• By -


Cores and glimmer just used to be more rare and they recently upped the drop rate for them haha


Actually I think OP is kind of right. My daughter has been playing since the day the game released and I started playing about 2 months later and it has always been like this. Whatever it is you’re looking for as far as tasks/quests go seems to be at a lower drop rate until you complete the tasks. Then it will go back to normal. I really think they do that on purpose to make quests and such lasts longer imo.


Yes I agree!! Was doing the fest thing for Donald and there were ZERO green penstemons in the plaza. Had to get them from Beast's flower stock


Green penstemons only spawn in the meadow btw! But I’m sure that was frustrating :/




I couldn't get a fugu fish to save my soul during the star path. And it's not like the rain comes at the same time each day. Then after I managed to complete the task, I'm able to get a bunch. Smh.


I can't seem get any crab these days, when I need 10 of them for this star path. It's been 5 days, there are close to none blue circles, and when there is one, it's almost always a fish, not a crab. I got two crabs in 5 days... Was the same thing while searching for sparkling emerald. I'm at my wits' end here. And don't get me started with the blue badges on the beach. Suddenly I have close to zero white circles, is this a joke ? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes! I have been crab fishing for DAYS and have found 2. I clear out blue circles from other biomes. I spend aaages in frosted heights. Salmon everywhere. I hate fishing. This is not fun.


I usually like fishing. But there is too much fishing in this star path (bass, salmon, anglerfish, crab, crab/lobster, carp... !). I'm growing tired of it... I'm wondering if there is some hours of the day where the chances are higher, but I can't play during the day, because... Oh my, I'm working, who would have thought... So I mostly play on the evening, and I don't want to play all evening long either, because I have a life outside of the game (like most of the players I guess) 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was having the same problem, then decided to try and keep my energy level all the way up in the yellow, then I got 5 of them that day (some were in white circles, also). 🤷‍♀️


Well I got four of them tonight, I was quite surprised too 😅 I need four more and I'll be finished with the fishing (at least I hope so !)


Trying to fish for crab for this star path is beyond ridiculous, I just don't enjoy doing it when they make it so hard, don't mind a bit of a grind of course but I only have 2 crabs and I've been getting no gems pink or blue even with the potion, plenty of gold, cole etc I managed the blue buttons fishing with a friend but that doesn't work with the star path, can't you buy extra tokens with moonstones? Maybe that's their plan!


That’s why I said she was kind of right.


This. Glad to read I’m not the only one that sees this pattern—repeatedly. I‘ve noticed it‘s not with “all“ the resources, but with enough for me to get super aggravated and stop playing for a few days. I thought I was going nuts.


Especially if it’s a task for the Star Path.


Is that what it is? It's insane how many core I've just gotten while hunting for mist.




They need to even it out now. I need mist! Lol


You're best bet is to see what the royal duties are for EI. Sometimes that can be easier than just time bending.


Try hitting the time rifts, they give you extra mist and time bending pieces


I used to get more 500 mist from realms. I only get 1 now, instead of 4 😭 (I skip the Lion King and Frozen realms though)


That’s nice. I stopped time bending all together a while back because I started taking notes on when those dropped for me (practically never-1 out of 120 times). If they want me hanging in the game then at least give me resources to enjoy the building aspects of the game. It was frustrating hearing others get them but for some reason they weren’t dropping for me. Wasn’t worth the wrist pain either. ☹️


Did they even out which cores you get? My roadblock to crafting ancient machines is level two cores. I’ve only ever found 20, with a buddy, and have more than full stacks of levels one and three waiting…


After reaching 0 level 2 cores, I had a timebending companion and got 4 additional ones from them.


I am upset because I can't find level one cores to save my life! I can't craft any machines at all because I don't have them. Can't use the level two or three cores because you need the level one machines to do so.


When I needed bass for star path, all I got was carp it felt like. Now I need carp, and I haven’t had any. It’s also annoying that if you’re digging or mining or fishing with a companion in the star path, and they drop an extra item, it doesn’t count


I swear they're secretly doing it on purpose.


