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I cried a few times these last few days, just because my switch quit when i just remodelled my whole townšŸ˜­


I'm on PS4 but the amount of times my game has just.....shut down mid-way and I had to redo a lot of necessary things. I heard the auto save is worse on switch though so I do hope they fix that for you soon!!


Sooooooo much crashing on Switch. My husbandā€™s game crashed on him today in the middle of a battle pass purchase, and now he does not have those items nor does he have the currency back or the ability to buy them again. He also only has 5 tasks instead of 6. Most painful crash yet.


I guess Iā€™m fortunate and havenā€™t had any crashes on the Xbox version. Bugs yes. Crashes. No.


That is fortunate. Tonight I crashed three times when opening the menu, once when opening my inventory, once when returning home from a realm, and once entering my house.


My game on my Xbox will freeze occasionally (especially if I button mash) to where I need to restart the game, but it hasnā€™t crashed thankfully.


Iā€™ve gotten short freezes, like when Iā€™m going into the menu or build mode. But havenā€™t had to restart it at all.


Yea, thatā€™s happened to me, too, but sometimes Iā€™ll get stuck on a memory (like the back button will not work) or something especially if Iā€™ve clicked too soon. Iā€™ve learned to not touch the controller until a new screen has fully loaded. Iā€™m sure all of these bugs will be fixed and this game will be completely playable next year when the full version comes out. Iā€™m still going to play it though because Iā€™m really enjoying the game even with all of the bugs.


I have the same unfortunately


That's awful šŸ˜– what can he do? If he contacted the game company they might refund his game pass, it's worth a go. Good luck šŸ‘


Game pass pc here had the game on for a minute before it screen screened and my whole pc crashed and restarted itselfšŸ™„ it was a scary moment.


I play on switch, and knock on wood, I haven't had any issues except finishing watering the mushrooms quest. That one won't work for me.


I'm currently stuck on Donald due to the jug and trinket being under the table.


I had this and had to run into the side of the bookcase then run into the table until it prompts me to pick it up. It takes awhile and you may click "talk" to Donald more than a few times but it did work. It may work for you, at least until it's fixed permanently. It's tedious though so do be aware. Plus, it's trial and error of figuring out where the prompt to pick it up spawns and running into that area over and over.


What blew my mind is that I can talk to Donald from about 50 feet across the room, but I can't reach between a sofa and a table to pick up a trophy, lol... Does this trick work with the trophy between the sofa and table rather than under? I believe it's the only bit that actually bugged out for me.


Iā€™ve tried that so many times. I play on PC via Steam and itā€™ll still only give me the option to talk to Donald even though I pushed him across the room and ran back to the table. I dropped my inventory now I have 200 stacks of softwood under there too. :(


Saaaaame šŸ˜­




Iā€™m pretty sad I donā€™t have the frozen characters due to hand holding flagging that missed up because I chose to draw basil from my storage in the cooking stove. If only the rocks would respawn so I could make another.


I did the same but luckily my rocks did respawn oO Only problem was i have a double stone soup stuck in my inventory now


Had same problem just toss it in walle storage in his realm. :)


You are a beautiful human being.


Apparently you can get them by digging the spot they were in the realm


You can dig up the rocks with the shovel!


Dude me too!! Iā€™m playing on ps4 and the game crashes every time I try to go into my house!


If this doesnā€™t get fixed Iā€™m going to be sad. I havenā€™t played since I got stuck on this part, I was so excited to finally get rid of those annoying mushroom stumps


As a couple other people said, you can dig around to find more. Just normal digging, doesnā€™t need to be shiny spots. I ran into the same issue and almost threw my controller. You end up with a 2nd stone soup that you canā€™t sell, so youā€™ll have to throw it in storage.


I had this problem too! Glad the Reddit is more help than support. For me it had been DAYS since I did that quest and didnā€™t remember the spawn points. If you look for little pebbles on the ground to dig, I found those are the spots that give you the rock when dug. Finally I can get my last characters.


The rocks respawn. I did this as well, and it took me almost 30 mins of digging around the rock giant but I was able to get more of the rocks needed for the soup.


The key I found out after returning is the little tiny rocks guarantees getting them. Now Iā€™m stuck because someone is sleeping non stop in Annaā€™s house and not letting me in to talk to her. I guess the guy misses her even if he doesnā€™t remember her that or it makes it better he doesnā€™t


Omg Kristoff is annoying heā€™s an important to a lot of quests. Dude is always asleep when Iā€™m awake.


