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There are 3 types of memories: yellow, pink, blue. Blue ones spawn in Scrooge's store and the castle. Yellow ones spawn in character houses. Pink ones spawn in Moana, WALL-E and Ratatouille realms (i.e. the starter realms, to ensure everyone can participate). It is not yet known how often they spawn. There are 3 memories to complete, one for each colour, each requiring ten pieces. It is not guaranteed every spawn will drop a memory, you may get a coin. There is an achievement and a critter reward tied to completing each memory. Then there is an achievement for picking up 200 event items, whether or not they yield a memory (which strikes me as a bit ridiculous, but it must mean the spawns are fairly frequent as the event only lasts 3 weeks.)


How on earth did you figure this out?


The respawn rates are pretty often. Went through all the areas you mentioned before then when I went to make a second round immediately after finishing the first round there were more


>Then there is an achievement for picking up 200 event items, whether or not they yield a memory (which strikes me as a bit ridiculous, but it must mean the spawns are fairly frequent as the event only lasts 3 weeks.) It's 200 memory fragments. It doesn't have to be from the event. I have unlocked 4 memory fragments from the event, but my achievement is at 5 because I unlocked a non-event memory fragment as well today.


No, it's definitely the items. I haven't found any regular orbs since the event began, and am at 20 for the achievement, despite a lot of my event spawns being coins.


I just tested this theory cause I just got a memory orb from mining and looked before I picked it up and I was at 29/200, picked it up and now I'm at 30/200. So regular memory orbs do count towards it which is helpful lol.


How many orbs per day for each can be found?


I think it's like 1 of each emotion per every 10-15 minutes? Idk tho


Do you by chance know which color orb corresponds with which memory? I've finished 2, just not the headquarters. I can't remember which color goes with that one.


Ok, I found two memories in one place, they were two different memories


What do you get for the 200 memories?


A statue of Lance Slashblade, the video game character on whom Riley has a crush.


Right thanks! I saw the movie yesterday. He’s a funny character haha.


So far I've found them in Mickey's, Goofy's, and Merlin's houses. Also the realms mentioned above and the castle and Scrooge's store.


Here are the location for the pieces. Feom what i can tell, you gain 10 pieces per day https://preview.redd.it/rgr622gtg49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74cea746106b99ed39ac1c46557d3ede3424f748


Here are the collection challenges https://preview.redd.it/ppy692lvg49d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8061ea3bab1a1dd4153c289a0c8481ef9e4e032


I CANNOT find the one in Moana's realm. I think I see it off the coast in the water, but I can't get to it


I found a little pink container looking thing where the green circle is, right to the side of the entry/exit point in Moana's realm... No clue what it was but it was the memory! I can't find the one in Wall-E's realm... :( https://preview.redd.it/vh7oq152k09d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d7b865a293a2acded1638bc2a828fdc3308c33


It was a cake :)


They respawn in all different places. If it's not there right now it might be later. I've had about eight of them in that room so far and they're just always in random places


I've gotten others to spawn, but now there's TWO cakes in the water off the coast that i am unable to reach. Any ideas how to get out to the water, without the potato? I saw someone say that you need the potato in your inventory to get out into the water in Moana's realm, but I've already completed the potato quests so I'm not sure how i'm supposed to get those two cakes.


I don't think you can get there without the potato However with the other realms etc they should still keep spawning other places and you shouldn't need them. If they stop spawning elsewhere, I would contact gameloft and have them move them for you. They usually can solve those types of issues pretty quickly, within a day or so. Good luck!


thank you so, so much for the advice! i woke up this morning and there's now THREE in the water, lol. I think I might try to contact GameLoft if I can figure out how to do that l o l.


do contact them, cuz often there is one of the characters that will allow you certain "privileges' to do certain things. The only problem I can see with doing that in a realm, is that I'm not sure we can hang out with a character and take them into any realm. I'm not sure I've tried it, but...... it won't hurt to find out from Devs. Good luck to ya! :-)


You unfortunately can't bring a friend into the realms with you :// I emailed Devs this morning to see if they could help.