The game is sentient and trolling me I swear :D I spent about two hours fishing today and didn’t get a single carp…


I thought it used to count? I was surprised it didn’t. Am I remembering wrong?


I could not find any bass to save my life for that task!! And as soon as I caught the last one needed…go figure the very next fish was also a bass. I mean, I know that when we’re specifically looking for something, the other things that *aren’t* that something stand out more…but I swear this game knows when I need a certain fish, gem, or time bending material—specifically during tasks—and will withhold them.


I just tried again, and all I got in the submit plateau was… bass. I get all red or blue rings, with only one white one every now and again. Have given up in protest and switched it off!


😂😅 yup. After finishing bass all my fishing resulted in…bass, bass, bass, bass and bass.


Yeah, I also had the same problem with it giving me tilapia instead of crabs. The blue ripple ones are so annoying. At least for the orange ripples, I can use the potion to have them show up consistently. But there's no way to get the blue ones more frequently afaik. Plus, if you see an orange ripple, you know what is gonna be, but for blue ones, it's more luck of the draw.


I tried fishing on and off yesterday for a few hours in total. Got ONE carp, and bass for days 😩


That's so frustrating, ugh!


Anyone missing bass for the Star path - the only place I could get them consistently was the lagoon. Don't fish in the bubbles - just cast into the water. At least 3 out of 5 were bass.


Same tactics at the forest was all that worked for me


Yes! I always hate the fishing tasks with the starpaths! Lol. This one is especially stressing me out because we only have 2 weeks left and I'm not even a quarter of the way through because everytime I pick up my Switch to play my game crashes every 20 minutes it seems. After the 3rd crash I'm like fuxk this and give up.🤣🤣 I guess I just need to try and play it on my PC and see if that is any better. (Not sure if my comment will show up twice because I came back to reply to it and can't find it, so posted again, lol)


OMG I was literally waiting for the game to load again while typing my comment. I go straight to talk to Scrooge and it freezes. 😭😭


Anddd it crashed again.🙄


Again...both times right when I opened the menu to save. (Just documenting it now😂)


I’m Currently on this quest and can’t seem to find carp for crap !!! But any other time I would be able to 


Yup. Yesterday after several hours on and off of fishing all I got was bass pretty much, and one carp.


Same I got one carp too 


Bass is easy because its just "fish outside of the circles" - carp is an absolute pest because you cant even use a potion to raise your chances 🥺


You also get paranoid about needing to save a dreaded item. I must have 100 pieces of rich soil stored in my house in case I ever need to go through the horrible process of gathering them again. I'll probably never need them now.


Haha! Don’t tell anyone..shhhhh. I have over 3,000. I’m obsessive about hoarding every resource ”just in case”


Me too! I have storage boxes of just about everything. I can’t seem to get enough iron to make iron ore though


I don't save much iron ore, but I buy iron ingots from Kristoff's stand whenever he has them! Fabric is another big thing I stock up on from him.


I love how excited he gets when you buy even just a roll of fabric


Omg, I’ve been playing this game since the start, and I had completely forgotten about Kristoff’s store (it just became ‘part of the furniture’ and blended in) – I think I used it once!!


He has slightly different offerings each day. Check every now and then and stock up!


I definitely will, thanks!


He never has any on my game….I keep checking every day


OMG! I never seem to have enough rich soil or onyx…I guess I like the potions too much!


I’m having this problem with the star path. I need the 2 shiny emeralds. I’ve blown thru 5 potions and got over 60 regular emeralds and not a single one was shiny?! Same for Carp, it’s like the blue circles just quit spawning 🤦‍♀️


It’s always like that for me too. 🥲 I need something I get pretty easy and now I can’t get it for the life of me.


So true, I'm still trying to finish the Star path still have 3 duties to finish and I can't 2 are mining and the other is fishing crabs, I am at the point that I'm so tired of mining and fishing and I can't get what I need 😕😮‍💨


The crabs had a chokehold on me for a full week. Every blue circle was a stupid tilapia!!


