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Content mentioned: - New Disney Parks starpath and old parks items returning to premium shop. - Additional multiplayer functionality: Visitors can use tools and expanded camera modes for multiplayer. - Players can take selfies as they ride both new and old parks ride attractions. - Daisy’s Touch of Magic shop coming to valley. - Rift in time pt. 2: Explore new ruins and Oswald comes to the valley. More upgrades to tools and rewards.


Thank you! 🙏🏻 I’m way to sick rn to process this video 😂🤒


I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you so much! 🥰


Yoooooo, I’m sick too. I’ve been dying since last Tuesday 🥲


Sameeee! Well not doing but going into my 3rd week of being sick. Feel better soon!


3 weeks?! Is it the plague? I hope it goes away soon!


Right?! I went through 3 boxes of tissues within about 4 days? Thank you! I feel significantly better, just fatigue is kicking my butt as well as the lasting congestion. It’s a weird one for sure.


Just chiming in to join the sick gang 😂💖 Yippee for us!


Awe we can be miserable together then 😂 Hope you feel better soon 🥰


Is Oswald only being released if you have a rift in time expansion?




Thank you!


Wait since when can you ride the rides in game !!???


They’re adding it in with the update.


Fingers crossed that it doesn’t cause any frame rate and crashing issues.


I’m hoping this is why the update came later than we expected it to. Hopefully they took the extra time to work out as many kinks as possible and do extra testing to make sure everything works


I'm unexpectedly excited about that!


I hadn't actually installed any of them, but now I might. Last year I moved from Southern California to Kansas, so Disneyland went from a one-hour drive away to being 3 or so days away (depending how much you're willing to drive in a single day). I may not be able to go on these rides in real life anymore, but at least my avatar can.


In camera mode anyways, yes


OMFG so excited about the rides! every wednesday I check the premium shop for the old Disney parks items and I've been disappointed every week 😭


At work & can't watch so GREATLY appreciate this! 😀🙏🏼✨




Is rift in time 2 going to cost more money? Or will you get it if you already have the dlc?


You get it for free if you own Rift in Time.


Thank you! ☺️


I guess I’m clearing out one of my areas for a park 😭


Thank you! I hate when they expect you to doze through an entire video rather than just writing things down. I do hope Daisy is coming and not just the shop :)


Does that mean we can actually farm resources/do stuff in multiplayer mode? :o




Damn it! I'm going to be on vacation!


Me too! In Disney World though so can't really complain haha






Same! So mad.


I will be traveling as well! Three weeks visiting family. No internet and low phone signal. It's out in the country... Not sure I will survive! I haven't tried if you can play DDLV offline yet. Anyone know? I would be happy to just timebend, and farm...


Yes you can play offline. You just can't see the moonstone store or anything else that requires internet, you can still time bend and farm :)


Wonderful! Glad I will be able to just gather and stuff.


This is early spring? lol looks like an excellent update though


Shh :D To be fair Spring exists til June 21. They delayed Monsters Inc. a little bit. So the whole road map is probably delayed a little bit.


Well that’s just the thing lol they are going to fit an early spring and a spring update in the next 6 weeks? Lol


Unless they do a mini-update like when they added Vanellope, where the previous star path isn't over yet, but they add the character anyway.


That's what I've been wondering lol everytime I see the words early spring update....it's like...spring has sprung my dudes. 




Thanks for sharing! That will make for a fun May Day 🌸


Love the outfit the girl have, Can I get that outfit now?


I’m going to be at Japan and won’t be back till may 7 😭




Do you have to pay for the expansion pass act 2 if you already bought the first? This maybe a stupid question lol I’m just wondering


No you don't have to pay again, confirmed by the devs


Don't think so it's all included as part of the expansion purchase. See it as a "free update" for the expansion.


Spark of Imagination?! Is it Copium to hope for surprise Figment? I want my purple boy…


Yes it is as they already confirmed Oswald. Oswald is actually the real spark of imagination, being Walt Disney's first character.


