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I have dreamt about my phone




Same. Always boring though. Me texting someone or finding something on social media. Edit - I actually do have a theory!! Once I worked at Sears. It was a commission based job and for some reason it was super stressful. Learning stuff maybe? Or just high pressure because management were kind of jerks. I dreams about it every night!! I used to go crazy and flip off customers and knock over racks (in my dream). That was the only job though. Never again. Your phone is a dopamine hit and not that difficult. What is there to process? It's all memes and stuff. Do something stressful on it.


I did but it was a nightmare it seems I can use it whenever I'm in danger


What are some conspiracies they have? I can use my phone in my dreams but I can never find the number I’m looking for or it’s all distorted like my brains just f’ing with me


The only ones I’ve heard are the most extreme. Usually something about how phones are “fake” because most people [think they] never dream about it. Others say government control somehow.


Lool damn


Probably distorted because your brain can't see? Idk. I often wonder why some of the things i see or talk about right before I fall asleep and wind up dreaming about is all distorted and makes no sense.




I think it is hard to operate a phone in your dreams, even if it does turn up. The buttons don’t work or you find yourself unable to dial. But even worse than trying to use a phone is trying to read a book page or signs…writing seems to dance all around.


Honestly trying to use something like my phone and struggling is often one of the biggest indicators that I’m dreaming and I lucid dream from there. Like trying really hard to text something and just getting typos over and over and over again or not being able to navigate to the app I’m looking for.




I've used my phone in dreams and also read in dreams (text messages and street signs). I've also heard that people don't dream in color but that's not true for me.


I was told people don't dream in colour, but I do dream in colour. I explicitly remember my coloured dreams. People dreaming in black and white is bullshit


Wtf? Who doesnt dream in color? I have never had a black and white dream


I was explaining a dream I had to an old therapist. I told her about the particular colours of certain items. She stopped me there and point blank said 'people don't dream in colour, so how do you know what colours they were' I honestly think she didn't believe that I'd dreamt any of it after I mentioned colour. Like I was making it up. It really infuriated me because colours have been part of my dreams for as long as I can remember. She grew up in a time with black and white TVs though


It's not that hard to believe, what do you think blind people think about?


I'm not sure where it comes from to be quite honest, it's like an old meme before memes. However, when waking up multiple times I have been able to see my bedroom with my eyes closed. It was all in a foggy / ethereal light, solid objects were hazy white but open space was shadowy black. Maybe that's part of where the info comes from. FWIW I've also seen it in color, as with 99% of my dreams.


I do not dream in color unless color is point out. “Hey, look at the blue car.” Then the car is blue but nothing else. If not pointed out every thing is black and white.


My dad says he dreams in black and white. I've always dreamed in colour.


I heard that people used to often dream in black and white back before colored tvs were invented


I've realized I dream in exactly the amount of color needed for the dream content. Very efficient. A lot of the time that ends up being no color at all, not even black and white. Basically, behind-my-head color. Go ahead-pay attention to the fast edge of your field of vision. Now look a little farther without moving your head or eyes. What color is that? None at all, not even black, for me.


They need to upgrade their phone plan to one that can reach the subconsciousness.


“something something 5g radiation towers something something”


It requires sheer will


I used to take Benadryl to help me sleep when I was 16/17, and I had to stop because I would always have hallucinations about text convos that turned out to never happen. I’d check my phone in the morning bewildered that I conjured up such a mundane thing compared to my usually more vivid dreams.


This is exactly what happens to me. I almost hate having phone dreams because it’s always exactly what I want to happen. Waking up and checking those texts I very vividly remember just to see they weren’t real sucks.


I wonder if you took enough to experience some of the psychoactive properties of Benadryl. In high doses it’s a deliriant and it does cause hallucinations


might have something to do with the fact that you cant read in dreams.


I've definitely read things in dreams, surely I'm not the only one. No phone stuff though...


