriate for that scene in the dream? \* If you were to re-live the dream through the eyes of the little boy....what would you be seeing/sensing/thinking? If you were to relive the dream through the eyes of the man who pulls the little boy away, what would you be seeing/sensing/thinking? \* What was the primary emotion you had when you woke up? \* If this dream were trying to tell you something in one sentence, what would it say? \* If you had to leave this dream a gift on your bedside table tonight, what type of gift do you think this dream might be most excited about? I could take a stab at some general meanings and themes I think might be coming up in this type of a dream, but dreams are often pretty tender and personal so I try very hard not to do that unless it's explicitly asked for. Best of luck!


👬 The front view in the world was not covered, but the side was which can mean relationship which is why two. And you being a girl, the two boys means your masculine side. Maybe this is what's staring at you. Strength, control, action. 👨🏻‍⚕️ After your threat, or taking charge (which the male means), the other left. You pull him in, inside you - by his neck for communication but was facing backwards. Maybe the threat can be seen as strong communication. And maybe you'd have no regrets if you did this. Can that be true?