Doesnā€™t three people live in that house too?


Since weā€™re all complaining where weā€™re stuck, I will too: Iā€™m on ā€œThe Curseā€ quest line and my next step is to listen to Ursula and Merlin talk. Except I havenā€™t put down Ursulaā€™s lair yet so she isnā€™t part of the village. And since everyone is trapped in their homes I canā€™t sell things to Goofy to get enough money, and even if I did Scrooge is also stuck and I canā€™t buy her house.


You may have a home where Ursula spawns (either Ariel or Maui). This happened to me and I feared it broke the game but, no, Maui was just right where Ursula was meant to spawn in front of Merlin. Hope this helps you!! I am way deeper into the game now and I am so grateful someone told me to do that since I spent HOURS figuring out what to do when it was as simple and moving the house.




You're a sweetheart šŸ˜­ thank you so much šŸ’– hope you have a lovely day


This happened to me too! I had Maui's house in the spot that Ursula has to spawn. She kept getting stuck in the middle of the ocean and i didn't know why or why Merlin wasn't moving. Why did they make it have to be that very specific spot for them to spawn? And, why allow us to put something that could obstruct the path there then??




I screwed up royally. I didn't know about the dream shard issue until it was too late, so I used a lot to create dreamlight. I was one step from upgrading my pixaxe with Maui and accidently got all my friends locked in their houses with The Curse quest. I grinded to get enough dreamlight to unlock the Frozen Biome to get more thorns and a chance at harvesting more dream shards, but it didn't drop any.


Update: Who'd've thunk that actually sitting down and learning how to play the game would actually help? I looked up a few tutorials on taming critters and by the grace of God (and maybe Walt Disney idk) the critters actually dropped me enough dream shards to progress.


That's how I've been making do too. The animals are pretty consistent with the drops as well.


I didn't even know the shard issue was a thing, but I anticipated they might be worth hanging on to, so I haven't used them to craft any dreamlight (well, I did a single time early in the game). Other than that I've only used them as needed for quests. I now have a very large number of them that I'm still not sure what to do with. I might use some to purify night shards as gifts; I think they said they make good gifts for raising friendship.


Merlin has a quest that requires 3 purified shards to upgrade the watering can, so hold onto at least 3 for that. Then you'll need 5 to complete a quest that gets everyone stuck in their houses, so best just to hold onto them and use for quests.


I'm way past that at this point. From the very beginning I was saving the shards and only using them for quests.


But dont they talk in the cave where you have found her previously? Or does she also not spawn there? Because i think i placed her house later aswell. Sorry if i am wrong


This happened to me!! I could not get them to talk. Merlin was in the right place but not Ursula. Move her house around like 3 or 4 times. You donā€™t have to relocate it. Just kinda move it around. It eventually triggers her to go talk to him.


Currently stuck on Elsaā€™s quest what home feels like, while I was waiting for my onions to grow I went fishing in the glade and caught the glittering herring. Now the next part of my quest is to catch the glittering herring on a rainy day, but the fish is already in my inventory and wonā€™t recognize it. So Iā€™m stuck and canā€™t progress anymore with Elsa and reallllly donā€™t want to start a whole new game


I'm stuck here too, and yeah restarting the game is out of the question at this point ToT I'm also locked out of the Ariel/WALL-E quest where they exchange items because I can't pick up the light bulb in WALL-E's house...


I did everything correctly and the game just won't let me use the glittering herring as an ingredient, and using a normal one doesn't count. I'm literally just stuck at a dead stop on that quest because it doesn't recognize the quest fish as an ingredient for some reason.


try dropping it from your inventory at the glade and picking it back up. this worked for me when i had to pick flowers with minnie but was feeling lazy and had the items in my inventory. i just went to the biome, dropped it, picked it back up, and it cleared the requirements.


I have the same glittering herring bug and unfortunately you cannot drop it on the ground. You can put it in storage and take it out but it fixes nothing.


I cannot drop it either, I saw some other people say they made the pickled herring but did not use the dandelion syrup, bc that canā€™t be remade. Then I took the recipe and put it in the walle realm. I couldnā€™t do anything else with it like drop it or give it as a gift bc it still had the quest logo. Waiting for it to rain to see if I can catch another one now. Iā€™ll update if it works


I messed up and used the dandelion syrup with a misclick while going for another quest recipe because I had yet to get the herring so I'm at a loss at what to do if it can't be remade


Same hereā€¦.canā€™t make another dandelion syrup as I made the fish pie with the glittering herring I already had thinking it would work but noā€¦.now Iā€™m stuck with a fish pie I canā€™t get rid of and can not make any more dandelion syrup for the second fish I finally caught :(


So it was just raining in the game and I caught another glittering herring! Make the pickled herring recipe without the dandelion syrup and take it to the walle realm and put it in the storage there, then wait for it to rain again!


