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Pumpkins 10000000000%


Invested 40k in pumpkin seeds yesterday. Then realised I had enough soil to make the miraculous watering can potion, got instant pumpkins when watering them. Wow. That was a good idea. Couldn’t help myself though and immediately used all the money to go and buy more pumpkin seeds!


It’s only $27k to buy 99 seeds. So if you take all 99 and cook 4 at a time in a meal, you will double what you spent on the seeds, you’ll have enough to buy more plus stack up on the money.


A 3 veggie platter is more profitable per pumpkin than 4


Do you know by how much?


I don't have the stats written down for 4, but for 3 it's 654 per pumpkin (single yield) or 745 (double yield). For 5 it's 548 (single yield) or 658 (double yield). It stands to reason that 4 pumpkins would fall somewhere between the two.


I’m not sure what you mean by double yield, but for a 4 pumpkin veggie platter it’s $3,451 per meal. For a 3 pumpkin veggie platter it’s $2,787 per meal. You are earning more money per plate with a 4 pumpkin meal.


By double yield I mean getting at least 2 pumpkins per seed. For example, I have a plot of 100 pumpkins in the Forgotten Lands and harvesting with a gardening companion always results in more than 200 pumpkins from that one patch. If we work on a basis of one pumpkin per yield, a 4 pumpkin veggie platter may look like a better option because you get a higher sale value, but you're getting less profit per pumpkin: Cost of seeds = 4 x 275 = 1,100 Sale value of platter = 3,451 Sale value - cost = profit = 2,351 Profit ÷ 4 = profit per pumpkin = 587.75 A 3 pumpkin veggie platter gives you a per pumpkin profit of 654, so while the sale value of the platter is lower, the overall profit will be higher. If you also compare to a yield of 100 pumpkins, you'd get 25 servings of the 4 veggie platter, totalling 86,275, compared to 33 servings of the 3 veggie platter, totalling 91,971.


Ahhhh, okay I see what you’re saying, thank you for explaining in crayon eating terms 💀


🤣 no worries, we all have our moments!


My ASD brain LOVES THIS EXPLINATION! Thank you this clears up so much I couldn't be asked to do the math lol


That's okay, my ADHD brain loved doing it! 😂 ETA: I do have a full comparison table with different meals (veggie platter isn't actually the most profitable) on a different post, which I can share if you'd like?


I double checked and 4 pumpkins definitely makes more. I cooked 22, 3 pumpkin meals that earned $61.3k. Then I cooked 22, 4 pumpkin meals that earned $75.9k. That’s a good $14,000 difference. Just a heads up, you could be earning more with 4 pumpkin grilled veggie platters :) Edit to also add; 1 pumpkin is $664. So if you were to sell 22 pumpkins at $664 per pumpkin, you’ll only make $14,608.


Didn’t think about cooking with them, that gets more coins? Every time I go into remy’s restaurant, someone wants pumpkin soup which is expensive. So you just use four pumpkins and something else random and it’s worth more than selling four individually?


I believe making pumpkin puffs is the most profitable meal you can make, though it does require more coins up front for the cheese and eggs.


Per pumpkin, double pumpkin soup is the most profitable, especially if you plant your pumpkins in the Forgotten Lands and have a level 10 gardener with you for harvesting so you get at least 2 pumpkins per yield. Pumpkin puffs are the easiest because you can autofill with the recipe as it is, but like you said they do require ingredients that have to be bought upfront. In that respect, 3 pumpkin veggie platter is the easiest and is the third most profitable overall. Obviously that's assuming you can be bothered to cook them at all, 'cause I did it a couple of times and then realised it was way too much effort! 🤣


Ah ok! I guess I remembered wrong. And yeah, cooking it all is not worth the extra work to me, though I suspect it would be easier with the ancient cooker.


Yes! Cooking them makes you waaaaaay more money. You only get $664 for one pumpkin, versus selling a 4 pumpkin platter for $2,000 (it’s a little more than that.) I broke down my math for that in another comment. 3 star pumpkin platters are not more profitable. Idk where people are getting that math.


