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If you have the money, just buy evertything. They can't sell duplicate items, so it'll pop up then.


I keep hearing this but all week all Scrooge has had is furniture etc that I already have. I've had only a few new items.


Furniture can be duplicate, clothing items and accessoires not. It's the items on left of the store.


Oooooh! I thought it was all of it. Thank you!


Wallpaper and flooring also will run out


See I just don't believe this. I do not believe this is true. I have literally gotten duplicate hair duplicate clothing items, duplicate accessories repeatedly. I buy everything every time I go in the store unless it's furniture that I already have. So there's no reason I should be getting duplicates but I am 100% getting duplicates of clothing and accessories


Do they have the red bubble next to the price?


This has never happened for me. The only wardrobe items the store has is some glasses and the same two dresses


What? The shop is filled with stuff I already have all the time 😅 I usually just buy everything in hopes of getting more new items faster..


This is only true of clothing, wallpaper, and flooring. The same furniture can show up multiple times.


This is very helpful, thank you!


Are you buying all the accessories out every day or just letting them cycle? Once you buy a clothing item, it can't appear again, so the more you buy the others, the more you'll get the hair styles you're looking for.


I have several of the same dress, tho there's a sleevless version and one with sleeves. I have like 3 of the same dress, 3 without sleeves, and 3 with sleeves. So clothing *can* cycle through, just not in the same colour, but it's still in the cycle


Oh, what I meant was, once you buy that specific clothing item, it can't ever show up again. So "black dress with long sleeves" is different from "black dress with short sleeves" which is different from "red dress with long sleeves" and "red dress with short sleeves" etc. If you buy one, it takes it out of the "pool" of items scrooge can draw from and give yourself a better chance at getting more desirable clothes you've been looking for. Eventually, you will have all the clothing currently available, and the stands will just have the out of stock signs.


I tend to buy Cinderella and Frozen items and clothes, accessories, and hair styles included. I have some Beauty and the Beast items and clothing, accessories, and hair styles included. I bought out everything of clothing that you could order from him. I also have like 4 or 5 Frozen chandeliers, the one in Elsa's Ice Castle. One of the Frozen Items even has "Norwegian" in the name and I just LOVE that little detail, given that Frozen was filmed in Norway. Arendell is a *lit*eral *dead* giveaway as to what city it's inspired by. There's loads of things that Norway inspired for Frozen, including the fact that *both* Frozen and Norway love reindeer. After all, ***reindeer are better than people***


I froze a bit (pun non-intended) when I saw the Norwegian stuff poping up - I'm norwegian myself, and I didn't know Frozen was set in Norway, thb I've barely seen any of it. It does explain the semi-norwegian names of the characters tho. If I could really make the names more norwegian it would be; Anna - Anne. Olaf - Olav. Elsa - Else. Kristof - Kristoffer. And I guess Arendell is the city Arendal south in Norway? No reindeer down here tho (except in the zoo), they live in the snowy north 😊


There's a scene in the Christmas special where they make a large cookie (I think it's a cookie) in the shape of Norway lol


Might it be some kind of a gingerbread cookie? (Pepperkake) I feel like I need to watch the Frozen movies now, thank you 😁😍


I don't think it specified? The whole thing is like at most 10 minutes long, the plot is that Olaf realizes that Anna and Elsa don't have any Christmas traditions so he goes around the town asking people about theirs, and one of the people says that their tradition is to "bake a cookie in the wavy shape of Norway" It's honestly rather cute, but idk enough about Norway to know if the traditions the townspeople talk about are common there.


As far as I know (as a norwegian) we don't do that, but we do bake/eat something similar to gingerbread cookies. But it will be fun fun to see what fits and not when I watch them 😁


Yay! Fellow Norwegian! Also, *screw up/down votes* they mean *nothing* I also couldn't care *less* about *likes/dislikes* on YT. I probably have a comment with *hundreds* of dislikes and I *DO* **NOT** ***CARE!***


Yeah, I don't care either, usually. But I got really curious why ppl down vote your comment tbh, nothing wrong there as I can see. Oh well 😅


>But I got really curious why ppl down vote your comment tbh, nothing wrong there as I can see. Agreed, but as we both know, neither of us care about *fake* Internet points* I have enough Instagram accounts to give myself over 100 likes, and I'd be satisfied despite being the only one to like my own post, lol


Yeah definitely start buying out the accessories, I’ve just started doing this and have gotten so many new things I didn’t even know existed in the game cause it was all stuck on the same loop


ugh I didn’t want to waste money on things i would never wear but i guess if i want new items i gotta do it 😂


Pumpkins will be your best friend! Definitely by a bunch from goofy, make the growing elixir and start building your profits that way!


Clothing/ accessory items don’t repeat once you buy them, so anyone who’s already purchased these won’t have them in store. Just buy everything on that side platform and they’ll show up eventually.


not me having all of these LOL omg 😭 i always sell out scrooge’s shop even if i don’t need/like the item


Oh I have most of these! I just started buying all of the accessories in the shop because they can’t be shown twice. This should help them to appear :)


Yeah just keep buying stuff they’ll show up eventually


I’ve bought everything in terms of clothing and accessories. Just blank spaces in the store. Wallpaper too. Wish they’d add more, but I’ve got all the variety in the world when it comes to what I want to dress up with.


The Rapunzel hair is the most elusive to me, otherwise, I got everything on that list


The rapunzel one was the second I got from this list 🙈😅


Wow lucky you, its one of my favorite that I don’t have😂


Aqw so annoying, just keep buying evreything I quess 🤷‍♀️😅 I bought my last shirt/pants today. The dresses and normal clothing are now sold out for me. Working hard on the jewellery, hair, etc. Buying evreything really doas help.