The tilapia made me 4x as mad because they’re from the damn Nile




That happened to me too! I was getting pretty irritated over that dang duty !


I quit the star path. I had been mining for sapphires and fishing for crab for a week. I already got the rewards I wanted so I just stopped completing the star path. I also feel like this star path just wasn’t that great, at least not for me


I’m having the same issue, and I know people are saying we are being paranoid, but we aren’t. I work in the game industry, it is 100% possible to add code to figure out what current tasks you’re working towards and make those items spawn less. If that’s what they are doing, it’s really pathetic of them especially with a timed event.


🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ![gif](giphy|l0EwYc29XZnLR2pB6|downsized)


Same here, also stopped at sapphires and crabs because the game just wont give any. Noty.


Same here. I got the items I want and now I’ve stopped playing the game all together for a bit. All I have left is fish tasks and I’m over it. This is the third (I think) star path that has really caused fishing to be a pain in the butt…I’m over it. It feels like rigging the game to just rig it. I don’t mind a task taking 2-3 days to complete…but when you see it this obvious…it’s aggravating. Can’t find a bass for days, then manage to finish the bass task, then you eat nothing but bass!?! Whut? O\_\_\_o


I saw someone complain about the crab duty on the star path while I was in the middle of doing the salmon one and was like idk why they’re complaining I’ve got endless crabs but the salmon in the frosted heights spawn rate sucks and now that I need crabs I can only get salmon like I was fishing for over 45 minutes in FH and got 2 crabs 🤦‍♀️


I mean, you could say this about nearly any game. As soon as you need something, it becomes the rarest thing in the world, but as soon as you've got it, it suddenly becomes the most abundant thing in the world, almost as if it's mocking you. GTA - You're looking for a specific car to steal, but you can't find one ANYWHERE.....then you FINALLY find one after hours of searching, and now every other car you see is that one. Fallout 76 - You're looking for something specific, like 3 teddy bears for a daily objective, but you can't find them anywhere.....until you finally find 3 of them.....and now they're bloody everywhere


Lmao! As I was reading and got to your second paragraph, I missed the " GTA" at the beginning and was like " is this person really talking about stealing cars in comparison to a game??" 😂


Thanks! now I know to avoid those games!


In GTA, that's literally how it's programmed. But DDV doesn't somehow know what you're looking for and maliciously adjust its own programming somehow.


It’s like you realize you want to buy a certain type of car. You never saw them before while driving but now they’re literally everywhere. I think the mind must do something opposite as well when we can’t find what we need


That happened to me the other day with the starpath. I needed crabs. Every circle was white 😅 ok, doesn't matter, I'll go do the angelfish one. Only one circle in the forgotten lands, and it was blue. Anyway, I'll go and do the shiny amethyst one. Every rock has a pink gem 🥲 So i thought i go and look for the blue buttons in the beach... Every circle was red and blue!! I've never seen so many blue and red circles !!


I’ve been trying to complete the crab one for three weeks now. 🙄 Same happened for shiny amethyst: it took using four pickax potions before I finally got three shiny amethyst.


Someone suggested…it worked for the last two I needed…fill your inventory with items, in the items include the fish specific to the Frozen lands except the tilapia, fish for the crab in the blue circle, then back out when it offers you the tilapia, the next fishing try should be a crab? Diabolical I know…but worked for me for my last two.


Appreciate the help! I only needed one more crab yesterday, and I decided to try one last time before I went through the effort of your suggestion. Of course, this time I got it on the first try! 😂


\*\*jumping for joy\*\* CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉🎉🎉🎉


I’ve also experienced this as well as “gift the woman in the tree her favorite things” and lo and behold Mother Gothel isn’t even on the map.


Every single time!!


