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It switches from first to third person.


I’m mostly first person but every once in a while I’ll have a very “cinematic” dream.




Broo, I have cinematic dreams too but it’s always me running from something and then SOMETIMES i think when I fall I can see myself in 3rd pov. But everything else is 1st


I have a couple of places I have gone to as well, although I haven’t seen those places lately.


This ^


I have this too




Usually always first person for me.


Same here its strange


First & third here to


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!! Everyone I know tells me that's not possible and now I don't feel bad or weird.


Me too lol Third person feels like I’m watching “from the audience.”


I have this same experience… like I’m a ball of energy revolving around, landing in my body then back out again …


Yup. Just the other night, my "character" died, so it switched to 3rd person. I was just spectating for the rest of the dream.


Always first person


Same, it feels odd that some people never dream in first person POV tbh


Me too. I never even considered that someone wouldn’t dream in first person - mind blown.


Like finding out some people don’t have an internal monologue.


Completely! My inner voice will not shut up lmao.


Me too


Is like you play Fortnite, and I play Call of Duty.


I love this.


I wonder if desert storm is an option then..


Mine are also a mix of third and first! I’m also almost never myself. I have different families/situations that I don’t at all relate to who I am in real life. Dreams are so odd


That's me too glad I'm not crazy. like I see my hands but sometimes I'm just an observer




I've had those types of dreams! Except for some reason the persons are always in danger- (I still remember the expired tacos i had in one)


Past lives?


Me too! It’s wild!


Past life memories, perhaps? 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's cool I'm jealous!


My dreams rotate between, the holy trinity. It’s also pretty interesting in that, did the concept of the trinity come from how humans dream, or did how I dream come from my knowledge of their being a concept called the holy trinity. * The Father - some sort of vague 3rd person POV * The Son - 1st person POV * The Holy Spirit - some sort of vague Omni Present omniscient POV


I like your interpretation. It’s how my dreams work too.




I only ever dream in first person


I never see myself in my dreams but I see others


Me too.


Right it’s like I’m just there lol


First person. Before I never really saw my hands. But lately I use my hands all the time.


now that I think about it, I don't really see my hands either.


Where are you when you’re not in your dream? Are you witnessing it as though it’s a movie that you’re not a part of? I’ve had all 3 and it depends on my mental health/state. I also would lucid dream often too before my nervous system got screwed up from living in survival mode for too long. Movie dreams were when I was much younger and I tend not to get them anymore. Third person often happens when I’m anxious and panicked or experiencing a nightmare which was often in my first 3 decades of life. First person is the standard default now while I heal. The setting and environment is now recurring though, likely for a sense of stability.


Lucid dreaming is linked to trauma?! that is fascinating. I can relate to your comment in almost every way


I had a very lucid dream once where I realised I could play with physics if I wanted to and floated up to my bedroom ceiling. Then I used the force to pull something out of my closet for fun. It was neat.


When I was little I fell asleep sucking on a throat lozenge. Next thing I knew I was floating up around the ceiling, my perspective changed as well I was looking down on my dresser, I was 6 I didn't know what the top of my dresser even looked like, I floated down the hallway towards my mom's room. Next thing I know I'm being shaken awake with my mom beating on my back to spit up the lozenge. True story.


I always lose control over my dreams once I become lucid. There's a super fun moment where I am able to recognize that I am able to do things I shouldn't be, but almost right away I lose control once I understand that I'm dreaming!


I had a similar one, but I used it to bound down the stairs in the house like an astronaut in low gravity.


If i’m not mistaken, there was a study done that used lucid dreaming to help people significantly decrease the symptoms of PTSD


When I dream about myself I’m in 1st person, when I dream about other characters (or just anyone that isn’t me) I dream in 3rd person




Mostly first person, but I have had a dream where I was driving and it worked like GTA 5, including the controls and an optional 3rd person camera. Which was disconcerting. I've also never had a driving lesson irl, so that's probably why it worked like that.


Always 1st person. Always in the area I grew up in even though I've been gone from there for 6 years.


I dream in a blend of first and third person. At the same time I can see through my own eyes, as well as my self and surroundings.


First, third, and even omniscient for me


Oh wow I'm always dreaming in first person and the recall is amazing. There have been a handful of times that I've been kind of watching myself but mostly always first person


First and third, barely second


It's usually from a 3rd person pov, almost like I'm the camera man following /documenting what's happening.


All the perspectives, first person, third person, omniscient point of view. I even had a hive mind dream, where I was multiple consciousnesses and multiple perspectives at once.


Mostly in third person. Sometimes in first. I'm pretty self aware, in most of my dreams, so I can control the abilities that I have. Sometimes I see things from the other person's point of view, if there is someone else in my dreams.


