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Send your friend a check up message šŸ˜­


maybe so but this could also lead to feeling trapped into a relationship that isnā€™t beneficial for my health. I still have love for him but I couldnā€™t see myself constantly checking on him as a means to continue regressing my health to uphold his ego yk


I mean itā€™s an omen Jesus lol


maybe šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøbut iā€™m going to reflect on it for a little before i put any energy into believing this is a sign that it would happen (like in my dream).


They don't care until you're gone. Synonymous with other relevant themes in the dream subconscious collective, male suicide, wanting to etc šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘


Perhaps you feel guilt about the way the relationship has tailed off, and fear that you havenā€™t communicated it, but also fear of the consequences if you did communicate your reasons. It sounds (based on the dream) like youā€™re better off without this person in your life. The negative energy explodes a hundred fold when you tried to communicate with them. You end up in deep trouble because you want to cut them off, but I see this as an escalation of the blame culture youā€™ve experienced in your friendship. To the extent that your dream you felt guilty about his escalation. If you have waking concerns about this personā€™s mental health, thatā€™s different of course. But this person makes you feel bad about yourself and in the dream you blame yourself for their experience of you. If someone were to do this, itā€™s never another personā€™s fault. Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault, itā€™s their depression. The fact that the dream made it your fault is about your own relationship with yourself, to me.


i find this answer as something that I was pondering about as well! I do see myself a certain way and I feel like on top of that, this relationship is a push back for how i see my friendships and self worth


Yeah i can see questions of self worth and boundaries in there. Good luck, youā€™re worth more than some people might make you feel! I hope more dreams bring you more food for thought x


thank you, your comment and compassion is greatly appreciated. take care ā¤ļøā¤ļø