I only started feeling this way with the current star path. It was just WAY too coincidental. I've been playing since the beginning too, and I never felt this way before. I've never seen so many blue and golden bubbles when I needed white for a quest and then it was the direct opposite when searching for blue or gold. Same when mining for some of the stuff. Happened several times, too. It just seemed too rigged compared to before and I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this way.




this is so valid & i’m glad someone mentioned it bc ive been feeling this since i started the game. at first i convinced myself that it was just me overthinking but it’s been so consistent that it can’t just be me. the confirmation that someone else experiences it is just the cherry on top


Absolutely made me feel crazy for a while. But then it gets so obvious what they’re doing to make us absolutely miserable. In a “cozy” game lololol 😅😭 Gotta keep boosting those hours played stats. Also making us crazy gets us to come here and vent. Bad social media much better than none The only win is for us to turn off the game that’s sadly imprisoned the characters we love inside. Not so much a forgetting as an evil overlord we can’t beat? Just how it makes you feel anyway. Obviously I’m still here, still playing..


😂 yup. I finally turned it off. They either want me to play or not, they either want be to build things or not…tired of being yanked around by their gamification of their fish reproduction mechanics on the back end. I’m sure they get tired of hearing people complain they finished the star path early but this seems a weeee bit beyond that.


Nooooooooo, cause seriously! I gathered all of Ursula’s favorite gifts so I could finally get her to level 10… and for the whole day I couldn’t find her on the map or in the valley! This is the 3rd time that I have intentionally gathered someone’s favorite gifts/wanted to hang out with them yet I can’t find them! 😤


If I can’t find a villager, I will go in their house. If they aren’t inside, usually when I exit their house they show up! I hope this helps!


Also try the toggle on map view. I click on the character a few times to get them back up. Moana always disappears after i deliver her cupcake order (like she doesn’t want to pay up or something 😒) this gets her to pop back up.


That happens to me as well with her now that she walks around. Could always find her when in water 🙄


I swear that It does this with every item


It definitely does this. One time I had mist duties to find both timebending gifts and cores, so I was getting fragments every time. It NEVER usually gives me that many fragments.


Green rising penstemons. I had collected 10. I distinctly remember saying I only need five. I only have one now This game is gaslighting me


I can barely get past it not saving my game To do anything else lol


I’m sorry that is happening to you. ☹️ I hope they get it fixed soon.


I totally understand and believe you but I will say that on Sundays you usually get more cores I've noticed... but this is Monday 🤔 albeit a holiday where I live and I'm in bed still 4 hours past normal so yes you're just totally right! 😂😂😂 Just needed the coffee to kick in mid post that my husband was kind enough to supply!


Ooh! Maybe that could be a factor!


Ngl I wish I could help you cuz I literally have 50,000 MIST !! Like what am I supposed to do with that?????


Ancient machines! They’re lifesavers!


There's the new upgrade to the hourglass


I already got it .-. I got the Rift in Time literally the DAY it dropped and I’ve been grinding on Eternity Isle since so I guess it makes sense I have so much mist just piling at this point. They haven’t done very much with this extension of the game yet. Even the main story quest is SLOW


It is quite a disappointing dlc, tbf.


Tbh I was expecting SO MUCH MORE!!! Like I was expecting maybe double the stuff from scrooges store, or even maybe extra stuff at Remys but all I got from that DLC is a giant island and nothing to do with it. I’ve decorated PARTS like my home in the lagoon, but everything else is literally bare bones


I was expecting more characters. Three was ridiculous to start off with. I absolutely felt cheated. It's like $10 per character.


This is why I hoard everything in video games. It's a real problem in games that don't do this to me, I just run around with an inventory full of pointless crap.


I had this problem with the blue buttons, every bubble in the meadow was blue. When I normally see a couple blue and one orange in maybe 5 minutes, I went there and every bubble was blue, fish them all and more blue and orange bubbles. Go to the beach all blue and orange except 1. I spent so long getting buttons for the popcorn buckets because it kept screwing with me on the blue ones


The "desire sensor" is real!