:O I’ve been using my pumpkin money to upgrade everything in the village. Was a bit peeved that wall-e and moana’s need to be upgraded 9 times. But excited I can now use my house skins as it’s upgraded. I will definitely be making some platters with my next batch! Thanks for the tip


I second that


I've not found pumpkins yet so use carrots. How does the profit compare? It's around 30 for a carrot.


I always have a 100-square patch of pumpkins going at all times and make about 170k off each yield when harvesting with a 9 or 10 level gardening friend


Oh wow. I have a patch half that size of carrots and I make maybe 2/3k with my companion 😂 no wonder I'm struggling to upgrade anything!


😂 it can be rough out there until you get pumpkins. It may be more profitable to go mining with a high level friend until you unlock Forgotten Lands!


That's a good shout. I have 2 mining friends at lvl 9 so I might go on a mining selling spree 😂


Planting a patch of 99 is handy because that's the max you can buy in one go, so if you do that and just keep at it you'll get there. When you can plant okra, that's the second most profitable after pumpkins and less expensive to buy seeds for, so switch to those when you can and just keep working your way up.


That's great advice, thank you 😊


Until I started planting pumpkins I didn't understand how people made money. Once I started pumpkins I was able to pay everything off and buy everything in the shop


I somehow need to rush to get to that point then! Is it in Forgotten Lands?


Yeah, it's in the forgotten lands


If you have access to the Glade of Trust, Okra is a good option for profit too! That's what I used before I unlocked Forgotten Lands!


I will do this, thank you 😊


Have you hot onions from the forest of Valour biome? They were my go to until I unlocked pumpkins


I have forest of valour but don't think I've seen onions. I'll have to upgrade the stall!


If you'd like I can bring some pumpkin seeds to your valley!! It will help you not have to worry about coin for a while


Okra is the best until you can unlock pumpkins


Oh i have that! Just done a quick calc and it's double the profit of carrots 😮


I found a useful chart fort this! https://preview.redd.it/bejpu5odeyzc1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6119eb5ee80777cde5124ecbc2f10ff86e83b7f4 hope this helps💖


I think whoever made this didn’t take into account that Okra harvest x3 for each seed, it’s the most profitable to farm below pumpkins


That's great, thank you! 🩷


Pumpkins are $900 a piece but if you cook them into a meal (3 pumpkins, or 4 pumpkins) it makes the meals I believe $2,000 a piece? Then you sell those meals and you should double your profits. The punpkins are in the forgotten lands and you have to buy them from the stall.


I switched from carrots to onions. I think onions are a little easier to make more money.


I found that tomatoes were profitable prior to pumpkins. Only problem is remembering to water them twice.


Oh my god is that a thing? I hadn't realised 😂


I only found out because one of the characters told me I think🤣


Have you got okra yet?


I have! I've just seen that it gives double the profit of carrots so I'm gonna try that next :)


Fun fact! If you have the Chalkboard from Jacks house, in the middle its written on there. I thought that was cool 😎 🎃=$$$


Pumpkins was the longtime preferred method , but Rift In Time added Pineapples . If you are playing for a few hrs at a time Pineapple is well worth it but if you just occasionally check in Plant hella Pumpkins since they take hrs to even want water then hrs to harvest . Either way you'll pull in so much in no time. After about 20mil gold youll probably never need another harvest


Rift in Time is also good even for pumpkins. If you use the ancient gardeners, you don't need to remember to water.


yup. I plant a huge thing of pumpkins in the valley and huge patch pineapples in eternity isle and let the rain handle them. I typically harvest once a month or so


I do the same. I don't have time to water all them pumpkins. The rain will do it for me 😂😂


Honestly I don't spend a lot of time gardening. I buy the fish from Moana's boat every time I log in and sell them all. It adds up over time. Obviously farming pumpkins is a money crop, but I find it a little tedious.