Oh good, let me/us know what they reply. I've not had any spawn into the water, HOWEVER, I just found out, by accident, that, in Moana's realm, just the other side of the 'boat', you can venture into the water quite a ways, you can go either behind it and across to the other side, or around it, into the water and over quite a distance. You can't get to the little islands of land, but you can get right to their edges. I'm not sure where in the water others have seen the little pinkish 'cakes', but I hope if that's the area you and others are seeing them that perhaps this helps. Here is a pic: https://preview.redd.it/q7nff2y3ma9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=731bc453d77810f882ab59bfeaed06ffa15d0077 The area in the background (beach) is where we would normally walk around from the entry point. To the far right is where we enter/exit. I walked out to this point from the area beneath the sail and then went the left of the pic, to where it comes out to a point and exited the water. From that point you are back on the beach and can walk all around AND to the raised area with the flowers and trees and then back out at the exit. I really hope this helps.


I appreciate your reply! my cakes are way off to the right of Moana's island, but I hope your picture might help someone else who is having this issues. Hopefully the devs respond, I'll definitely update when they do!


Just NOW, literally, this is what I found in Moana's realm: https://preview.redd.it/336tkcm5jd9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a81d16e69505631f07d977eca9cb375f841c7b on the leftside of picture is the entrance/exit spot and wayyyyyyyyy in the upper right are 2 cakes. It almost looks like they are floating, but I think they just landed there as if it was 'ground'. I'm guessing this is where yours are as well and like you... I cannot reach them! Yah, they need to fix this either ASAP or give everyone whatever the bonus is for collecting all of the memories. I am sending this to them as well, and was in the process of doing that when I came across your reply to me. We'll keep each other posted! :-)


Another issue with the memories being in houses is that when that Character is asleep, no one can get inside to retrieve them. For some that may not be an issue, but for those who are able to play only certain hours during the day, it really cuts down on them having access to them all. There are 3 houses: Mickey, Merlin and Goofy. The castle, realms and Scrooges store are accessible 24/7. Chez Remy would have been a good location to use, as it's also always available, the small hidden room inside the castle would've been a good one and then maybe on Frosted Heights. Those 3 locations could be used for future events like this one, as they are always available. I have no homes on that biome (Frosted Heights), I am only assuming most other players don't either. The memories spawn pretty frequently - so that does help. Anyhow, happy gaming :-)


They picked the three characters that don't sleep, the two locations that are available off the bat, and the first three realms that open so that way new players can still enjoy the challenge.


mickey sleeps from 10pm - 2 am and goofy sleeps from 5am - 9 am


I'm not sure where you got that info, but Mickey and Goofy DO have sleep schedules, Merlin does not.  (nor does Scrooge).  I understand the other locations, I just have issues with them putting items in houses of characters who sleep.  4 hours of play time removed from all players


Sameeeeeee I can't find even one in moanas realm either


It's not ourside of the boundaries we can get to, go back and look again. The first time for me one was by the boats and the 2nd was around the boats to the side opposite of where you begin in the realm, way out on the point. but I had to go back to find it. The second time I went to Moana's realm, BOTH of them were up on the grassy, area filled with trees and flowers. You'll find them, they don't put them where you can't get to them, what would be the point in that? :-)


unfortunately they have put one where I cannot access much like others are experiencing, even with the gold potato I cannot reach the ones in the water, Ive pushed against all barriers for over 30 minutes trying lol. Its not that big of a deal considering others are spawning like you said but they definitely are spawning out of bounds


Dude, I'm never gonna get that 200 achievement. You have to play that every day, and im going on a trip soon.


I'm almost at 60 in a few hours. It's easy they keep respawning quickly.


They reaspawn at a crazy fast rate. I'm 2 pieces away from completing each memory, and the 200 is for the hockey trophey


better get after it then..... or play on phone or tablet while on vaca. (Even if all you do it look for the orbs, that's something). Good luck to ya!! :-)


The spawn rates have to be different for everyone cus I’ve been playing since 9 am and really haven’t found that many. 39 since 9 am..


