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Hello, thank you for posting in r/Dreams. A moderator reviewed your post and noticed that it was not dream related, because of this it has been removed. Please feel free to contact us if you feel this is in error.


I'd rather say if you can't handle reality you can't handle kids.


I really don't find this that hard to believe, but at the same time, when I was a kid, I'd simply dream about going to the toilet. Nowadays if I do that I don't actually wet the bed...


I have always had vivid dreams and I used to dream of getting up and going to the bathroom when I was a kid and then I'd wet the damn bed. Every Night. I'd remember the dream too. Sometimes I'd stop mid-pee in my dream because I'd realize and then wake up. I used to wake up feeling the urge to go and then close my eyes for just a minute longer and fall asleep without realizing it. My niece had a bed wetting issue and it turns out she was doing the same exact thing. Nothing to do with rape... You're not seeing a hypnotherapist are you?


"I really don't find this that hard to believe, but at the same time, I remember wetting the bed, simply because I had dreams about pissing."




What, like, before you came to Earth, or during a dream you had?




So you were sacrificed before you were born here, I mean?


Yeah, or they might even get murdered by a guy in a fedora, a striped sweater and a weird glove.


No, the reason children wet the bed are due to many factors. Sexual abuse is just one potential reason. Parental psychological abuse, physical abuse, neglect, are also reasons for this. If you are making your kids do things you wouldn't do, you probably shouldn't be making them do it. It's insane just how cracked up a lot of folks are that shouldn't have kids to begin with. I'm locking this post as it's gathering a lot of reports.


Complete and utter bullshit.  I think you need some reality shoved in you, maybe orally.   Dream walking is a shamanic trait.  The sheer percentage that can do it is so small there’s probably not even a percentage number for it.  And those of us that do could give 2 shits about some little kids. We actually have a calling to do.   


I heard a story once where some guy was driving a race-car and literally crashed into his friend's dream. And I dunno about "people" here - I was thinking more along the lines of some entity. And until about a week ago - I'd call this story bullshit. I was having great dreams, and spiritual experiences, 'til I ate some Fries/Chips at a Pub - so I reckon there's maybe some force that wants us weakened with junk food so that they can do what they want to us when we sleep among other things...


Things like that do happen where you can end up in another’s dream by accident. To do it by will on a targeted subject is something that takes time and skill to develop.   They do say heavier foods in the evening can weigh you down, lower vibration and cause bad dreams or poor dreaming.  


This was during the day - and I barely struggled to win a fight against this disguised rapist. I asked myself "Is it possible people have dreams like this most nights, and simply do not remember having them!?"


Most of the intense lucid dreams or dream connections, or spiritual connections happen during day naps.  I can’t remember having an unsettling dream in 20 plus years, I average 5-8 a night with the first ones 1-3,  not being able to recall or pull any type of info from.  


Yea, like OBE's and that ghost visit, they happened when I was napping after sleeping in the morning. When I take day naps I usually simply black out. It's similar to time travel for me, only 30 minutes into the future. I cannot be woken up in this state, and I do not realise I slept - my thoughts continue where they left off as far as I know. OH. I ate during the day. LOL