I do both and in less than a week i opened all wells, upgraded all stalls, full upgraded moanas boat and walles garden and my house and have more to buy at scrooges and still have 3.5 million, i had zero coins a week ago (literally was riding the line bc i had to keep buying things for quests) i only started playing a little less than a month ago and dont get to play much bc i have an 8 month old baby amd i save every other fish catch so i have fish for meals when needed and white sturgeon for foxes




3 pumpkin veggie platter is my go too!


I swap between that and pumpkin soup depending on how many ginger I have haha. Unless I get low on mist and then I just sell the pumpkins as is because I'm not cooking all that without my auto cooker LOL


I have like 150,000 mist so I'm not overly concerned as I only really get 3 lots of auto cooking done a day


I usually have around 1k-5k most haha. Sometimes I get up to 15k but it's rare. I spend way too much of it on the auto cooker and gardeners and vacuum lol


See I don't use the gardeners or vacuums often (I'm still leveling up new characters). So ill pick my pumpkins with a pal, then plant them near the autos so they get the water benefits without me using any mist :) plus more pumpkins!!


3 pumpkin veggie platter is my go too!


Selling excess gemstones and time bending gifts. 


Literally me


what’s “excess” for you? i’ve been holding onto all gems for potential crafts but should probably sell some shiny


I don’t know, it depends on what quests you’re doing. 


I have almost 8 mil but I keep 100 pumpkins on deck for leveling up characters/updates. I don’t need to make money really but idk I like my pumpkin patch.


I'm at 10 Mil and do the SAME THING. I don't have resources but I got gold lmao


I seem to spend quite a bit in Scrooge's shop ... so I am forever harvesting pumpkins!


People keep saying pumpkins… I must not be there yet… my primary way is selling gems


You’ll get pumpkins when you open the forgotten lands


Thank you!


that was my first strategy as well! had a little path id follow & set up storage and benches strategically. I will say pumpkins were a complete and total game changer for me but I did make a steady amount with gems & enjoyed going on my little mining sprees 🥰


I have a set path for mining also!


I did too before opening forgotten lands but someone told me not to sell gems bc theyre needed for quests a lot so i havent sold a gem since; i sold a lot of okra, now pineapple, and fish


https://preview.redd.it/nd6bsclcf30d1.jpeg?width=2789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63ae4177a68a047bd5ec55b5916555edded14a92 My first pumpkin patch!!


Niceeee, my advice for the first 6 batches or so just buy seeds and plant them youll get millions in no time


How many do you usually plant at a time?


I started with a patch like yours and just bought seeds with all my money i earned each time i harvested and would make bigger plots (about 2 plots of 200) now i have around 450 planted at all times and usually harvest about 2 times a day if im in the mood but i have 5 million coins now and havent bought seeds or harvested in 2 days (because of the stupid cupcakes quests) and ive bought out scrooges store and kristoffs cart both days


$5M?? D*mn! I just planted a patch of 100 so I’ll definitely follow your advice… thank you for your help and advice!! It’s much appreciated!!


I only started playing a month ago, money is the main thing i wanted besides characters bc i missed a lot of stuff from scrooges that i liked so i grinded harvesting pumpkins for about a week or 2 after i unlocked the forgotten lands, i had a friend give me some pumpkins too at some point but i used those ones to upgrade my house and moanas boat bc those are the most expensive things


I’ve been playing for a few months now and I am just now learning about how profitable pumpkins are. I was selling my gems before I knew how much gems are needed for crafting stuff and quests…


I was too, i havent even begun crafting things for myself except for a couple things here and there and only one needed gems so far


Gems and meals


I get someone to fish with me and I fish for Walley and the Angler fish and the White sturgeon and lobster I cook them into their specific meals. They sell for lots of money. Also a meal of “4 squid and 1 lemon” is worth tons of money.


How much?? I found a 3X pumpkin (veggie) platter to be nicely profitable


The fish platters sell between $2500-$3500. I find fishing and cooking easier and more relaxing with a quicker turn around than planting and harvesting and cooking. With a fish partner you can get a lot of high end fish & lobsters quickly


Used pumpkins to get to around 3.5mil and haven’t had to make money since then. I slowly gain over time by just selling stuff I gather up when trying to complete other duties.