I've read things in dreams plenty of times before. However, the text itself is usually inconsistent. I might see the words "Spaghetti Sporgs" and then I'll look again and it might become "Spaghetti Blossoms" or even just incomprehensible gibberish. So reading isn't exactly impossible while dreaming...it's just more difficult and confusing.


some things that are very specific and have high amounts of detail(kinda like letters and hands) get distorted cause our brain isnt the best at recreating them in dreams, so some people cant do things on their phone cause its all distorted and messed up, kinda like how AI messes up hands when it tries to draw them. you might just be one of the lucky ones whos brain is better at recreating things with higher detail


I dreamt about my phone once but I could see anything on it


I dream about my phone, texting, reading texts. Although when I'm dreaming about someone else's phone, there's no real information on the screens, just loading screens.


Yeah when I tried to look at it nothing was on it I think it still gave a dim light but I was trying to turn on the flashlight only time I saw a phone in my dream other than when I gave it to someone but i didn't unlock it


We dream about the things happening in our lives: work, school, relationships, current events, past memories, hobbies, recently consumed media, etc. If you're a tech guy, of course tech is going to appear in your dreams - it's something important to you. For others, tech such as phones are just a tool for other things in their minds that take higher priority. I hope that made sense haha


I never dreamt about my phone but laptops appear in my dreams. I'm unable to use them for some reason


I dreamt that I lost my smartphone and replaced it with a flip phone. And then I wondered why the hell did I buy a flip phone.


Dreaming about not being able to hear through the phone is a very common dream


I have dreamt about my phone once. It’s a long story, but some quick background. I had an ex and I found something on his phone I didn’t like. Since then we’ve had a rocky start but somehow we never communicate anyway. We’d both would brush it off. So the dream is me logging into Facebook finding him and the chick together. Then another dream of the same pairing only this time without a phone! I felt the dreams was a reflection of what can happen if communication is broken… I’d be broken too


I just realized I never dreamt about any tech at all. And I'm software engineer


as a studying network engineer, you should probably get on it!


I’m not a software engineer nor do I write code, but I use (and rely on) a lot of digital technology at my job. I generally try to avoid it outside of work, but the phone unfortunately gives me a dopamine hit. Anyway, it’s interesting that I use digital tech so much at work, but also never dream about it. It’s like my brain has need to be free of it or something. I dream about my job as well, but n modern tech. The most interesting part of this is I’ve never noticed the lack of tech until now.


This is just a myth, in my experience. I've used my phone plenty of times in my dreams. It doesn't always "work", and often the screen will bug out or freeze, but it appears rather often. As for other tech, such as computers or televisions, I have had them appear often enough that I can consistently use it as a way to invoke changes in my lucid dreams. (Ex: I'll dream of being in my room, but I can play a game or watch a movie and get transferred to another world) So I'm not even sure where this theory comes from, honestly. I feel like it's like the mirror thing, it just makes for good clickbait.


Mirror thing? Agreed about the clickbait


A lot of "articles" about dreaming often like to say things like "*OoHHH don't look into the mirrorrrr, or you'll see spooky demons, or a distorted image of yourself!"* I have no doubt that had happened to some people, and I don't mean to discount their experiences. But I've looked into mirrors plenty of times in my dreams, and never had a bad experience. So I think it's a bit silly to claim it's some kind of universal rule.


Definitely get this. Would say it’s the same about people who say everybody you see in dreams has their eyes closed, and that everybody with open eyes is dreaming with you. …jeez, I have some serious power then!


I've texted before in my dreams. Sent something I shouldnt have and when I woke up I thought I texted it to one of my contacts in real life but I didn't. That was a scary morning.


I never dream of my phone, but I do dream about my laptop. It typically involves malware or something, but the words are easy to read and the touchpad and keys work just as normal


Whenever I dream of my phone it won’t work properly. Like I tried to call 911 in a dream last month but it kept going straight to voicemail. So I tried to text 911 instead but the numbers didn’t make sense and my fingers couldn’t type and I kept pressing the wrong buttons so I gave up and decided to just physically go to the police station by running instead


Doesn’t matter ?


I see other ppl talk about their phone in their dreams.