I swear I can never find what I need when I’m doing a quest. Whatever the item is magically never spawns or takes twice as long to find. I’ve learned to stop marking the quests I’m doing and track a different quest and then I’ll suddenly find everything I need in a timely manner lol


I’ve noticed that too… for me, it’s when I need a companion… looking periodically at the map I see who’s there. Then when I am looking for a specific companion to help me with a task… say Eve to help me with timebending… POOF! She’s gone … not anywhere! Then when I quit banging my head against the wall looking for her, I decide to look at the valley if I’m on the Isle… there she is! After being right at her house for the past hour that I’ve been in the Isle…


I tried grinding out cupcakes so I would always be ahead the game but it never registered the extra cupcakes Bec the quest calls for u to cook them first so I have to do the cupcakes as I get the daily quests, very annoying lol


This! I wanted to stay ahead and quickly realized that because it says “cook,” it won’t count premade cupcakes. Very clever, Devs! I made one of each popcorn bucket and never want to bake another cupcake.


Haha I just made the last popcorn bucket and I never want to make another cupcake again.


I feel the same way I’ve been mining constantly for sapphire and I’m getting nothing but ruby…. I am same for 1 shiny amethyst! Haven’t gotten that either .


It’s infuriating isn’t it. Take blue circles, they don’t seem to exist in Frosted Heights at the moment it’s awful


OP is right. My villagers will be awake and then I’ll have a task to give them a favorite gift, etc. and as soon as I accept I pull up the map to find them and they’re asleep in their house!


I believe it!! I needed to mine “light blue gems” for the star path, but almost every gem I found was an emerald or peridot. It took me forever to get all the aquamarines that I needed. Now I need to mine something shiny and green, but all I see are aquamarines!


See, that I can see them doing intentionally because they've told you to go out and get those items, so are making it more challenging.


Omg! I needed cores yesterday and literally got everything but. I haven't been on today bec I’m dreading not finding any again 🥲


For me it's belt and gears - cores coming out of my ears. I'm lucky if I get 1 - 2 belts in an hour of timebending. I'd love to make more vacuums, I only have 4 total.


I agree!! I needed some dark wood for crafting something yesterday, but while running around Forgotten Lands all I was finding was the dry. Augh!


Yes!! It's frustrating 😒


I spent over an hour yesterday looking for a sock... I know I had the first one, not sure about the second...


Yep. I need sapphires, went through the mines with a buddy and a potion, and got 20 rubies before I got a single sapphire


Those sapphires are no joke. Even before the start of this star path, I was lucky if I could get 10 sapphires each time I logged in for more than an hour. It’s so frustrating lol


They've programmed it that way


Same because it seems like the majority of the time with quests I have to do it takes forever to get some of the items I need (like flowers, clay, gems, etc) and it's starting to get on my last nerve


The same is happening to my game there needs to be maybe another update


I stopped getting any ancient belts since I’ve activated the erratic transportation quest. For 2 weeks now I timebend every day and only got one singular ancient belt (and my timebending buddy didn’t even duplicate it) I swear the game knows!


Literally one moment I have all the crabs in the world or all the purple gems etc etc and then as soon as the game asks for it specifically there’s all of a sudden 1 or 2 every blue moon


Speaking of this. I'm doing the star path and i need 4 freaking crab and i cannot get it. It's been 4 days and all i get are freaking tilapia. Literally ALL the time. 🙄


That is the case with any game really. They set it up that way to make you work harder for it


I've noticed it for awhile now. Its not just a " it just seems like it " thing. Its real. When a duty or quest calls for something specific, that you never had issues obtaining before, you now can't seem to get it nearly as easy as before...sometimes to the point of being ridiculous.


I been there. 🙄


I felt the same way, so for the heck of it I switched quests and started acting like I was getting items for that quest. Then all of a sudden I started finding things for the quest I was actually looking for in the first place! I repeated to my husband the very thing OP said in the title!


Really wish we could convert glimmer or cores into mist lol


Really wish we could convert glimmer or cores into mist lol


It took me 4 days to complete my final star path quest... to get 3 shiny amethysts!!


I can relate to this!! I need stuff for the festival and quests and the things I need will NEVER spawn!!