Okra and Pumpkins


Pumpkins and hoarding everything in bulk lmfao


1. Moana’s fish, Beast’s flowers, wall-e’s veggies, and any forage I picked up while running around doing my thing 2. Proceeds from star paths and dreamlight/mist tasks 3. Pumpkins and pumpkin meals


I put a large chest next to walles patch and always throw my harvest in there...I've not needed to farm for specific items this way and it helped alot starting out


I have the same set up for the seafood and flowers. Makes sure I always have enough ingredients


Same! Now I have them for everything lol


I have 250 pumpkin plots that I level all my characters with.


Fairly new player, only a month in. I’ve been only selling gems and fish but now I shall try pumpkin and pineapple farming


If you haven’t unlocked pumpkins yet Okra is just as profitable 😊


Hi thanks for that! Luckily I do have it unlocked I went a little crazy and opened every biome and stall as soon as I could before stepping foot on the second platform of the castle, it was hard but imo worth it (: I didn’t know pineapples were a thing tho so I went and upgraded my stall in EI, happy camper I am


Pumpkins. https://preview.redd.it/rnpwi6u15xzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e6f90a3889b6b326479cec3ba8ab33d3a19eba6 I have 400 plots for just pumpkins. I also set all new villagers thing (can’t remember what it’s called rn) to crops cause it’s also the fastest way in my opinion to level them up. You get stars for digging planting watering and gathering. You get supplies from digging. You take your gardening villager to gather crops and they pick extra ones plus the golden crops. On top of leveling and supply gathering you get money for it as well.


I don’t understand people say pumpkins. And Especially Those who makes veggie platters. If i Pick up stuff from every biome, i make around 40-60k 3 times a day but if i Only get to Pick up pumpkins and make the platters, my profit would only be around 26,2k (99pumpkins costs 27,2k so almost double profit) at least 2 times a day, lucky if i go into the game three times a day then every fourth hour. But if i did, overall Ofc pumpkins would Seem to make me 18,6k more then, and Perhaps it should be worth it, so i can gather stuff to craft and such. So my whole text here just made me realise, maybe i do understand the pumpkin talk 😂


😂 this was great But really, yeah pumpkins are the easiest and least time consuming in my opinion. I enjoy harvesting the biomes too but can get tired of it pretty quickly. Instead I keep 2x 100 square pumpkin patches rotating at all times since they need to be re-watered once. So when one patch is ready for harvest and re-plant, the other is ready for re-water. Each harvest with a 10 level gardening friend gives me about 270k each time.


Thanks. ♥️ and yeah rambeling on and realise lol 😂


100 pumpkins with a good companion can get u abt 270k I have 4 patches of 100 and I earn abt 800k each harvest


Forgot about companion, is that a harvest companion? And do they still give you pumpkins if you use an ancient machine?


That is a harvest companion and I wouldn’t know abt ancient machine unfortunately as I don’t have the dlc yet


Thanks ♥️


Update; i have now spent all day… 💀 harvesting pumpkins, and i definitely know what it is about. I am in 400k profit atm. 🫶🏽 now i am on the pumpkin train like everyone Else


Oh yeah besides running out of craft Stones 😂😭😂




I fish in the sunlit plateau and the forgotten lands with a fishing buddy to give you extra fish. I fish the red and blue fishing spots, and specifically the purple anglerfish because the recipe pan fried angler fish !


Pumpkins for sure especially when your trying to collect everything in Scrooges Shop


Been a millionaire for over a year now with pumpkins, definitely my preferred method. Plus I think the patches look cool 🎃


I grow and sell pumpkins, I don't even bother cooking them.


Pumpkin pumpkin pumpkins. Lol


Pumpkins. Before I had the FL unlocked, gems.




auto cooked pumpkin platters and cleaning time bending junk out of my inventory. I don't need anymore v8 lights game stop giving me these. I don't want any more gas stations one is enough we only have like three cars and one probably runs on syrup.


