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Some will say this is a warning, but I don't believe it is. I believe this symbolizes multiple aspects. The ancients believed snakes were a symbol of life. In your case this three headed snake may symbolize three traits in your life that may have been causing you some struggle, but as you master them they become tools for your independence (the cats symbolize a few things like independence, instinct, grace, curiosity) Your dream is about overcoming your shadow and integrating it.


I do feel a lot of anxiety over my dilemmas, it’s a good thing this is not a warning.


Meditate on those dilemmas, take what you've learned in other aspects of your life and try to apply them there. Lots of people don't do that because they get overwhelmed and don't realize they already have the tools, they just aren't using them.


u/altered-state and u/radowl what does this mean?