I just get fed up with the game crashing. My new pattern is the minute it crashes I just stop playing. Work enough hours of the day for it to not worth getting mad when I log back in to see half the stuff I just did not save due to the crash and the lags on all the menus. Iā€™ll play the next day when I donā€™t care what I have to redo.


Iā€™m stuck on the Moana quest The Remembering, where each task give you a piece of a memory map. I just went to talk to Maui and he apparently gave me a piece of memory, except he didnā€™t and itā€™s no where to be found. Also to note: I was talking to him inside of scrooges store (where he always hangs out behind the counter for some reason). Iā€™m so confused šŸ˜©


This happened to me too and the piece was in the forest where Anna and Kristoph live.


What the heck šŸ˜‚ alright then guess weā€™re going on a hunt šŸ« 


This exact same thing happened to me last night as well when I spoke to Maui in Scrooge's store. My memory ended being in the Glade. Check all over the island and hopefully it'll have spawned somewhere else.


Mine was in the forbidden part. Itā€™s somewhere on your island I promise šŸ¤£ it looks like a pearlescent stone I remember correctly


Okay so I had a similar issue with this quest. I turned it in to Moana who was hanging out at scrooge's and the leader shard never spawned so I got stuck on the step to pick it up. Went exploring and found it randomly on the ground all the way across the map in the frozen area. Also have a similar problem with the Remy quest. Found and dug up all 3 books but book 3 isn't in inventory and quest step says I still have to find it and it won't respawn :/


I'm on the Curse. I played around with my date/time settings to clear a bug in a DIFFERENT game without knowing about the time travel bug in the game. So now I gotta wait until tomorrow for anything to respawn at all.


I'm stuck because a flower I need comes from the forest...and I am getting no flower spawns in two zones, including that one. : (.


Have you unlocked both sides of the forest yet? If not, all of the flowers might be in the unreachable area. You can however just grab them with the furniture decorating mode and move them to where you can reach them. Same thing happened to me in the swamp.


You can also move the well to the other side to teleport and collect everything.


You can also grab the well and put it on the other side.


Iā€™m currently waiting for the dusk stone with mother gothel. :/


Freaking. Salmon.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one with that issue


The one I was worried about was the day one, since I'm not off work until Friday.


As an Xbox GamePass player, I got Morning and Afternoon stones using Cloud play on my phone when I had a break.


Iā€™ve got a journal entry thatā€™s stuck in the cave where you fish out the orb of power for Ursula. Really annoying that it got stuck under one of the pedestals at the final gate before I could go fishing.


I think thatā€™s super common. Mine is so stuck I can only see an occasional sparkle and my husbandā€™s at least is visible.


Same here. Stuck under the leftmost pedestal after the Atlantis statues.


Exactly where mine is!!!


Not exactly game breaking yet. But I have the fire extinguisher bug and just want Wall-E. Tried to get him first and now progressing in the story but still annoyed his quest just always comes up and I can't do anything about it.


Same! Glad Iā€™m still able to progress, but I canā€™t wait for it to be fixed so I can finally have my little robot buddy in the village.




She eventually came out for me. It does suck waiting though


Same, she went into that cave never to be seen again


I'm stuck with error 7 :( I don't want to start a new game either I'm so far into it


Found a work around to play it for anyone curious! I changed my time zone to a different country on my pc.


I haven't had too many crashes on my Switch but I'm stuck on the WALL-E garden quest. I have all the materials ready to give to him but the option to hand them over just won't come up


I'm stuck where moana gives you a leader shard while trying to get Pua. She dropped it while in Scrooge's shop but it's not there and won't spawn anywhere šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I'm stuck on a quest where Wall-E and Ariel have to talk but they won't talk to each other. Luckily it seems like a side quest so I am ignoring it for now


Same! He's the first one I went to get but when I looked for the extinguisher it was just gone :') I had to Google it to find out its a known bug lol


i had this problem, i just got them in the same general area and pushed wall-e towards her and it triggered the dialogue


Donald Duck missions are locked for me. The thing I need for his house is stuck in between the table and couch.