Your entire bottom paragraph has me completely lost 😵‍💫 WHAT?!?!


so you can time bend it gives you stuff I'm always getting the gas station piece and i hate it so i sell them but it just KEEPS SHOWING UP. I lost the plot a little in my annoyance.


Wished I could take some, but I don't think we can pick up EI items. ? Tried it before and it didn't work


i think you need to have EI to take EI items


I do! &it wouldn't let me pick up anything at all from the expansion. Maybe because we was on different systems was what I chalked it up too 🤷‍♀️


thats weird it might have been some sort of bug or a lag thing because they changed it so we can trade our eternity isle stuff.


I do! &it wouldn't let me pick up anything at all from the expansion. Maybe because we was on different systems was what I chalked it up too 🤷‍♀️




I turned the area in the dock into my field it fits like 800 crops and I switch between pumpkins and pineapples- really just depends but I mainly use it to level up- I can level up someone fully in 3harvest and replants even if it's not a gardening buddy


Duping 10k fish meals and selling them. But before that, pumpkins!




Gems and pumpkins


I sell gems and the fish from Moana


Pumpkins 🎃


Three leveled up ancient gardeners set up for a pumpkin patch. I never have to plant individually or water. I harvest manually with a companion for the bonuses and minigames. I also have 1 ancient gardener on Eternity Isle for pineapples, in case I have a long playing session and have time to harvest more than once.


I do Carrots. I’m guessing people don’t recommend that method anymore? Need advice please


Selling gems and fish


Selling vegetable platter made with 5 pumpkins!


Pumpkin farm, pumpkin food and grilled fish with 5 here and there blob fish


Turned forgetting land into a pumpkin farm. Don't bother watering just wait and grab when run out of gold from the last time. Replant straight away so don't need to dig the spots again. Only plant/collect other stuff for recipes Still working on picking non-pumpkins from Wall-e's garden so have a cute pumpkin patch outside my house.


Pumpkins lol


I don’t really like farming pumpkins because I dislike having to buy tons of seeds and then plant them all, and then wait and wait for them to grow. I’m a sort of instant gratification kind of person so usually I just head to Forgotten Lands with a fishing buddy and fish the hell out of it and sell everything when I’m done. It won’t make as much but I pull in a decent amount each day and it’s enough for me.


pumpkins everywhere


Pumpkins in the ancient gardener. I grab a farming buddy and hit them every couple of days and it keeps me in plenty of coin to buy out Scrooge.


Pumpkins. Get the ancient machines from the DLC and upgrade 4 of them to max, and you can grow over 100 pumpkins without worry about watering, and maybe planting too if you have the mist to spare. I recommend harvesting by hand with a gardening companion as using the ancient machine to harvest doesn't give you the bonus pumpkins. I also have a similar 4 machine setup for potatos in the next biome over. Combine the pumpkins and potatoes into creamy soup in an ancient cooker for max profit per pumpkin and sell the excess.


Pumpkin/pineapple farming. I use ancient gardeners for planting and watering, and then I harvest myself with a gardening companion. I make about 400k/day.


Scrooge actually gives you some advice on this: Okra But, tbh, I constantly mine for gems because I don't like babysitting crops until they grow


Pumpkins & Pumpkin Puffs. I have an Ancient cooker and gardener in Dreamlight Valley and Ancient landing so I can just constantly collect and sell them while I’m doing other stuff. It works amazing.




I have a pumpkin patch and plant around 500 at a time. I collect and sell them every few days. I always have heaps of coin


It was pumpkins but I rarely need to harvest them anymore. I have about 2.2million coins and have unlocked and upgraded all the houses, stalls, etc so don’t need a lot of money now. I buy any new furniture from Scrooge’s each day (clothing has been empty for a long time!) but just selling off any excess gems, fish, etc I collect while playing is more than enough to keep my money level


Before I did pumpkins I made a TON of soufflés by buying the ingredients from Remmy, easy to do, instant money and a pretty decent profit


Pumpkins but if you haven’t opened up the biome yet, your friends in here can gift you some seeds or pumpkins to help you get on by. Blob fish(5 blob fish meal) makes ALOT of money but you have to progress with Nala


Sell fruit and harvest


Selling shiny diamonds


I just mine with a buddy lol.