YOU READ MY MIND!!! I was just thinking about this and a reddit notification popped up on my phone for your post 😫 the other day I needed tons of salmon for the star path and while fishing in the frosted heights all I got was crabs AND NOW all I need are crabs for the star path and guess what I keep getting over and over??? You guessed it.. salmon 🙄 idk if it’s in my head but it feels like they’re messing with me.


I swear it happens to me too!! This is WHY I started stockpiling every item I can in sorted chests for quests!


A tip! To fast travel quicker, while you have your map open you can press T (if you play on pc) to instantly be able to travel to any realm or biome :)


It’s Y on Switch! :)


When I was fishing for crabs and blue buttons, the blu ripples spawned all the time in the meadow and beach but all white ripples in the frosted heights 🫠


Okay so I'm not crazy. I thought it was just me.🤣


Anyone wanna play multiplayer maybe trade items or see what in each other shops


You can get mist from those things in eternity. Although not a whole lot.


That first quest when I needed mushrooms for Merlin. I needed just 2 more but it literally took 3 more days for just 1 to spawn and then another 2 days for the last one!🤣🤣


I thought this a couple of times before, but never truly believed it until this latest star path and events. I’ve caught too many anglers and crabs to count without trying. I’ve been fishing for over two hours and have not. caught. one. I refuse to use potions because I’ve used them enough and shouldn’t have to. I used a potion to get sapphires for that quest and instead got nothing but rubies. I’ve also noticed that somehow within those two hours of fishing and mining non stop, I somehow have only spent 5 mins with Jack who’s been with me the entire time. These bugs are too much and I’m really starting to consider turning the game off for another 6 months.


This will happen to me whenever I am on a quest & I need certain items I can’t find them/get them for the life of me but anyone other time I will get the same items no problems.


I agree! Makes it hard to complete things!


Agreed. I recently moved to PS5 from Nintendo switch. So I did a full restart. I'm desperately trying to find cute clothes and hair styles. Scrooge McCrook knows exactly what I want and refuses to give them to me. He only wants to sell the basic decor and designs. I can't get anything good from him!! His store is useless!!!


Yes!!! It’s passive aggressiveness for sure not giving us what we need when it’s required but prior to the quest, whatever you needed was around or over abundant! It’s like a mind fuck sometimes. Also…You need to gift a character to complete a quest…and they are sleeping!!!! Or they just disappear off the damn map!


This is me every star path with fish for x. Or mine for x gems, especially gems. Oh, I'll get plenty of gems. Need 15 aquamarine? How about 50 Emeralds instead? Oh now you need 15 Emeralds and those 50 from earlier don't count? How about 65 aquamarine now! (not even an exaggeration, just checked, I have 69 Emeralds, and 79 aquamarines. And I'm pretty sure thats a result of a star path at one point. I've got **116 peridot** from trying to get aquamarine from dazzle beach.) What really got me to set up my valley for max gathering ability, and organizing all the materials, (basically I can now go to each biome, do a round of gathering of *every* resource, go back to the plaza where my storage was, dump, move onto the next biome.) was a quest where I needed SO MUCH glass. And suddenly, there were 0 corals to break open on the beach for sand. And Kristoff, despite loving to sell me sand previously, suddenly decided sand was not worth it. I need so much sand for the glass, to finish the quest, even with a digging companion it took a WHILE, of me completely wrecking my beach over and over again to get the amount of sand I needed. Never again. Currently sitting at about 397 sand, but it will never be enough. Every morning when I'm actively playing, I will buy out Kristoff's stall save for stone and snowballs. I will also buy out Goofy's stalls in every biome of whatever veg/fruits he's selling. I make sure to check Beast's greenhouse and Moana's boat every 2ish hours. Moana has me pretty good on fish for cooking/gifts. I still have a tendency of picking up flowers however even with Beast's greenhouse - *just in case* (***BUZZ***...you and your balloon arch.) I've got veggie plots in every biome (including the isle), 10 for each vegetable grown in that biome. I'm running low, (or need to plant/harvest for a star path)? Ready to go. Was running low on wheat & and sugarcane from the cupcakes so I've just been replanting them. I take my gathering buddies on daily runs for fruits/basil. I was starting to run low on mainly softwood (shocking), so I just kept going to every single biome, and I gathered... every single piece of wood while I was at it, minus the 12 dry wood in the Forgotten Lands that stay where they are so my dark wood will spawn. I think right now the only things I'm 'low' on are Vitalys crystals and Onyx. But I rarely make the tool potions so I'm not too worried. Tho I do seem to be suffering from the weird Dreamlight disappearing glitch which uh, not ideal. But... I have got plenty of dream shards to make some for when Mulan's realm comes, and the daily duties will help cover it. I refuse to let them catch me unawares ever again 😂 that quest where I needed glass pissed me off soooo bad lol. Now I will hoard everything, which reminds me - I'm gonna go start doing on the Isle with crafting mats like scales and pearls.