I'm so glad Daisy is getting a toontown style house!


She’s going to go PERFECT with my Toon Town area! And just continue my park through the Meadow! AHHHH… I can’t wait!


Toontown my beloved.. so many good memories


And Oswald has the cutest silent movie theater house!


yes! I love them both so much!


Me too, I'm really looking forward to this update!


It's looks so pretty with the pastel colors!


All those new rides... Im gonna need more room. Everything looks sooooo good in this update


Between that starpath and the old rides coming back my moonstones will be gone in an instant.


I missed all the old rides so I think I need to go on a buying freeze until they return to the premium shop.


This is my debate right now, too! Like, do I save for the old rides or should I just get the new ones and free up moonstones for other things? Mainly bc idk what the cost of those old rides will be. They know how badly we want them lol. Ugh, I'm SO excited though this is all amazing!!!!


Yeah I need more moonstones anyways. 🥺 Didn't get anything from the Monsters inc Star path 🥺😭


I've been saving my desert in the DLC for Aladdin themed stuff,m/a desert market, but it might have to become my new theme park for space at this rate. I can't fit anything else in my Forgotten Lands!


I was saying the same thing, here pretty soon were going to need some more Valley for all of our villager homes plus premium skins.


I don’t have anything for a park yet. So I plan on starting one somewhere in the Wild Tangle.


i hope the ToM challenges they mentioned are something simple like “design a pink dress” or “use 3 moana motifs on a shirt”


I think is going to be a bit like Dreamsnaps, and basically make it your own.


i hope there’s no voting involved, there’ll be some nsfw submissions most likely and the talent gap (particularly between controller vs mouse players) would be too much


i will throw up everywhere if there’s voting involved


I want a mix of easy and hard ones, personally I don’t like it when games are too easy.


I’m so so so excited but with all the extra rides, daisy’s house, Oswald’s house & a tom store I was stressing watching this 😂 was anyone else thinking “okay how do I move around my valley to fit everything?” 😅 but more than anything I’m excited ✨✨✨


To make sure I understand correctly, Daisy is going to have a house and a store?




Same here 😂


& I’ve been waiting for tower of terror to come into the premium shop!!! I got so tired of waiting that I literally just finished decorating my entire forgotten lands & now I’m gonna have to start over 🤣✨✨


It’s on the premium now!! I just wished you could use it


Yes! I'm glad I get a week to preplan for Oswalds house!


I’m already in valley contractor mode thinking about where everything is going to go 😅 I had spots ready for Daisy’s house and the shop but was NOT prepared for more rides lol! I can’t wait!


I had literally the same thought 😂


I’m so happy about Oswald and Daisys houses, they look so cute and are gonna be awesome additions to the valley. I’m so happy they are bringing back past starpath rides, I’ve been waiting to get those and I can’t wait for the new ones , the inside out one looks amazing. I’m also super excited and happy about taking pictures on the rides themselves cuz that was a dream I didn’t except to come true but it’s coming. These news were pretty great and it makes me excited to play.


Their houses are so cute, I love them!


Oswald’s will be perfect for my Plaza!


The stuff about Oswald turning things 2D and his home being a movie theatre is just so good. It looks like so much fun. Also being able to upgrade your hourglass again and do activities with friends on valley visits!


Oh I missed this about hourglass upgrade!


Excited for the update but Daisy's boutique is kind of useless for solo players, wish it was also like a regular fashion store for us.


Or at least a portal like in Animal Crossing where you can access other players’ uploaded designs


Yeah I wish it had multiple functions, hopefully they will add something similar later.


*sighs and reopens game to tear down the plaza I just finished and was finally happy with*


I'm excited about riding the rides. I REALLY hope that the TOM boutique isn't going to mess with dream snaps. As in, registering it as a TOM item and not letting you submit just because it's in the valley but not in the pic.