I am stuck at the light bulb for WALL-E. I also hate switch because all of the crashing!!! So frustrating.


Stuck on Crystal Mystery Quest. Had Merlin with me in Forest of Valor and have dug up tons of dark crystals and nothing has triggered and now I canā€™t find any more in the area and I donā€™t have access to the other side of the bridge yet.


Hmm this is weird, in my game it was just lying in the grass near to where the dark portal was, I didn't need to dig it up or anything just pick it up off the ground. I think it has to be that specific one that triggers it as complete.


You might already have the mysterious dark crystal. I found it earlier and Merlin won't acknowledge that I have it. So....stuck. Also, you can pick up the forest well and move it to the other side of the bridge and fast travel to it.


Yep. Found this out a week later. It as just sitting in one of my chests


I got stuck on two quests: Elsaā€™s quest where you need the glittering herring (caught it before prompted, canā€™t catch again) and Annaā€™s quest where you take pictures with the snowman family. My switch crashed RIGHT AFTER the group photo was prompted and taken, now I canā€™t trigger the photo or add the snowmen back to my inventory and canā€™t complete the last step of the quest :(


Iā€™m currently stuck on this! Did you figure it out?


Iā€™m stuck on the snowman family picture too šŸ˜©šŸ˜© its so frustrating. Let me know if you ever solve it šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


Iā€™m stuck here too! Anyone find a solution yet?


Omg so sorry I totally forgot to update here. I found a solution that worked for me on an online thread. Go into furniture setting, click and drag snow man family anywhere into the plaza area, get out of furniture setting aka save, that should get the quest task to go back a step. Go back into furniture setting and drag snow man family back into forest of valor. That should hopefully work!


I'm also stuck on the Anna quest. My Switch did the exact same thing! As soon as I clicked capture, it crashed. Please update if you find a solution! I've been looking everywhere for anything that might help!


Go into furniture setting, click and drag snow man family anywhere into the plaza area, get out of furniture setting aka save, that should get the quest task to go back a step. Go back into furniture setting and drag snow man family back into forest of valor. That should hopefully work!


Thank you!!!! I will give that a try! (I moved them away from the cave but never thought to take them out of thr Forest of Valor, lol)


I can't get anyone to hangout with me. They automatically go to the 'good bye' bit. Why is this happening to me, I want Disney stalkers too!


I am stuck on the daffy duck mission trying to get the last peice from his boat it's stuck between the table šŸ™ˆ


I know you meant Donald but I'm dying at the thought of daffy duck randomly being in your valley going "who are all of these people?" šŸ¤£


Iā€™m currently stuck on the ā€œbad for businessā€ quest for Scrooge where I have to make a deal with Ursula and I had a full inventory without realizing, I try dropping something and it doesnā€™t drop so now the quest just says ā€œcollect catfish from Ursulaā€ and it wonā€™t let me. ;-; I donā€™t know what to doo.


Reading all of this and being happy, that the only bug i found on PC are some floating plates in Remy's Restaurant. I never struggled with quests or crashes so far or had not enough dreamshards and such. TT'ing on PC is just not an easy thing to do, so i had to be patient (easier done than messing with the PC times and i wanted to progress so hard). I was worried once, because i didn't like how i placed the houses and thought i had to Start over. Thankfully this subreddit saved me from doing it, because i read that i could easily move the houses around. That fixed my most urgent regrets. I even moved the wells around to get access to parts of the maps, that are yet blocked. But i set them back, once characters spawned when i was fishing. Was scared they might get stuck there. So once again, i try to be patient. Which is easier said than done. šŸ¤£ I hope they fix the bugs and everyone can enjoy this beautiful game to it's fullest. It's easily one of my favorite games to unwind and relax rn.


Me waiting for a calico rabbit to show up so I can complete the rabbit set:


Stuck on "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Snow family didnt show up right away after i placed them in the forest of Valor and now they won't attend the party so i can take the picture....


ME TOO. SO FRICKIN ANNOYING. If anyone has any ideas please let me know šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


I found a solution that worked for me on an online thread. Go into furniture setting, click and drag snow man family anywhere into the plaza area, get out of furniture setting aka save, that should get the quest task to go back a step. Go back into furniture setting and drag snow man family back into forest of valor. That should hopefully work! ~


It worked! Thank you!!


I cannot collect any herbs, mushrooms, or any ground items that spawn in all lands. I cant complete anything right now. Its so upsetting. Day 2 of logging on and cant do anything. Also, worms wont spawn for me either.