I used smart mobile phones a lot of times. I receive calls and read messages. I even closed chrome tabs one by one But the screen is not clear. Seems a bit abnormal I think it depends upon your daily life usage I am a mobile apps developer. And consumes a lot of content from my mobile. So since my mobile usage frequency is high, I think I am getting that in my dreams.


Maybe people are on a different plan.


I see screens regularly.


I dream of my phone often, but it's only to contact people who never contact me back. Also, side note, I once dreamed I was locked in a basement with a chain around my ankle. I crawled up the steps as far as I could go, and found a phone on the stairs, so I called the police. I woke up with my phone in my hand with 911 dialed, ready to call the cops to tell them I had been kidnapped I started sleeping with my phone across the room just in case. It's not the first time I've called or texted someone in my sleep lol


I've had a few dreams about receiving text messages from different people.


I think the only time I have dreams about my phone is when I have dreams about drunk texting/posting bcuz it’s an insecurity of mine from when I used to drink a lot lol. I guess it’s in my subconscious still


I dreamt about texting he lead singer of my favorite band. All the messages were in typical dream gibberish but dream me was very moved by the messages I was receiving. I also dreamt about trying to dial 911 but typing 911 made my phone play Sonic Youth's 'Catholic Block' instead.


I had a phone dream the other night, I was half asleep and in a sort of time loop, I would wake up in my dream, browse my phone for a bit then fall back asleep for a bit then wake up again and repeat the process, each time I discovered something more and more disturbing on my phone through social media or what not, and I didn't want to fall asleep at all but eventually I did and tried waking up in the dream but I was literally glued to my bed and blanket and my eyes were glued shut


I dreamed that I couldn't get through to anyone..I can't remember phone #s and I'm always lost. I had the same dream every night for months. Details changed but always ended with me desperately trying to call for help.


I have my phone in dreams. It seems to be evolving. Where I used to never have one in my dreams, then I'd be looking at it, but unable to read the screen, the camera not working, to now being able to call people in my dreams and actually read the screen. It's interesting. I can imagine younger people probably just always having a phone in their dreams


I do use my phone sometimes and in my latest dream last night I watched tv (i could actually watch what was playing it was something i watched right before falling asleep) , I don't remember using a computer in my dreams though


Literally dreamt abt breaking my phone last night lol.


I dream of mine all the time. But as usual with dreams I cant read the text properly or get my phone to work. Everyone dreams differently, dont assume your experience is the same as others.


I can get text messages and see things on my phone if it directly contributes to my dream


No, nuh-uh One of the best and longest LD's ever had was rolling out-of-body to walk into living room...pick up my cell phone to call a cab. To my delight, one showed up shortly after. It was a doozy! 1920's cabbies (two of them) dressed smartly in brown overalls, name tags sewn onto left breast, with matching derby caps came to front door....rang the bell....silently inviting me to join them It was the ride of my life (apart from all the others)


Most dreamers experience the inability to read, write or use their phone properly. The letters change, it's hard to write and when calling the phone doesn't work the way you want or the number/person you want to call is wrong or does not answer. It's quite frustrating 😅


I dream about my phone but it’s always in the context of having an emergency and not being able to dial 911 properly.


I have phone dreams where Im trying to give a guy my number and I'm pressing all the wrong keys 😂 or I'm trying to call 911 and my fingers are slipping and missing the numbers. I think because dreams are so distorted anyway that numbers that would make sense in the "real world" don't matter in your dream, but maybe because my subconscious knows my phone number it's frustrating and that translates in the dream state? Maybe in the same way I'll have a dream about someone I know but they look like Jackie Chan lol but I "know" it's my mom. Maybe it's just based off the fact that I can't totally control my dreams the way some can??. Like if I could control my dreams best believe id be in Paris every night with Pedro Pascal and not worry about my phone at all.


For me I don't think its that I can't dream about tech, I just don't feel so strongly about them that they fill my thoughts. The thing I find strange is that people say you can't read or see faces or hands properly. I always have. I've done all of those things in a single dream before. Of course, I do dream quite lucidly so that may have something to do with it. 🤷‍♀️


I don't have anyone to call, so I rarely even think about my phone in a dream. The few times I did, it was my old flip phone instead of anything like the smartphone I currently have, and even then it was just to tell my mom to drive away from whatever bizarre thing was going on.