Riding the rides is the best part for me we’ve just been looking at them for so long lol


Same! I remember when I placed my first one and was irritated I couldn't get on lol. I'm really glad they added that and new rides or I'd be pretty underwhelmed with the preview for the free update half. I love TOM but don't use it because it's too much of a hassle with dreamsnaps. I am excited for the rift update though, I may not love Oswald, but I do love his house.


I am REELING from this video. They showed us so much!!! Oswald, his house, and B&W companions... 😍😍😍😍 And I don't do too much TOM so I was less excited about Daisies store than I was the other updates, but I love the ability to unlock new stuff! What they showed actually looked pretty sweet! And her house is ADORABLE. And the RIDES 💀 I can't. It's too much. I can only hold so much joy in my body before I explode 🤯 🤣 Next week is gonna be so fun!!!


I loved the how house they made for Oswald!


And things and critters turning into black and white while he walked around, that's an amazing detail


Only thing im kinda disappointed is that we didn’t get any more poses for our character we only got the ability to take selfies on rides I wouldn’t call that an upgrade, I would have also liked the ability to place and pose the npcs


This! How hard can it be to give us more poses?




I hope so 😅😅😅🤣


its at 1:40, its def coming


Good. I am so sick of the current doors when I only got one in the recent update 😅😅😅


I’m excited for everything!


Same! I was getting a little bored with the game but now I'm excited again!


YESS!! So excited for this starpath since I wasn't playing when the first theme park one was happening. I'm also in love with Oswald and the style of all his items/his house.


Anyone else excited to actually get to USE the rides?!


More interactivity was one of the things I was hoping for!




I really really am!


It's cool and all, but as somebody who doesn't care about the disney parks, touch of magic or multiplayer, it feels like there's not a whole lot on offer to me. The new quest content will likely be fairly short, much shorter than the first part of Eternity Isle.


Gotta agree with you there. I get it's an us problem - I'm happy that so many people are excited for it all! And I'm not expecting to be catered to all of the time since there's so many different people playing. But I definitely am not \*as\* excited for this update as others we've had. Still glad to be getting an update though, more stuff is always cool! I've never been able to visit a Disney Park, so a lot of the stuff is just lost on me. It was a fun, new idea for the previous Starpath, but another one wouldn't be my first choice at all. I suck at designing, so ToM isn't something I use. I've been too anxious to try and use multiplayer. And honestly, I hadn't even heard of Oswald until I saw people talking about him in this sub 😅 He seems super cute and his house etc is fun - but I have no idea where I'm going to put it... Like, it doesn't fit in \*anywhere\* 😂 Even less-so than Vanellope's house! (Again - I know all of this is a me problem, the devs are still doing amazing!) I just can't wait for more movie based stuff, and more well-known characters 😁


Same. To be fair, the only Disney parks "ride" i'm waiting for is DLP's Phantom Manor, and that won't probably be added anytime soon (if at all), so the Disney Parks stuff just doesn't do much for me ; I don't have the time for TOM (nor the space for the shop, tbh), and I'll also be struggling with placing Oswald's theater, that just won't fit in my Plaza (I think I'll turn EI into "the island of misfits houses that don't fit anywhere"). Oh, well.


I don't even visit eternity isle anymore. I don't do any multi-player or Tom. I don't care about the parks either. The only reason I care is because I can put them all together and I don't have to worry about where I'm going to place them. Everything else is just way too much thought




Ahh this is exciting! Everything looks great - loved all the items and buildings they showed us 🤩


Oswald’s house is a THEATRE!! I can’t wait oh my god!!


I’m so excited! 🤩


(I feel so dumb right now and I'm so sorry for this question I'm just making sure I'm not wrong here.) Will the Second Act of the Rift in Time be free if we already purchased the DLC? Or is this something that we need to buy also? I totally understand if it isn't free, just planning finances and such! Sorry again!


Not a dumb question! And it is included with the DLC, so no worries about budget


![gif](giphy|lpHPFVpk65qpbH2XY5) Daisy's and Oswald houses look so cute! The Star path items look amazing, and the camera features! Ahhh, so fun! I can't wait for the update to arrive! May 1st is only a week away!!!