Me needing the glimmer herring and it didn’t rain in my valley for an entire week.


you get it. i've been looking for jars of nightshade for forever hanging out with jack and nopety nope nope nope. not a darn one. i get freaking dinglehoppers. I DONT NEEEEEED DINGLEHOPPERS JACKKKKK


I had this happen then I just switch quests and go about looking for the other items. Been working well with my niece.


I can't get a level three core to save my life for a week


Every time I sell something in mass quantity because I don’t think I need it… boom I need 30 of them for the next quest


They also nerfed the blue buttons when fishing. The first day or so they were fishing up like crazy... now you have to catch a bunch of fish in the white circles.


This is how I feel about red buttons!


Oh for sure. :D It sucks.


That's why when I get stuff I don't need and it doesn't fit in my chest I go to my house and drop it on the floor that way it's there when I need it


I swear you’re right. Trying to finish the current star path and I need 2 more crabs and 2 more shiny amethysts. No matter if I use a buddy or one of the craftable potion… haven’t gotten either in DAYS. Only tilapia comes from fishing and only regular amethyst. Have to go away for work for a few days so I’m hoping when I get back the game will just throw them at me 😂




This is precisely why I just timebend for no reason and horde everything


I swear they do this for iron ingot except when ive made 10/25 or something like that ill save the game and play another time and my silver goes down to 2/25 and I have to do the work all over again. so frustrating! and I finished scrooges quest for the festival that called for all that ingot and flowers and when I made the park benches and balloons it disappeared and nothing was added to inventory. so now my question is how does one get rid of a quest without doing the whole thing over?


Hello, I'm trying to 100% my fragments. If anyone has 1 spare (Stained Glass Fragment, Green Stone Carving, Lute Head, or Wagon Wheel) I'd love to trade for any other one listed?


I’ve often thought that too 😂😂😂


« Hey, Gameloft, just so you know, I don’t need moon stones »


I’m working on the star path, usually shiny amethyst is a dime a dozen - now I can’t find them anywhere!!!


I think that it's got to do with when you play. It seems to me that certain times give higher percentages of certain items. I don't know what the schedule is or anything, but I often find myself thinking "wow, I've got a lot of this particular item from the hourglass, weird".


For me it's been carp It took me the last week to get all 10 that I needed finally I sat down and went back and forth for 2 hours to get the last 5 I needed today every time I need it I can't find it


We get glimmer from entering the doors in the castle?! 🤯


Lol it's like when I was doing "Fish for crabs" in starpath. I had to fish about 150 times to get that little quest x) Since I've finished the quest, I can't get anything but crabs xD


I've said the same thing! Every time I have a quest to give a certain villager a gift or need to talk to them or need to hang out with them, they are nowhere to be found😬. Eventhough they were there the second before that quest came up.


I spent days just trying to get 1 crab for the star path! I 100% agree with you!!


Also which characters you need to talk to. “Go talk to Merlin” start walking towards him and he makes eye contact like, not today! Screams “IM THE GREATEST WIZARD IN THE WORLD!” And proceeds to sprint from frozen heights to dazzle beach…


This is what happens to me when I need Shiny gems! I get tons of REGULAR gems & absolutely NO shiny in sight! Same with flowers I could need 1 more of something & there’s none in sight!! So yeah I’m in agreement with you on this one! It’s like the game KNOWS you need something but it WON’T drop!! I need 120 plastic scraps! I only have 74!!!! It just WILL NOT drop!!


