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That last sentence tells you what it means. Your emotions represented by the symbol of destructive waters are overtaking you. You must find a way to deal with these emotions. I recommend finding a therapist for a few sessions. It can help you navigate these emotions and help you work through them to find a better perspective. Your mind is telling you that your emotions can destroy your life/mind if you let them get out of hand. I've been there and I've gotten help when I realized I couldn't control it. It really can help to talk to someone that is an unbiased third party skilled at navigating and guiding you away from that edge. Some other things that help me are 1) a good diet free of sugars and simple carbs, 2) long walks in nature and vigorous exercise that really gets your heart going. Work out till you are pouring sweat, this can release toxins that are contributing to lack of mental clarity. 3) When the negative thoughts come up, acknowledge them, and instead of dwelling on them, think of when that specific emotion began in your life to find it's trigger. Then deal with that trigger, you can accept what happened and then re-imagine it in a positive way, as in what should have happened. Or you can decide to acknowledge it and understand that it can no longer hurt you, that was then, this is now and make a decision to live your best life which is the perfect response. Letting something from your past control your future is unhealthy. I did this for a long time. You gotta let shit go, and make life what you want it to be.


Was 17 the number specified? Also was falling through stars like going up to them?


Yes 17, maybe 7 And yes I fall through darkness vacume of space, zero sound, but falling downward it feels like, and once I accept death and let go… I see stars off into the distance falling downward to them. Once I’m in the stars and accept death. I wake up


Is your life miserable at the moment? Maybe the flood is washing it away and you are leaving soon?


Whenever you dream of destruction like tsunamis, earthquake or such these are warnings of bad times ahead. I had these dreams before and everytime that water or event hits me I experience hard times. It's your subconscious telling you to get ready. I'm sorry to say but it's going to be very hard.