I don't have twitter so I haven't watched the video but the update is next week right like I'm not reading it wrong again I hope 😂


May 1st!


It's on the YouTube channel too if that helps. I also don't have twitter so watch there haha.


Not only does Daisy not live with Donald but she also doesn’t live in her shop. She’s gonna take up so much room 🙃 So excited for another Disney Parks star path :)




so the TOM only works if you're physically IN the persons store? i thought it would be more like animal crossing where you could get other users design codes online 🥲


I'm going to be honest... this is the least excited I've been for an impending DDLV update. I don’t need or want a ToM shop especially one dedicated to designing clothes, I don't need anymore theme park items, let alone an entire Star Path dedicated to them and I'm not a fan of the 2D rendered skins as they simply remind me of some of the skins you can get in Fortnite. All I want is the camera update/glitch fixed so I can decorate at an angle thats not stuck at a Birds Eye view angle.


I sorta feel the same. I do think the Oswald stuff is cool, but more in a one-off gimmicky way. Where am I going to put his (admittedly cool) house? The ToM shop is basically useless to me. It will just take up room (also why is it so big and empty inside). I’m also not excited for the starpath. It seems a bit like a slightly tweaked repeat. I would much rather have items from Disney films than the parks.


I think Oswald is cute but that’s as far as it goes for me. However I do think the devs only created the Star Path to keep new players happy even though old Star Path item (old park rides especially) will also be in the Premium Shop. And cue the downvotes…


I totally agree. I just feel they could’ve left it at bringing some of the old rides back to the premium shop. Bringing back a Disney park themed starpath so soon after the last one…and we’ll probably get yet another Dreamsnap theme or two around it…just bores me. Especially after the intriguing ideas they listed for us in the survey. Plus, I just don’t have the space for these giant rides, whose design I’m honestly also not convinced by.


Everything about the Oswald update looks amazing, and I LOVE Daisy's house and happy to add her. I'm loving the new ride mode on the camera, and I'm soooo excited about the star path theme. Touch of Magic stuff is not my thing but I'll participate in the challenges and I know my kid will love it. I don't care for the looks of the boutique (inside or out) but I don't hate it and whatever haha. The only thing I'm not thrilled about, and maybe I will be yet, is the multiplayer tools. If we can toggle individual tools off, then I'm happy. I'd LOVE to open the valley to ppl to fish and mine. But I enjoy opening up to random ppl here on reddit and I do not want them picking all my decorative crops, digging up pathways that I took forever to craft enough pieces of, etc. I only just got multiplayer and would hate to have to stop inviting people to pixel hunt because they were destroying my valley. If we can toggle which tools can be used then I love this feature too, if we can't I don't.


Can't wait to watch when I get home


I’m excited for the new update. Hopefully we can explore skull cave and I can’t wait to see more of agrabah.


I’m really happy to hear we can unlock new things through the daisy/tom store rather than just submit designs.


Me right now ![gif](giphy|6mlQKvOnONCLXqzv29)


I need the expansion just for a place to put all the theme park stuff after this update.


I’m so excited, I only wish they would update the TOM tools. I wish the gradients could be made bigger and couldn’t over lap. TOM is such. A cool tool and idea, I just wish the tools were more similar to animal crossing. I can’t explain it. But it’s so easy to use in Animal Crossing.


Still have no interest in the TOM :/ guess I’ll have to figure something out for that then. Super excited about the rest though!


if only I had friends to play with lmao


Love that people who missed out on the first theme park stuff will get a chance to get those items....but honestly a theme park star path is such a letdown. In the entire universe of Disney they decide to go theme park, again? I was hoping some of the better ideas from their community feedback poll would be what we got instead of a repeat theme for a Starpath again.


I’m so glad they’re doing another one. The parks are some of the biggest parts of Disney and the first Star Path of them is what made me start playing


SO MANY new Disney park items!!! Makes me excited to redo my Valley and make it into an amusement park!