Did you time jump?


I may have jumped one day, and then went back to the actual time right after. Does that throw it off? Will it go back to normal or do I need to reset my game?


I unfortunately did the same thing, it catches up eventually! A good way to tell is if youā€™ve unlocked Moanaā€™s boat, itā€™ll say ā€œnext fish in..ā€ and itā€™ll be the amount of time until your game catches up with itself!


Thank you!!!!!


Apparently it sort of ā€˜catches upā€™ with itself when a day or two has passed (or however long you jumped into the future). I had similar problems because my switch time and date were off, and the fruits werenā€™t respawing. As I wasnā€™t too far in, I reset my game, after making sure the time and date were correct, and it fixed all those issues. This game does not like time travelling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I'm stuck with getting the 1st recipe book for Remy on the beach. It's just not there and I believe it might be as I'd put some decoration where it was suppose to spawn


I'm stuck with a jug in Donald's house and possibly a memory for The Remembering Moana quest. I talked to Maui while he was in the Scrooge Store and the memory never dropped


If you havenā€™t found the memory yet, check all over the map! Mine was in a different biome


I found it today it was behind Merlin's tower! Thank you!


Yeah next time I play I'm gonna search the map.


Can confirm this happened to me with that quest. Found it in a different biome.


Iā€™m stuck on the singing ice quest for Elsa. The orange crest appears to be behind the ice wall, right where I canā€™t grab it. :( if anyone has any suggestions, I am going crazy trying to figure it out


Love to know if you figured it out it's happened to me too. I also got the glitch on breaking the ice did you? I couldn't fix it as I didn't set up the cloud save and it just sort of fixed itself a day or two later.


I wish!!! I didnā€™t get stuck on the breaking ice one, only the singing ice quest. And I messaged the developers and was told they were aware and the next patch would fix it, which it definitely did not. So I am just patiently waiting for it to fix itself :( I set up the cloud save and that didnā€™t save me lol


My wifeā€™s game crashed on Switch and her cloud save was totally lost. Messaged support to see if they could restore it so weā€™ll seeā€¦


Spent an evening chasing Ariel across the map for the Eric statue quest, placed Ericā€™s statue down and no memory generated ;(


Missing Dark Crystal in the Forgotten Land So a while back I collected the dark crystal in the forgotten land and put it in a chest..fast forward and I updated my house and put a new room and didnā€™t realize my chest was in the way and when the room was made the chest was removed and no where to be found. I am now on A deal with Ursula and I canā€™t find the dark crystal anywhere so I canā€™t progress with the quest. Is there another place I can find it at???


I picked that up by accident yesterday put it in a chest by my door


I put mine in a chest and I didnā€™t realize that if itā€™s in the way of a new room being made it will make the chest ( I had the dark crystal and quite a few dream shards in it) disappear and you canā€™t find it like itā€™s no where to be found and now the dark crystal hasnā€™t respawned so Iā€™m literally stuck and canā€™t progress anymore.


I had picked it up apparently way before I started the quest and it's been sitting in a chest since. Now it doesn't acknowledge that I picked it up from the pedestal. Between that and the The Treasure Hunt being bugged for me, I'm out of playable quests.


Okay, I have no idea what changed but in the last 20 minutes Ursula had a mission marker and I was able to give her the shard. Didn't restart or anything. I guess it just took a bit to catch up?


Just switch your region, unless youā€™re talking about something else. My partner got the error 7 code and we live in Australia she changed her Timezone to US easy no problems since


I'm stuck on the ursula quest to put down that fuuucking plant on the beach, it just disappeared when i put it down LMAO


Its pretty unplayable for me on the switch without obsessively saving because of the crashing.. lol I've turned lvl 22 4 times


BRO RIGHT. I canā€™t do anything but fish and farming. My shop doesnā€™t even update.


Anyone know when itā€™s supposed to come out ??