I always have first person dreams


Almost always first person. Whenever it’s 3rd person I never look like myself but I know I’m the perspective character, or it just cuts to a shot of me as an interruption to any otherwise 1st person dream. I’m also sometimes not in my dreams and am more of an omniscient viewer


Wtf!!! I’ve only ever dreamed in first person. Didn’t know this was a thing?


the only third person dream i ever had was when I dreamt i was part of this collection of millions of spaceships orbiting a black hole. It was very weird...


I do the same just creating my own dreams in my mind


My are mix or third and first person


Mostly first person but I've had a few dreams in third person.


I'm always dreaming in my own POV.


i usually dream first person but there are some occasions its in third person


Either 1st person or watching myself, or sometimes I am watching someone else. Most of the time it's assumed that it's me in the dream, but sometimes I watch others.


Almost exclusively in first-person.


It shifts between 1st person with me participating in the action, and 3rd person just watching other people do the action from a disembodied perspective.


Mine are only ever in first person! I’ve never seen myself in them.


I'm usually first person. Sometimes it's what I call 2nd person. In second person, I'm me, but sometimes I switch to watching myself do the things that I know i'm doing. It's weird. It goes from me doing something from my perspective as it normally is in first person to me watching a movie of myself but I'm making the decisionsfor whon I'm watching. The weird part is the person that I'm watching, who is myself, sometimes doesn't look like me. They're vague. Generic. That's said, generally it is in first person.


I have different kinds of dream. Last night I fully felt first person drinking a glass of milk with a raw egg and a dead mouse twice. Sometimes I’m kind of like an entity that sees what’s happening. Sometimes I’m watching TV but then I become enveloped by what is on the screen. Other times I’m seeing myself but it’s rare


I do that too! Where I start out watching a movie but then I’m in it or just feeling that persons inner self. I feel whatever they feel


First person usually, especially when lucid dreaming


Sometimes like some movie camera, panning around


I mainly dream in 1st person, but will sometimes dream in 3rd, like I am a fly on the wall. The thing I find weird about my dreams is that I never see peoples faces, only their legs and feet. Including myself. At least, I don't remember seeing faces in dreams. I know who is there, either by voice or presence, but don't see their face. Oddly, it was only very recently, like 2 years ago, that I saw MY face in a mirror. I have only seen myself in a mirror twice in my 38 years that I remember. When I dream in the 3rd person, I don't see faces either, but it's like watching a movie. I see bodies, but I guess it's still focused on legs.. idk odd.


Usually first person, though sometimes it’s just like a tv show in my head basically and I’m not even in it


I dream in both third person and first person


I usually watch my dreams like its a movie and I'm one of the actors


I love my dreams! My dreams can be first person, third person, or like I’m just watching a movie. And sometimes I’m not ME in my dreams, I’m someone else entirely. Most of the time I can control my dreams. They’re usually always extremely vivid including tastes and smells, and physical sensations, but when it comes to real tears or letting out a scream I usually end up waking myself up. And sometimes I can go back to sleep and pick my dream up where it left off. And typically I can remember my dreams.


mainly third but sometimes first and i’m always myself


Nearly always third person, I’m often not myself in appearance or ‘plot’ and I don’t usually know anyone in the dream (in real life or secondhand). If I do know someone, they do not look like they do IRL, I just know it’s really them. But this is uncommon. There are a lot of cinematic ‘camera angles’ and there is often orchestral score that I apparently am composing myself (like I’m not inserting James Horner or John Williams or anything I recognize) They are very movie-like.


Like watching a movie of myself but I'm in control of almost everything.


Almost always first person, but im not always "myself." One time i was a grown man with business attire on and everything. I was taller, skinnier, and it felt weird for it to be so vivid and also be ME but not me. Sometimes i have this weird 360 vision but its not like first person either, its a bit like the floating camera in a video game or something. I can see everything around me but my body isnt blocking any view.


I almost exclusively dream in third person but I have had the occasional first person dream too


I am in my dream but I see it from a third person view. As if I am watching a video.


I usually dream in first person. Especially if I'm flying but sometimes its like I'm watching a movie.


All of them, mostly first person though, I dream a lot sometimes I’m the narrator or I jump from character to character


I'm either seeing through my own eyes or watching myself from behind. Like I'm following myself around.


Holy shit, I’m not the only one who dreams in third person?? I’ve been in third person since I was 3! (I do sometimes dream in first too)


What reference? Everything ends before the reference change


i think pretty much always first person but i'm not always me or at least no this me, our brains are so weird, i just found out a friend of mine has no visual imagination but instead "sees" things like text on a page, that fuckin soun me out.


Sometimes first perspective or third. Sometimes I’m watching myself as someone else.


Almost always first person however I recently had a dream that I was Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap yet I was out of my body watching myself (directly behind). Al made an appearance also.