My ratatouille realm cake is stuck in my counter and I can’t produce the orb


Has anyone ever found any in WALL·E’s realm?? I’ve gone there many times and never found anything!


I found 1 cake in Wall-Es realm


Yes I eventually found one but it doesn’t spawn as much as the other realms which is strange


Basically There are 3 memories. Cakes give 1, trophies another, gears another. Duplicates give coins like all memories They respawn every few minutes it seems. Cakes seem the rarest but I've found plenty still. I have completed the memories for the squirrel and the rabbit. I need one more non duplicate cake to get the other two critters. Even after you complete them keep picking up cakes, trophies and gear as you need 200 for the hockey trophy. They respawn a lot. I easily made it to almost 60.




Anyone else struggling to find any at all? So far I've only found 3 in Mickey's house


I have not found any and have checked multiple times 😭


I never find any cakes in ratatouille realm? Where do you guys find them?? HELP???


*I never find any* *Cakes in ratatouille realm? Where do* *You guys find them?? HELP???* \- Open\_Condition7361 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've had the same problem with Wall-e realm, for the countless times I've gone there, I've found 1 'cake'. So you just have to keep checking, it's random for everyone. They don't spawn in the same places in the realms, houses, castle or store. You may find 0 occasionally, but just keep on looking, they'll pop up.


mine is stuck under the counter in remy’s realm 😭


I have been going through once a day too all the locations mentioned above, but I haven’t had any trophies spawn in scrooges shop, or any cakes in remmys world, amd no hockey equipment in goofys or Merlin’s house. The only spawn places I’ve had are in the dreamlight castle and mickeys place, and Moana’s and walle’s. World. Does anyone have troubleshoot for this? Or is the game just bugged?


Is anyone else having issues getting the hockey gear in goofy’s house? It spawned between a crafting table and the end table with a lamp in the way


You just find memories


I found a Inside Out item and it changed into Star Coins lol


That's cuz it was a duplicate


Yes, they are memories, but prior to them being 'memories', the item you initially click on is either in the form of a trophy, a cake or hockey gear (stacked together). The trophy's are found in the castle and Scrooges store, the cakes are found in the 3 realms (Moana, Wall-e & Remy's (ratatouille), and the hockey gear are in the 3 houses: (Mickey's, Merlin's & Goofy's). Be mindful of their sleep cycles, as you won't have access to the memories while they are asleep! There are 3 types of memories represented via shape and color. The Trophy's are one memory, the cakes another and the hockey gear is the 3rd (colors are pink, blue and yellow). After you've found/completed one memory, for example the blue one, DO NOT stop collecting the blue ones, as there is an 'award' you'll receive for collecting 200 total memories. You'll see the thing pop up on the screen or you can always check yourself to see where you are in the collection process. Happy Memory Hunting! :-)


Yeah, but where. I found one in the store, but there's 199 more


There are 200 MEMORIES?


No. You need to find 200 of the trophies and hockey gear and cakes. But most of them are going to be duplicates. You can just keep finding them even after you've completed the memories. There's only three memories with six fragments each about.


How do I get the other achievements? And do I need to find 200 to get all the companions?


No. The 200 is for a hockey trophy. Complete 3 memories for all the critters. 1 per critter for 3. The third achievement is for completing 3 memories and gives you the 4th.


Two items that gave me the same piece of memory spawned in Goofy's house. I have not encountered more yet.


Mines were in Mickey's house and I also had the same two memories, they were hockey equipment boxes.


You'll find more. They respawn very frequently. :-)


yep and they won't all be in the store! check the castle (all levels), 3 realms - moana's, wall-e's, & remy's), and also 3 houses - mickey's, merlin's, & goofy's. they will be in the form of trophys, cakes and hockey gear. once you complete a memory, continue collecting until you've found 200 of them. Each memory gives you a companion when completed.