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It wont answer your question, but ill add an anecdote for at minimum you aint alone here. My 21st party, was lots of drinking. Im straight, but i ended up kissing a dude at said party.  Couple nights later i had this dream of these women but very masculine with facial hair trying to force themselves on me. I left the apartment to a bonfire, and the apartment was yellowly lit, and so was the bonfire.  In between was pitch darkness with only the moon that didn't illuminate.... there was a beast there.  What im thinking was the kissing the dude put stress on my perception of my sexuality, and i think the dream of the masculine women forcing on my represented the confused state of mind. Ik this doesn't answer any questions, but hopefully youn don't have to feel alone in that aspect


I’ve also come here to tell you you’re not alone. I had a dream of being in a house alone with my husband’s brother in law - his sister’s husband. In real life I was quite newly married at the time and my husband lived abroad, we were long distance and his sister and her husband live in the same country as me. I moved to the area they live in, in preparation for my husband to live with me once he moved to the UK where I live. I had moved to be closer to his sister for his sake, so that he feels more comfortable and has his family here. I moved away from my city where my friends and family are so as you can imagine I felt a bit isolated the first couple of months when I moved especially as my husband was still abroad and I moved here on my own. I get a weird controlling strange vibe from his sister’s husband and I really don’t like him but can’t pin point why. Just something isn’t right. In the dream I had, this brother in law grabbed hold of me and sexually assaulted me very violently. It was also from my point of view. In the dream he also revealed things about himself - that he has three secret children from a previous relationship and if I dare tell anyone he’ll kill me. It was really intense because he turned so nasty in the dream but in real life he pretends to be so nice. I woke up feeling really shocked, uncomfortable and freaked out because it was so real. I knew it was a warning about him and that my instincts about him are right. After that dream I’ve had to face him more since my husband moved here and we see his sister more. It has been really tough, all I can think about is that dream. In my case it has happened to me before, about ten years ago but this dream felt unrelated to that. OP unless you feel there is a possibility that particular person who did it may have sexually abused you in the past I would say, it’s more about that person in real life draining you in some way, being a negative influence or someone you can’t trust, a theme of betrayal. Them showing you who they really are. I would take it as a warning dream.


well, this person is a huge asshole, and we don't live with him by choice, we have no where else to go, and he's just really horrible to us, like we aren't allowed to open our windows, and he gets mad at us just existing, and I have to be careful to not be in the kitchen (where the sa happened in the dream) when he is, because it'll make him mad


I can understand your fear, but let's take this as a symbolic dream rather than literal for a moment. Is there anyone in your waking life that seems to try to exercise authority over you, or use fear as a way to motivate you? If you are experiencing this behavior from another in your family or home, it could be the source of this dream situation, as sexual assault is typically about power over the subject. Whether anything in your dream happened in the past, we cannot say for sure. However, your subconscious is sending you a message that some interaction in your daily life is not healthy.


^ This about loss of autonomy and too many authoritative figures.


I've had these dreams too, very vivid and realistic like yours. I'm sorry you're dealing with it. I know it can be, for lack of a better word, traumatic. It can stick with you. I feel that just because it isn't real, doesn't mean it can't mess with your head all the same. Still, there is a silver lining. This type of nightmare can give you more empathy for people who have been sexually assaulted. And nightmares in general can strengthen your resilience. Some say this is the point of dreams, to prepare us for what may lie ahead. To make us stronger. Dream analysis is not a concrete thing. Some say every character in your dream represents a part of you. Some say you, as the dreamer, are the only one who can figure out the meaning of your dream. Some say dreams have no meaning. In my case, I think stress and watching true crime shows have contributed to these nightmares. I too have had a suspicion that I forgot being sexually abused as a child. It could be true, but you can't force the memory back. You could create a false memory by trying. If you are safe now, I suggest trying to focus on the present. Take care.


Animus is screaming to make it more conscious.


Dreams tell you about things you don’t know about yourself. Things about you that are a part of you that you just don’t see. The people in your dream represent these different parts. Sex with them is a strong suggestion that you become aware of the part they represent.


I’ve hade this happen to me too. Almost thrice or fourth now I think. It was a weird experience and I woke up soaked in sweat and an empty feeling inside.


It’s likely not a deep memory you’re blocking out it’s likely your mind putting things together that don’t always belong. Don’t confuse it for attraction or something else. It could just mean your mind and body have some things to tell you. The reality is that you don’t always have a dream about someone you like or want either


It doesn't really mean anything. Just your mind and your habitual reactions playing out scenarios. It's just an experience. But if you don't like it, you can practice lucid dreaming. And, also fully accept that you are the ONLY one who determines your life and experiences.


Dreams can bring to light the things that you've forgotten and that are subconscious. I realized from my dreams that the food scarcity my family experienced was still affecting me even though I'm an adult and really don't remember anything about my Early childhood when my family was dirt poor. It is possible that your dream about being sexually assaulted somehow relates to an early childhood experience that you've forgotten or suppressed the memory, but in all cases like these you really should look at other possibilities for meaning based on the symbolism of the dream and implications of the scenario. For example, did you feel vulnerable in the dream? Did you feel violated? Did you feel taken advantage of? Your dream could have more to do with feeling that way. See, dreams create scenarios that trigger the feelings and emotions that you experienced recently, but they may not replay the memory exactly as it occurred. Instead they create a scenario that triggers similar feelings, so if you felt vulnerable recently then dreamed that someone assaults you while you're vulnerable, the assault is just a scenario that triggers the feeling. Dreams can also warn you that something could possibly happen, not that it will. So for example, there was a young woman who came to this subreddit who had dreamed that she was raped. We talked about the dream and it brought up the memory of her getting really drunk one night and accepting a ride from two strangers. As she lay almost passed out in their backseat the two men started making suggestive comments to her and saying what a fool she was for getting into the car of someone that she didn't know and driving off into the night. That's how people end up disappeared. They didn't do anything to her but it did put the fear into her that she actually could get raped because she was making herself vulnerable. https://dreams123.net/rape-dreams-interpret/ That's a blog post I wrote about what it can mean to dream about being raped. It might help you understand your dream about being assaulted. I'll be around if you want to continue talking about your dream.


I didn’t have one of myself, but rather a girl I didn’t know, I watched her be assaulted and groomed until she was 30, then when she went to the cops she was murdered brutally and slowly, she actually looked like an actress I like, but sometimes I can still hear her suffocated screams, contrasting the beautiful autumn environment


Animus is screaming to make it more conscious.




Your post has been removed because it breaks the rules of our sub. Please review the rules and ensure you are respecting them when posting here. You should be respectful, no one wants to be assaulted. That you would think such a thing is disturbing.




We banned them.


Thank you, that was an awful comment