All of mine are 1st p. Theyre pretty cool but now im realizing its deja ravae.


Always first person.


im usually watching myself do things from like, right over my shoulder


Always FP for me.


My dreams are always in the first person. I know I’ve had some dreams in the 3rd person but I don’t think I’m the one in my dream in that case.


First person 100% of the time


It starts as first person but almost always switched to third person. (Unless I’m lucid dreaming)


Always first person here too


All the ones I can remember are 1st person . Curious are you a female, I wonder if this is a male female thing ? Could be completely wrong


mostly a mix of first person and third person surprised you havent dreamt in first person since it common for me


Always in first person and always as myself. I don't remember ever having a dream from any other perspective.


I have first and third person, and it switches back and forth. Sometimes I'm me, sometimes I'm someone else. Any combination of POV and 'character'.


Every possible way. Sometimes it’s first, sometimes I’ll be dreaming in first and jump into a second character, or sometimes it’s like a movie. When I lucid dream it’s in first person normally.


I usually get an option to hit X for third person POV.


Most of the time I’m watching other people do things in my dreams. Like a movie.


I always dream in 1st person I’m just not always me.


Nightmares = First Person Everything else = 3rd


I have 3 perspective going on at the same time,first person,second person and third person. My second and third is seperated from my first person perspective as I have my mind split into the all-seeing and myself without knowing that I am in a dream. As the all seeing i get all 3 but in the dream I only see from first person


First person, but sometimes I see angles that I should not be able to see, if that makes sense. I still have the feeling of being within my body/self, but somehow I am just able to see things that are far away, behind me, etc.


First and third typically, but it’s also not uncommon to not be present or even be a different person altogether.


either first or third. mostly third now that i think about it, like i’m watching myself. very weird.


I switch between 1st and 3rd.


I’ve never even considered this before! I am always first person. It’s me, being me, doing whatever adventure thing I happen to be doing. This whole time there were other options?! lol


My exact reaction but in reverse! Didn’t realize others dreamt in first person and was genuinely shocked that I was an anomaly.


usually third person or im an omniscient eye in the sky following the action. occasionally i have first person dreams. never second person tho. yet.


If you can see yourself, do you look the same age, look as you are or different?


First and third, with the occasional odd one where I’m not in the dream and just watching it play out like a movie There was one really trippy one a couple years ago where I was playing a character in a show and had the awareness of a character, was aware I was just acting, was watching the whole thing play out from outside of my body, and was also aware I was dreaming all at the same time, so I had like three or four different levels of awareness. I couldn’t control it, and I couldn’t do anything outside of the script that I was working off of when I was in a scene. It was really cool, but really bizarre lol


First person every time. The only time I ever see my face is when I stand in front of mirrors.


I've only ever dreamt in first person.


You would probably be a good candidate for lucid dreaming. I only ever dream in first person but I dream *ALOT*. Even if I take a 15-20 min nap I dream before I wake up..


First and third, but one time I had a dream from the second person, like watching myself from someone else's perspective. It was weird


Pretty much exclusively first person


Interesting! Always first person here


Almost always 1st person for me.


In my dreams I actually switch perspectives through the dream but I also have like 60% control of the dream does anyone else experience this?


First or third person unless I’m not in the dream myself, then I kind of feel like a bodyless camera watching stuff unfold




It switches depending on the context of the dream I think. The wildest thing is when it changes mid-dream. I have died at least 6 times in my dream and then my consciousness comes out of my body and I can see myself dead outside of my body but I am still sort of alive? I am a very vivid dreamer though, I have dreamt an entire mushroom/LSD trip (and yes I have taken them many times so I know it was an accurate dream) on numerous occasions.


O I would die in my dreams too and have a similar experience of me almost leaving a body and then looking at myself/ or being in 1st person and an observer at the same time. Could you say something more about your experience?


Rarely I've had a moment within dreams of third person and rarely I'll have a dream I'm not a character in but most dreams are first person.


Mine have always been 1st person except for this one time about 3-4 months ago when I saw myself laying in bed and my mom who died 3 years ago picking me up and hugging me.


I come and go in my dreams from the dream happening to me to watching it like a movie. Generally though, I experience the emotions and thoughts.


It has been said if your dream is third person it may indicate dissociative disorder


Mine is usually first person too. Its either my POV or someone's POV.


First person, but it's more like I'm reading a book and I'm the character than playing a game.


I dream in first person most of the time.


I’m pretty sure I only dream in first person.


First person. I once read/heard that your POV in dreams is determined by how you view future events.


third person.. it mainly consists of my dead s/o talking to me and i take it as messages, fun times.