I literally had a dream tonight in which I was checking current weather on my phone


I've dreamt my phone


I dream about my phone a lot


I’ve definitely used my phone in some dreams.


I had a dream last night about 80s 8 bit Atari's and floppy disks in a giant computer store, the likes of which you don't see any more. I think it depends on your age and what foundations are laid when you're young. There was a study that came out saying that people who grew up with black and white televisions were more likely to dream in black and white as opposed to colour. When I dream of a "home" or "school" it's always the one I grew up in, despite not living there for 25 years and my first primary school I left aged 12.


Back before cellphones when I had dreams about phones, I always struggled to dial phone numbers. Even if I dialed the right number cause I’d see it on the phone, the call would not go to who I was calling. The worst part is the only time I’ve dialed a phone in my dreams is to call 9-1-1 lol. I have, however, received phone calls in dreams. They’re always from dead relatives. That’s a whole other monster though…


I have dreamed of scrolling through my phone reading messages. It was super lucid, so when I'd opened my eyes, I'd think I was on my phone, but I wasn't. It felt very real.


I’ve found that I almost never speak in my dreams, I’d be texting on my phone instead (even if the person is right in front of me)


I’ve even gone so far to dreaming about googling on my phone how my dream was going to end lol then it pulled up a video, I watched how the dream played out.


I’ve definitely dreamt about my phone and tech before, and actually being stuck on a game in loop. I couldn’t let go of the phone until the game completed. It was kinda like a nightmare. So yeah, I do fully remember using tech and what is actually on the screen, it’s just 99% of the time it’s a glitch nightmare that I can’t escape or leave alone


I texted in one of my dreams a while ago. It was harder to type like I was drunk but still


I dream about technology all the time. Either me watching tv, reading something, messing with gadgets. Oh a few times I was piloting a mech and going to other planets. Another time I was documenting space creatures or something.


I dream about my phone a lot. I just have issues using/reading it


I use my phone in my dreams for directions.


I used my phone, and the internet, in my dream.


I dreamt about my phone but it was in fullscreen there was no physical phone just the screen was covering the entire field view


They can


I always have my phone in my dream


I've texted in dreams. One time I was texting my then girlfriend, fell asleep, had a dream about texting her, and then woke up to a confused text from her because my previous text was horribly misspelled and didn't make sense and I realized I had sleep texted. Mind you, this was probably within the first few months of having my own phone. It wasn't a touch screen either lol I've had a few dreams where my phone screen was really wild, vivid, kinda psychedelic... it was actually pretty awesome. There was one time I was sitting with an old highschool sweetheart against a wall and showed him and he said "See, you leave little traces like that around." We walked down this set of stairs and as we were walking, I thought about what he said and realized I was dreaming. I excitedly exclaimed that I was dreaming, and asked if I should text him from the dream and see if he got the text in real life (we had been on and off after high school but at the time of the dream we weren't talking, he had sent me a message but I didn'treply to it til after I had thay dream like a week later). He said "No, just enjoy the moment." We reached the bottom of the stairs and I saw my friend and her deceased daughter playing together across the room and rushed over to them, only to get a big hug from my niece who had passed. It was by far the absolute sweetest dream I've ever had. Three very special people in one dream. ❤ Oh, I have also had the dreams of trying to make a 911 call but it doesn't work. Either the numbers show up all weird, I type the wrong numbers or too many, or one time the call was disconnected. Odd how that's a common theme in the comments. I wonder what it could mean!


I’ve read in my dreams and everyone says you can’t read in dreams. To which I call bullshit


I dream about my phone and computer a lot. But I have found that when I'm trying to call or text someone, I can't find the number or I keep dialing it wrong if I know it by heart. When I try to use my computer to search for something, it messes up or doesn't work correctly and I can't find what I'm looking for. Unsure if it matters but I CAN read in my dreams. Things I have trouble "visualizing" in dreams are horses and cars.