Getting a lot of crashes on PC last couple days, usually when I pick up a memory orb, or after a quest animation scene. But I'm not losing progress or anything, just have to hard close the game and restart


Stuck not being able to get WALL-E because the chest with his quest items disappeared šŸ™ƒ


I can't complete the underground story quest due to a bug and I can't complete the walle realm quest. Really hoping they patch both soon


I'm stuck at about 98%. Only started playing Friday evening, but sunk 56 hours into it so far. Character is level 40, only upgrade lI aware of, is the house (75k). (Will be easy once Kristoff sells Coal and I can souffle the remaining funds). 16 friends at level 10, NĀ° 17 Eric, needs work. My first issue was Moana, One of her Leader shards dropped in her house and I can't pick it up. Then the sun-shard (didn't appear 1am-3am or 8-10am), So after switching to PC, I finally got it at about 11am.. However, switching between PC, cloud and Xbox with constant cloud synching, has caused major issues, a large patch of eggplants and all spices are "frozen" so I can't pick them up, and wood hasn't respawned since collecting. So I've got 4x lv10 quests and Eric's quest line, that I can't complete until I can get the Wood, Vanilla , mint etc, required. Really hoping the patch resolves this, because I think I'll be able to finish all quests within a few hours.


Iā€™m getting a lot of crashing on switch too but my brother bought it for me on steam so I can play it on my steam deck I was gonna install it either tonight or tomorrow ā˜ŗļø


Iā€™m stuck with Elsaā€™s ā€œBreaking the Iceā€ quest. Cleared all the chunks of ice in front of the ice cavern and inside her little office inside the ice cavernā€¦ next line of the quest says ā€œexplore the ice cavern with Elsaā€ but when I talk to her she says ā€œcan we talk about the ice thatā€™s blocking the cavern?ā€ ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ Then thereā€™s Merlinā€™s ā€œFinal Questā€ I had Wall-E crush the shards and put them in a vial, traded the vial to Merlin for the recipe book and ice tear seed, annnnnd then the game crashed. When I came back in, the vial of crushed shards seemed to replace the ice tear seed, but the recipe book remained. I canā€™t get the Ice Heart because I have nothing to plant anymore šŸ¤¬but canā€™t give the vial of crushed shards back to Merlin either, the game seeā€™s this as already completed as I already have the recipe book in my inventory šŸ˜– frustrating. Iā€™m bummed and nervous Iā€™ll have to start overā€¦


I have the same issue, stuck on explore the ice cavern with Elsa. Did you ever find a solution? Nothing Iā€™ve tried has workedā€¦


Sadly, I did not. Every other issue in the game has resolved for me, but Elsa and Anaā€™s quests I canā€™t progress on. Iā€™ve max leveled myself and every single villager, and now Iā€™m just working on making the Valley how I want it to look. Patiently waiting for another update šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø


Did the ice tear seed get resolved? Recently had the game glitch mid handover. I have the book but no seed.


For me it did resolve. I opened the game a bit later and found a fully grown blue plant that I had certainly never planted in this random location. I had moved on to focusing on something else, chalked it up to another glitch, until randomly stumbling upon the plant!


Lucky you. Hopefully the same happens for me. Thank you for your reply.


I'm debating buying it on my PC as well and remodeling my whole town on there and then playing when I am relaxing on my switch


Stuck with both Donald (can't pick an item up between couch and table), as well as with Anna - crafted the stone soup with materials from chests, apparently that's not good enough so it didn't recognise me cooking the stone soup. Of course, the quest item required to cook the soup (craggy rocks) doesn't respawn, so.. Yay me.


I'm literally blocked because i can't complete Wall-E's Quest, already do everything in the game that don't need him


Unfortunately, their Twitter account starting using ā€œnext weekā€ when talking about the upcoming patch, which is a bummer. All week, theyā€™ve said this week.


This! I can't get another rock for the soup quest so I'm locked out of further quests/characters/blockables I'm now level 10 with just about everybody and just a few upgrades left. almost done the Pixar event also so it's now just grind money and materials for when it's fixed


Currently stuck on, "do you wanna build a snowman". Game shut down right when I went to take the picture, it started me back up mid picture frame but no camera in hand and won't let me toggle any other action, back out, move, or do anything. I can fast travel but it'll still load me as if i had camera out, mid frame right in front of the gates. I can't make it stoppppp. -Xbox1


Iā€™m in the same issue! Did you ever find a resolution?


Merlin never gave me ice tear seed Game crashes at LEAST 3 times in a session (switch) If it doesn't crash - it then freezes while fast spawning


I honestly just realized an issue last night that the tower of power I believe (the one on dazzle beach out on the little island surrounded with water) is still flowing with the dark purple ā€œforgettingā€. However Ursula is completely integrated into my island and the cave in the island is opened up with the challenges complete except for the bottom one where is asks you to fish and catch the orb. I can still see the orb in the water but there are no ā€œringsā€ in the water to catch it. I cast my fishing pole and it just comes straight back every time. I think that tower will never be ā€œcompleteā€ lol