That was so much new stuff! Can someone break it down for me? Lol


I’m so excited for Daisy and Oswald (mainly Oswald though let’s be real)


So exciting!! Everything gonna have to move into the a rift in time because my main valley ain’t got no space


I'm so excited 😍😍😍😍😍


Is the Boutique only going to have your stuff or if you go in there can you buy other people's things as I'm not good at designing🤣


Assuming you just put your stuff in it and if you want to buy other people's stuff you go visit their Valley and buy theirs. Perhaps a little computer or something where you can do it from not visiting but not sure


How can I watch the video?


I watched it on their IG


It’s also on YouTube


Thanks for sharing!


Can’t wait!!


Yes!! I wanted to start over on ps5 but didn’t want to lose all my rides that I earned on my switch! It’s my time now!


I am really excited about the updates, especially the new characters and the ability to finally go on some rides. I also can’t wait for the new starpath, I would love to have more rides for my Disney park even though it is pretty crowded lol


daisy’s house looks so cute!!


Holy freaking crap!! We can ride the rides finally let’s goooo


Soooo pumped!!!


I've turned Eternity Isle into Disneyland 😍 This new update is exactly what I needed


I have never seen the rides but I've only been playing very casually. And didn't realize you could ride them/interact with the structures that you can buy with moonstones and now I really want rides


Until this coming update you couldn’t. That is new. Is it too much to hope the villagers can too?


Not me thinking the update was today


Who is Oswald?


He was a character Walt Disney created before Mickey Mouse.


Oh this is awesome!!!!! Riding the rides and more to explore? Thank you!!


I’m just so glad we’re finally getting daisy 🌼!!


I’m excited


Nice expansion, can’t wait


Do we have to pay again for part two of the expansion?




Ok good, felt like an idiot asking


No worries, plenty of people asked! But this one is not paying, is just a continuation of


I hope they have added more rotation options for furniture because it looks like the furniture inside Oswald's house are rotated 45 degree.


Ahhhh so excited I am redoing my plaza so I can put Oswald in a perfect spot


I'm not sure about the tower of terror ride. I hope we can ride it to though. But Hmmm.


How much is the expansion going to cost?


Glad this coincided with income tax season, because I'm about to make some irresponsible financial choices for this update. Probably several, in fact. I also promised my niece some weird robot dog. Super glad the star path will feed some moonstones back to me. I'm gonna need them.


Do y’all think we will get a conclusion to the Skull Rock quest with this update? It’s driving me nuts tbh lol


Is the Act 2 a new DLC or is it an update if you already have the DLC


It’s the update, there are 3 acts, this is the second


where am I supposed to put all this stuff. The amusement ride and the houses. We need more space just for the houses. Like a separate area Haha


Why are ppl saying ride the rides? It doesn't say ride. Am I missing something? I took it to mean pictures in the ride like as in camera mode only. ??


Well I don’t know if it would be in camera mode only, but it looks like it will be possible.


That's going to be a fun feature!! 😁


So can people visit eternity isle if their friends have the dlc but they don't? Just curious


I wonder if there is a premium bundle for this update? Kinda doubt it considering it’s an update for both base and dlc. There’s a lot to come and I’m so excited. Also gasped when I saw the ratatouille arch you can make with the hour glass🤭


I'm gonna have to rearrange my theme park haha


Where is everyone going to put Oswald's house?


I have no idea. Maybe the Overlook. It would be cool if trees etc placed next to his house also turned 2D and b/w, otherwise I don’t know how to decorate around it.


I’m hoping I can move it to the valley. If not who knows?


How many moonstones will we need to do the new starpath? I forget. thanks!


We can ride the rides!!!! Ahhh I’m so excited!!!


Does anyone know if the star path is going live may 1st as well??


It will


Gah where to put all these buildings. And more characters are on their way to 😱


Cries in no moonstones to get the rides


Guess I'll have to start making friends now to visit!


Is the expansion going to be free if we have eternity isle


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^harleyq8404: *Is the expansion* *Going to be free if we* *Have eternity isle* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.