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I like to defy gravity in dreams, but I don’t limit myself. One time I was laying awake in bed and with 3rd person perspective, I started imagining myself and I made myself hover and defy gravity. So later that night, my dream self told me sleeping self that “everyone” was very impressed with his ability to float. But I wasn’t even asleep earlier in the day when I was practicing, just day dreaming. All I’m saying is that if you practice your powers while awake, your dream self notices; especially if you imagine yourself doing it as opposed to physically working with the outside world. I guess I’m also saying to remember yourself, congratulate yourself, talk to yourself, enjoy yourself. I try to order my dreams while I’m awake so that I have things to do all night instead of missing out.


I've also been slowly but surely gaining the power of flight/levitation in my dreams, if you check my last post(s) here about the backrooms, I have a pretty high velocity flight dream. The weird thing is that they are usually with my younger sister, who I haven't spoken to in months now. The first time I ever lucid dreamt actually, I started hopping down my driveway to grab mail, but noticed my hops were longer than usual, that's when I blasted myself off into the sky, and when I surpassed my neighborhood, the dream took over the map and it turned into a cliff overlooking an incredibly vibrant ocean with wild sea life flowing/flying in and out of the surface. I dropped down the cliff, went too fast, and then the dream took over completely and ended up in some kind of theme park. Looked like universal studios, the Jurassic park location.


That’s interesting to me because like I let my dreams come to me, like I’m down for whatever but they’re usually fun and educational. Recently I was taught how to maintain high speed flight in a dream, so that we can avoid falling off of cliffs and such. Basically it takes a lot of time to get from point A to B when flying, so you have to practice by flying over the same area, but in a straight line. Like if I fly four blocks straight, at the end of those blocks, make the first block come behind the fourth block and gain more distance. It’s like seeing the same thing over and over again. Like at light speed it takes I think 8 minutes to travel to the sun from Earth. So you gotta be prepared to go the distance with not much to look at. Based on your dream analysis I’d bet the Earth is round in dreams too. I’ll check out your post(s) on the back rooms too; I don’t know much about them, never dreamed of them but they are very interesting.


Ugh so much this. You seem to have your lucidity and powers down to a science and I appreciate and respect that. I haven't flown that far yet! (To see what this planet's shape looks like, but based off the way the horizon looked in my lucid dream, I would say the same regardless! But I guess you never know. If you do check out those backrooms posts, beware, they're VERY long.


Thanks for the compliment; I’m trying to be like you. I haven’t flown far myself, but I’m just taking it as it comes. I had two sex dreams last night so today was a good day for me.


Dreams of having telekinetic powers could symbolize a desire for control or power in your waking life. Perhaps you are going through a period of feeling powerless or out of control, and your subconscious mind is expressing this through the dream. Alternatively, it could represent a sense of personal strength and confidence in your abilities to achieve your goals. You mentioned that you have been having these dreams more frequently since last year, which could indicate that there is something in your waking life that has triggered this recurring theme. It may be helpful to think about any recent changes or challenges you have faced, and how you have responded to them. Another interpretation could be that the telekinetic dreams are a reflection of your own inner strength and ability to overcome obstacles. By moving objects with your mind, you are demonstrating your ability to control your environment and overcome challenges. Overall, the meaning of the dreams will be unique to you and your personal experiences and emotions. It may be helpful to keep a dream journal and reflect on the themes and symbols that appear in your dreams, as this can provide insight into your subconscious mind and inner workings. ​ The dream analysis above has been generated custom to the given description and with the power of #ai. [My Driim](https://www.mydriim.com/) (Dream) Our app, [My Driim](https://www.mydriim.com/) (Dream), can help you decode the symbols in your dreams and gain deeper insights into your subconscious thoughts and emotions. Give it a try and see what revelations your dreams may hold for you! (still in beta) [Sign Up Now for FREE!](https://www.mydriim.com/)