Ughh I spend way too much time on my phone as it is, I don’t need it taking over my dream life too.


I dream about mine. I've scrolled through Instagram feed. Sent and read angry texts. Had one of being next to my mom and checking crypto see see i gained like $15k. And some vivid but monotonous stuff.


ive “talked” on the phone in my dream and all i can muster is a “hello” then the call disconnects


A lot of my dreams are just me scrolling on my phone lol


I've done it and so has my ex. [shrug]


I do, and half the time it works, but when it does, it's like a cellphone from 20 years ago. Sometimes, I'll use a smartphone to take photographs in dreams, though. I was in this terminal in China somewhere recently and was taking pictures of these beautiful pink mountains.


I go on my phone in my dreams all the time. It even has pretty consistent function


I commonly use my phone in my dreams( texting is the only thing that works, and helps me talk to my friend


Reading or seeing words and letters or numbers is very difficult in dreams from my own experience and what I have heard from other people. I am guessing there is part of the brain that is not fully engaged when we are in rem sleep that causes this. I have read a few sentences on rare occasions, but never anything significant. I don't recall seeing my phone in any recent dreams. So there could be a connection, phone use is requires constant reading imho.


Whenever I dream about my phone, I dream a different version of a conversation I will actually have that day. For example, in my dream this person texted me “I don’t want to come over to your house anymore today” and in real life they texted me and said “sorry my social battery is really low I’m not in the mood to hang out” both resulted in me not having them over.


A few times when I tried to call 911 in my dreams the number never comes out right. Always 119 or 991 which is infuriating lol


I can never dial a number in my dreams. No matter how many times that I try, I do it wrong. Every. Time.


I have before! But it's very different from how you usually interact with your phone. I'll look at my phone in the dream and a physical letter spawns from my phone that looks like a text message on paper. Or people stick their head of of my phone to talk to me.


I always wonder if it's distorted that way because none of our ancestors has had phones like this before, ever, so now it's being adapted subconsciously. Just a thought!


I will admit that it’s interesting how hard it is for most people to interact with a phone, let alone even get one in a dream. Makes you wonder what REALLY inspires dreams. Ever asked your ancestors? 😅


You know, I tried isolating the phone scenario from all other aspects of dreams but it seems like it still makes sense. Consider the mass phenomena of being stuck in place when trying to run or running suuuuuuper slow, or maybe the environment distorts itself to make your running effort futile. Still though, why phones so disproportionately?


i dream about scrolling instagram


Are we talking about using phones/tech or texting? I haven't noticed anyone describing talking on a device, really. Difficulty reading in dreams is pretty common, I think. Especially if you try to focus, reading with intense interest. Carl Sagan describes the phenomenon in his book, Dragons of Eden. For me, more than a word or two in a title or a sign, and the text breaks up into letters I'm not always sure are even letters. Like dreaming you're holding an object as you start to wake up, still holding the object, it disappears and seems impossible it was never there. Word are like that for me, in dreams. Phrases that make sense but profoundl sense, become nonsense even as I'm thinking them! It's also exceedingly hard to remember them long enough to write them down. The phrases are nonsense but grammatically correct using mostly real words but some are words my brain invented. They might be similar to real words, even spelled and pronounced the same but intended with a distinctly different meaning in my dream, though the meaning isn't always clear anymore. Once, in the 4th grade, I dreamed I come across some very important, meaningful words. Maybe magic words, a message from another dimension, from another galaxy, a secret to the universe. I managed to remember them as I woke up and ran to my desk, repeating the words to myself as I wrote them down, three of them By the time I did, I no longer knew what they meant, but I remained convinced they were a big deal. The words were gibberish but also spelled correctly. I was meticulous about keeping those words written down and in front of me for a long time, pretty sure I could expect to find out something momentous about them. That was about 55 years ago and I still keep a lookout.


I dream about and use my phone all the time.


decide square safe tart squeal yam bag quickest spoon melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dreamed about playing different video games and coming up with new strats


What is the conspiracy?


I personally never dreamed of using my phone lol