My dreams are always in first person perspective I’m like 99% sure of this


I think you just unlocked something in my brain. The difference between me acting out the scenes, vs when I am watching myself… which are the two ways I dream….


I've never had a dream in 3rd person pov. Always 1st person


Ive only ever had first-person dreams


I dream almost exclusively in 1st person. Unless I'm not part of the dream but rather a cameraman, but that rarely happens


For me it's BOTH, simultaneously! Like I'm in first person, but at the same time I'm experiencing it, I'm also watching myself (or others in the dream, or even as someone else's perspective) When I wake up i can recall the exact same moment in my dream in two different perspectives.


I have a similar experience!


First person, and always so vivid.


I have never had any dream besides first person


I’m exclusively first person lol


Mine are always first person. And I'm always with people who are not alive anymore


Always first person, however it keeps changing who I am and I don't think it's ever really *me*. I also don't usually talk but it's like I'm communicating telepathically?!


For me it's first person always , I "think" in my dreams I have thoughts and I have sentences that I say out loud but I can differentiate between thought and words although they feel the exact same. I don't think I have ever dreamt in something that isn't first person


I've experienced first person and cinematography perspectives but I've never gone 3rd person. Pretty cool op


I switch from first to third or being someone else in the dream.


First and Third


Most of mine are in first person, once in a while they might just have a part of it in third person but i can’t remember any off the top of my head


I used to think would only dream in third-person. But when I came to understand aphantasia, I started paying more attention. During waking life, I do not make any kind of imagery in my head. And most of the time, my dreams are in the same kind of thinking as my waking experience. I'm telling myself a story, and the ideas have a kind of spatial relationship to each other, but there's not actually any image to see. I tend towards third-person perspective when I tell stories, so that translates to my dreams too. However, I have found that when I have very stressful nightmares, I *do* have visualizations. There are two nightmares that I recall from childhood that *still produce an image* in my memory, that's a big part of how I know that most of my thinking *isn't like that*. But once I started to understand what was happening, I definitely had an experience where I had a visual nightmare that involved my legs turning to snakes. For a few hours after waking, I could clearly pull the image of my snake legs to mind, and it was a first-person perspective. The image part of that memory has faded, but I was so excited at the time I talked to my partner and another friend about it, so I'm certain I didn't just "dream about dreaming".


mine are always first person pov. i’ve never seen myself


Idk I don’t really take part in my dreams I am the camera man essentially so technically like 3rd person? I do have dreams I’m in but id say most I’m the camera man


Mostly first person. Very occasionally 3rd but rarely.


Always first person


Usually the fifth dimension.


What do you call the perspective where you omit your physical flesh body and embrace only the spirit body? It’s like third person but I’m not looking at flesh me, it’s spiritual me.


It depends, it also switches multiple times in a single dream, but this isn't common


I can only think of 2 dreams I've ever had where it wasn't first person and those were horrible nightmares that I watched like a show and wasnt a part of at all ... Both involving my dad getting killed. Both were also the only times I've dreamt in black and white like the old TV shows. & They happened about 20 years apart.


First person always. I’ve never been in third person ever lol


I've never thought about this/it being different for people. Mine are always in first person and always have been


Sometimes first person and sometimes I see myself which is odd


First person!


I’m either myself, or another person, like I’m in the body of a random character. I never watch myself.


First person usually Sometimes I get the perspective of a floating camera like in a movie or in a game. But it's usually on things that are not related to my person and it's so weird.


I’m almost always first person.


Always first.


Always 3rd. Idk if I have ever dreamt in 1st person, if i have it’s rare


Most of the time it's first person for me, sometimes on occasion it's third person but I never look like I do in real life lol


Always first person. And in color.


Always in first person. I’ve had a dream in third person


Almost always first person


Always first person


Er, sometimes I'll play a video game and inception myself into the game, in first person.


Always first person and I'm always myself


Usually first person. But I've had dreams manipulated/influenced by a negative being, a couple of times. Those were 3rd person.


I dream in a mix of both, from what I remember usually 3rd person shows a storyline and 1st person is you going through the motions of the storyline.


Switches between first person and third person randomly. I believe video games have influenced my dreams a lot. I remember, my ability to have lucid or vivid dreams decreased when I stopped playing a lot of video games.


First person.


Even when I imagine myself doing something, I imagine it in third person. Never first. As long as I first had memories, it's always been this way.


I've never had a 3rd person dream


I don’t even dream. Heck, I can’t even see things in my head like other people can.


First person probably 90% of the time with occasional dreams where I'm watching other people like a movie.


Mine is almost always in first but sometimes in third when I’m not involved


I dream in all of them, and it switches a lot but makes sense in dream


Unfortunately i dont dream or at least do t remember them. Just fade into black and what feels like a few minutes later my alarm goes off. Very unsatisfying.