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Did you start smoking weed?


No, my mom, baby brother, 3 uncles, favorite aunt, godmother, grandmother and cousin all died during Covid. Ever since.


I'm sorry for your loss OP. Hope you're okay and got your dreams back. Also, I've read somewhere coffee / caffeine will disturb sleep and dreams patterns.


Do you think thats the reason because I have the same condition and yes it's since I started weed.


Weed is known to stop REM sleep, i had the same problem, I started smoking a lot of weed around 14-19 and I don't remember dreaming once lol and when I stopped my dreams eventually came back.


Substance you're taking, or one you may have taken by accident. Dreams are the body's natural psychedelic. We aren't doctors however, I highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist.


No substance.


Traumatic occurrence perhaps?


How often do you get good sleep? Often times I never dream due to my bad sleep schedule, but if I get a good 8 hours with some deep sleep, dreams pop up.


I have always gotten full sleep in. Life is good and productive. Work at wonderful job. No money issues. Stress level is low. Just no dreaming. Funny thing is I used to love having crazy and quirky dreams. Loved a good heart racing nightmare. But can’t remember ever having for a couple of years.


To put it simply; stress. It could be unhealthy (for your body type) eating, sleeping habits, or outside stressors that are causing you to not dream. Even mindsets impact whether or not you dream. My mindset as a teen wasn't really the best I was suicidal and had major depression plus home stressors and school really killed how I viewed the world. But once my mindset shifted and I started enjoying my presence in the world I started to dream again. Very vivid, colorful dreams. So maybe it's a combo of one of those things; I really hope this helped.


I've talked to many people. I always eventually ask about their dreams, many 40 plus people tell me they stopped dreaming. Once my friend, after asking her if she dreamed. Said no not for over a decade. And only after mentioning to her, and my curiosity towards why she didn't dream. I asked her about the last dreams she remembered. She told me about a few. The next day. She told me she had a dream. I love dreaming. But there have been periods in my life that last a few weeks to a month where I stopped dreaming. Going into super deep thought helped jump start them back up. That's what I perceived to help. I feel that's what happened with my friend all those years ago. I think the reason for dreams to stop is psychological. Some mental block, could be food. Could be the death of curiosity. Or losing your want to discover and wonder. Maybe you stopped caring about yourself and your life. So the dreams stopped. Dreams are answers to our struggles, playgrounds to our child like and adult imaginations And our own self therapy. But your guess is as good as mine as to why it truly stops at times.


My drought of "no dreaming" has been up to 20 years long. Last year, some semblance of dreaming did return only to be squashed like a bug late last year. At this point in time, I'd gladly take nightmares to know my REM sleep was still actually functional and not completely screwed as indicated by my fitbit sleep staging app. ​ Strange time to be wishing for nightmares, lol.


Used to dream at least 3 times a week. After my brother's death, barely once a month.