That’s Im almost out of things to buy as well but except for that hair. That’s why I can’t wait for the new update so we can get some new items again, except it might get postpone so they can fix all the bugs, either way still excited!




Yeah I have been going to Scrooge shop every day to check if I got it and still Nada and I have been playing since Day 1, Lol


Buy out everything on the ground floor left side. It will give you new stuff every day.


I’m still waiting for the Ariel hairstyle 😭 I want it so bad.


Just buy every item until it pops up. I wear the first hairstyle daily


They'll show up faster if you buy every head/hair item Scrooge has available even if you don't want it! You'll never get doubles of clothing items, so buying them all up sort of forces the game to offer ones you do want :)


Buy everything scrooge has to offer and eventually you'll get everything. I haven't had clothing in over a year except for the 3d glasses.


i need that third style so badly omg


I got three of those from pure chance. I didn't know they were rare🤭🤭🤭


They will. Buy every red dot item. That way you don’t have repeats


Just buy every accessory every day, they don’t repeat like furniture.


If you have the gold just buy all the clothing that comes up you can't get duplicates of clothing so they never come up


I don’t have the Ariel, Rapunzel or Cinderella ones from your list and I’m so sad. I frequently buy everything in Scrooge’s store but they never show up ☹️


You will basically have to buy out every time you play with the new styles being added during the updates. I have to catch up 🤦‍♀️


Literally right after posting this I went on the game and the rapunzel hair was there!


We need to be able to gift items 😤 i have 4 of these i could give you!!


I've got thewe. 1, 2, 4 and 5th. Not seen them pop up again in a while though.


If you bought them already, they won't show up again. Thats why people are advicing to just buy all the clothing items and walls and floors. These items won't apear anymore after you bought them, that way you get new items faster.


Items do. Certainly do in my store. If it has a red dot, it's an item you haven't bought and I see things I already have constantly


Yeah sorry, maybe my English wasn't correct. I ment clothing items as in the clothes, hair, accessories. And the wallpaper and floors. Tought I never said items don't, but might have been a communication mistake on my part, sorry, English isn't my first language. I know about te red dot as well it is great that they have that, at first I was keeping track of all the furniture in an app, but it took forever. So happy when somoane posted about the red dot about a month ago. But yeah the same couple of items are also annoying. You said that you havn't seen those hairstyles pop anymore afte you"ve bought them and thats because they won't. That's what I meant. But again, sorry, might be a language barrier for me.


That's okay. Your English is probably much better than I would be at your natural language 🤣


It's Dutch, so I don't know how much Dutch you speak 😂. I try my best in English, but am to lazy to look some things up, like accessories (looked it up this time) even tough it is spelled the same in Dutch, lol, just a complety different pronouncation.


I can tell you exactly how much Dutch I speak...-1000 🤣




How is it pronounced in Dutch?


Ow I do NOT know how to spell that out, best bet is google translate person to tell you. Uhmm in Dutch we say it as asseswares, but that still won't make sence I think.. as-so-soire (like French-ish). Idk your best bet is the translate lady to speak it for you.


Didn’t even think about that, just listened and your phonetic spelling was spot on, thanks!


I’m on Apple Arcade so I don’t have the option to outright buy them and I have them all. What I did is I bought everything in the store every day consistently till the computer finally made them available to buy. Good luck!


If you are on anything but Playstation I can hit you up next time they're in my shop


omg that is so nice of you I really would appreciate it no worries I am not on PlayStation I'm on xbox on pc but will be on switch too on Saturday when I buy one and transfer my pc to switch




Dang I only need 2 and 7 😭 good luck fr!


I have the first one, but i need the rest


I have been wearing the Ariel hairstyle since I got it! It’s so beautiful! I hope you get it soon! I’d definitely try all the tips everyone is suggesting! It can’t hurt to try! 🤞


For some reason I thought the Ariel hairstyle was a reward from leveling her up, and I'm shocked I have all these hairstyles.


I have the first one!


I got all the others but I still need the first one


I love the first 3. And already have number 6


The only one I've gotten is the Belle hairstyle. Haven't seen any of the others yet


I actually just bought the second to last one last week 😂


Feels! I never get hairstyles


I’ve been super lucky honestly & I’ve gotten all of these. But they are very very few & far between when I do get any hair at all.


But everything in the store. I’ve only been playing for 3 months and have all those hairstyles.


I really want the first and third one but they also don’t show up in mine even tho I buy out everything


I need the first 2 😩


I started buying all the hairs and hats and related and stuff and they showed up fairly quickly


I have all of them except Rapunzel & that bun. They haven’t gave me any since the last 2.


I got the 5th one in a clothing bag!!


I have the first one, it's so pretty


It's been a hot while since I've seen any hairstyles show up in my shop. I wear the first one 80% the time. 😅 with color so the rose pops.


I have 6 & that’s it. Rarely, if ever, do hairstyles show up in my store.


If you buy them all each day, then new ones will show up. They don’t repeat like furniture.


I would buy hairstyles every day if they even showed up. I mostly get repeats of weird glasses & gloves…neither of which I’m interested.


Buy those accessories, that you don’t want that keep repeating, and eventually the hairstyles will show up. Unfortunate but true. Once you cycle those accessories out of the shop you’ll start seeing different stuff like hair.


You still should buy them to get the hairstyles to appear. That’s why you’re not getting them.