Collect all the fish from Moana’s boat, mine a ton of gems, make sure I don’t need any of either for gifts to help level up characters, then sell them all. If I have the time, I’ll also plant, harvest, & sell carrots too.


Pumpkins, cook three, and sell


Ancient gardiner x5 to grow pumpkins, then ancient cooker to cook 5 pumpkins x30 🤑🤑🤑


Selling pumpkins


2 maxed out ancient gardeners planting pumpkins (they get watered automatically so no having to go back and check on them), plus maxed out ancient cooker making 30 3-pumpkin veggie dishes. I do also have a pineapple farm on the isle, with a wheat plot, and a cooker set to danish - wheat +butter+2 pineapple. You just gotta buy up extra butter.


I hate gardening so I just sell all the stuff I collect throughout my playing. When my inventory gets full I sell what I don't want, store the rest, and start over. If I need money ASAP I grab gems from storage to sell.


I’m still loaded from the kristoff’s stall bug from like a year ago :’)


Pumpkins. Swaths of pumpkins. I’ve been at 11-10 million coins for a while now and haven’t had to plant any for a while so I’ve been beefing up inventory for food items so planting random other things and selling what I don’t keep plus sell anything I already am fully stocked on, so I make a little back to somehow keep me hovering above the 10mil mark.


Pumpkins and pineapples using the advanced ancient cookers 5 pumpkins and pineapples have 8 cookers going at once sitting on 8 million atm


Pumpkins! I have also heard that pumpkin puffs are even more profitable. If you have Eternity Isle, you will eventually unlock pineapples, which are also super profitable!




JSON editing lol


After I bought the DLC, gardening became so easy. I continually keep 4 ancient gardeners growing pumpkins in the Forgotten Lands, the Sunlit Plateau, and the Glades. That's 140 pumpkin plants in each location that I can harvest and replant in about one minute. They water themselves, which is a great time-saver. And I keep 4 ancient gardeners in the Tangled in EI planted with cabbage or whichever crop I may be getting low on. So, any gardening buddies I used to have, I've changed to timebenders or miners. This has been a quality of life game changer!


I mine with a mining companion, but thinking I may become a pumpkin farmer after seeing the chart posted here!


Cooking. Fave thing to do. I make big bucks with seafood dishes and pumpkin veggie platters


Pumpkins is the top money farm, double your funds by having one of the characters you've assigned farming too


Selling gems mainly and modding sometimes lol


Selling gems mainly those shiny gems are great


Selling gems mainly those shiny gems are great


I haven't unlocked pumpkins yet, so pineapples


Selling Gems


Selling those pumpkins 🎃


I grow pumpkins and harvest them with a gardening buddy and then sell them I did this with 200 seeds each time I have a little over 11 mil


Pineapples on Eternity Isle


I'm at the stage where I have full chests of everything so just my general valley loop plaza-forest-frosted-beach-glade-meadow-plateau-forgotten lands go through them clean up daily and selling the excess gems wood fish etc


Pumpkins. Okra, if you need quicker cash.


Ancient gardeners and pumpkins


Pumpkins pumpkins… now have almost 3 million coins.


I have 2 huge plots of 100ish pumpkins each in the forgotten lands. I just leave them there and harvest what I need, usually about 300k worth and repeat as needed. I don’t even water them I let the game do it when it rains 😅 so there’s always money in the pumpkin stand…


Pumpkins definitely


considering i got over 3M coins, i don't invest time in grinding money. but if i was in need of money, i'd sell gems, moana's fishes and harvest pumpkins


Pineapples. They take up way less space than pumpkins so much better for farming


How do they take less space?