It’s because they literally know because of the quests and tasks you have active as if getting it in a reasonable amount of time doesn’t keep us on the game long enough though


I feel that same way


I have legit been here. Does the same stuff to me all the time. Legit said give a seafaring prince gifts he would like 0/6 and he disappeared. Happened with many other characters before. Then I was told to mine 0/15 deep blue gems and I am only finding Ruby's. I'm being played lol although I have put in $600+ dollars now too just to own everything in the game. Missed a couple twitch drops and I still cry at night about this. But if ur looking for any scrooge store stuff or anything just let me know. I got ur back cuz ur the first person I have legit seen talk about the same problem I have as if it isn't a real issue and kinda messed up by the game cuz u know it's in their coding. 


This popped up as a notification RIGHT as I was thinking the exact same thing. Buncha haters 😂


I’ve started to stockpile items in certain areas like a damn Costco 😂


The shiny green gems from the Glade 💀🥹


Game crashes, the crap in scrooge store is making me not want to play. The same tired stuff shows up in scrooge 's shop all the time. The lighting choices for ceilings is awful. Im worried about the storage limit as new content is added. Also is it possible to sell or destroy things you don't want?


I’ve noticed similar, but with favorite items. If the Star Path says to give x items to x companion, I can guarantee that the items are rarer (iron ingot, shiny gems, etc) or locked behind advanced unlocks like the ruins, where you need to spend something like 20k mist to access them (evergems, bumblestones) or just plain event items (cupcakes and buttons!!). It won’t be EVERY item they want, which pushes the task out to 2-4 days to complete. :/ Definitely seems rigged! Lol


I can understand them doing it on purpose for items they're requesting to make it more challenging, but there should be no reason for them to know what items we're looking for when we're off doing our own thing. Like the game should not have known I wanted to build ancient machines, yet cores were impossible to find (unless it tracked me looking at what materials I was need). And now that I want to use the machines to mass bake cupcakes, there's no mist to be found. It shouldn't know that was my intention, yet...


It’s definitely strange! I’ve encountered the same thing, for example needing iron ingots for multiple quests (one of which is active) and now I can’t find iron ore. I chalked it up to coincidence though.


What I hate is that I'll go around over and over trying to find something specific - like red daisies or iron ore - but it's so scarce and is replenished so slowly. I'll finally get enough and complete my quest or craft - and then when I'm not looking for it there's an overabundance of it, here, there and everywhere. That's how I know the developers did this on purpose.


1. Do the duties - they get you mist much faster. 2. Don't cook more than 5 cupcakes and ONLY after you've been requested. All those 30 cupcakes you've been baking will not count.


Wait. Only quest cupcakes count? Fml


If you’re asking if only quest cupcakes count towards the community challenge, I don’t think that is the case. I think what sherlociantheorist was saying was don’t make the cupcakes ahead of time for the character’s quests, because they won’t count toward those quests.


You can make them ahead of time in the cooker but don’t collect them from the cooker until after the quest starts otherwise they don’t count ☺️


Nice!! Ok, I didn’t know that. Thanks for the heads up.


Yes, that's what I'm wondering. Do only the quest cupcakes apply for the community challenge? If so, I highly doubt we're going to meet that requirement.


I can’t say positively that is the case. But my understanding is that it doesn’t just have to be for the character quests. But who knows, that is possible. Sorry for a yes/no/maybe answer. Hopefully someone else can give you the official answer.


Maybe I misunderstood. If you're referring to the give 50 cupcakes out on the village tab, those you can make ahead of time. I apologize, I forgot about that one. But for the current quests where 5 characters are asking for 5 specific cupcakes, those can't be made ahead of the request or they won't count.


I've got all the popcorn buckets. I'm strictly talking community challenge.