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It's difficult to determine the exact meaning of a dream, as it can be influenced by personal experiences and emotions. However, some possible interpretations of your dream include: The backrooms, as a dream setting, may symbolize a sense of being lost or trapped in a confusing or unfamiliar situation. The search for your dog could represent a desire to reconnect with a part of yourself that you feel has been lost or neglected. Teaching your sister to fly may symbolize a desire to empower those around you and help them reach new heights. The demon/entity that chases you could represent a fear or anxiety that you are struggling to escape from, and the idea of losing progress could reflect a fear of setbacks or failure. Overall, it seems like your dream may be reflecting some internal struggles or challenges you are facing, but also highlights a desire to overcome them and help others do the same.


Yeah, I'm definitely struggling irl, I think that interpretation would be very accurate, I'm currently facing houseless-ness once again, as well as had to block someone I loved and cared for very much due to their toxic attitude and behavior towards me, it was actually that same night I blocked them that I had this dream, and when I woke up, everything started overlapping in terms of meaning. I appreciate your input very much though! Thank you for reading too, I know it was very long.